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(mock and actual lessons)
- Do not ignore any message from the teams/admins.

- Always call ONE minute before the lesson time.

Example: Lesson time is 1:00, CALL 12:59

- Background, any plain bright color.

- Always use LAN CONNECTION.

- Strictly follow the duration of each exercise or practice.

- Always check your start points and materials.

What can you say.....
Lesson Delays
“I'm very sorry for being late for the lesson. I was late because... (e.g. I had a problem with my
Skype/with my computer). If you are okay, (student's name), can we extend our lesson by ○○
【If the student says, “yes”】
“Thank you very much for your understanding. Okay, then we are going to extend our lesson by 〇
〇 minutes today.”
【If the student says, “no” 】
“Okay, I understand. Again, I am very sorry for the inconvenience, but you can still extend your
lesson another time, so please tell your Japanese concierge that you couldn't extend your lesson
this time. Your concierge should be able to help you with that.”
What can you say.....
Bad Internet Connection
【If the student's camera is on】
“Could you try and turn off your camera, please? If you turn off the camera, sometimes the
connection gets better. So let’s try it.”

【If the connection is still bad, even after the student has turned off the camera...】
“Looks like the connection is still not very good...Can I maybe turn off my web camera as well?”

What can you say.....

Sudden Interruption
“I'm sorry that I had to stop our lesson.”
“I had a problem with my connection earlier, but everything should be fine now...
If you are okay, (student's name), can we extend our lesson by ○○ minutes today?”

【If the student says, “yes”】

“Okay, I will extend your lesson. Thank you”

【If the student says, “no” 】

“I understand. Please tell your Japanese concierge that you couldn't extend your lesson.”


AUDIO & CAMERA settings during a video

Share screen video tutorial:

For Mac users with the M1 or M2 CHIP: make sure to change the privacy settings on your
Video guide:
How to Prepare the Materials
How to resize your browser and Google Chrome, and preparation of materials:
Video tutorial:


Double check the tabs!!!

Training Lesson Plan tab - used during the training and can be used for review.
Mock Lesson Plan tab - USED for the MOCK LESSON. (open for review and practice)

Common cause of black screen:

1. Skype version (use the desktop version)
2. The shared window is on full screen
3. Poor internet connection
Before the MOCK LESSON, do the following:
1. Check your Skype’s audio and video settings. Make a test call from the Skype settings.
2. Prepare the material (MOCK LESSON TAB)
3. Create the Skype group, then add the participants. (participants details, sent on your Skype)
4. Rename the Skype group
ex: 1/20 Okumura Megumi & James / (student's full name) & (supporter's name)
5. Send a short message on the Skype Group (at least 10 mins. before the lesson)

Good day! This is 🌟(supporter's name)🌟. We have a lesson today, (date) at (schedule). I will call
you in 10 minutes. I'm looking forward to our lesson!

If a problem occurs during the lesson or before the lesson starts, please contact the chat group of
the AQUES Philippines office. Thank you.

All mock lessons are only 15 minutes long, regardless of your schedule.
CALL 1 min. BEFORE the actual lesson time. Use a clock with seconds.
Example lesson time 1:00 - 1:15pm
CALL/ Skype check & introduction: 12:59 - 1:00 (1 minute before lesson time)
Start lesson proper: 1:00 - 1:05 Pronunciation (5 mins.)
1:05 - 1:10 Translation (5 mins.)
1:10 - 1:15 ACP ERANDE (5 mins.)
Wrap-up: 1:15 - 1:16 (end call) (1 minute extension of the lesson time)


“Can you hear me?”, “Can you see me?”, “Am I speaking fast?”
- Introduce yourself. “My name is (supporter’s name), what’s your name?”
- SHARE SCREEN “Can you see my screen?” (presenter view & window of the material only)

