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Workforce Planning Tool - User Instructions

Workforce Planning is commonly defined as the process by which an organisation ensures that they employ the right people with the right
skills in the right place at the right time for the right cost.

This workbook contains guidance and tools to help you with the initial stages of workforce planning. It should be used to:
- Analyse your current workforce composition in terms of both capacity an d capability
- Highlight areas of concern; giving consideration to how major this concern is, how it can be rectified and in what timeframe
- Make evidence-based predictions about your future workforce requirements
- Formulate action plans to facilitate proactive intervention

The workbook contains 8 tabs, which each look at a separate issue that can affect your workforce. There are instructions on how to complete each tab
below, and as you go through the tool look out for cells with red corners, as they contain additional guidance.

If you have any difficulties with any part of this tool, please do not hesistate to contact either Anna Titmus or Jane

Current Resource Demand

Use this form to For each Workforce Grouping input what factors are affecting demand. For each factor, indicate whether you
input details regarding the current state of your Children's Social Work workforce. In the red predict this will result in an increase or decrease in the number of social workers required - in the next 6, 12 and 18
months. The red "Net Change" boxes will take into consideration your predicted increases and decreases for each
"Rating" columns, input a number from 1-5 to indicate whether or not this data is a concern to timeframe and calculate whether this will lead to an overall increase or decrease in the number of social workers
you, where 1 is NO CONCERN and 5 is HIGH CONCERN. Your ratings will be used to required.
inform the analysis page.

Analysis Training
This form will automatically generate a series Use this form to map the current state of your workforce in terms of capability and forecast how
of graphs so that you can easily visualise, by job type, what the key areas of concern are. On the much working time may need to be dedicated to training and development in the near future. Use
radar diagrams, the closer the line is to the centre of the diagram, the less of a concern you these predictions to put in place plans to ensure this time is covered.
have rated it. High concerns are mapped nearer the outer edge of the diagram.

Attrition Future Resource

Use this form to input the Top 5 Reasons for This worksheet is linked to the first "Current
Leaving, per job type, assigning a Concern Rating (as with the Current Resource tab). Some Resource" along wiht the "Supply" and "Demand" tabs to provdie a forecast on how the shape of
further radar diagrams will be generated to visualise the significance of the data you have inputted. your workforce is likely to, or needs to, change. You can choose a timeframe based on the urgency
There is also a free text box which you can use to input intelligence around internal moves. of the factors you have identified.
Supply Action Plan
For each Workforce Grouping, input what factors are affecting supply. For each factor, indicate whether you Using the emerging trends from the previous
predict this will result in an increase or decrease in the number of workers required - in the next 6, 12 and 18 worksheets, use this table to record what the workforce planning priorities are going forward and
months. The red "Net Change" boxes will take into consideration your predicted increases and decreases for each how you plan to address them, along with predicted timescales and details of how any outcomes
timeframe and calculate whether this will lead to an overall increase or decrease in your current establishment.
will be evidenced.
Type Council Here Hertfordshire County Council

Insert Date of Completion Here CURRENT RESOURCE - CHILDREN'S

For instructions on how to use this workbook,
please refer to the black tab entitled "Instructions". Workforce Groupings
Experienced Experienced
Assistant Team






Hover your mouse over the red triangles shown on Newly Qualified Qualified Social Qualified Social Service Manager /
Manager / Team Total
some cells to view additional guidance. Social Worker Worker (<2 years Worker (>2 years Group Manager
experience) experience)

Total FTE + Vacancies 2 0 2

Current Headcount 21 97 5 223 74 21 436 5
Current FTE 21.0 94.3 3 206.1 72.0 21.0 414.4 3

No % No % No % No % No %
Part Time (headcount) 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2
Current Vacancies (fte) -21 #DIV/0! -94.3 #DIV/0! 5 -206.1 #DIV/0! -72 #DIV/0! -21 #DIV/0! -414.4 5
Vacancies Covered by Agency SWs #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 3 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0 3
Bottom of salary range All H8 1x H7 SCP 7x H8 SCP 1x M3 SCP 1x M4 SCP
SCP30 29 31 47 53
All H8 1x M2 SCP 8x M2 SCP 31x M4 13x M5

