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Chapter 5.

Company-level strategy
Question Is unrelated diversification a strategy?
a. Directing growth by targeting new markets with new products but not related to technology
with the products in production
b. Direction of growth by targeting the current market with new products and services but no
technological connection with ongoing products and services
c. Seek ownership or increased control over suppliers
d. Direction of growth by targeting new markets with new products and services but technology-
related to products and services in progress

Question The fact that a company produces paper, investment lines to plant trees for
wood, plant sugarcane shows the strategy they are pursuing is:
a. Integration behind
b. Integration ahead
c. Diversification is involved.
d. Horizontal link

Question What questions does the company's strategy answer the following?
a. How do we compete?
b. Where are we in the industry?
c. How do we support our business strategy?
d. How do we get up?

Question In terms of skills and resources, differentiation strategies require businesses to

a. Highly standardized products
b. Distribution system at low cost
c. Close labor supervision
d. Marketing capacity outpaces competitors
e. Long-term investment, access to capital

Question Telecommunications enterprises expand their operations into the education

sector by providing means of communication and distance training. The business has
implemented a strategy.
a. Market penetration strategy
b. Horizontal diversification
c. Diversification is involved.
d. Product development strategy

Question Is integration backwards a strategy related?

a. Seeking ownership or increased control over the company's competitors
b. Seeking ownership or increased control over suppliers
c. Gaining ownership or strengthening control over distributors or retailers
d. Targeting new markets with new products but not related to technology with the products in

Question Is integration ahead a strategy related?

a. Gaining ownership or strengthening control over distributors or retailers
b. Targeting new markets with new products but not related to technology with the products in
c. Seeking ownership or increased control over suppliers
d. Seeking ownership or increased control over the company's competitors

Question The rapid penetration strategy in the enterprise-level strategy has the objectives
a. High profits in a less competitive environment
b. Low profitability in a less competitive, small-scale environment
c. Increase revenue in large, competitive markets
d. Low turnover in small scale, less competition

Question Which of the following businesses is considered to have a major failed

a. Snow White Cotton
b. Pacific Airlines
c. FPT Group
d. Hoang Anh Gia Lai Group

Question Included company-level strategy?

a. Diversification growth strategy; integrated growth strategy; general growth strategy; Downsizing
b. General growth strategy; integrated growth strategy; removal strategy
c. Growth strategy; integrated growth strategy; liquidation strategy
d. Growth strategy; defensive strategy

Question How many standards does sustainable competition have?

a. 3
b. 5
c. 6
d. 4

Question What stage of the industry cycle does the rivalry become intense?
a. Recession
b. Fully grown
c. Reorganize
d. Saturated
Question In differentiation strategies, the following factors are ranked in the lowest order
of priorities:
a. Cost performance
b. Customer responsiveness
c. Renovate
d. Distribution performance
e. Quality

Question Is market penetration a related strategy?

a. Seek ownership or strengthen control over suppliers
b. Gain ownership or strengthen control over distributors or retailers
c. Seek sales growth by improving existing products or services, or developing new ones
d. Seek market share growth for products and services in the current market through better
marketing efforts

Question In response to the five factors that impact the industry environment, Chan Kim
and Renee Mauborgne's view (in the blue ocean strategy) is to focus on business strategy:
a. The product is of much higher quality than other products of the same type.
b. Focus on creating and winning new needs.
c. Focus on the narrow market segment.
d. The lowest price compared to other competitors

Question Fill in the blanks" ... summing up the relevant activities of the business creates
and adds value to customers."
a. Sales Administration
b. Quality check
c. Value chain
d. Strategic planning

Question To deal with five factors impacting the industry environment, Michal E. Porter's
view is to focus on business strategy:
a. All the strategies stated.
b. The lowest price compared to other competitors
c. The product is of much higher quality than other products of the same type.
d. Focus on the narrow market segment.

Question Kinh Do , a company operating in the field of food processing, buying Wall ice
cream factory is the strategy:
a. Focused growth strategy
b. Related diversification strategy
c. Integrated growth strategy
d. Mixed diversification strategy

Question The difference between a non-profit and a for-profit organization is:

a. No shareholders contribute.
b. There are customers, employees, credit providers, suppliers andistreet,...
c. There are competitors.
d. Implement strategic planning

Question Measures of acquisition, merger, alliance, joint venture belong to the following
strategic groups:
a. Market development strategy
b. Integration strategy ahead
c. Horizontal linking strategy
d. The integration strategy behind

Question How many stages does a business's life cycle have?

a. 3
b. 5
c. 4
d. 6

Question Which of the following factors is NOT a strategic issue of a typical non-profit
a. Develop a wide range of products and services portfolios
b. Maintaining the values of the organization.
c. Managing interested parties
d. Maintain an influx of donations

Question The objectives of the integration growth strategy are:

a. It's all right.
b. Increased competitiveness
c. Increase sales
d. Increase market share

Question A product that falls into a downturn in one market but is still accepted in
another. To take advantage of this, what strategy the company often adopts:
a. Shrinking market share
b. Repeat the life cycle of the product.
c. Developing market share in new markets
d. Expanding the market

Question The advantages of the head in the market are:

a. Establish and maintain long-term relationships with customers, suppliers, distributors and
b. Gain market share and best position in the market
c. Win loyalty and commitment from customers
d. Ensure access and supply commitments from scarce resources
e. All the ideas stated
Question Sustainable competitive advantages are:
a. The ability to create products with unique technological processes, create high added value,
suitable for the needs of customers
b. The ability to maintain a low production cost and then rely on product differentiation compared
to competitors
c. The superior abilities of the subject competing in the competition with his opponent
d. The ability to continuously provide the market with a special value that no competitor can offer.