2. LESSON PROPER. Always read the “SAY” and “DO” boxes.

a. PRONUNCIATION (5 mins.) Actual lesson time stated on your schedule.
- You can finish at ANY slide number within 5 mins.
- Ask the student if he/she has any questions before moving to Translations.
b. TRANSLATIONS (5 mins.) Be flexible, give hints when needed
- You can finish at ANY number within 5 mins.
*NEW PAGE ( Always 3 round system)
*REVIEW PAGE (translate once only)
*SHUFFLE PAGE (translate once only)
ASK the student if he/she has any questions before moving to ACP..
DON”T overlook mistakes & give CLEAR instructions & hints.
c. ACP (5 mins.)
- No dead air, stick to the topic, and keep the conversation interesting.
3. Wrap-up, 1 minute extension of the lesson time.
- End the lesson politely, mention your name again and the feedback link.
4. SEND the feedback link with a simple message to the group.
PRONUNCIATION exercise guide:

1. Japanese Instruction - Let the student read & wait for any response.

2. Demonstration of the Consonant Sounds - Let the student read the Japanese
instruction first, wait for any response, then demonstrate the sound 3x in a row

3. Single Sound Practice - Click the screen, words will one by one appear. Please do
the same steps in the sentence part.

1st set of flashes - “ please, repeat after me"

(supporter > student)

2nd set - “ it’s your turn" (student only)

3rd set - “ one more time" (student only)

4. Pair Sound Practice - Listen and repeat all 5 words at once. Increase your speed
with each line of words. (neutral way, a little faster, faster)

1st row - “Please repeat after me…”

2nd row - “Let’s read A LITTLE FASTER, please repeat”

3rd - “Let’s read FASTER, please repeat me”

NOTE: ALL rows are “Listen & repeat.”

5. Linking Sounds - Put emphasis on the separation of the words in the first sentence,
then emphasize the combined words 'havea' by putting emphasis on the linking of the
words in the second sentence.

1st sentence - “listen & repeat” WITHOUT LINKING 1X

2nd sentence- “listen & repeat” DO THE LINKING 1X

6. Dropping Sounds - Drop the sound as you read each sentence and ask the student
to repeat after each sentence. (ONCE only)

1st sentence - “listen & repeat WITH the dropping 1X

2nd sentence - “listen & repeat WITH the dropping 1X

7. Sound changes -On the 1st round, do “listen and repeat” after every sentence
WITHOUT changing. In the 2nd round, do “listen and repeat”, but this time WITH the
changing “ch.” Put emphasis on the combined words.

8. Intonation - Do listen and repeat ONCE for each slide. FOCUS ON COLORED

9. Dictation Pile Up - Look at the instructions below the slide. Make sure to connect the
underlined words together. 1st set of flashes (listen & repeat, 2nd & 3rd set of
flashes (student only)
10. Dictation Pile Up Review - Read the whole passage. 1st Flash (listen & repeat),
2nd & 3rd flash (student only).


When the student mispronounced a word: (Pronunciation & Translation exercise)

Do repeating practice by saying: (never let the student repeat on their own)
"That’s good, but let's practice saying this/the word.Please repeat after me… (say the
(Practice the word 2 times but not more than 4 times.)

Student: “My favorite fruit is avogado.” (avocado)
Supporter: "That’s good, but let's practice saying this/the word. Please repeat after me,
Student’s turn: “Avocado” (1st)
Supporter: “Let's do it again..., AVOCADO.”
Student’s turn: “Avocado” (2nd) or the whole sentence…
● Please point out the word that you are referring to if possible.

ACP/Conversation: Use the mimic method in correcting the students' mispronounced words
& grammar errors.
Student: “My favorite fruits is avogado.” (avocado)
Supporter: “I see, your favorite fruit is AVOCADO. I like it too…”
NOTE: This correction is based on the example sentence given. Assess your student's skills
and use the appropriate correction suited for their incorrect translations.

Example: Synonymous but needs to be replaced.

STUDENT said : I WILL BE AT HOUSE. (1st attempt)
IF the 1st attempt is incorrect. (give a hint)
You may say: “That’s a good try. (''Please change…" “Please remove…”, “Please add...”) then ADD a hint.

