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Work Teams And Groups

Serrano (2009) observes that team working demonstrates a “systems way of thinking as
opposed to individual parts of thinking” and this process has the potential to rationalize
the various processes in the workplace. Working as a team has always been thought to
be an effective means of achieving objectives and goals, as it improves group cohesion
and helps to preserve an acceptable culture. The capacity to operate well in a group is
quickly becoming a requirement for a successful job, as well as being required to
contribute meaningfully to society.

Work in today's world has gotten more complicated, with more interdependent functions
that lend themselves well to collaboration. Despite the existence of job specifications,
job specialization, and job design in many companies that segregate individuals at work,
it has become clear that workplace contact is unavoidable. Workers develop several
interaction groups in which they can relate to one another. Teams are more productive
ways of handling work, and as a result, they are becoming increasingly widespread in
the workplace and in many other aspects of life. While some groups are casual in
character, others are formal in nature and were formed to pursue a specific and
specified organization's goal/s.

Moreover, every team group passes through several stages of development. These
stages are crucial because they assist the group in "growing, tackling problems, coming
up with solutions, and achieving the targeted solutions." They include forming, storming,
norming, performing, and adjourning.These four stages are critical to the success and
performance of every team.

Furthermore, team members should be empowered, there should be open and honest
communication among team members, and the team leader should be in the forefront of
cultivating this, and last, the team should have a positive role and norms defining the
team's operations.

Nevertheless, the present corporate world makes it nearly impossible for people to act
alone, cooperation will remain the key to the accomplishment of many objectives that
businesses define and attempt to achieve.

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