Top of salary range

SCP30 46 46 SCP 52 SCP 55
Max. annual market forces amount

Average Hourly Agency Pay Rate 3 3

Average Tenure (Permanent) 0.3 1.5 4 9.0 9.0 14.3 6.275 4

Average Tenure (Agency) 4 #DIV/0! 4

Total Turnover (%) 28.6% 3.1% 4 26.5% 14.9% 9.5% 17% 4

BME (%) 61.9% 37.1% 1 17.9% 16.2% 28.6% 32% 1

No % No % No % No % No %

Male 3 14 6 6 4 21 9 5 7 3 14 38 4

Female 18 86 91 94 4 202 91 69 93 18 86 398 4

<25 4 19 14 14 3 5 2 0 0 0 0 23 3

26-35 16 76 42 43 2 70 31 7 9 1 5 136 2

36-45 1 5 21 22 2 61 27 20 27 4 19 107 2

46-55 0 0 15 15 2 54 24 35 47 9 43 113 2

Please note any existing data in green in the template is to demonstrate the functionality of the tool
>55 0 0 5 5 2 33 15 12 16 7 33 57 2

Please note any existing data in green in the template is to demonstrate the functionality of the tool
Newly Qualified Social Worker Qualified Social Worker (<2 years experience) Qualified Social Worker (>2 years experience)

Total FTE + Vacancies Total FTE + Vacancies Total FTE + Vacancies

BME (%) Current Headcount BME (%) Current Headcount BME (%) Current Headcount
10 5 10
Total Turnover (%) Part Time (headcount) Total Turnover (%) Part Time (headcount) Total Turnover (%) Part Time (headcount)
5 5
Average Tenure (Agency) Current Vacancies (fte) Average Tenure (Agency) Current Vacancies (fte) Average Tenure (Agency) Current Vacancies (fte)
0 0 0

Average Tenure (Permanent) Vacancies Covered by Agency SWs Average Tenure (Permanent) Vacancies Covered by Agency SWs Average Tenure (Permanent) Vacancies Covered by Agency SWs

Average Hourly Agency Pay Rate Bottom of salary range Average Hourly Agency Pay Rate Bottom of salary range Average Hourly Agency Pay Rate Bottom of salary range
Max. annual market forces amount Top of salary range Max. annual market forces amount Top of salary range Max. annual market forces amount Top of salary range

<25 <25 <25

Age Profile
Age Profile 4 Age Profile 10
Type Council Here

5 2 5
>55 26-35 >55 26-35 >55 26-35

0 0 0

46-55 36-45 46-55 36-45 46-55 36-45

Male Male Male

Female Female Female
Assistant Team Manager / Team Manager Service Manager / Group Manager Total

Total FTE + Vacancies

Total FTE + Vacancies Total FTE + Vacancies BME (%) Current Headcount
BME (%) Current Headcount BME (%) Current Headcount 5
10 10 Total Turnover (%) Part Time (headcount)
dcount) Total Turnover (%) Part Time (headcount) Total Turnover (%) Part Time (headcount)
5 5
cancies (fte) Average Tenure (Agency) Current Vacancies (fte) Average Tenure (Agency) Current Vacancies (fte) Average Tenure (Agency) Current Vacancies (fte)
0 0 0

overed by Agency SWs Average Tenure (Permanent) Vacancies Covered by Agency SWs Average Tenure (Permanent) Vacancies Covered by Agency SWs Average Tenure (Permanent) Vacancies Covered by Agency SWs

ange Average Hourly Agency Pay Rate Bottom of salary range Average Hourly Agency Pay Rate Bottom of salary range Average Hourly Agency Pay Rate Bottom of salary range
Max. annual market forces amount Top of salary range Max. annual market forces amount Top of salary range
Max. annual market forces amount Top of salary range

<25 <25
10 10
Age Profile Age Profile
6-35 >55
26-35 >55
Age Profile >55

0 0
46-55 36-45 46-55 36-45

Male Male Male 25%
Female Female Female

Type Council Here

Top 5 Reasons for Leaving - Children's





Experienced Qualified Social Worker Experienced Qualified Social Worker Assistant Team Manager / Team
NQSW Service Manager / Group Manager
(<2 years) (>2 years) Manager