Examples: “That’s a good try. Please change HOUSE. The word also starts with H but has 4 letters ”
“That’s a good try. Please change the word HOUSE. Another word for house with 4 letters”
● If the student got the correct answer, please ask the student to say the sentence again. (min. 1/ max. 2)
IF the 2nd attempt is incorrect. (give more hints)

Examples: “Very close, but the sound of the word starts with “HO..”.
“Very close, please choose one. Mansion , home or apartment?....”
● If the student got the correct answer, please ask the student to say the sentence again. (min. 1/ max. 2)
IF the 3rd attempt is still incorrect (give the correct answer)

Example: “Good try. Please repeat after me... (read the answer key) I WILL BE AT HOME. Please
It's student's turn......
● If the student still doesn’t get the correct answer, You may say: “Good try.…Please repeat after me…”
(Read the answer key & ask the student to repeat (min. 1/ max. 2)

Use the terms:
- Please change... (Say the word that needs to be changed) then you may ADD a hint.
- Please remove .... (say the word that needs to be removed) then you may ADD a hint if needed.
- Please add... (say the first letter of the word that needs to be added) then you may ADD a hint.

You can also use grammar terms:

“Please add/remove/change the article/preposition/pronoun…..”

Giving more hints:

● Give the first letter of the word. (Do not use with 2 letter words)
● Give choices for missing 2 letter words (ex. “In, on or at? Please choose the correct
● Give the syllable. (ex. It's a four-letter word that starts with "S").
● It is the synonym for… / It is the opposite for…
● Give the first sound or read the portion of the sentence that the student got.
● Give the word's parts of speech/grammar terms (articles, prepositions,
past/present/future, plural/singular).
Note: Please avoid giving hints that are actually the answer/missing word.
TRANSLATION exercise guide:

NEW PAGE - 3 rounds system. If there are multiple possible translations, don’t ask
the student to do the other one, and there’s no need to mention it if not being asked.

1st round: N1 - N6 (student translates)

2nd: start on N1 - N6 again (student translates faster)
3rd round: start on N1 - N6 again (repeating practice, supporter then student)
REVIEW PAGE - 1 round only. Correct the student's translation mistakes by
following the grammar rules if needed.
SHUFFLE PAGE - 1 round only, same as the review page.
Demo link:

BULLSEYE (DON’T STOP sharing your screen)

In the 1st round, ask the student to identify what’s inside the circle by asking “what’s this?”
and ask the student to try another word IF the student did not get the exact same answer. You
may give one hint. IF still wrong you may say “That’s a good try, let’s check the answer
- In checking the answers, simply read ALL the answers but do not ask the student to
repeat or read them. IF the student automatically reads the words, it’s fine, but
DON'T ask.
In the 2nd round, urge the student to provide all the possible answers by saying "OR" or
"What's the other term for this?" since the other possible answers were already taught on
the previous slide.
- Do repeating practice with the student ONLY WHEN they seem to have difficulty
pronouncing the word.
(STOP sharing your screen during free-talk)

Show the picture with the 10 second timer and wait for the timer to finish.
In the “Tell me about it” slide, let the student make as many sentences as they can by
asking them: "Okay, and?" / "What else?" / "Is that all?" Avoid giving compliments and no
follow-up questions. Do not correct their sentences, let the student freely construct
their thoughts.

On slide 6, EXAMPLE ANSWERS, simply read all the sentences.

On the LAST SLIDE 7, read again the sentences to the student and point out the picture then
ask if they still have anything to say about the picture by asking, "Do you want to add
something?" before you stop sharing the screen.

(STOP sharing your screen during free-talk)
Make sure to let the student read the Japanese slide and wait for their response before
Read what’s ALL indicated in the “say box.”
Read aloud the options (1 your own topic, 2 choose from a list, 3 fun, facts, rumors) & wait.
IF the student chose 1#, read the slide “What would you like to talk about?”

IF the student chose 2#, read the “say box” & the TOPICS on the list, then let the
student choose.

IF the student chose 3#, READ what’s in the YELLOW BOX then ask the question below.
● CLICK the next slide, IF ONLY the student requested for the Japanese translation.

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