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I was a commander in the army. Every mission that I’ve been assigned to I complete
it flawlessly without any casualty . I was given the nick name of “The reaper” as I tend
to slay every single one that get’s in my way .. Everywhere I go people praise me,
they heed to my calls, they give me money and everything I requested . I was at the
top of the food chain, the predator ,the reaper, the undying one man army , or so I
thought until one day I’ve got a mission that I never thought could be my last…


The sun is up showing the beauty of the world as the morning came Wayne stood by
the window in his penthouse enjoying every little moment that he has while looking at
the beautiful scenery laid upon his eyes .. little did he knows what comes next will
change his entire life. As he stood by the window, his wife lucy hugged him from
behind and whisper to his ear

Lucy: “what are thinking about dear ..I’ve seen you stood there for quite some time
now is there something bothering you ?” asked lucy

Wayne turn his head to look at his wife . He can’t help but keep thinking of how
beautiful his wife are even after 10 years of marriage . with a smile he answered his

Wayne: “you know while looking at the sunrise I can’t help but think just how beautiful
it is if you stand in front of me while being naked under this stunning now
that I think of it, just the thought of that make me feel hot don’t you?”

he said while slowly push Lucy into the bed ..he then start to remove his clothes and
began to gently kiss her when suddenly Lucy said

Lucy: “maybe we can do this later we don’t want the kids to be late to go to school
right ? and last time I checked it is your turn today to send and pick them up from
school .. so button up and move your horny ass” she said while giving him a peck on
his cheek

With a disappointment Wayne stood up and grab his towel to get ready , then
suddenly his phone start to ringing he asked his wife to pick it up as he head to the
bathroom ..

Lucy: “hey honey I think you need to answer this phone” (she shouted)

Wayne then goes out from the bathroom and pick up the phone

Wayne “ hello this is wayne talking”

Phone operator: “commander wayne we request your presence at the head quarter
ASAP!! it’s code RED again it’s code RED the chopper will arrive at your home in
about 5 minutes”

As the operator hang up Wayne expression start to change his face looks grumpy ,
while Lucy who has been beside him the whole time start to asked Wayne about the
code RED she’s worried and nervous at the same time .
Wayne look at her and said
Wayne: “code RED is a code where they only use it when there’s something
big coming, like for example the natzi’s attack but don’t worry I am THE REAPER
remember, there’s nothing not even a missile or terrorist attack that can harm me .. In
fact I will return back home I always did, didn’t I” he said trying to comfort his wife .

Not long after that the sound of the chopper blade swirling could be heard it
became louder and closer Wayne wish his goodbyes to his two children, sara and
jack and kissed his wife before he walk through the door and went straight to the
chopper .

After 30 minutes of flight they could see the headquarters of special ops force
between the two big mountain .. it was covered with snow because it is located at the
North pole . as soon as the chopper land ,Wayne was escorted directly to the control
room .. there he met with all of the world union representatives and leaders .

Wayne:” what seems to be the problem here sir ?” wayne asked the head of the
special ops force

Heimdall : “ well I think you need to see it for yourself , man open up the big screen
and show commander Wayne ‘The Thing’ ”

As soon as the big screen lights up it shows a video footage that has been captured
by one of the satellite , and it shows an unknown object that has been flying around
the atmosphere . The object was like a plate with a round head ,it was as if it is an
alien ship

Wayne: is this what I think it is.. but that can’t be right , alien and all this stuff ,its just
a myths right ? created to make the kids go to bed early

Heimdall : “well we all think like that at some point, but just look at the footage, that
thing has a weird shape and texture that we never even seen before , plus after we
do some research ,that thing it was not build here on earth . we don’t have the
technology to build something as fascinating as that ship and the material didn’t even
exist here .. so what we all agree to is that for you and your squad to check the
content inside that ship and where it came from, we’ve been informed that the ship
has already landed here on earth in the middle of the dessert near mexico . we
believe that if it’s you then you will surely gave us the answer.. the payment will be
everything that you and your squad want .. so are you up for it commander ? ”

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