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College of Science and Technology Education
Unit 3 – Organization and Management of Learner-Centered Classrooms
Paired Activity # 7

Week 8: March 28 – April 3, 2022

Pair No._____ Course & Year: ___________________
Names:_______________________________ ____________________________________
Date Completed: ____________________ Date Uploaded __________________

 Follow this filename pattern for your submissions:
Section_SG_Unit 3_PA7
 Deadline: Submit on or before April 3,2022 @12am
 All students will submit, but make sure to have the name of your partner together with your
rating for him/her and for yourself based on the Rubric attached.
 Always save your files in the google drive for future use.
(Note: you may remove these reminders (in blue colored text when submitting):

At the end of the unit, the pre-service teacher (PST) can:

 ILO 1 identify various forms of learner centered classroom organization based on learners’ needs; 
 ILO 2 formulate classroom procedures and routines that promote discipline, fairness, respect and care
among learners and encourage learning; 
 ILO 2 design, organize and explain the significance of the layout of the physical structure of the
classroom for active engagement of learners, individually or in groups, in exploration, discovery, hands-
on and self-learning activities; 
 ILO 4 describe the roles and responsibilities of the teacher and the learners for a supportive, inspiring,
motivating and productive learner-centered classroom; and
 ILO 5 evaluate which disciplinary actions are positive and non violent in the management of learner

B. Group Activity. Designing Your Own Room (35 pts).

Your task now is to design your own room, organize the layout, and explain the significance of the layout of the
physical structure of the classroom for active engagement of learners, individually or in groups, in exploration,
discovery, hands-on and self-learning activities using the 3 Step Design below.

Three-Step Design
Step 1: Draw a floor plan of the room you will be teaching in. This may be the classroom you all decided to have.
You may use technology tools that is available online in drawing your floor plan (like

FCLT Unit 3 Organization and Management of Learner-Centered Classrooms Group Activity 6 1 ), just don’t forget to include

Step 2: Deciding on the types of activities that will occur

Identify the specific learning activities that will take place in your room and write them on the lines below. It may
be helpful to jot down the types of behavior you expect for each activity. You may consider “The Activity Centers
Approach and General Considerations When Planning”
classroom-books1-7.pdf and the Guidelines set by the DepEd

A. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

B. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

C. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

D. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

E. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

F. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

G. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Step 3: Drawing the final plan

Review your drawing of the classroom in which you will be teaching in terms of the activities you have
listed in Step 2. Now, lay out your classroom to promote the learning activities you desire, noting the
placement of furnishings, materials, and storage areas. Don’t forget to explain the significance of the
layout of the physical structure of the classroom.

FCLT Unit 3 Organization and Management of Learner-Centered Classrooms Group Activity 6 2

(Please copy and paste here all the references you used in creating these activities.)

Rubric for Grading: Unit 3 Group Activity: Classroom Management Plan (35pts)
CATEGORY 5 3 1 0

Content Covers topic in-depth with Includes essential knowledge about Includes essential information Content is minimal OR there are
details and examples. Subject the topic. Subject knowledge about the topic but there are several factual errors.
knowledge is excellent. appears to be good. 1-2 factual errors.

Organization Content is well organized using Uses headings or bulleted lists to Content is logically organized There was no clear or logical
headings or bulleted lists to organize, but the overall for the most part. organizational structure, just lots
group related material. organization of topics appears of facts.

Originality Product shows a large amount Product shows some original Uses other people\'s ideas Uses other people\'s ideas, but
of original thought. Ideas are thought. Work shows new ideas and (giving them credit), but there does not give them credit.
creative and inventive. insights. is little evidence of original

Attractiveness Makes excellent use of font, Makes good use of font, color, Makes use of font, color, Use of font, color, graphics, effects
color, graphics, effects, etc. to graphics, effects, etc. to enhance to graphics, effects, etc. but etc. but these often distract from
enhance the presentation. presentation. occasionally these detract from the presentation content.
the presentation content.

Requirements All requirements are met and All requirements are met. One requirement was not More than one requirement was
exceeded. completely met. not completely met.

Sources Source information collected for Source information collected for all Source information collected Very little or no source
all graphics, facts and quotes. graphics, facts and quotes. Most for graphics, facts and quotes, information was collected.
All documented in desired documented in desired format. but not documented in desired
format. format.

Workload The workload is divided and The workload is divided and shared The workload was divided, but The workload was not divided OR
shared equally by all team fairly by all team members, though one person in the group is several people in the group are
members. workloads may vary from person to viewed as not doing his/her viewed as not doing their fair
person. fair share of the work. share of the work.

FCLT Unit 3 Organization and Management of Learner-Centered Classrooms Group Activity 6 3

Date Created: Mar 08, 2021 08:44 pm (CST) Created using:

Rubric to be used in rating your partner (35 pts)

CATEGORY 7 5 3 1

Contributions Routinely provides useful ideas when Usually provides useful ideas when Sometimes provides useful ideas Rarely provides useful ideas when
participating in the group and in participating in the group and in when participating in the group and in participating in the group and in
classroom discussion. A definite classroom discussion. A strong classroom discussion. A satisfactory classroom discussion. May refuse to
leader/member who contributes a lot of group leader/member who tries group leader/member who does what participate.
effort. hard! is required.

Quality of Work Provides work of the highest quality. Provides high quality work. Provides work that occasionally needs Provides work that usually needs to
to be checked/redone by other group be checked/redone by others to
members to ensure quality. ensure quality.

Time- Routinely uses time well throughout the Usually uses time well throughout Tends to procrastinate, but always Rarely gets things done by the
management project to ensure things get done on time. the project, but may have gets things done by the deadlines. deadlines AND group has to adjust
Group does not have to adjust deadlines procrastinated on one thing. Group Group does not have to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities
or work responsibilities because of this does not have to adjust deadlines or deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person\'s inadequate
person\'s procrastination. work responsibilities because of because of this person\'s time management.
this person\'s procrastination. procrastination.

Working with Almost always listens to, shares with, and Usually listens to, shares, with, and Often listens to, shares with, and Rarely listens to, shares with, and
Others supports the efforts of others. Tries to supports the efforts of others. Does supports the efforts of others, but supports the efforts of others. Often
keep people working well together. not cause \"waves\" in the group. sometimes is not a good team is not a good team player.

Focus on the task Consistently stays focused on the task Focuses on the task and what needs Focuses on the task and what needs to Rarely focuses on the task and what
and what needs to be done. Very self- to be done most of the time. Other be done some of the time. Other group needs to be done. Lets others do the
directed. group members can count on this members must sometimes nag, prod, work.
person. and remind to keep this person on-

FCLT Unit 3 Organization and Management of Learner-Centered Classrooms Group Activity 6 4

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