Question Organizationally, differentiation strategies require businesses to have:

a. Incentives based on closely meeting quantitative goals
b. The responsibilities of the departments and individuals are clear.
c. Tight organizational structure
d. Tight cost control
e. Close cooperation between research and development, product development and marketing

Question What strategy was Facebook's acquisition of Instagram in 2012 and WhatsApp in
a. Diversification growth
b. Integration forward
c. Product development
d. Integration to the back
e. Joint venture

Question Is scaling down a related strategy?

a. Sell all of a company's assets in pieces.
b. Grouping activities to cut costs and assets
c. Seek ownership or strengthen control over rivals
d. Selling a business unit or part of a business

Question The purpose of competition is:

a. Having a foothold in the market, abundant raw materials, attracting many customers
b. Gain many advantages, avoid risks and damages in the course of the business
c. It's the way to survive and maintain the business.
d. All ideas are right.
e. Gaining a lot of profit from other individuals and organizations.

Question To protect the quality of its products in its Stores in Moscow, McDonalds set up
dairy farms, livestock farms, vegetable gardens as well as food processing plants in Russia.
McDonald's has implemented a strategy:
a. Diversification is involved.
b. Integration forward
c. Joint venture
d. Integration to the back
Question What strategy is the development of new product features?
a. Market penetration strategy
b. Product development strategy
c. Market development strategy
d. Product improvement strategy

Question Is liquidation a strategy related?

a. Sell all of a company's assets in pieces.
b. Selling a business unit or part of a business
c. Seek ownership or strengthen control over suppliers
d. Grouping activities to cut costs and assets

Question Businesses seeking to own or increase control over their supply systems are
a. Integration development strategy ahead
b. Focused development strategy
c. The strategy for integrating the back
d. Horizontal linking strategy

Question A low price strategy means a strategy:

a. Integration forward
b. Market penetration
c. Low cost
d. Differentiation

Question An organization set up to generate specific profits to advance a social goal is

a. A socially responsible business.
b. A compassionate business
c. A social enterprise
d. A socialist organization

Question The life cycle of a company is:

a. Embryonic - Development - Maturation - Degradation
b. Start - Growth - Maturity - Recessioni
c. Embryos - Growth - Saturation - Degradation
d. Formation - Maturity - Fierce Competition - Saturation - Recession

Question What is the second stage of the business life cycle?

a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 2
Question In times of economic crisis, businesses often do NOT apply the following
restructuring strategies?
a. Mergers and acquisitions
b. Industry narrowing
c. Staff cuts
d. Scale up
e. Change of owner

Question The focused growth strategy does NOT include:

a. Market penetration strategy
b. Product development strategy
c. Product diversification strategy
d. Market development strategy

Question How many levels of business strategy are there?

a. 3
b. 2
c. 6
d. 4
e. 5

Question "The strategy of increasing sales and profits by engaging in other industries that
are relevant or unrelated to the business of the business" is:
a. Product development strategy
b. Diversification growth strategy
c. Horizontal integration strategy
d. Focused growth strategy

Question Which of the following strategies is a step back to reorganization?

a. Cutting strategy
b. Strategy of returning investment capital
c. Cost-cutting strategy
d. Removal strategy

Question What is most important to managers at all strategic levels of the business?
a. Attend and effectively implement the company's plan to avoid inconsistencies, inefficience and
b. Attend and understand all of the company's plans to help with collaboration, facilitate and
commit to the implementation of the strategy
c. Attend, understand and effectively implement the company's plan to avoid inconsistencies,
inefficiency and miscommunication
d. Attend and understand the company's strategic plan to help with collaboration, facilitate and
commit to the implementation of the strategy
Question Barriers to entry into an industry are more likely if:
a. Low conversion cost
b. Access to high distribution channels
c. Low differentiation
d. High demands for large-scale economic efficiency

Question The reasons for the implementation of the diversification growth strategy are:
a. The market is storming.
b. Product life enters a period of decline.
c. You may be disadvantaged in taxes.
d. Financial surplus

Question The challenge is understood to be?

a. All ideas are right.
b. The rapid change of the business environment.
c. Business and competition are global.
d. Today's business environment is seen as a red ocean filled with competitors.
e. The technological and scientific revolution is happening at a storming pace.

Question In a horizontal linking strategy, the business seeks to own or increase its control
over the audience:
a. Customer
b. Distributor
c. Supplier
d. Competitors

Question What is the company-level strategy designed to solve the following problems?
a. Identify the relationship between business and society.
b. Manage a portfolio of business sectors to enhance the overall position of the business
c. Identifying sectors and products as well as markets in which the business competes
d. All ideas are right.

