Diet and Ecology of Extant and Fossil Wild Pigs

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Diet and Ecology of Extant and Fossil Wild Pigs

3 Antoine Souron

Introduction changes are subject to much debate (continuous replacement in

Bibi & Kiessling 2015 versus pulse turnovers in other studies).
Most extant wild pig species (Suidae) are omnivorous and con-
sume a large variety of foods, including animal matter, plant
matter (leaves, grass, forbs, ferns, fruits, nuts, roots), fungi, Taxonomic and Phylogenetic Framework
faeces, and even soil (e.g. Meijaard et al. 2011). Species of the Due to the rampant convergent evolution towards similar
genera Babyrousa, Sus, and Potamochoerus are omnivorous and dental morphologies and the fragmentary nature of the first
comprise the large majority of the specific diversity containing fossils discovered, the species-level taxonomy of the African
13 of 17 species recognized by a recent synthesis (Meijaard et al. Tetraconodontinae and Suinae is still much debated (e.g.
2011). Boisserie et al. 2014; Souron et al. 2015a).
Extant omnivorous suids all display similar cranio-mandibular The genus Nyanzachoerus first occurred in Africa some time
and dental morphologies (see below) adapted to process a wide during the middle Miocene (following a dispersal event from a
array of food items. Most extinct suids display morphologies simi- Eurasian ancestor) and became abundant after 8 Ma with at least
lar to those of extant omnivorous suids. By analogy, they are usually eight species recognized by a recent study (Boisserie et al. 2014).
considered to be omnivorous. Around 4 Ma, Nyanzachoerus gave rise to the more derived genus
I will focus here on the exceptions within the Suidae family Notochoerus, represented by at least four species (Figure 3.1).
and review the morphological and ecological data that docu- The genus Kolpochoerus first occurred in Africa around
ment how some species of African suids became adapted to 5.5 Ma and around eight species are known (Souron 2012;
more specialized diets dominated by plant matter, and espe- Souron et al. 2015a). It was first represented by a single lineage
cially grasses. Herbivorous suids belonging to the subfamilies (divided into two to three chronospecies) during the Pliocene,
Tetraconodontinae and Suinae in Africa diversified during the followed by a modest radiation giving rise to six species dur-
last 10 million years. The extant giant forest hogs (Hylochoerus) ing the Pleistocene (Figure 3.2). Kolpochoerus gave rise to the
and warthogs (Phacochoerus) are the only relics of those extant genus Hylochoerus sometime during the Pleistocene, but
radiations, being descendants of the Plio–Pleistocene gen- the fossil record of the latter is extremely scarce (Souron 2012;
era Kolpochoerus and Metridiochoerus, respectively (Harris & Souron et al. 2015a).
White 1979; Souron et al. 2015a). The genus Metridiochoerus first occurred in Africa by at least
3.4 Ma (White et al. 2006) and possibly earlier, by 3.8 Ma (Souron
Climatic and Environmental Background 2012). There was a modest radiation during the Pleistocene
(around seven species) and it gave rise to the extant genus
Strong climatic changes occurred during the Neogene and
Phacochoerus. Again, the fossil record of the latter is scarce and
Quaternary periods with a global trend to a cooler global climate
it is difficult to decipher the timing of the origin of Phacochoerus
and a drier climate in tropical Africa (e.g. deMenocal 2004). The
(Figure 3.3).
expansion of tropical grasslands dominated by grasses using
the C4 photosynthetic pattern is well documented based on
stable carbon isotopes of paleosols and mammal teeth, as well Methodology
as paleobotanical remains (Bonnefille 2010; Uno et  al. 2011; Most paleoecological reconstructions for extinct African suids
Cerling et al. 2015). are based on: (1) ecomorphology of teeth; and (2) stable carbon
Roughly synchronous with those climatic and vegetation isotopes of the enamel.
changes, dramatic changes in the faunas are also documented,
notably in the rich fossil record of eastern Africa. Various mam- Ecomorphology
mals with strong dental adaptations to the consumption of abra- Ecomorphology uses the relationship between the ecology and
sive grasses (hypsodonty, megadonty, etc.) become more and morphology of extant mammals as a guide to understand the
more abundant as the landscapes changed. The African suids ecology of extinct mammals. The evolutionary history of African
form a part of this diversification and they started exploiting C4 suids left us with three extant genera with extreme ecologies and
grasses during the late Miocene, after most other groups of her- morphological adaptations, encompassing most morphological
bivorous mammals (Uno et al. 2011). The details of the faunal disparity found in their extinct relatives.
29 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Part I: Evolution, Taxonomy, and Domestication

