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Make sure you can answer these questions

Answer the following questions based on the book

1. X variables are either continuous or discrete. Explain the difference and

give examples for each

2. X discrete variables are either manipulated or non manipulated. Explain

the difference and give examples for each.

3. When the X variables are continuous, what research design is


4. When the X variables are discrete non manipulated, What research

design is appropriate?

5. When the X variables are discrete manipulated, wat research design is


6. Wha are the characteristics of a good research question?

7. What is theoretcal significace?

8. What is practical significace?

9. Give the example of assumptions for comparing two groups

10.Give the examples of theoretical hypothesis for comparing two grops.

11.Explain the meaning of a null hypohesis with 5% level of significance

12.When do we reject null hypothesis?

13.What X-variables can be used in experment?

14.What may spoil the validity of the exeprmenal results?

15.Wha is the difference between true-expermental, quasi-experimental, and

16.What variables can be used in correlation?

17.Give the examples of research questions using correlation

18.What is the highest indx of correlation?

19.Wha is the lowest index of correlation?

20.What is the difference between positive and negative correlation?

21.What is the difference between high and low correlaton?

22.Explian the meaning of Null Hypothesis: There is no correlation between

reading skill and wrting skill? Use 5% level of significance.

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