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acid, HOOC.CH2.CH(NH2).

COOH, glutaminic acid or a-amino-

C.M.G. Companion of St Michael and St George.

the area of potatoes in Ireland was 804,566 acres, but it

abolish the objectionable practice, but the public pressure

L'Administration financiere du sanctuaire pythioue au IVe

plain. But the last barrier has yet to be passed, the Pongo

and in a few days some 16,000 of their townsmen marched

for those devout meditations and ``experiences'' that give

gas- works, by heating it with milk of lime and then absorbing the

Indian Empire and a seat in the legislative council of Bombay.

Kush. Copper ore from various parts of Afghanistan has been

obscure, and some of the most remarkable have been proved to be

peace. He gained some successes during a war between Turkey

himself a Judahite, had been prophesying in the northern

d'Estaing, but successfully repelled an assault (October 9), and

Selma (8713), Anniston (9695), Huntsville (8068), Bessemer

the 12th century, of which Alexander of Macedon was the

repetition of the first in a more didactic form. Albert's

clearly traceable in the works of the other, that these

Le Istoria Albanesi (Salerno, 1886); G. Gelchich, La Zedda

considerable detail. The limits thus determined resulted partly


plants, and the oospore of Cutleria has been observed to

of his explorations were published in Paris in 1860-1873 in

behaviour under exceptional conditions, as in the following

(Leiden, 1630); Fischer (Leipzig, 1783); in Aldine Edition

department of Tarn, 48 m. N. E. of Toulouse, on a branch

8. Recovery of sulphur from alkali waste.

twelve, beans and potato flour each in one; of thirty-four

FIG. 18.--Primer.

governor-general of India, in 1861 recognizing the division

have been acquired in the practice of arts and manufactures,

Society, an organization founded in 1882. The united

and Greeks, form about one-fifth. There are some 20,000

vierge (1870). He died in Paris on the 20th of June

while surrounding the central tube is a bursting charge of

south. These two zones are connected by a vertical strip of

to the jurat, which must contain the place, date and time of

more towards the analysis of the sentiments of beauty

splendid basilicas at Sanaa and elsewhere in Arabia. Of

most important feature in this connexion which was noted


Garioch. The fraternal peace was soon disturbed. Failing

assert, with some show of reason, that an advertisement has

vessel. The barium carbonate used in the process acts as a

Philosophie des Alanus de Insulis (Munster, 1896). (P. A.)

the guereza, gelada, guenon and dog-faced baboon. They

rooms where crude coal gas is burnt. To inorganic acids, except

rules which we have endeavouted to explain: but the words of

rheumatism and gout. The town is the Castra Abusina of the

dragons and Daedalus, as well as in Egyptian bas-reliefs,

"In passing upon the validity of legislation, attacked

enables them to get all the heat of combustion into the working

the term of the charter-party, acts nevertheless under the

FIG. 3.--Shunted Movable Coil Ammeter, Isenthal & Co.

Philip, and ignoring the warnings of his friends, Ackerman

was expended in the purchase of stores for the support of the


influence was, when the Berlin conference met, practically

depend on the spread of popular education; certainly up to

Fless Pass (Klosters to Sus), foot path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8,045

all). A collection of her verse was published in 1896.

quotes from an earlier, partly as a literary device, but

angle. The last column shows the tangential pressure on concave

commerce, but he was overruled. He sailed on the 21st of

sent will confirm whatever is done by the ambassador in his

larger islands have some fertile and well-watered valleys and

leased. The land itself could not be leased by Rome if it

Stammerspitze. . . . . . . . . 10,689 Gemsbleiskopf. . . . . . . . . . .9,899

in winter, but for the cruel treatment of the corn by the

there is some liquid. When a current is passed through the

less alone in the pores. In this position it will more or

ACME (Gr. akme, point), the highest point

principally of A. L. de Jussieu's Genera Plantarum (1789),

solutions by mere prolonged boiling, being thereby decomposed

knowledge is susceptible of definition and, therefore,

a handsome white marble building erected in 1842; the city

statute, the American courts uniformly hold that, when civil

had the utmost freedom of speech. It was far otherwise

than in the case of ether, but if they do occur they last

illustrated in the appreciation of ``typical beauty'' in which

with the former sultanate of Tlemcen (q.v..)

and probably for long its political and social centre. The

approximately fulfil the condition. The fraction of the

throughout Rajputana, this increase may be attributed to the

Fire-bringer is probably the first, though recently it has

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