Содержание курса Starters

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Starters 1

Lesson Grammar Vocabulary Phonics

1 Сколько лет Шреку? Hello... Numbers

He is...
She is...

2 Цветные карандаши It is... Colors c, a, t

Take a...
Give… a…
Can I have a...

3 Rainbow time I can see a… Colors h, r

… is missing

4 Can I have some ice cream? Revision Revision C, A, T, H, R

5 Sam the snake … is scratching School s, m

Under the… Supplies
Behind the…
… is hungry
Don’t eat…

6 What’s in your bag? There is a… School n, o, f

There isn’t a… Supplies
Is there a…?
There are…
There aren’t…
Are there…?

7 Магазин игрушек How much…? Toys b, d

8 Fat cat On Toys S, O, F, N,

Under M, B, D
Next to

9 My mother is happy ... is sad Family p, g

… isn’t sad
… is hungry
… isn’t hungry
… is happy
… isn’t happy

10 Beautiful, not ugly … is old Family P, G

… isn’t old
… is young
… isn’t young
… is ugly
… isn’t ugly
… is beautiful
… isn’t beautiful

11 Beat the fisherman … is long Adjectives i, sh

… isn’t long
… is short
… isn’t short
… is big
… isn’t big
… is small
… isn’t small
… is dirty
… isn’t dirty
… is clean
… isn’t clean

12 I have got a long fish I have got… Pets e, l

I haven’t got…
… has got …
… hasn’t got …
Have you got…?

13 Спасаем питомцев Revision Revision k, ck

14 Вонючий котенок … is dirty Body Parts th

… isn’t dirty
... are dirty
… aren’t dirty
wash its...
we don’t need…
we need…
… is clean
… isn’t clean
This is a…

15 Pandas have got big ears Whose…? Body Parts u, x

16 Мистер шарик Revision Face y

17 Чистим зубки Open your… Teeth Hygiene Y, U, X,

Brush his… K, E, I
Brush your…
it’s enough!

18 I can run like a tiger I can… like a… Wild Animals j

I can’t…
Can you…?

19 Into the jungle Revision Wild Animals ph

20 Let’s go to the zoo Degrees of Wild Animals z, oo


21 A vet in a van Degrees of Wild Animals v

...is crying
his … hurts

22 Большая стирка ...smells bad Clothes W, V, M

Take off your…
Put on your…

23 What do we do when the What do we do Clothes y vs. y

weather is rainy? when…? Weather

24 Про черепаху и погоду Revision Revision Revision

Starters 2

Lesson Grammar Vocabulary Phonics

1 Superheroes I can… Sports Long i

I can’t…
Can you…?

2 A Tank Cake He can… Sports Long a

She can…
A story: Jake’s Cakes He can’t…
She can’t…
Can he…?
Can she…?

3 Master of Shadows Present Continuous Sports ing

4 Duck Tales Present Continuous Hobbies ing

5 Jumping on the Moon I like + Ving Hobbies ing

I don’t like + Ving
I love + Ving
I hate + Ving
Do you like + Ving?

6 Eating in the Park Turn left My Town ing

Turn right
Keep going
Go back

7 Wheels on the Bus I want to go to… My Town Long u

A story: A Cute Bus

8 Load the Boat He is riding… Transport oa

He is driving…
A story: Captain Soak He is travelling by…
He is rowing…
He is flying…

9 A Strange Train I go to school by… Transport ai

A story: Jake’s Train

10 Jake’s House Where is…? Rooms ou
What is he / she
A story: Jake’s house doing?

11 A Mole’s home Behind Rooms Long o

A story: A Mole’s Home

12 Three Little Pigs Revision Revision Revision

A story: Pigs’ Houses

13 An Itsy-Bitsy Spider Run to… Spider ow

Jump to… Rain
A story: Up the Spout Sun

14 Broken Chairs … is broken! Furniture air

Let’s repair the…
A story: A Fairy’s It doesn’t fit!
Eclairs Turn it!

15 Who is in My Bed? There is Furniture Revision

Prepositions (on, in,
A story: In a Mess under, next to, behind)

16 Dark, Dark Jam There is Furniture ar

A story: In a Dark Park Prepositions (on, in,

under, next to, behind)

17 A Pancake Party I would like… Fruit er

Would you like…?
Can I have a…?

18 Colorful Food He is hungry Fruit

He isn’t hungry
Don’t eat…
Don’t drink…!
He has eaten…

19 The Tomato Is a Fruit Wash… Vegetables ea

A story: A Seal’s Salad Add…

20 Hungry Wolf I eat… for lunch Food all

I eat… for breakfast
A story: A Wolf’s Lunch I eat… for dinner

21 Let’s Have a Picnic! Put… on… Food ee

Put… under…
A story: A Sheep’s Put… between…

22 Old McDonald …is from… Farm Animals eigh

…are from…

23 Cows in the Kitchen Revision Farm Animals ch

24 Five Little Speckled Who is buzzing? Farm Animals or

Frogs …is buzzing
Fly to…
A story: A Strong Frog Sit on my…

25 A Surfing Bird Revision Holidays ir / ur

A story: A Surfing Bird

26 What Do Snowmen Do Revision Holidays Revision

in the Summer?

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