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The confined space permit to work shall be the overriding permit.

The permit to work that documents compliance with this Industry Code of Prac�ce and authorises

entry into a confined space shall contain the following informa�on –

a) the confined space to be entered;

b) the purpose of entry;

c) the date and the authorised dura�on of the permit to work;

d) the authorised entrants within the confined space, by name or by such other means as

will enable the stand-by person to determine quickly and accurately, for the dura�on of the

permit to work, which authorised entrants are inside the confined space;

e) the permit issuer who sign the permit to work;

f) the entry supervisor;

g) the hazards of the confined space to be entered;

h) the measures used to isolate the confined space and to eliminate or control confined space

hazards before entry. These measures can include the lockout or tagging of equipment

and procedures for purging, iner�ng, ven�la�ng, and flushing confined spaces;

the acceptable entry condi�ons. Refer to the Occupa�onal Safety and Health (Use and

Standards of Exposure of Chemicals Hazardous to Health) Regula�ons 2000 for the list

of permissible exposure limits;

j) the results of ini�al and periodic atmospheric tests performed and accompanied by the

names of authorised gas tester and an indica�on of the type of tests performed;

k) the communica�on procedures used by authorised entrants and stand-by persons to

maintain contact during the entry;

l) equipment, such as personal protec�ve equipment, tes�ng equipment, communica�on

equipment, emergency alarm system, and rescue equipment, to be provided;

m) any other informa�on which is necessary to be included, given the circumstances of the

par�cular confined space, in order to ensure entrant’s safety;

n) stand-by personnel and rescue arrangements; and

o) any addi�onal permit, such as permit for hot work that has been issued to authorise

work in the confined space. Integrated permit system is also acceptable. For addi�onal

informa�on on hot work, refer to Appendix C.

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