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Survey Paper on Student Information Management System

The mission of the Student Information Management System is to store and maintain the
student information. It is useful for educational institutions to maintain the records of students.
The storage and management of information regarding a student’s academics is crucial in any
institution. This system can be useful for all types of details, academic reports, etc which is
very essential nowadays for all the educational institutions to store the information of student.

The main idea behind developing a web-based software to store and maintain student academic
records is to develop a cost-effective system and to create an environment friendly way. The
information related to a student is only accessible to authorized persons on this software. The
system is equipped with several security aspects like-user authentication, and it will only show
necessary details and it is very safe software because, to get access to any information one need
to login in the portal and login will be provided to authorized people only. When a student gets
admission in the institution, he/she will be registered on the portal and will be provided with a
login and password. Student can view his/her own record on this portal.

Research Literature (Review):

After studying paper [1], Dipin Budhrani and Vivek Mulchandani suggested that it provides
simple interface for maintenance of student information where all the data is stored on server
managed by the college administrator and ensures highest possible level of security. All the
data need to be made available through an online interface.
After studying paper [2], Pragun Agarwal and Anubhav Joshi suggested that the database stores
only required information and user does not need to think of data security. Where the design of
web pages for different modules are carried out by using HTML, CSS and JS. The user only
needs a PC/Desktop and stable internet connection to use the software.
After studying paper [3], Mr.Ritesh Ramachandra Landage and Ms.Pranjal Navnath Daphal
suggested that it is very safe software because to get access to any information one need to
login in the portal and login will be provided to authorized people only. The efficiency of the
handling information would be improved.
After studying paper [4], Deepak Saini and Payal suggested that this system uses internet as
the solution for the global access of the data, record keeping and managing details of students
which makes the student information management system centralized. Where read, update and
cancel operation are performed on the database.
After studying paper [5], Harsha Anna John and Sunitha E V suggested that this system have
put forward the idea of an efficient and consistent method of student details. The proposed
model will improve the parent’s participation in their children’s education as a whole. It can
ensure the update of the performance of their child both in academics and also in extracurricular
After studying paper [6], C K Gomathy and Ch. Mahesh suggested that it is a database
application system that is directed towards the evaluation content of student’s work. Data can
be monitored and controlled remotely and also reduces the man power required. All the
information can be saved and can be accessed at any time.

Methods and Techniques used:

The method to successful development of this software includes- designing, development and
testing part. The designs of web pages for different modules are carried out by using HTML,
MYSQL, CSS & PHP. The development of web pages is done in such a way that the user can
use it in quite efficient manner. The language use to develop the software is PHP and MYSQL.
The main part is about database where all the data will be stored and retrieved, the database
used in the software is MYSQL database in order to make efficient working of database.
Flow chart:


Requirement Analysis

Fronted Development

Database Creation


Software Testing



Proposed System:
The proposed system of student information management system aim is to provide a
comprehensive and user-friendly platform for educational institutions. The provision of adding
the details of the students will be carried out by teachers and administrator. Another advantage
of the system is that, it is very easy to edit the details of the students and delete, when it is
found not useful. The marks of the student are added in the database and students can view the
marks whenever they want.

Student management systems make faculty jobs more accessible by giving them an easy place
to find and sort information. This system allows teachers and student managers to follow with
their student engagement. The idea is to create a scenario that makes the lives of administration
and teachers easier.

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