Figure 3.1  Changes in third molar morphology and stable carbon isotopes in Nyanzachoerus and Notochoerus. Right panel: chronological ranges for each species
(grey bars). First and last occurrences follow White (1995), Boisserie et al. (2014), and personal observations. Abbreviations: syr, Ny. syrticus; tul, Ny. tulotos/Ny. devauxi; khi,
Ny. khinzir; dev, Ny. devauxi; way, Ny. waylandi; aus, Ny. australis; kan, Ny. kanamensis; jae, Ny. jaegeri; eui, No. euilus; cap, No. capensis; sco, No. scotti; cla, No. clarki. A selec-
tion of upper third molars in occlusal and lateral views illustrate the morphological changes and the omnivorous versus herbivorous morphotypes. Left panel:
stable carbon isotopes of enamel of Nyanzachoerus and Notochoerus (personal compilation of literature, full list of references available on request).

The extant species of Potamochoerus are typical omnivorous both in terms of number and size. The incisors are also reduced or
suids. The premolars and incisors are well developed. The third even absent. The third molars are anteroposteriorly more elon-
molars are anteroposteriorly short, low-crowned, and display gated, higher crowned, and display numerous main cusps with
few main cusps with thick enamel and bunodont morphology thinner enamel (Souron 2012). The insertions for the temporal
(Harris & White 1979). The insertions for the temporal mus- and rostral muscles are reduced, whereas the insertions for the
cle are well marked on the cranium. The insertions of the ros- pterygoid and masseter muscles (involved in the lateral compo-
tral muscles controlling the movements of the rhinarium when nent of the mastication) are strongly marked. All those morpho-
digging for underground foods are also well marked. Those logical characteristics are presumably related to the functional
characteristics are also found in extant species of the mostly needs to reduce tough plant matter to small fragments.
Eurasian genus Sus. In Hylochoerus, the molars are characterized by well-separated
The two other genera of extant African suids (Hylochoerus, and anteroposteriorly compressed cusps, giving a bunolopho-
Phacochoerus) display much more specialized morphologies dont occlusal surface (Souron et al. 2015b). The cusps are encom-
related to their herbivorous diets. Their premolars are reduced passed within a thick cover of cement. The third molars are
30 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Chapter 3: Diet and ecology of extant and fossil wild pigs

Figure 3.2  Changes in third molar morphology and stable carbon isotopes in Kolpochoerus and Hylochoerus. Right panel: chronological ranges for each species
(grey bars). First and last occurrences follow White (1995), Souron (2012), Souron et al. (2015a), and personal observations. Abbreviations: deh, K. deheinzelini; afa,
K. afarensis; lim, K. limnetes; old, K. ‘olduvaiensis’ (in need of revision); pai, K. paiceae; coo, K. cookei; phi, K. phillipi; maj, K. majus; mei, H. meinertzhageni. A selection of
upper third molars in occlusal and lateral views illustrate the morphological changes and the omnivorous versus herbivorous morphotypes. Left panel: stable
carbon isotopes of enamel of Kolpochoerus and Hylochoerus (personal compilation of literature, full list of references available on request).

Figure 3.3  Changes in third molar morphology and stable carbon isotopes in Metridiochoerus and Phacochoerus. Right panel: chronological ranges for each spe-
cies (grey bars). First and last occurrences follow White (1995), Souron (2012), and personal observations. Abbreviations: Met, Metridiochoerus sp.; sha, M. shawi; pha,
‘Sus’ phacochoeroides (needs to be transferred into Metridiochoerus); and, M. andrewsi; com, M. compactus; hop, M. hopwoodi; mod, M. modestus; Pha, Phacochoerus
sp.; afr, Ph. africanus; aet, Ph. aethiopicus. A selection of upper third molars in occlusal and lateral views illustrate the morphological changes and the omnivorous
versus herbivorous morphotypes. Left panel: stable carbon isotopes of enamel of Metridiochoerus and Phacochoerus (personal compilation of literature, full list of
references available on request).
31 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Part I: Evolution, Taxonomy, and Domestication

