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Mental Health

Mental health is one of the most significant aspects of a person, nonetheless, it also happens to be one of
the most neglected. In the present time, a huge percentage of the global population struggles with varying
psychological conditions. As per the wide-scale research undertaken by the Philippines’ Department of Health
(DOH) in 2020, approximately 3.6 million Filipinos suffer from mental, neurological, and substance abuse disorders.

Mental health, as defined by the World Health Organization (2022), is a state of psychological well-being
that enables people to regulate life's stressors, develop their potential, study and work effectively, and contribute
back to their communities. It is a crucial element of health and well-being that fosters both our individual and
collective capacity to decide, establish relationships, and influence the world we live in. However, despite its given
significance, most people neglect the importance of maintaining healthy psychological health due to stereotypical
established norms.

In various cultures (e.g., the Philippines), there is still a
pervasive prejudice associated with mental health issues,
leading to the marginalization and discrimination of
individuals seeking psychological help. Given that issue
concerning the psychological well-being is deemed
unimportant, there are not enough allocated funds and
resources available for mental health efforts, resulting in a
lack of initiatives for awareness, education, and prevention.
Furthermore, cultural pressures that place an emphasis on
accomplishment and productivity could minimize the value of
prioritizing mental health first.

In advocacy for psychologically struggling individuals,

advocating may serve as a powerful means of eliminating the
stigma toward the problem in question. Raising awareness,
encouraging understanding, and attempting to lessen the
negative perceptions associated with mental health problems are all essential elements of advocacy for mental
health. By promoting mental wellness, we may eradicate misconceptions, discrimination, and stereotypes while
fostering open communication and establishing a more supportive community. Furthermore, advocacies promote
public awareness of mental health issues, highlighting the prevalence and importance of seeking help. Greater
awareness facilitates prompt action, deeper comprehension, and optimized support systems.

People who suffer from psychological issues need to be understood, not condemned. The neglect of mental
health not merely impacts individuals personally; it also has wider societal repercussions. So instead of putting
them in a harder situation than they are already in, it is best to remember that they, too, are people just like us.
People who are in need of someone who can listen, accept, and understand. They are just as significant as anybody
else. With or without mental health conditions, each and everyone MATTERS. With that, I would like to conclude this
article with a quotation that claims “broken crayons still color”.


Self-Care Procedures: Develop an established self-care routine featuring activities that encourage peace of mind.
This may involve engaging in physical activities, meditation, journaling, reading, or spending time in nature.

Suitable Boundaries: For the protection of your psychological well-being, set appropriate limits in both your personal and
professional lives. Prioritize your own needs and limitations; learn to say no when it is essential or unhealthy.

Healthy Support System: Cultivate and uphold a strong support system. Seek assistance from friends, family, or support
groups, and be upfront about your emotional states and difficulties for you are not alone in this battle.

Regular Self-Assessment: Check in with yourself frequently to assess your mental health. Pay attention to any indications of stress or
imbalance, and get assistance if required. Regular self-reflection should be a priority if you want to solve problems before they get out of hand.

Optimal coping techniques: Create effective coping strategies to handle stressful situations and difficult emotions. This can
entail getting expert assistance, speaking with a reliable friend, using creative outlets, or using relaxation techniques.

Positive Mentality: Concentrate on thankfulness, uplifting mantras, and self-compassion to develop a positive outlook.
Confront negative beliefs and swap them out for stronger, more empowered ones.

Optimal coping techniques: Create effective coping strategies to handle stressful situations and difficult emotions. This can
entail getting expert assistance, speaking with a reliable friend, using creative outlets, or using relaxation techniques.

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