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Industry Analysis

Analyzing the competitive landscape, it can seen that businesses need to differentiate from their
competitors to attract clients. In the island of Catanduanes, no business owner has thought of
incorporating coffee with fruit juices, which is the essence of MARIPE Coffee. Given the high demand
for coffee in the industry, the business was able to differentiate from other competitors. Evaluating
market segmentation, it was seen that there was a growing demand for specialty coffee, which the
businesses addressed for this market segment. Additionally, there is a need for businesses to cater
to the growing trend of health-conscious consumers by offering organic coffee and alternative milk
options, in which the business also took notice.
Comparing the present local coffee businesses such as Blue Café, Oyana, Dakila, and others to
MARIPE Coffee, it was shown that in terms of pricing, MARIPE Coffee is significantly less than the
other businesses. However, it’s quality is lower than some of the coffee businesses, excluding
business that offer coffee such as instant coffee from ACC Mini. The market positioning is shown in
the figure below:
Figure 5
Market Positioning

Operational Plan
In this section, a comprehensive plan was developed in the business plan that addresses the needed
materials, machines, manpower, and money for the implementation of the project or the 4M’s of
production. Relative to this, only few changes were made to address issues that were encountered
during the implementation.
During the first weeks of implementation, it was discovered that the flow of orders was not that
frequent, therefore production of goods was at ease. It was the same for the rest of the
implementation period, as the orders were distributed and organized. The 20 slots per day was
hardly met and poses an advantage for the business owners.
The raw materials used for the project were the same, except during the development of the shake
option in the menu, evaporated milk was added to the needed raw materials. The purchase of these
raw materials were not disrupted and helped the proper flow of production. The raw materials were
purchased with the help of the production planner. In total,
The machines used were electric heater, refrigerator, and measuring cups during the initial
implementation. However, as the shake variation was introduced, a blender was needed.
Conveniently, it was provided by one of the business owners as it was personally owned and can be
borrowed with no charge. All business owners contributed to the production of the coffee products;
however, the barista had the most contribution and control as he was assigned for the task. He was
assisted by the other business members while keeping the organization of their roles during the
Moreover, the starting capital, which was PhP 3,400.00, which was sourced from the parents or
guardians of the business oweners, was more than enough to operate the business. The business
owners were able to control the budget while maintaining the minimum required materials and
expenses for operations. It was able to sustain the business until the end of the implementation.
we present a comprehensive outline of the production plan for the business. The plan is carefully
crafted, taking into consideration the four critical components of production, commonly referred to
as the 4M's: Materials, Machines, Manpower, and Money. Through a meticulous analysis of these
elements, we have developed a streamlined approach that ensures the efficient and effective
production of our goods. Our goal is to optimize the use of resources while maintaining high-quality
standards, thereby ensuring customer satisfaction and long-term profitability.
A. Materials
In order to optimize profitability and minimize financial risk, our business will adopt a strategic
approach towards the procurement of raw materials. As we will be solely focusing on the provision
of 20 daily slots, the quantity of ingredients required will be determined by the number of orders
received. To this effect, we have devised a system where raw materials will be purchased every two
days in accordance with the projected demand. By implementing this approach, we aim to ensure
that our investment in inventory is optimized while maintaining an adequate supply of the necessary
ingredients. The table below outlines the maximum quantity of raw materials that will be procured
every two days.
Ingredients Package Quantity Maximum Number of Packs to
be Purchased every 2 days
Essenso Instant Coffee 32 tbsp (8 packets) 3 packs
Bear Brand Powdered Milk 320g 3 packs
Orange 2pcs 3 Packs (Consdering that 1/3
of the order of Orange Coffee)
Del Monte Mango Juice 1L 1 box (Considering that 1/3 of
the order of Mango Coffee)
Del Monte Pineapple Juice 1L 1 box (Considering that 1/3 of
the orders are Pineapple
Ice Packs 1kg 3 packs
Condensed MIlk 300mL 2 cans
Brown Sugar 1kg 1 pack
Plastic Cups 30pcs 2 packs
Plastic Straws 50pcs 1 pack
Water (In water jugs) 20L 1 jug
Delivery Fees Average of 20 per customer 40 rides
Our business will utilize an electric water heater, a blender machine, an ice box for deliveries, and a
refrigerator to support our operations. These essential utilities are already owned by our business
owners and therefore do not require additional purchases.

B. Machines
Our business is equipped with state-of-the-art machinery to ensure the production of high-quality
coffee products. Our impressive inventory includes an electric water heater, a blender machine,
precise measuring cups, and a top-of-the-line refrigerator. Additionally, we utilize an ice box during
delivery to ensure that our products are delivered to our customers at optimal temperatures. We
take pride in our resourcefulness and sustainability practices, which is why we have chosen to
repurpose equipment that is already owned by the business owners. This not only saves us money
but also reduces our carbon footprint.
C. Manpower
Our business is powered by a team of skilled baristas who are dedicated to producing exceptional
coffee products. While the barista is primarily responsible for production, our business owners are
always ready to lend a hand when needed. With clear instructions from the barista, our owners are
equipped to assist in the production process and ensure that our products meet our high standards
of quality.
D. Money
As a student-run business, our capital comes from personal funds provided by our parents. We are
grateful for their support and are committed to using our resources wisely to ensure the success of
our business. To optimize our operations, we have set production and delivery schedules that are
convenient for our customers. Our products are available for delivery on weekdays from 3pm-5pm,
perfect for a midday coffee break. However, we are always willing to make adjustments for our
customers who prefer morning deliveries. We strive to provide exceptional service that meets the
needs of our customers.

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