moderately elongated with main cusps that are more numerous an average based on a time period (Balasse 2002). That can be
than in Potamochoerus. The third molar crowns are also moder- important when comparing data coming from different sam-
ately heightened. Those features are related to the versatile her- pling strategies.
bivorous diet of Hylochoerus, comprising grasses and other kinds δ13C recorded in animal enamel reflects that of the food
of plants (e.g. d’Huart 1978). items that are mainly consumed during the dental growth. The
In Phacochoerus, the occlusal surfaces of the molars are flat. isotopic enrichment factor ε expresses the isotopic fractionation
The narrow, elongated, and very high-crowned third molars are and the difference between the two phases (enamel and food).
composed of numerous cusps, all tightly packed together within It is defined as follows (see Cerling & Harris 1999 and Passey
a cover of cement. Those features are related to the specialized et al. 2005):
diet of Phacochoerus, comprising almost only grass (both aerial
and underground parts) (Vercammen & Mason 1993). εenamel-food = (((1000 + δ13Cenamel)/(1000 + δ13Cfood)) − 1) * 1000 .
The morphologies and ecologies observed in extant African Knowing εenamel-food, it is possible to estimate δ13Cfood from
suids are therefore used as a crude guide to reconstruct the diets δ Cenamel. That variable was estimated through experimenta-

of extinct relatives. The third molars, frequently fossilized, are tions. Most studies indicate a value of ε close to 14 ‰ for large
especially useful to classify the extinct suids into omnivorous herbivores (Cerling & Harris 1999; Passey et al. 2005; Warinner
morphotypes (similar to Potamochoerus) and herbivorous & Tuross 2009). The ε factor varies according to the digestive
morphotypes (similar to Hylochoerus and Phacochoerus). This physiology of the animal (Passey et al. 2005), the digestibility
approach was the most commonly used before the develop- of consumed food items (Codron et al. 2011), and even other
ment of other proxies such as stable carbon isotopes (Cooke & factors not well understood that could be linked to stress or the
Wilkinson 1978; Harris & White 1979; Kullmer 1999). well-being of the animal.
In suids, the results indicate ε values ranging from 12.3 ‰
Stable Carbon Isotopes and 13.3 ‰ for Passey et al. (2005) depending on the digestibil-
Stable isotope biogeochemistry uses relative abundances of dif- ity of the food items (respectively, pure C3 versus pure C4), and
ferent isotopes of the same element preserved in the animal tis- between 14.4 ‰ and 14.6 ‰ for Warinner and Tuross (2009) for
sues to reconstruct its ecology and environments (e.g. Cerling a similar diet.
et al. 2010). I give an overview of the use of stable carbon iso- For that synthesis, I use as ε the average between the mini-
topes in paleoecology and its limitations before presenting the mal and maximal values from Passey et al. (2005) and Warinner
results of the literature review. and Tuross (2009); that is, 13.3 ‰. Isotopic composition of
Stable isotopes are non-radioactive atoms of the same chem- consumed food items can be estimated from that of enamel as
ical element that differ by their number of neutrons. Carbon follows:
has two stable isotopes, the ‘light’ 12C (six protons, six neutrons)
δ13Cfood = 1000 + δ13Cenamel * (1000/(εenamel-food + 1000)) .
and the ‘heavy’ 13C (six protons, seven neutrons). Due to their
slightly different mass, light and heavy isotopes behave dif- δ13C of terrestrial plants consumed by mammals depends
ferently in their geochemical cycles (isotopic fractionation). mostly on the photosynthesis type used (C3, C4, and CAM, or
During a change of physical state, one of the isotopes reacts less Crassulacean Acid Metabolism). Those types of plants do not
than the other, which gives different isotopic ratios in the prod- fractionate the stable carbon isotopes of the atmospheric CO2 in
ucts. These phenomena of fractionation are used to track differ- the same way and their tissues display different δ13C values. C3
ent elements in the cycles. plants display δ13C values ranging from –38 ‰ to –22 ‰ (modal
The tiny quantities of the different stable isotopes are meas- value –27 ‰), whereas C4 plants display δ13C values ranging
ured using an isotope-ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS) and from –19 ‰ to –9 ‰ (modal value –12.5 ‰). CAM plants display
expressed as parts per thousand (‰) relative to a standard intermediate δ13C values (Farquhar et al. 1989; Kohn 2010).
defined internationally. δ13C is reported as a difference com- In modern tropical and subtropical Africa, in low-altitude
pared to the international standard V-PDB (‘Vienna Pee Dee areas, all trees as well as most shrubs and bushes (dicotyledons)
Belemnite’) and is calculated as follows: are C3 plants, whereas 90 per cent of grasses (monocotyledons)
are C4 plants (Livingstone & Clayton 1980; Sage & Monson
δ13C = [(RSAMPLE/RSTANDARD − 1)] * 1000
1999). Those two types of plants correspond broadly to the
with R = ratio of heavy to light isotope. plants consumed by browsers and grazers. As δ13C values of C3
Dental enamel, due to its strong mineralization and low and C4 plants do not overlap, it is possible to distinguish brows-
porosity, is less prone to chemical exchanges during diagenesis ers from grazers in tropical environments from Africa based on
(Wang & Cerling 1994), and it is therefore the favored target for enamel δ13C values. This rationale is used in most studies deal-
isotopic analyses of fossils. Enamel is not reworked during the ing with the paleoecology of Neogene and Quaternary African
lifetime of one individual and environmental variations (cli- mammals (see syntheses by Cerling et al. 2010, 2015).
mate, diet) are recorded during mineralization. Enamel miner- At low altitudes in tropical environments, C3 grasses are rare
alization is a complex, discontinuous process that takes place and limited to humid and shady habitats. At higher altitudes, C3
in several stages and involves several successive mineralization grasses are abundant. Above 1300 m, their abundance increases
fronts running in different directions. Thus, no matter the size and they are the only grasses present above 4000 m (Livingstone
of the enamel sample, the resulting isotopic ratio represents & Clayton 1980). Similarly, in non-tropical African habitats,
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Chapter 3: Diet and ecology of extant and fossil wild pigs