Question The second part of the business life cycle is.

a. Period of intense competition
b. Period of recession
c. Saturation phase
d. Development phase

Question What characteristics of competition are determined by what characteristics are

the following?

a. Low level of product differentiation

b. The ideas are all right.
c. The growth rate of the market.
d. High fixed cost

Question Is diversification involved a strategy?

a. Direction of growth by targeting the current market with new products and services but no
technological connection with ongoing products and services
b. Direction of growth by targeting new markets with new products and services but technology-
related to products and services in progress
c. Seek ownership or increased control over suppliers
d. Directing growth by targeting new markets with new products but not related to technology
with the products in production

Question Telecommunications enterprises expand their operations into the education

sector by providing means of communication and distance training. The company has
implemented a strategy:

a. Product development strategy

b. Diversification is involved.
c. Horizontal diversification
d. Market penetration strategy

Question How many steps do you take to develop a company-level strategy?

a. 8
b. 6
c. 7
d. 5
e. 9

Question Is horizontal linking a related strategy?

a. Gain ownership or strengthen control over distributors or retailers

b. Seek ownership or strengthen control over rivals
c. Seek ownership or strengthen control over suppliers
d. Seek market share growth for products and services in the current market through better
marketing efforts

Question Competition is NOT aimed at:

a. It is a motivation for individuals/organizations to strive, change and strive to develop in all

b. As a basis for organizing the evaluation and classification of cadres and employees
c. Create pressure and stimulate exploration, creativity and development in all aspects for the
d. Gain many advantages, avoid risks and damages in the course of the business
e. Gaining a lot of profit from other individuals and organizations.
Question This strategy applies when a business cedes or closes one of its businesses in
order to fundamentally change the content of its operations. Is this a strategy?

a. Cost-cutting
b. Harvest
c. Retreat
d. Return on investment capital

Question Which of the following industries is less likely to adhere to the traditional life
cycle model?

a. Insurance brokering
b. Hairdressing
c. Software development
d. Mining

Question The company-level strategy does not have the following characteristics?

a. Detailed, specific strategic system

b. Business development orientation
c. System of general strategies
d. Focus on identifying long-term goals.

Question At what stage of the industry lifecycle is the potentially lowest buyer's power?

a. Form
b. Saturation
c. Recession
d. Fierce competition
e. Fully grown

Question What role does a company-level strategy play?

a. Coordination of operations of all business units and functional departments
b. All ideas are right.
c. Orientation of the unified development of the business
d. Guidance on construction, implementation and control in all business units and functional
Chapter 6: Business and
Functional Unit-Level
Question 1: Product value is formed from the following factors:
a) The use of the product
b) Buyer perception
c) Product price
d) Tangible and invisible

Question 2: What role in research and development functions helps to create superior
a) Easy-to-fabricate product design
b) Monitoring disability to the root
c) Streamline suppliers
d) It's all right.

Question 3: The business-level strategy is:

a) The above ideas are all true.
b) Overall commitments and actions help businesses gain a competitive advantage by harnessing
their core competencies into specific product markets.
c) System of general strategies, focusing on identifying long-term goals, orientation of the business
d) Operational plans in each functional field to concretize company and business-level strategies
into production and business activities

Franchising business model is:

a) Both providing free apps and platforms to multiple audiences can make money from their data.
b) Leveraging Blockchain technology, enabling decentralized systems to operate on a global scale
c) The existence of the company depends on the possibility of having one or several major
distribution channels to connect with users.
d) Primarily based on direct interaction from the brand or company to the customer
e) The franchising party provides a business license to the franchising party, which has the right to
sell the franchising party's products and services in exchange for royalties

Question 5: What are the advantages of differentiation strategy?

a) Achieving equality and profitability may be higher than companies that are pursuing a common
b) Withstanding the price increases of suppliers
c) Create barriers from competitive forces
d) Capture the needs, meet customer tastes better

Question 6: In the following strategies, which of the business unit-level strategy?

a) Market development strategy
b) Product development strategy
c) Differentiation strategy
d) Market penetration strategy

IBM advertises the quality of its service provided by a well-trained sales force, what strategy
is the company implementing?
a) Competitor-based strategy
b) Cost-leading strategy
c) Strategies make a difference.
d) Customer-based strategy

Question 8: Businesses looking for a foothold in the market with market share are:
a) 30%
b) 10%
c) 20%
d) 40%

Question 9: Is the transparency of competitive advantage leveled to the extent that?

a) Competitors can identify the causes of competitive advantage
b) Competitors have access to the same resources and capabilities.
c) Competitors can copy resources and capabilities.
d) Competitors can find alternative resources and capabilities.

Question 10: What is the role of a functional-level strategy?

a) As the basis for synchronous coordination of activities to achieve the long-term objectives of the
business and company-level strategies
b) Focus on improving the performance of processes within the company
c) Ensuring to improve the efficiency of each aspect of production and business activities
d) All ideas are right.

