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Marasigan, Aaron Geoffrey F.

BSIT- C432
Marquez, Joshua S. CP1N32C
Sarto, John Michael Dr. Earl Marquez Albina


Game based Assessments

Game-based assessment (GBA) refers to the use of games, both video games and other types of
games, to assess learners’ various competencies—skills, knowledge, and dispositions (Kim,

However, these incorporate a variety of interactive tasks and game-like components in place of
the conventional question-based format may anticipate to delve deeper into an individual’s
intelligence and personality. It is an objective way to measure a range of skills from cognitive
abilities and knowledge.

According to (M Sepante, 2018), schools and educators embrace digitalization and new
technologies, but they often struggle with choosing the right technology and strategy for
achieving better digital support for students’ learning.

Moreover, in similar applications like StikkApp, a mobile game simulating Biomedical

laboratory Science Education, the result of this study showed that there is great interest in
simulations, serious games, and virtual reality for education among the participants. Mobile,
web, and VR platforms all had interesting benefits and trade-offs; thus, a suite of games was
suggested. The accessibility of mobile applications, the immersion of VR, and the middle ground
of web applications were highlighted. A potential VR application should utilize specialized
haptic input methods to allow for training in hand-based skills. Furthermore, a game Based
assessment can contribute to transforming teaching and learning in such a way as to advance
teachers’ ability to deliver more effective education. (Frøland, 2022)

Game Based Learning

The effectiveness of the use of technology to support education and training is now universally
recognized. In this context, the storytelling could be useful since it is very appreciated by the
children, Quiziz is similar in a way that with a game-based learning, the students will be more
active in terms on participation since it includes different variety of games that individual
especially the children can relate and enjoy. (Rossano, 2018)

E- Learning

A constructivist method called “learning through digital game making” enables students to learn
by creating their own games, boosting their creativity and problem-solving abilities. In this
context, two tools-the Create@school app and the Project Management Dashboard (PMD) were
created to allow students from various nations to adapt their course material by creating games
for their academic subjects and incorporating the game mechanics, dynamics, and aesthetics into
the academic curriculum. (Eugenio Gaeta, 2019 Jul 24)

Data Visualization

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