and in higher latitudes in other continents, C4 grasses are very likely much more complicated in the past. The timing and
rare. In that case, the browser/grazer dichotomy is not detect- rhythm of the transition from C3-dominated grasslands to
able using stable carbon isotope biogeochemistry. C4-dominated grasslands are totally unknown. C4 grasses
Additional factors also complicate the use of that C3 browser/ are clearly abundant since the late Miocene (e.g. Cerling
C4 grazer dichotomy in paleoecology, even in low-altitude et al. 2010; Uno et al. 2011). However, it is possible that
tropical environments in Africa. C4 grasses were not that dominant as today, with a more
1. CAM plants, with their intermediate δ13C values, are usu- mosaic pattern (C3 and C4 herbaceous plants) during the
ally neglected in paleoecology as they form a negligible Pliocene and the beginning of Pleistocene (Bonnefille
part of the vegetal biomass targeted by African herbivores. 2010). For example, based on studies of phytoliths,
They mostly include xerophytic plants (cactus-like), Rossouw and Scott (2011) showed that the herbaceous
succulent plants from arid habitats, and epiphytic plants stratum at Laetoli during the late Pliocene was composed
(liana-like) from closed forested environments (Sage & of a combination of C3 and C4 herbaceous plants. Similarly,
Monson 1999). Those plants are, however, consumed by several studies of paleosols δ13C indicate that relatively low
suids, for example by common warthogs in dry environ- values corresponding to C3-rich environments (around
ments (Vercammen & Mason 1993) or giant forest hogs in –8 ‰) were common up to 2.7 Ma whereas grass pollens
closed environments. were abundant (Bonnefille 2010). That would be congruent
2. Sedges (Cyperaceae) are plants usually inhabiting humid with a greater relative abundance of C3 plants in the herba-
environments, notably numerous kinds of reeds. They use ceous stratum during the Pliocene.
varied photosynthesis types. Sedges are consumed abun- When interpreting stable carbon isotopic data from fos-
dantly by suids (Meijaard et al. 2011). sils, it is common to use the dichotomy C3 browser/C4 grazer
3. Aquatic plants display extremely variable δ13C values that observed in modern low-altitude tropical environments. This
rather depend on physical and chemical characteristics dichotomy was likely much more blurred during the Neogene
of the aquatic habitat occupied: pH, quantity of dissolved and Quaternary. The tendency by paleontologists to interpret
organic matter, and speed of flow (Sage & Monson 1999). the percentage of C3 plants in the diet of fossil mammals as
All extant suids, and notably Potamochoerus, are known to representing non-herbaceous plants could therefore lead to an
consume at least some aquatic plants (Meijaard underestimation of the proportion of herbaceous plants con-
et al. 2011). sumed (e.g. Harris & Cerling 2002; Cerling et al. 2015).
4. δ13C values of plants also show seasonal variations. C3 By adding the value of isotopic enrichment factor εenamel-food
plants are strongly influenced by seasonal environmental (13.3 ‰) to the modal values of the δ13C of C3 (–27 ‰) and C4
variations (water stress, light intensity/brightness) and their plants (–12.5 ‰), the threshold values of enamel δ13C corre-
δ13C display seasonal variations, usually around 2 ‰ to 3 ‰ sponding to diets composed of 100 per cent of C3 plants and 100
(Smedley et al. 1991). Seasonal variations of C4 plants seem per cent of C4 plants are obtained. I consider that a suid feeding
to be weaker, less than 2 ‰ (Codron et al. 2005). exclusively on C3 foods has δ13C values lower than –13.7 ‰ and
5. δ13C values also vary within plants among the different that a suid feeding exclusively on C4 foods has δ13C values higher
organs. Non-photosynthetic tissues of C3 plants (ligneous than 0.8 ‰.
stems, roots, seeds, and fruits) display higher δ13C values As the atmospheric δ13C has greatly increased since 1850
than those of leaves (Cernusak et al. 2009). The difference due to anthropogenic activity (the ‘fossil fuel effect’), it is nec-
between δ13C values of roots and leaves was estimated to essary to apply a correction of 1.4 ‰ when comparing δ13C of
be around 1–3 ‰ for several C3 plants. Similar values are fossil specimens to those of extant specimens (Francey et  al.
estimated for the difference between seeds and leaves. 1999). The 100 per cent C3 and 100 per cent C4 thresholds of δ13C
Intraplant variation in C4 plants is weaker, lower than enamel of fossil suids are, respectively, –12.3 ‰ and +2.2 ‰. In
1 ‰ (Cernusak et al. 2009). Extant omnivorous suids every figure that combines extant and extinct specimens, δ13C
consume a lot of roots and fruits of C3 plants (Meijaard values of extant specimens are shifted by 1.4 ‰ so that they can
et al. 2011). be directly compared to those of fossil specimens.
6. All extant suids consume at least some animal matter Given the uncertainties linked to the isotopic enrichment
(Meijaard et al. 2011). Animal tissues display very differ- factor between enamel and diet and to the simplified model using
ent δ13C values depending on the organs consumed (up the C3 browser/C4 grazer dichotomy, estimations of paleodiets
to 6 ‰ between two organs according to Gearing 1991). must be treated with great caution. Although global patterns are
Consumption of carrion by suids can therefore introduce interpretable in terms of differences between C4 grazers and C3
one supplementary source of variation of δ13C values of plant eaters, it is more difficult to conclude about the nature of
their enamel. the consumed C3 plants.
7. It is also necessary to take into account the relative propor- Diagenesis is one of the biggest potential problems when
tions of C3 and C4 herbaceous plants within the herbaceous applying stable isotope biogeochemistry to fossils (Wang &
stratum of the Neogene and Quaternary environments. Cerling 1994). Numerous methodologies were recently devel-
Although the modern situation is relatively simple, with oped to evaluate, or even correct, the effect of diagenesis on
C4 grasses strongly dominating the C3 herbaceous plants in isotopic compositions of fossilized enamel, but they are rarely
low-altitude tropical environments, the situation was very applied (e.g. Zazzo et al. 2004).
33 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Part I: Evolution, Taxonomy, and Domestication