Question 11: What are the components of BMC (Business Model Canvas)?
a) 6
b) 5
c) 9
d) 8
e) 7

Question 12: The factors that govern the business-level strategy are:
a) Customer demand
b) The above ideas are all true.
c) Customer group
d) Distinguishing capacity
Question 13: What is known as the strategic gridlock of the business is:
a) There is no plan necessary for success in the chosen strategy.
b) All ideas are right.
c) There is no consistent choice of product/market/differentiation ability to create a competitive
d) Failing to secure or maintain a competitive advantage

Question 14: The biggest downsides of a strategy that combines cost-guided with
differentiation are:
a) High cost, little profit due to small customer size
b) Failing to meet the change in customer tastes
c) Complex production operations
d) Opponents have the ability to imitate styles, patterns

Question 15: The market is determined by:

a) Supply conditions and production technology
b) Demand and customer conditions
c) Supply and customer conditions
d) Demand and supplier conditions

Question 16: Product development strategy includes:

a) Find new product values, modernize product structure
b) Expanding the structure of product sectors, modernizing the structure of new products and
c) Find new use values of products, technological process innovation, production: product cost
d) New products, expanding product industry structure, technological process innovation

Question 17: A differentiation strategy provides:

a) A unique wide segment
b) A narrower segment is more expensive.
c) A wider segment is more expensive.
d) A unique narrow segment

Question 18: The overall competitive strategy at the business level is implemented on the
basis of:
a) Competitive advantage and competitive range
b) Low cost and competitive advantage
c) Uniqueness of products, services and scope of competition
d) Competitive advantage and narrow range of competition

Question 19: With a business unit-level strategy that focuses on differentiation, what is the
task of marketing strategy?
a) Research the need to design products
b) Take the lead in creating unique, unique products
c) Highly standardized products
d) Creating activities that increase product value

Question 20: Based on the scope of the strategy, what two types of business strategies are
divided into two?
a) Focus strategy and general strategy
b) General strategy and department strategy
c) Focused strategy and strategy based on relative advantage
d) Department strategy and focus strategy

Question 21: What are the advantages of cost-guided strategy?

a) Less impacted by power providers
b) The ideas are all right.
c) Reduced customer power
d) Price advantage

Question 22: The strategy of the business looking for a foothold in the market is:
a) Service improvement strategy
b) Product characteristics specialization strategy
c) Low price maintenance strategy
d) Strategies for building a better distribution system

Question 23: The business model is:

a) Research model of producing cheap high-quality products and services
b) The operations of the business create products and services that meet the needs of customers
and bring profit
c) All ideas are right.
d) Cashless commodity exchange model
e) The model is based on technology that connects directly between sellers and buyers

Question 24: The power of the high provider if:

a) There are many providers to choose from.
b) The supplier's products must not be differentiated.
c) There is an integrated threat going forward.
d) The supplier's product is easy to understand.

Question 25: The strategy of the market leader is:

a) Consolidation strategy
b) Confrontation strategy
c) Product innovation strategy
d) All of the strategies above
e) Strategy to reduce the attractiveness of the industry

Question 26: Which of the following statements is not correct?

a) Cost leaders try to be industry leaders by making a difference
b) Cost guides also often pay little attention to different market segments and position their
products to appeal to ordinary customers.
c) Cost-drive chooses low product differences
d) Cost guides can demand lower prices than competitors and still get the same level of profit.

Question 27: Which of the following strategies is the business unit-level strategy?
a) Product development strategy
b) The strategy is based on low cost.
c) Market development strategy
d) Market penetration strategy

Question 28: What kind of general competitive strategy are there?

a) 6
b) 5
c) 4
d) 3

Question 29: To develop a business unit-level strategy, what factors is the decision-making
process based on?
a) Customer demand
b) All ideas are right.
c) The possibilities of differentiation
d) Customer group

Question 30: With the business unit-level strategy of leading in terms of costs, what is the
task of operating strategy?
a) Make optimal inventory
b) Focus on the production process, saving costs
c) Highly standardized products
d) It's all right.

Question 31: With a business unit-level strategy that focuses on differentiation, what is the
task of financial strategy?
a) Highly standardized products
b) Cost reduction solutions in business processes
c) Priority is given to product solutions.
d) Priority is given to lowering costs.

According to Michal E. Porter, what kind of general competitive strategy is there?

a) 5
b) 3
c) 6
d) 4

Question 33: What are the advantages of a strategy that combines cost-guided with
a) Create barriers from competitive forces
b) Capture the needs, meet customer tastes better
c) Achieving equality and profitability may be higher than companies that are pursuing a common
d) Withstanding the price increases of suppliers

Question 34: What is the strategy of the business that challenges the market?
a) Strategies for building a better distribution system
b) All of the strategies above
c) Product innovation strategy
d) Service improvement strategy
e) Low price maintenance strategy

Question 35: With a business unit-level strategy that focuses on differentiation, what is the
task of information system management strategy?
a) Priority is given to solutions that make a difference in products and services
b) Reduce the difference in your competitors' products.
c) It's all right.
d) Create attention for products and services in appropriately selected highlights in the market

Question 36: What is the purpose of the business unit level strategy?
a) Improve the competitive position of the product
b) General direction of the business
c) It's all right.
d) Effective management and use of the resources of the business

Question 37: Characteristics of the general focus strategy are:

a) Pursue or advantage costs or differentiation but only in the customer group or a market
b) Flexible manufacturing allows you to pursue differentiation to create low-cost products/services
c) Create different, unique products and services that competitors can't have
d) Create products and services at the lowest cost in the business

Question 38: Buyer pressure on businesses in the industry decreases if:

a) The supply industry consists of many small businesses and a small number of buyers.
b) Buyers buy in bulk and focus.
c) When buyer purchases account for a large proportion of business sales
d) It's hard for buyers to change suppliers.

