Assignment Group 1 Article Review Miesa and Amelmal

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PROGRAM: IT Msc Regular student
An article Review on
The Relationship between Service Oriented Architecture and
Enterprise Architecture

Bule Hora, Ethiopia

Peter Idoine, the MD of Oracle New Zealand, stated that the role of the enterprise architect is to
intervene for the good of humanity [2]. The idea of effectively linking SOA and EA is a
challenge for many SOA and EA practitioners as well as companies today, which causes
businesses to get quite confused and eventually spend money on initiatives that aren't essential.
Both SOA and EA are independent disciplines with a number of shared objectives, the most
obvious of which is the promise of enhanced interoperability and better alignment of business
strategy with IT solutions. It is crucial that both disciplines' understandings are founded on the
same end objective in order to completely comprehend the link between SOA and EA.

2.1 Objective
1.2.1 General Objective
 To adopt the relationship between Service Oriented Architecture(SOA) and
Enterprise Architecture(EA)
1.2.2 Specific objective
 To study the existing role and relation of SOA and EA
 To develop the understanding of EA and SOA in the world
 To develop the relationship between EA and SOA in the world
 To develop the understanding of both aim and purposes
 To adopt the aims of SOA and EA in business
 To address the issues of alignment of EA and SOA
 To align the business and IT strategy
1.3 Research questions
1. What are EA and SOA?
2. What are the similarities and differences between the EA and SOA?
3. What are the purposes and goals of both EA and SOA platform?
4. What is all the fuss about Enterprise Architecture?
5. What is SOA Anyway?

6. Why Does Enterprise Architecture Matter?
7. How Enterprise Architectures can Support Integration?
8. Is SOA part of the enterprise architecture or does it replace it?
1.4 Procedures and interpretation
This research basic research It’s focused on Understanding of theoretical relationship between
two (EA and SOA) and Advancement of knowledge rather than solving specific Problem. Aimed
at gaining a better understanding of EA and SOA, phenomenon or basic frame work. The data
collection methods may be interview, workshop, questionaries’ (survey), and documentation.
Therefore this paper or research is focused on adopting similarities and differences between EA
and SOA to align both of them and the business process and IT in the world.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

This research is propose adopts the role and importance of understanding the relationship,
similarities, between SOA and EA and aligning business ad IT function.
The Limitation of this research paper is they haven’t the responsibility of align SOA and EA and
implementing their findings. May be that’s the responsibility of the owner of EA and SOA
1.6 Methodology and Tools
The data collection methods may be interview, workshop, questionaries’ (survey), and
documentation. Tools may be internet, computer, secondary storages, application software etc.
1. The article summary
The function and significance of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) in the creation of
Enterprise Architecture (EA) have been examined in this study work. Both offer more
interoperability as well as better corporate strategy and IT solutions alignment. EA expresses and
visualizes the vision, culture, and behavior of a company by embodying a set of principles,
norms, standards, and guidelines. The main goal of SOA is to employ technological solutions to
deliver business capabilities. From a strategic standpoint, Enterprise Architecture (EA) is utilized
to bring business and IT into alignment. At the technological level, Service Orientated
Architecture (SOA) offers alignment. Traditional EA prioritizes the creation of a plan rather than

the execution of a solution. They contend that there is undoubtedly a lot of need for more
investigation in this field, particularly.
2. Highlights( pinpoint)

 In order to fully understand the relationship between SOA and EA, it is imperative that
the understandings of both these disciplines are based on the same end goal and for the
purpose of this paper the sections that will follow are based on the premise that both
disciplines are business tools where EA focuses on enabling the strategy of the business
and SOA focuses on providing the business capabilities through technology solutions that
enable EA with great emphasis on reusability.
 This paper forms part of a much larger research initiative with the objective of
investigating the role that SOA plays as an enabler for EA.
 The premise that is used as a basis for the research is that EA is used to align business
and IT from a strategic perspective and SOA is used to align business and IT from a
technology perspective.
 Traditional EA focuses on the crafting of a plan and not the implementation of a solution
whereas SOA focuses on the implementation once the planning has been done [2].
3. Critical reflection
Today, all businesses are faced with the basic problem of business and IT alignment. [7].
Therefore to resolve the problem of align business strategy or business process and IT in
organizations this research or paper discussion and Implementation is very important. In this
paper the ways to describe and adopt the relationship between SOA and EA is good. However in
this paper the good things are the ways to adopt both concepts aim to provide a guideline as well
as a process of ensuring that an organizations business practices are fully supported by its
investment in IT. But in this research the future work is not expressed and not recommended.
5.1 Findings
 The big purpose of this paper is the growing role and importance of understanding the
relationship between SOA and EA and its discussed effectively.
 And also similarity between SOA and EA is addressed to align business process and IT roles
 The expectations of the role that SOA plays in EA presented in table 3 and table 4
5.2 Implication

As Ethiopian context the awareness of this concept is strictly needed. Because in the future
without this IT platform (EA and SOA etc) we wouldn’t make productive (profitable) any
business. Therefore anywhere and anytime the adaptation and the implementation of the
relationship between EA and SOA is important in our country. Both platforms are to align
business process or services and the IT Function to reduce the effort, cost, power consumption,
space burdens, time burdens, and so on. I think the time of digital colonization is on coming. In
this case the community these have the concept or awareness of all the IT platform may be more
productive in their business area, while the community these haven’t the awareness of the IT
platform will be poor in case of all things would supported by information technology platforms.
Finally on this review article I understood very important thing is alignment IT (EA and SOA)
platform and business process, especially in Ethiopia.

5.3 Conclusion
The function and significance of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) in the creation of
Enterprise Architecture (EA) have been examined in this study work. In contrast to SOA, which
offers an architectural strategy that employs the idea of "Service" as the underlying business-IT
alignment entity, EA is a framework that addresses all aspects of IT architecture for the
company. As a result, asking them to take part in redundant and comparable governance
structures and activities for both SOA and EA might result in low engagement and the sense of
inefficiency. This may cause these experts to contribute less to one or both of the activities.
Because SOA and EA activities are being pursued independently, it's possible that some
decisions taken by one or the other might have negative effects on the other.

This paper has provided a high level discussion of the relationship between SOA and EA, clearly
indicating the close relationship between the two concepts, highlighting the point that these two
concepts should not be dealt with in isolation to each other especially when dealing with
enterprise wide projects. Therefore in the next research the action or applied research would
important, because at the theoretical level readers are understood the big similarity of EA and
SOA. So that taking action or implementation will required.

[1].Kistasamy C, Van Der Merwe A, De La Harpe A. The relationship between service oriented
architecture and enterprise architecture. In2010 14th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed
Object Computing Conference Workshops 2010 Oct 25 (pp. 129-137). IEEE.
[2]. D. Linthicum, "Is SOA part of the enterprise architecture or does it replace it?," 2008,
accessed from

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