Results and Discussion of the third molars, and retains strongly developed premolars
up to its extinction at the end of the Pleistocene (Gilbert 2008;
Figures 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 illustrate the morphological changes in
Souron et al. 2015a). Kolpochoerus majus shares some cranio-
third molars in the Nyanzachoerus–Notochoerus, Kolpochoerus–
mandibular and dental features with the extant Hylochoerus but
Hylochoerus, and Metridiochoerus–Phacochoerus groups,
transitional forms are unknown, the biggest morphological dif-
respectively, compared to the changes in stable carbon isotopes
ference being the strong reduction of incisors and premolars in
of their enamel.
Hylochoerus (Souron et al. 2015a).
Most species of Nyanzachoerus display cranio-mandibular
δ13C values of Kolpochoerus older than 4 Ma indicate mixed
and dental morphologies typical of omnivorous suids. Their
diets of C3 and C4 plants. As early as 3.8 Ma for some specimens
third molars align well with the omnivorous morphotypes
of K. afarensis, and after 3 Ma for most specimens, the inferred
described earlier (Figure 3.1). Those species with omnivorous
diets are strongly dominated by C4 plants, even for the den-
morphotypes also display much enlarged third and fourth pre-
tally more conservative K. majus. Some populations of derived
molars with a morphology convergent to that of bone-crushing
Kolpochoerus from South Africa were consuming mostly C3
hyaenids. It has therefore been proposed that Nyanzachoerus
plants, but those could have been C3 grasses as all the plants
species were omnivorous but with a specialization to process
there were C3 plants (Figure 3.2; Luyt et al. 2000). Note that the
hard objects such as bones or nuts (e.g. Cooke and Wilkinson
C3 plants-dominated diet in extant Hylochoerus does not mean
1978). Nyanzachoerus jaegeri documents the transition with
it is a browser (contra Harris & Cerling 2002; Cerling et al. 2015)
Notochoerus around 4 Ma (this species is often placed in the latter
as the specimens analysed come from high-altitude areas where
genus Notochoerus) with more elongated third molars. Species of
grasses mostly use the C3 photosynthetic pathway. Other stud-
Notochoerus display cranio-mandibular and dental adaptations
ies indicate a mixed diet of various kinds of plants (including
to herbivory. They are extremely derived dentally with third
grasses) in the extant giant forest hogs (e.g. d’Huart 1978).
molars that are very elongated and very high-crowned (Figure
Early members of Metridiochoerus from 3.8 Ma to 2.5 Ma
3.1). They also display reduced premolars and incisors, roughly
are characterized by cranio-mandibular and dental morpholo-
similar to those of the extant Hylochoerus and Phacochoerus
gies typical of omnivorous suids. Starting around 2.5 Ma, all the
(Harris & White 1979). Those morphological changes are asso-
species display third molars that align with herbivorous mor-
ciated with similarly dramatic increases in body size.
photypes (Figure 3.3). There is a dramatic increase in length and
Stable carbon isotope values of early Nyanzachoerus indicate
height of third molars in the lineage M. andrewsi followed by
diets dominated by C3 plants up to around 5 Ma (Figure 3.1). After
an even more derived M. compactus. There is another group of
5 Ma, most Nyanzachoerus and Notochoerus display δ13C values
Metridiochoerus with third molar morphologies very close to
indicating diets dominated by C4 plants (Figure 3.1). However,
that of Phacochoerus.
note that the proportion of C3 plants consumed remains non-
In Metridiochoerus, δ13C values as early as 3 Ma indicate diets
negligible and even important in some cases. For example,
strongly dominated by C4 plants. Again, a few South African
in Plio–Pleistocene sites of the Malawi Rift, the paleodiets of
specimens and extant warthogs from high-altitude areas dis-
Nyanzachoerus and Notochoerus specimens were strongly domi-
play diets with strong C3 signals (Figure 3.3), but that does not
nated by C3 plants (Lüdecke et al. 2016). The authors interpreted
mean they were not consuming C3 grasses in abundance.
those data as suggesting a more closed habitat than in con-
A similar pattern is observed in Kolpochoerus and
temporaneous sites of eastern Africa, but an equally plausible
Metridiochoerus with strong discrepancies between the diets
hypothesis would be that those suids were consuming C3 grasses.
as expected from the dental morphology and the diets as
Overall, the δ13C values of the Nyanzachoerus–Notochoerus
reconstructed from the δ13C values. Pliocene specimens with
group are in good agreement with the ecomorphological recon-
third molars that would align with the omnivorous morpho-
structions, indicating omnivorous diets before 5 Ma and then a
types consumed large amounts of abrasive C4 plants, presum-
shift towards herbivory after 5 Ma. However, we cannot rule out
ably grasses. In both groups, the strong morphological changes
the hypothesis that specimens older than 5 Ma were consuming
(most notably the increase in length and height of third molars)
large amounts of C3 grasses or forbs.
that take place during the Pleistocene are not correlated with an
Species of Kolpochoerus from the first occurrence around
increased consumption of C4 plants. The key adaptations that
5.5 Ma to around 3 Ma are characterized by cranio-mandibular
allowed those extinct suids to enter the herbivorous niches were
and dental morphologies typical of omnivorous suids, nota-
therefore likely not the dramatic changes of the third molars.
bly with third molars very similar to those of Potamochoerus
(Figure 3.2). Around 3 Ma, there is a major cladogenetic split
with K. afarensis giving rise to two lineages. The first lineage,
Kolpochoerus limnetes (also called K. heseloni), displays a pro-
Towards a New Scenario of Adaptations to
gressive anagenetic trend towards more and more elongated Herbivory in African Suids
third molars and gave rise around 1.5 Ma to much more derived As already observed by Harris and Cerling (2002) on more lim-
species with more elongated and especially higher-crowned ited data, the review conducted here indicates that there is a
third molars (Figure 3.2). The premolars are reduced in the strong discrepancy between the changes in dental morphology
younger specimens. The second lineage, starting with K. phil­ and the changes in diets as indicated by stable carbon isotopes.
lipi then continued by K. majus, is more conservative dentally To understand the herbivorous adaptations of the African suids,
and displays a more moderate increase in length and height it therefore seems crucial to use a more integrative approach
34 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Chapter 3: Diet and ecology of extant and fossil wild pigs