1 Input your own Stress-related ill health 3 Input your own Input your own Input your own

2 Input your own Low pay 2 Input your own Input your own Input your own

3 Input your own No opportunities for progression 1 Input your own Input your own Input your own

4 Input your own Negative workplace culture 3 Input your own Input your own Input your own

5 Input your own Left to start family 2 Input your own Input your own Input your own

NQSW Experienced SW < 2 yrs Experienced SW > 2yrs ATM/TM Service Mgr / Grp Mgr

Input your own

Stress-related ill health Input your own Input your own Input your own
4 10 10 10
Input your own 5 Input your own Left to start family Low pay Input your own 5 Input your own Input your own 5 Input your own Input your own 5 Input your own
0 0 0 0 0

Negative workplace culture No opportunities for progression Input your own Input your own Input your own Input your own Input your own Input your own
Input your own Input your own

Internal Job Moves

We are currently in the process of establishing the most effective way to capture intelligence on internal moves. Please use this box to input any information you currently hold on internal moves within the
social care workforce in your organisation. This could be a high-level estimate of all internal moves (across every category), or something more detailed such as "Estimated 8 internal moves in the last 12
months from Experienced SW to ATM / TM". Please feel free to record any intelligence / data you hold, along with any ideas for how this could be best represented. We can then use the input from each
Council to come up with a solution.
Type Council Here Supply - Children's

What will the impact be in…

6 Months? 12 Months? 18 Months?

Factors affecting supply: Increase Decrease Impact Increase Decrease Impact Increase Decrease Impact
Input your own
Input your own
Input your own
Input your own
0 Input your own
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0

Net Change
0 0 0
Suggested Establishment 0 0 0

What will the impact be in…

6 Months? 12 Months? 18 Months?

Factors affecting supply: Increase Decrease Impact Increase Decrease Impact Increase Decrease Impact
Legislation 3
Exp. QSW < Negative media 4
2 yrs Lack of university places 2
Input your own
0 Input your own
Total 5 4 0 0 0 0

Net Change
1 0 0
Suggested Establishment 1 0 0

What will the impact be in…

6 Months? 12 Months? 18 Months?

Factors affecting supply: Increase Decrease Impact Increase Decrease Impact Increase Decrease Impact
Input your own
Exp. QSW > Input your own
2yrs Input your own
Input your own
0 Input your own
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0

Net Change
0 0 0
Suggested Establishment 0 0 0

What will the impact be in…

6 Months? 12 Months? 18 Months?

Factors affecting supply: Increase Decrease Impact Increase Decrease Impact Increase Decrease Impact
Input your own
Input your own
Input your own
Input your own
0 Input your own
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0

Net Change
0 0 0
Suggested Establishment 0 0 0

What will the impact be in…

6 Months? 12 Months? 18 Months?

Factors affecting supply: Increase Decrease Impact Increase Decrease Impact Increase Decrease Impact
Input your own
Service / Input your own
Input your own
Input your own
0 Input your own
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0

Net Change
0 0 0
Suggested Establishment 0 0 0
Type Council Here Demand - Children's

What will the impact be in…

6 Months? 12 Months? 18 Months?

Factors affecting demand: Increase Decrease Impact Increase Decrease Impact Increase Decrease Impact
Input your own
Input your own
Input your own
Input your own
0 Input your own
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0

Net Change
0 0 0
Suggested Establishment 0 0 0

What will the impact be in…

6 Months? 12 Months? 18 Months?

Factors affecting demand: Increase Decrease Impact Increase Decrease Impact Increase Decrease Impact
Legislation 3 2 17 5
Exp. QSW < Negative media 12 3
2 yrs Lack of university places 4 1 12 4
Input your own
0 Input your own
Total 7 0 17 12 12 0

Net Change
7 5 12
Suggested Establishment 7 5 12

What will the impact be in…

6 Months? 12 Months? 18 Months?

Factors affecting demand: Increase Decrease Impact Increase Decrease Impact Increase Decrease Impact
Input your own
Exp. QSW > Input your own
2yrs Input your own
Input your own
0 Input your own
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0

Net Change
0 0 0
Suggested Establishment 0 0 0

What will the impact be in…

6 Months? 12 Months? 18 Months?

Factors affecting demand: Increase Decrease Impact Increase Decrease Impact Increase Decrease Impact
Input your own
Input your own
Input your own
Input your own
0 Input your own
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0