Question 39: Characteristics of the strategy that combines cost-guided and differentiated is:
a) Create different, unique products and services that competitors can't have
b) Flexible manufacturing allows you to pursue differentiation to create low-cost products/services
c) Pursue or advantage costs or differentiation but only in the customer group or a market
d) Create products and services at the lowest cost in the business

Question 40: Which of the following strategies is a focused growth strategy?

a) Alliance strategy, joint ventures
b) Horizontal linking strategy
c) Strategy of integration backwards
d) Market penetration strategy

Question 41: "Find new product values" belongs to:

a) Market development strategy
b) Market entry strategy
c) Product development strategy
d) Customer-based strategy

Question 42: A substitute product or service is:

a) Another way to meet the same needs
b) A new business entering the industry.
c) A competitor's product or service
d) An less attractive way to meet similar needs

Question 43: The competitive strategy is also known as:

a) Enterprise-level strategy
b) Industry strategy
c) Business-level strategy
d) Functional-level strategy

Michal E. Porter's general strategies are:

a) Low prices, differentiation, focus on low cost
b) Lowest cost, differentiation, low-cost focus, differentiation-based
c) Low prices, differentiation, low cost consolidation with differentiation
d) Low prices, differentiation, focus on differentiation

Question 45: Is customer need understood?

a) Desires, necessities or desires that may be satisfied by the characteristics of a product or service
b) Psychological characteristics, habits of using products/services
c) Meeting customer needs from products/services provided
d) Commitments and actions help businesses gain a competitive advantage by harnessing their
core competencies into specific customer groups.

Question 46: What measure of achievement is argued to be most useful to shareholders?

a) Added economic value
b) Investment yield
c) Asset growth index
d) Discounted cash flow

Question 47: A business strategy based on competitive position is understood to be:

a) Differentiation strategy
b) Strategy for consolidation between lowest cost and differentiation
c) All ideas are right.
d) Lowest cost strategy
e) Generalization strategy

Question 48: The component of a business model is:

a) Product/service area
b) All ideas are right.
c) Customer area
d) Business infrastructure
e) Financial sector

Question 49: What are the factors:

a) Purchases
b) Marketing
c) Finance
d) It's all right.
e) Research and development

Question 50: Which of the following authors' five competitive pressures is the view?
a) William J. Glueck
b) Garry D. Smith
c) Michael E. Porter
d) Fred R. David

Question 51: The strategy towards the market segment of the business is:

a) All the ideas above

b) Serving a variety
c) Serving normal customers
d) Serves a segment/or gap

Question 52: Based on market share, the market leader has a market share of:

a) 30%
b) 20%
c) 40%
d) 10%

Question 53: The distinguishing capacity of the business is understood as:

a) The ability to use resources that have been purposefully combined to achieve a desired target
b) The methods and skills that the organization uses to combine resources to create products and
c) The way businesses use to satisfy customer needs to gain a competitive advantage
d) An internal operation that a company performs better than the other internal activities it
Question 54: What questions is the business-level strategy NOT intended to answer?

a) What kind of people are we going to be?

b) How will customer needs be satisfied?
c) Who is satisfied?
d) What needs to be satisfied?

Question 55: What are the advantages of cost-guided strategy?

a) Withstanding the price increases of suppliers

b) Suitable for the resources of small companies.
c) Achieving equality and profitability may be higher than companies that are pursuing a common
d) Create barriers from competitive forces

Question 56: A business-level strategy would be:

a) What markets are businesses competing in? How's it going?

b) What resources are shared between businesses? How's it going?
c) What industries do businesses want to enter?
d) How are businesses related?

Question 57: Samsung considers possibly shifting a large part of its smartphone factory
from Vietnam and many other countries to India to set up a manufacturing center in the
country. Is this decision likely to be made at the level?

a) Function
b) Business
c) International
d) Business

Question 58: Characteristics of the cost-leading strategy are:

a) Pursue or advantage costs or differentiation but only in the customer group or a market
b) Create products and services at the lowest cost in the business
c) Flexible manufacturing allows you to pursue differentiation to create low-cost products/services
d) Create different, unique products and services that competitors can't have

Question 59: Characteristics of differentiation strategies are:

a) Create products and services at the lowest cost in the business

b) Flexible manufacturing allows you to pursue differentiation to create low-cost products/services
c) Pursue or advantage costs or differentiation but only in the customer group or a market
d) Create different, unique products and services that competitors can't have
Question 60: With a business unit-level strategy of leading in terms of costs, what is the task
of research and development strategy?

a) Create a low-cost mode of operation

b) It's all right.
c) Lower costs by learning experience
d) New product design at a low cost
e) Try to imitate.

Chapter 7: Business Strategy in a Global


Question 1: The basic characteristics of a suitable coalition partner are:

a) Don't try to exploit the alliance in an opportunistic way for its own purposes.
b) We must share views on the purpose of the company and on the purpose of the alliance.
c) All the ideas stated
d) It has the potential to help the company achieve its strategic objectives, be able to access
markets, share costs and risks,...

Question When joining the global value chain, the biggest pressure on international
businesses is:

a) Market globalization, product diversification

b) Globalization of markets, low-cost products
c) Diversify high-quality products and products
d) Market globalization, product standardization

Question 3: What makes a company different from a partnership?

a) If members of a company die, the corporation will survive as long as the capital remains.
b) A company cannot be held accountable for the illegal behavior of its employees.
c) If members of a company die, the company ceases to exist.
d) A company cannot own property.