to place the morphology and diet of the suids within a larger the grass blades are barely visible. I myself observed common
physiological (digestive system, body size, etc.) and ecological warthogs feeding on lands in the Pilanesberg National Park,
context. When feeding, herbivorous mammals have evolved South Africa, shortly after fires: to a human eye, the land looked
different trade-offs between multiple morphological, physi- pretty much barren, but the warthogs were able to feed on tiny
ological, ecological, and behavioural variables to get enough blades of grasses, and they were the only ungulates feeding there
nutrients from the consumption and digestion of food: time (Figure 3.4). Similarly, warthogs are able to feed on grasslands
spent feeding, quantity of food ingested, efficiency in reducing after they were grazed very short by other ungulates. By anal-
the food into digestible items, type and duration of digestion ogy with the extant warthogs, I propose here that most extinct
(multi-chambered stomach, simple stomachs, rumination, cae- herbivorous suids that displayed dramatic adaptations of the
cotrophy, etc.), body size. Those trade-offs have focused much third molars were specialized on a diet of very small food items,
research and literature in ruminants and equids (e.g. Clauss ingested in small mouthfuls.
et al. 2008a) but no one, as far as the author knows, ever pro- Contrary to other ungulates (ruminants, tylopods, hippos,
posed an explanation of suid herbivorous adaptations taking tayassuids, equids, etc.), must suids do not display any special-
into account those trade-offs. Here I propose a first preliminary ized adaptations of the soft tissues of their digestive system to
version of such a scenario. cope with the plant matter, and especially the grasses. Their
First, previous studies considered both the length and height stomach is composed of only one chamber, they do not rumi-
of the third molars as comparable proxies for the degree of her- nate, and they do not have an enlarged caecum. That is also true
bivorous adaptations. However, in terms of functional morphol- of the warthogs, even though their diets are composed almost
ogy, both variables are obviously controlled by different factors. exclusively of grasses (Clauss et al. 2008b). Due to their limita-
Elongation of the third molars is likely related to chewing effi- tions in terms of digestive capacities of plant matter, herbivo-
ciency as it multiplies the number of chewing sites. Elongated rous suids need to reduce as much as possible the size of the
teeth with numerous chewing sites are efficient for chewing plant particles that enter the stomach.
small food items (Lucas 2004: 169–170) and give an advantage A suite of morphological, ecological, and behavioural adap-
on a day-to-day fitness. Hypsodonty is rather linked to the dura- tations evolved to mitigate that problem: how to digest vegetal
bility of the tooth, i.e. its capacity to resist wear caused by phyto- matter without a specialized digestive physiology and stomach
liths and grit contained in the food. A high crown gives a fitness anatomy? In suids, the emphasis when feeding on grass is the
advantage on the scale of a lifetime. selection of small and tender grass (ecology, behaviour) and the
The behaviour and ecology of extant warthogs within the buccal reduction of the grass into tiny digestible particles before
guilds of African herbivorous mammals are unique. Field obser- swallowing. On the contrary, equids and bovids are less limited
vations indicate that they are able to feed on minute fragments in terms of the types of vegetation they can feed on and the focus
of grasses. Warthogs frequently feed on grass fields so short that is more on the post-swallowing digestion.

