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The Psychology Lesson 1

Of Tourism

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Discuss the factors that motivate people to travel

2. Describe the Push/Pull Model

3. Explain the relationship between Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and travel


4. Describe the characteristics of psychocentrics and allocentrics

5. Identify the characteristics of travelers based on the purpose of travel

6. Analyze the travel constraints

The Psychology of Tourism

A. Motivation for Travel

Several studies on tourist motivations have listed various reasons why people
travel. Some motivations listed in travel literature are:

• Health • Relief of Tension • Professional/Business • Self-discovery

• Escape • Family Togetherness • Status and Prestige • Cultural

• Physical • Roots or Ethnic • Interest in foreign areas • Education

• Sunlust • Interpersonal Relations • Convincing oneself of • Wanderlust

• Relaxation • Maintaining Social • Scenery
Contacts • Showing one’s importance to

Basic travel motivators can be divided into four classes:

Physical Motivators Interpersonal Motivators Status and Prestige Cultural Motivators

Physical rest, sports Pertain to the desire Trips related to Music, art, folklore,
participation, beach to meet other people, business, convention, dances, paintings, and
recreation, relaxing visit friends or study, and pursuit of religion.
entertainment, and relatives, escape from hobbies and
other motivations routine, from family, education.
directly connected and neighbors.
with health.

B. Travel as a means to Satisfy a Need and Want

The key to understand tourist motivation is to view vacation travel as a vehicle to
satisfy one’s needs and wants. Tourist do not go on vacations just to relax and have fun, to
experience another culture, or to educate themselves and their children.

Push/Pull Model Push Factors are the intangible desires that
generate within the person. Ex. Need to escape,
Internal Factors or personal needs self discovery, rest and relaxation, prestige, &
“push” people to travel, while external adventure.
forces or attractions “pull” them to Pull Factors external travel simulators such as
certain destinations. Much travel is scenic beauty, historical areas, cultural and
motivated by both push and pull sporting events.

Rest and relaxation Events / Scenic beauty


Maslow’s Theory of
Motivation and Travel
Actualization Realizing one’s potential

Self- Self-confidence, recognition


Social Needs Belongingness, Love, Acceptance

Protection against physical and

Safety Needs mental danger

Physiological Needs Food, drink, shelter

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Need Motive Tourism Literature References
Escape, Release of tension,
Physiological Relaxation sunlust, physical and mental
Health, Recreation, Keep oneself
Safety Security
active and healthy for the future
Family togetherness,
companionship, maintaining
Social Love and Affection
social contacts, facilitation of
social interaction
Convincing oneself of
achievement, showing one’s
Self-esteem Achievement status
importance for friends and
family, social recognition
Self-actualization Personal fulfillment

Maslow’s Needs and Motivations Listed in Travel Literature

Tourist Motivations
A. The need for escape or change

The greatest reason for travel can

be summed up in one word, “escape” –
escape from the dull daily routine; escape
from the familiar, the common place, the
ordinary escape from the job, the boss, the
customers, the house, and the accelerated
pace of modern life.

B. Travel for health

Development in the field of medicine

has influenced travel for centuries, giving rise to
the concept of health tourism. The search for
health and long life has popularized spas,
seaside resorts, as well as sun resort. Majority
of people think of vacation as a means of
regaining one’s energy, enthusiasm, and
interest for the job.
C. Sports

Interest in sports, either as a

participant or a spectator, is attracting large
segments of population. People demand
activity and excitement during their leisure
hours to relieve them from the boredom of
their work.

D. Social Contact

Much travel grows out of the social

nature of people. They need contact and
communication with others. They feel
comfortable in a tour group and may result
in development of friendships that may last
for many years.

E. Status and Prestige

Travels provides the means for ego

and self-enhancement. Much travel is done
to keep up with the Joneses and to appear
knowledgeable about foreign places. Being
well-traveled enhances one’s status in

F. Travel for Education

The search for knowledge and truth

is inherent in every individual. Travel offers
an opportunity to satisfy the urge to learn.
Once an interest has been developed in a
destination area, the urge to see and interest
grows as knowledge increases.

G. Personal Values

The notion of personal values is an

important travel motivator. Many people are
urge to travel for personal values, such as the
search for spiritual experience, patriotism,
and wholesomeness.

H. Cultural Experience

Cross-cultural exchange,
experiencing how people live, and fostering
international understanding are some of the
reasons to satisfy curiosity about other
cultures, lifestyles, and places.

I. Shopping and Bargain J. Professional and Business
Hunting Motives
Bargain hunting or A great number of
being able to get special people travel for professional
merchandise at a low cost is a and business motives.
travel motivator. Tourist are Conferences and conventions
looking for places that are
about education, commerce, and
inexpensive. They shop not
only on the trip but also for a industry increase annually.
particular trip.

K. Search for Natural Beauty

Travel can satisfy

one’s search for beauty in the
environment and in the
scenery. Natural beauty such
as sunsets, trees, mountains,
waterfalls, flow

Classification of Travelers based on purpose of travel
The two major classifications of travelers based on travel purpose are the
business travelers and the pleasure/personal travelers.

A. Business Travelers

Majority of travelers in most developed countries such as the USA, Canada, and
the United Kingdom are business travelers. They are divided into three categories, namely:

1) Regular Business Travelers

2) Business Travelers attending meetings, conventions, and congress

3) Incentive Travelers

B. Pleasure/Personal Travelers

This group consists of people traveling for vacation or pleasure. They are also
called nonbusiness travelers. Experiences and research have shown that nonbusiness
travelers have different spending patterns from business travelers.

Traveling for pleasure is the largest segment of the international market and the
fastest growing. The reason for the growth are the rising income levels in developed
countries, urbanized, higher educational levels, and the length of paid holidays.

Pleasure/personal travelers are classified into the following categories:

1) Resort Travelers
o Junior Families
2) Family pleasure travelers o Midrange Families
o Mature Families
3) The elderly

4) Singles and couples

Travelers may be classified based on Personality:

Psychocentrics – are generally non- Allocentrics – are generally adventurous,

adventurous travelers and self-inhibited. curious, and have a strong desire for new

- defined as factors which can

potentially stop the start or frequency
of travel.
Travel Constraints

1. Lack of money 5. Family commitments

2. Lack of time 6. Lack of interest in travel

3. Lack of safety and security 7. Fears of travel

4. Physical disability

End of Lesson 1

Thank you so much and stay safe

God bless you all

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