Question Collins studied several companies to distinguish "great" companies from good
companies. Great companies understand three things: "What you can do best in the world";
"What drives your economic motivation"; and:
a) What are you deeply passionate about?
b) You can shake up the industry.
c) You can be hard to predict.
d) You know how your opponents are.

Question 5: The method of entering the global business market through export has

a) Empowering an intangible asset to a franchisee for a specific period

b) Businesses that hold a majority stake will have strict control over the business.
c) The contractor agrees to handle all details of the project for a foreign partner, including training
of operational personnel
d) Manufacturing enterprises are not involved in the process of selling products abroad and cannot
invest when the product has been exported
e) Be able to learn about the local business environment, share costs and risks

Question 6: Why are organizations joining the alliance?

a) Improve their ability to learn.

b) Because they don't have enough cash to buy other organizations.
c) To get the resources between the resources of other organizations and themselves
d) Learn how other organizations work and copy it

Question 7: When the pressure to localize is LOW, what strategy should businesses choose?

a) It is necessary to adjust and implement decentralization when selling differentiated products to

different markets
b) There is no need for generalization and control in system design.
c) There is no need to adjust and implement decentralization when selling the same type of
product with the same markets
d) It is necessary to standardize and control the concentration in system design

Question A company owned by shareholders, but managed by those representing them is

often referred to as:

a) Modern corporation
b) Business
c) Company
d) Modern Corporation

Question 9: Stemming from the level of cost-reducing pressure and local adaptation
pressure, how many basic strategies can businesses choose?

a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 2

Question 10: Competitive conditions in the globalized economy are:

a) You have to have a product that's different with better and better quality.
b) Your product must meet the needs of a large number of customers.
c) Your product must be made in a simple way.
d) You must have the lowest price.

Question 11: The qualities of a global economic competitive environmental leader are:

a) Empower and build trust.

b) All ideas are right.
c) Learn, dare to admit your ignorance and incompetance
d) Being able to clearly articulate the organization's perspective
e) Regional thinking, global action

Question 12: Large scale of market penetration and long-term strategic commitment to bring
a) Limiting the market entry of potential competitors
b) Attract customers and distributors
c) All the ideas stated are correct.
d) Higher lead advantage

Question 13: The best marketing strategy in a global economic competitive environment is:

a) All ideas are right.

b) The power of marketing lies in specialization, not everything for everyone.
c) Know whether the right strategic choice is offensive or defensive.
d) Know the forecast for the future.
e) Focus on one focus to make an impression on the customer's mind.

Question 14: Does transnational strategy have its characteristics?

a) A competitive strategy to increase profits by transferring and exploiting the superior products
and skills of enterprises in foreign markets
b) It is a competitive strategy that aims to increase profitability through cutting costs on a global
scale, while increasing value by adapting products to each market.
c) It is a competitive strategy to increase profits on a global scale of cost-cutting.
d) It is a competitive strategy to increase the value of a business's products by adapting the
product to each foreign market.

Question 15: When joining the global value chain, what factors must international
businesses adjust their operations to?

a) Politics - law
b) Technology
c) Environment
d) Economic
e) Socio-cultural

Question 16: The method of entering the global business market through franchising has

a) Empowering an intangible asset to a franchisee for a specific period

b) Manufacturing enterprises are not involved in the process of selling products abroad and cannot
invest when the product has been exported
c) The contractor agrees to handle all details of the project for a foreign partner, including training
of operational personnel
d) Businesses that hold a majority stake will have strict control over the business.

Question 17: In order for the alliance to defend itself against the opportunism of its partners,
which of the following methods can be chosen?

a) All the stated ways.

b) Alliances can be designed to be hard to transfer technology without the right to transfer
c) Contractual protections should be included in the alliance agreement.
d) Choose an important trusting commitment from your partner in advance
e) The parties to the alliance can agree on a trade in skills and technology to ensure fairness.

Question 18: When the pressure is on high localization, what strategy should businesses

a) It is necessary to standardize and control the concentration in system design

b) There is no need for generalization and control in system design.
c) There is no need to adjust and implement decentralization when selling the same type of
product with the same markets
d) It is necessary to adjust and implement decentralization when selling differentiated products to
different markets

Question 19: Modern businesses have four characteristics. It's a limited liability; legal status;
general focus administration; and:

a) Interested parties
b) Shareholder
c) Transferable
d) Fiduciary tasks

Question A strategy that can exploit local differences and achieve global performance is

a) Transnational
b) Global
c) International
d) Multi-market domestic

Question 21: The decision to enter the market is judged based on the long-term potential
through... element.

a) 5
b) 2
c) 4
d) 3

Question 22: When linking pressures and low cost reductions, what strategy should
businesses choose?

a) It is necessary to adjust and implement decentralization when selling differentiated products to

different markets
b) It is necessary to standardize and control the concentration in system design
c) There is no need for generalization and control in system design.
d) There is no need to adjust and implement decentralization when selling the same type of
product with the same markets

Question 23: Characteristics of the globalized economy are:

a) International trade is increasing rapidly and there is a change in quality.

b) The global distribution of social labour is deepening.
c) The shift of capital between countries through growing activities
d) The foreign policy of international countries is getting higher.
e) All ideas are right.