Figure 3.4  Picture of a common

warthog (Phacochoerus africanus)
feeding on near-barren soil in the
Pilanesberg National Park, South
Africa. Photo by Antoine Souron.

35 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Part I: Evolution, Taxonomy, and Domestication

The dramatic dental adaptations in African suids can there- to the consumption of underground storage organs of plants
fore be considered as a solution to this particular problem: how (Sponheimer et al. 2005) and stable magnesium isotopes dis-
can small mouthfuls of small food items be processed efficiently tinguish well omnivorous mammals from herbivorous ones
before digestion? The smaller the food item, and the smaller the (Martin et al. 2015). Dental microwear, the study of the micro-
number of food items ingested at once (the size of the mouth- scopic scars left at the surface of the enamel facets during the
ful), the less likely it is to break efficiently all the food items mastication of food items, discriminates fine differences in diets
with a small number of chewing cycles. The elongation of the (e.g. Merceron et al. 2016 for a controlled feeding experiment on
third molars with multiplication of cusps increase the length of sheep Ovis aries with diets of grasses versus forbs). Recently, 3D
available enamel crests available for breaking small fragments dental microwear texture analyses were developed and provide a
of grasses. A thin enamel also allows more numerous pillars to quantified way to compare the microwear features across mam-
be packed into the same dental surface, therefore increasing the mals (see the recent review by Calandra & Merceron, 2016).
ratio of enamel crests to dental surface. Souron et al. (2015b) notably discriminated among extant suids
Herbivorous pigs display teeth that maximize the ratio of between omnivorous, mixed feeders, and grass-eating species.
enamel crests to the masticating surface. Multi-cuspidy, thin Ecomorphology of postcranials, a methodology already
enamel, and tightly packed cusps all enable a great ratio of applied to African extant and extinct suids, could also provide
enamel crests length to dental surface to maximize the number additional insights into their ecology and habitat (Bishop 1999).
of breaking sites when masticating small elements of grass. The main limitation is the paucity of fossilized postcranial
The specialization on small mouthfuls of short grass and the remains associated with cranio-mandibular or dental speci-
maximization of the breaking sites enable herbivorous pigs to mens so that they can be assigned with confidence to a taxon.
break grass cells enough to digest their nutrients, which circum- Morphological adaptations to new diets also take place at
vents their lack of rumination and multi-chambered fermenting the microscopic scale of the components of the mammalian
stomach. enamel. Microscopic bioapatite prisms are arranged in dif-
The height increase could represent an adaptation to the ferent ways depending on the phylogeny and ecology of the
abrasiveness of the grasses, because of its high content in exog- mammals according to the biomechanic constraints sustained
enous mineral grit and silica phytoliths (Merceron et al. 2016). during mastication. For example, the premolars of bone-
Alternately, in the proposed scenario for suids, height increase crushing hyaenids display peculiar enamel microstructures
could also correspond to a strong attrition (wear caused by con- related to their diet (Tseng 2012) and could be compared to the
tact between the upper and lower teeth during mastication) due premolars of Nyanzachoerus to test their function. Documenting
to the specialization on small mouthfuls of small food items. the changes in enamel microstructure in African suids, along
The C3 component of the herbaceous stratum during the the transition from omnivory to herbivory, could explain how
