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17. As per previous question 11 from initial email, I’m still trying to understand this scaffolding. Is
this based on hire or purchase price ? Does this include all formwork costs as well as scaffolding or are
all the formwork costs captured elsewhere in the bill of materials ?

All are purchase price to be used at entire building ground floor to second floor

18. Temporary facility A2 – Separate workers toilet & shower area is already provided on site.
Temporary storage facility for materials is also already provided. Can you please adjust cost for this item
to reflect this

This includes temporary office for the Engineer and Architect, Storage room and others

19. Please confirm all concrete pours to be vibrated

Yes, by electric or manual concrete vibrator

20. Please confirm all concrete pours will be mixed in concrete mixer. No hand-mixing of any
concrete allowed except for plastering

Yes, we will assure you that they will use bagger mixer and for slab. We will hire transit mixer
due to big volume of concrete

21. Electrical item 7.4 – I’m not sure why there are 2 separate 16 branch panels rather than 1
panel ?
Single industrial type panel board’s branches would not be enough for the total circuit
breakers needed

22. Can you please provide a price (labor and materials) for an Automatic transfer switch (ATS) and
associated 26 circuit breakers and also a Manual transfer switch (MTS) and associated 26 circuit
breakers and I can choose which option to go for and cross the other item out

MTS is much cheaper compared to ATS

23. Is there a ceiling below all second floor balcony canopies ? If so, what material will this
ceiling be to ensure weatherproof ? As I note Ceiling works item 8.1 is all gypsum and I’m unsure if this is
suitable for external ?

@ 8.Carpentry Works are all internal ceiling, balcony canopies are pure concrete slab due to
provision of drip edges underneath for rainfall control and this is more appropriate as per the
location of project

24. What is the ceiling above the lounge/dining/kitchen areas ? As it appears to be divided into 3
areas on the reflected ceiling plan

High ceiling, parallel to the direction of roof, the 3 part division is just for architectural design
and lighting distribution

25. Is there a ceiling below the roof slab on the entire second floor ?

Pure concrete on eaves of roof slab

26. What material is to be used for the hot and cold water lines ?


27. What material / type are the gate valves ?


28. Item 6C – What does this gas line price comprise of ? Where are the gas bottles to be located ?


29. Section 8 – Which closets and cabinets are included ? Do you have any samples / photos of your
finished work from previous projects so we can see the quality / finish ?
Yes, we have samples from our latest projects.

30. Section 9 Appendages 5 & 6 – What are these items for ? Is this just for installing tiles on the
wall and flooring ?

Yes, these materials are just compounds for tile installing (adhesives, sand, etc.)

31. Item 1.2 S1 – IS this just plain sand or is it a mix of sand and small gravel ? In Baler, they are not
familiar with the term S1. Can you please describe S1

S1 means FINE SAND

32. I would just like to reconfirm question 9 from previous email. If the concrete mix is 1:2:3 can you
confirm this is 1 cement: 2 sand: 3 gravel ? Alos I don’t understand Plastering 1:2:5, can you please
explain ?

Yes, 1:2:3 equivalent to 1 bag cement, 2 bags of sand, 3 bags of gravel

So as for plastering 1:2.5 = 1 bag cement, 2 1/2 bags of sand

33. Item 1.7 – Can you please explain which walls get sahara

All walls and fire walls will be waterproofed

34. Please confirm rebar splicing installation is as follows:

a. Splice joints in tie beam top rebars to be approx mid span between support colums and splice
joints in tie beam bottom rebars to be at or near support columns
Yes, that is correct, for shear and bending moments of rebars

b. What is the min overlap of splice joints? Is it based on rebar sizing if so please provide min
overlap for each size of rebar
It is based on bars diameter, =48 x bar diameter

c. Rebar splices to be staggered

Not so necessarily

35. As per previous email question 7 regarding civil engineer / architect presence on site. For
example, who monitors / inspects / approves rebar installation prior to concrete pours. I would really
like to know approximately how often the civil engineer is expected to be onsite to monitor
conformance to the drawings / spec. Your item “Indirect costs” in your bill of materials must be based
on a certain amount of trips / time on site for the engineer ?

Project Engineer will be in-charged for all the structural stability of the building and prior
pouring, He will be requested to inspect carefully all the rebars installation if all correct and the
dimensions of all structures and splicing as well

36. I have seen so many concrete pours in the Philippines where the mix of the concrete is so
watery its almost like soup which severely reduces the concrete strength. How can I ensure the concrete
mixes are the correct slump and not too watery.

Water should be measured very well and if needed slump test will be required prior pouring

37. Expected duration to complete the works ?

Eight months

38. Terms of payment based on progress

Yes, much preferably based on actual percentage of Monthly Billing of work accomplished on
monthly basis

39. Warranties on workmanship ?

Within One (1) year upon turn over, but after 1 year there is no warranty anymore

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