Question 24: Does international strategy have advantages?

a) Help enterprises exploit the location economy, scale economy, implement global strategic
cooperation, share and transfer core skills
b) Cost savings due to standardized products and the use of the same marketing strategy
c) Suitable for businesses that trade products that are in common demand but do not have, or
have very few competitors
d) Allow businesses to carefully study consumer preferences in different countries, thereby
responding quickly and effectively to changing consumer preferences

Question 25: When joining the global value chain, the buyer's pressure on international
businesses is:

a) Standardized, high-quality goods

b) High-quality goods at low cost
c) Diversified goods, low cost
d) Standardized, diversified goods
Question 26: Does a multinational strategy have advantages?

a) Suitable for businesses that trade products that are in common demand but do not have, or
have very few competitors
b) Allow businesses to carefully study consumer preferences in different countries, thereby
responding quickly and effectively to changing consumer preferences
c) Cost savings due to standardized products and the use of the same marketing strategy
d) Cost savings due to standardized products and the use of the same marketing strategy

Question 27: The method of entering the global business market through turnkey projects
has the characteristics:

a) The contractor agrees to handle all details of the project for a foreign partner, including training
of operational personnel
b) Empowering an intangible asset to a franchisee for a specific period
c) Manufacturing enterprises are not involved in the process of selling products abroad and cannot
invest when the product has been exported
d) Businesses that hold a majority stake will have strict control over the business.

Question 28: The positive role of globalization is:

a) The interdependence of countries across the globe is driven by free trade.

b) Create a concentration of wealth and power in the hands of large corporations
c) Take away job opportunities in higher-wage developed countries as the production of goods
moves through other countries
d) Raising living standard in poor and underdeveloped countries by creating job opportunities,
modernizing and improving access to goods and services

Question 29: Globalization is:

a) The phenomenon of increasing the number and intensity of activities increases interdependence
between countries economically, socially, culturally, politically and legally.
b) The spread of products, technologies, information, cross-border employment and national
c) All ideas are right.
d) The process of socializing production on a global scale

Question 30: What kind of organizational structure describes the most closely the typical
company in a flat world?

a) Structure by geographic region

b) Virtual network structure
c) Flat structure
d) Functional structure
Question 31: The decrease in international trade and investment barriers is due to the
impact of the following factors:

a) Environment
b) Politics - law
c) Culture - Society
d) Economic

Question 32: Global strategic alliances are global-oriented alliances:

a) Global markets and business competitiveness

b) Global market or competitiveness of the business
c) Global market and the level of product diversification that the alliance offers
d) Competitiveness and resources of the business

Question 33: Economic union is the level of integration that:

a) All ideas are right.

b) Adopt common monetary and fiscal policies
c) Member states agree to implement trade liberalization
d) Allowing free movement of labor and capital within the bloc
e) Implementing a common trade policy for non-member countries

Question 34: The Global Strategic Alliance brings disadvantages:

a) Risks of receiving outdated, harmful technologies with the environment

b) All the ideas stated are correct.
c) Risk of losing technology
d) Risks from ineffective alliances
e) Risks of opening up the domestic market to foreign partners

Ghmawat (2005) argues that globalization will be accurately described in words:

a) Cultural imperialism
b) Regionalization
c) Multi-localization
d) Globalization (Glocalization)

Question 36: The purpose of global business expansion is:

a) All ideas are right.

b) Exploiting the potential capabilities of the business
c) Spread the market to reduce risk
d) Find new customers
e) Reduce production costs, improve competitiveness
Question 37: The Global Strategic Alliance offers an advantage:

a) Help shape technology standards

b) Encourages entry into foreign markets
c) All the ideas stated
d) Encourages the transfer of complementary skills between businesses
e) Share with your partner about the cost and risks of the new product and process

Question 38: How many basic criteria allow for clarification of cultural differences in
coalition management?

a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6

Question 39: How can the alliance protect itself from partner opportunism?

a) 2
b) 5
c) 3
d) 4

Question 40: After 5 years of negotiations between the two sides, in mid-June 2020,
Vietnamese lychee has officially hit the supermarket shelves at the Embassy of the Rising Sun.
This event marks Vietnamese businesses that have expanded their markets outwards to:

a) Find new customers

b) Shift from production to export
c) Reduce production costs, improve competitiveness
d) Exploiting the potential capabilities of the business

Question In alliance management, differences in management methods are often related

to differences in:

a) Culture
b) Communication skills
c) Management model
d) Management level

Question 42: Does transnational strategy have advantages?

a) Cost savings due to standardized products and the use of the same marketing strategy
b) Help enterprises exploit the location economy, scale economy, implement global strategic
cooperation, share and transfer core skills
c) Allow businesses to carefully study consumer preferences in different countries, thereby
responding quickly and effectively to changing consumer preferences
d) Suitable for businesses that trade products that are in common demand but do not have, or
have very few competitors

Question 43: Large scale of market penetration and long-term strategic commitment bring

a) Limit flexibility in your strategy.

b) All the ideas stated
c) Long-term and irreversible impact
d) Tied to one market, with few resources to attack other markets

Question 45: When joining the global value chain, international businesses must adjust their
operations due to:

a) Human resources issues

b) Product standardization issues
c) Differences in the business environment
d) Local government policy issues

Question 45: The method of entering the global business market through a joint venture has

a) The contractor agrees to handle all details of the project for a foreign partner, including training
of operational personnel
b) Manufacturing enterprises are not involved in the process of selling products abroad and cannot
invest when the product has been exported
c) Empowering an intangible asset to a franchisee for a specific period
d) Businesses that hold a majority stake will have strict control over the business.