Neogene and Quaternary is poorly known so far. If the afore- extinct suids with omnivorous morphotypes (such as early
mentioned scenario is confirmed, and extinct suids did have a members of Pliocene Kolpochoerus and Metridiochoerus) were
preference for tender, short grasses and forbs, they were maybe able to consume large amounts of abrasive C4 grasses.
highly selecting C3 herbaceous plants in the landscapes. In the Overall, the future of suid paleoecology is bright. Integrating
Malawi Rift, for example, extinct suids fed extensively on C3 numerous complementary and independent methodologies
plants whereas C4 grasses were present (as evidenced from their will without doubt allow us to better understand the timing
consumption by some bovids, Lüdecke et al. 2016). Therefore, and rhythm of herbivorous adaptations, and the relationships
better documenting and understanding the paleoecology of between diet, morphology, and environmental constraints.
herbivorous suids (and other herbivorous mammals with lim- That will allow many so far unanswered questions to be
ited digestive capacities, such as cercopithecid primates of the addressed. How were the different sympatric species of herbivo-
genus Theropithecus) could have strong implications for the rous suids sharing the niches? Was there competition for dietary
paleobiology of our own relatives, who also evolved adaptations resources with other herbivorous mammals (ungulates, cerco-
to herbivory (in Paranthropus) in the same landscapes. pithecid and hominid primates, etc.) and omnivorous/carnivo-
rous mammals (e.g. hyaenids)? Which factors could explain the
Perspectives lack of success of African herbivorous suids in Eurasia despite a
few limited attempts to disperse from Africa into Eurasia?
In the future, it will be crucial to go further than the current
analyses that are mostly limited to stable carbon isotopes and/or
basic quantification of morphology. Several methodologies will Acknowledgements
prove extremely useful when combined with the existing data. I thank the editors and Cambridge University Press for invit-
Additional biogeochemical proxies for paleoecology are ing me to contribute to this volume, and especially Mario
promising. They will be all the more informative if they are Melletti for his infinite patience. The ideas developed in this
applied to serial samples documenting the intratooth variations review stem from almost seven years of reflections on the evo-
corresponding to the seasonal variations in diet and environ- lutionary history of our beloved Suidae. This brainstorming
ment. For example, stable oxygen isotopes (δ18O) are related was triggered and sustained by the constant support, mentor-
to the degree of water dependence of the animal and also the ing, and stimulating discussions of Jean-Renaud Boisserie and
local rainfall amount in tropical Africa (Harris & Cerling, Tim White, as well as numerous other colleagues. I am also
2002; Souron et al. 2012). Some major elements may be related extremely grateful to Jean-Renaud Boisserie for permission
36 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Chapter 3: Diet and ecology of extant and fossil wild pigs

to use photographs of the fossils collected by the Omo Group the English of the manuscript. The writing of this manuscript
Research Expedition, and to Tim White for permission to was funded by the LaScArBx at Bordeaux, a programme sup-
use photographs of the fossils collected by the Middle Awash ported by the ANR (Agence Nationale pour la Recherche,
research project and of the casts of fossil suids from the collec- ANR-10-LABX-52). I dedicate this manuscript to my wife
tions of the Human Evolution Research Center, University of Sohee and our daughter Lise Miso ‘Dodo’, born just a few days
California at Berkeley. I also thank John Rowan for improving before the submission.

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