Net Change
0 0 0
Suggested Establishment 0 0 0

What will the impact be in…

6 Months? 12 Months? 18 Months?

Factors affecting demand: Increase Decrease Impact Increase Decrease Impact Increase Decrease Impact
Input your own
Service / Input your own
Input your own
Input your own
0 Input your own
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0

Net Change
0 0 0
Suggested Establishment 0 0 0
Type Council Here

Estimated No. of
Current Skill
Required Skill % Outstanding Plans to Address Time Commitment Working Days Timescale
Input your own #DIV/0! 0 0.0

Input your own #DIV/0! 0 0.0

Input your own #DIV/0! 0 0.0
Input your own #DIV/0! 0 0.0
Input your own #DIV/0! 0 0.0

Estimated No. of
Current Skill
Required Skill % Outstanding Plans to Address Time Commitment Working Days Timescale
Exp. QSW < 2 years

EXAMPLE - Safeguarding Level 1 45 #DIV/0! -45 Arrange appropriate training courses 3.7 -22.5 Jun-15
EXAMPLE - Safeguarding Level 2 135 #DIV/0! -135 Arrange appropriate training courses 14.8 -270.0 Oct-15
EXAMPLE - Safeguarding Level 3 213 #DIV/0! -213 Arrange appropriate training courses 7.4 -213.0 Jan-16
Input your own #DIV/0! 0 0.0
Input your own #DIV/0! 0 0.0

Estimated No. of
Current Skill
Required Skill % Outstanding Plans to Address Time Commitment Working Days Timescale
Exp. QSW > 2 yrs

Input your own #DIV/0! 0 0.0
Input your own #DIV/0! 0 0.0
Input your own #DIV/0! 0 0.0
Input your own #DIV/0! 0 0.0
Input your own #DIV/0! 0 0.0

Estimated No. of
Current Skill
Required Skill % Outstanding Plans to Address Time Commitment Working Days Timescale

Input your own #DIV/0! 0 0.0

Input your own #DIV/0! 0 0.0
Input your own #DIV/0! 0 0.0
Input your own #DIV/0! 0 0.0
Input your own #DIV/0! 0 0.0

Estimated No. of
Current Skill
Required Skill % Outstanding Plans to Address Time Commitment Working Days Timescale
Service / Group Mgr

Input your own #DIV/0! 0 0.0
Service / Group Mgr Input your own #DIV/0! 0 0.0
Input your own #DIV/0! 0 0.0
Input your own #DIV/0! 0 0.0
Input your own #DIV/0! 0 0.0
Type Council Here

Insert Date of Completion Here FUTUR

For instructions on how to use this workbook,
please refer to the COLOUR tab entitled

Hover your mouse over the red triangles shown on Experienced QSW
some cells to view additional guidance. (>2 years)

Total FTE + Vacancies

0 0 0
Current Resource

Current Headcount
21 0 97

Current FTE
21 0 94.3

No % No %

Current Vacancies
-21 #DIV/0! 0 -94.3 #DIV/0!

Total Turnover (%) 29% 0 3.10%

Number of employees lost a year 6.01 2.92

0 7
6 months

0 1

0 6

Revised Total FTE

18 99

0 5
12 months

0 0

0 5

Revised Total FTE

13 101

0 12
18 months
0 0

0 12

Revised Total FTE

7 108
Workforce Groupings
Assistant Team



Experienced QSW Service / Group
Manager / Team Total
(<2 years) Manager

2 0 0 0 0 100 0 100

5 223 0 74 0 200 0 615

3 206.1 0 72 0 300 0 693.4

No % No % No %

5 -206.1 #DIV/0! 0 -72 #DIV/0! 0 -21 -21 0 -414.4

4 26.50% 0 14.90% 9.50% 0 0.1652

54.62 10.73 28.50

0 0 0 7

0 0 0 1

0 0 0 6

179 67 286 648

0 0 0 5

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 5

131 57 259 560

0 0 0 12
0 0 0 0

0 0 0 12

79 44 222 460















Action Plan - Children's

When will we do this

What do we want to How are we going to Outcomes & How
Priority by? Why this How?
happen? address this? evidenced?

High average sickness in Identify reasons for Reduction in sickness,

the NQSW Workforce Reduce from X to X sickness; review X to do Y evidenced through
Grouping Wellbeing Strategy management reports

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