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acres in 1904.

At five-year intervals the areas

the 6th of October 1610. His character as a man, preacher,

body, which has a large unfinished church, and a schismatic

the entire South-Eastern Alps, as well as its lower neighbours.

the greater part forms an immense alluvial plain, densely

A. This letter of ours corresponds to the first symbol in

Charles IX. required the seal of a diocesan bishop on all

to a car or cage. After several preliminary experiments, in

theoretically Turkey remained the suzerain power; and after

to those of Cicero, and during its whole course there is

of universities, was the museum of Alexandria founded at

century, was not sufficiently common to be much used for the

was a war chief elected by the council to carry out its

force by 1861-- that is, before the Civil War. The greater

peer, and in 1879-1880 he presided over the celebrated Airey

of sodium in the mercury does not exceed, say, 0.02%. When

situated on the S. bank of the Tweed, about 3 m. W. of Melrose,

rooms. Two springs occur and some scanty grass affords

exhibition at the same place followed on the 26th of April.

naturf Ges Halle, xviii (1892 and 1894); A. Rothpletz, Ein

rather evidence against the existence of such writing. The

obstruction. It is now the custom, therefore, for the surgeon to

sent to the West with anxious appeals for assistance in

half-submerged, lake-flooded district it traverses. Its

stored in times of peace at the various headquarters stations

second Adam in 1 Cor. xv. 45 is a parallelism of contrast.

They are desperate fighters and in 1875 successfully resisted

ANASTASIUS I. (c. 430-518), Roman emperor, was born at

Bilderzeugung in opitschen Instrumenten (Berlin, 1904).

the monopolists, or by the servility and inertia of mind

fitting, or modifying, a thing to other uses, and so altering

chemistry. Gibbon asserts that the Greeks were inattentive

Ancient Amasia has left little trace of itself except

century, and found its representative in the gentle character,

States. The decisions of one state, however, are now best known

hardness. The modern alabaster is so soft as to be readily

contraction causes the proboscis to be invaginated into its

it symbolizes and expresses the latter. Thus the beauty

increase of 15% in the decade, due to the extension of irrigation.

may possibly be definitely resolved. It has to be competent

(built at Liverpool in 1861-1862) crossed the Atlantic,

the blood relations of each are held as related by affinity in

as a spiritual force; and in him only did that power reach

Danes were besieging Exeter and an unnamed fort on the coast

authorship of this epitaph is uncertain, as the Life says

roots when there is no grain in the spring. Hunting and

of the most powerfully presented characters of the Greek

are peculiar to the country, but none is of much economic

sc. a person), literally, a mental state resulting generally

are of considerable bulk, or, like Macrocystis, of enormous

Europe. The cheek teeth are short crowned (brachyodont),

Shuckburgh (1890). ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS.--Leland (1771).

of Sciences in 1759, and he latterly subsisted on a small

raised him on a shield and acclaimed him as a king; leader and

Japan was surrounded with many dangers, and the people were

inland. In 1007 AEthelred bought them off for a larger sum

should be more convenient, as it was a natural mineral and

to an ``equivalent surface'' of 11.70 sq. ft., so that the

has been no product of ideas since Emerson; he was, indeed,

Univ. Press, 1905), agrees. There is scarcely anything

L. Postern gate.

8 years 1860-1867 . . . . . . . . 28 7/8

old Indian camps, mounds and earthworks along the northern

system, which made it impossible for the individual to adopt

the Tarentines, suspecting him of the design of founding

and the Aeolic and Dorian ``colonizations''; and when once more

crisis by his refusal to surrender the two royal castles of

architects and sculptors in the first half of the 14th

other antiquities have been discovered in the neighbourhood.

here, and large quantities of hemp are shipped from here to

injurious to health has been added to the food or drug because

of abbots. This innovation was not introduced without a

ceremony of kissing the sovereign's hand, and some other acts

are also a gateway tower, and portions of the chapter-house

way off Finisterre on the 8th of January, defeated a smaller

Beroea), situated on a plateau in the valley of the

Statues.---In Union Terrace Gardens stands a colossal statue

AGINCOURT (AZINCOURT), a village of northern France in

especially upon the border line, does not always correspond

British possessions acquired long before the opening of the

ADAMNAN, or ADOMNAN (c. 624-704), Irish saint and

the galleries of a clerestory, sometimes even the aisle itself of a

century, found 20 Buddhist temples with 3000 monks at

of its foundation by the Lombard League has been disproved

purified by crystallization, but retain whatever impurity

See J. ter Gouw, Geschiedeniss van Amsterdam (3 vols.,

management that the rent-roll rose from L. 11,000 to L. 50,000 a

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