Question 46: The Global Strategic Alliance is:

a) Global alliances are market-oriented or capacity-oriented.

b) Alliances at a global level are geared toward the ability to drive the cost of the product it offers.
c) Alliances at the global level are geared towards the level of product diversification that the
alliance offers.
d) Alliances at a global level are geared toward the differentiation capabilities of the products that
the alliance offers.

Question 47: All the ideas stated

a) Assess the effectiveness that international business brings

b) Balancing benefits, costs and risks
c) Growth
d) All the ideas stated
e) Market size

Question 48: The U.S. high tariffs on goods of Chinese origin have caused many businesses to
move production from the world's second-largest economy to Vietnam and other countries in
Asia. This shift is aimed at:

a) Reduce production costs, improve competitiveness

b) Exploiting the potential capabilities of the business
c) Find new customers
d) Spread the market to reduce risk

Question 49: The decision to enter the market is judged on the long-term potential through
the following factors:

a) Economic and political situation

b) International business value
c) All the factors stated
d) Market size
e) Growth

Question 50: There are three tools to gain a global competitive advantage. These are
national differences; large-scale economic efficiency; and:

a) Differential advantage
b) Efficiency
c) Learning
d) Scope economic efficiency

Question 51: Does the globalization strategy have advantages?

a) Cost savings due to standardized products and the use of the same marketing strategy.
b) Suitable for businesses that trade products that are in common demand but do not have, or
have very few competitors
c) Help enterprises exploit the location economy, scale economy, implement global strategic
cooperation, share and transfer core skills
d) Allow businesses to carefully study consumer preferences in different countries, thereby
responding quickly and effectively to changing consumer preferences

Question 52: When linking pressures and cost reductions are HIGH, what strategy should
businesses choose?

a) It is necessary to adjust and implement decentralization when selling differentiated products to

different markets
b) It is necessary to standardize and control the concentration in system design
c) There is no need for generalization and control in system design.
d) There is no need to adjust and implement decentralization when selling the same type of
product with the same markets

Question 53: Does the international strategy have its characteristics?

a) It is a competitive strategy to increase profits on a global scale of cost-cutting.

b) A competitive strategy to increase profits by transferring and exploiting the superior
products and skills of enterprises in foreign markets
c) It is a competitive strategy to increase the value of a business's products by adapting the
product to each foreign market.
d) It is a competitive strategy that aims to increase profitability through cutting costs on a
global scale, while increasing value by adapting products to each market.

Question 54: When joining the global value chain, businesses often face obstacles due to:

a) Lack of product diversity

b) Differences in culture, language and business environment
c) Lack of confidence in local policy
d) Production does not meet customer needs.

Question 55: Does the globalization strategy have its characteristics?

a) It is a competitive strategy to increase the value of a business's products by adapting the

product to each foreign market.
b) A competitive strategy to increase profits by transferring and exploiting the superior products
and skills of enterprises in foreign markets
c) It is a competitive strategy that aims to increase profitability through cutting costs on a global
scale, while increasing value by adapting products to each market.
d) It is a competitive strategy to increase profits on a global scale of cost-cutting.

Question 56: The benefits of global business expansion are:

a) Learn and transfer new knowledge within the company in different markets
b) All ideas are right.
c) Allowing companies to enter new markets outside the country with ambitions to expand their
business globally
d) A powerful measure to help recover the cost of investment in new products and technologies

Question 57: Small market penetration scale brings advantages:

a) Have time to gather information about the market.

b) Allow the company to understand the market before deciding on the most appropriate size
c) Reduce risk
d) All the ideas stated
Question Douglas and Wind argue that a worldwide price-based strategy is unsustainable

a) There aren't enough consumers who are sensitive to prices.

b) Price-based strategies can be imitated.
c) It's too hard to keep costs low.
d) It is difficult to achieve large-scale economic efficiency.

Question 59: Which product is supposed to fit into a global strategy?

a) Toothpaste
b) Packaged foods
c) Luxury watches
d) Cars

Question 60: Does a multinational strategy have characteristics?

a) It is a competitive strategy to increase the value of a business's products by adapting the

product to each foreign market.
b) It is a competitive strategy to increase profits on a global scale of cost-cutting.
c) It is a competitive strategy that aims to increase profitability through cutting costs on a global
scale, while increasing value by adapting products to each market.
d) A competitive strategy to increase profits by transferring and exploiting the superior products
and skills of enterprises in foreign markets

Chapter 8: Establishing a Strategy

Question 1: How many steps does the QSPM quantitative planning matrix develop through?

a) 4
b) 6
c) 7
d) 5

Question 2: The tools for choosing a strategy are:

a) External and Internal Factors Evaluation Matrix (EFE) and Internal Factors (IFE)
b) Strategic planning matrix on the basis of QSPM quant-quant
c) SWOT Matrix
d) Main Strategic Matrix (GS)

Question 3: In the EFE matrix, the score of the enterprise is greater than 1.0 but less than 2.5
is classified as?
a) 10,0 – 5,0 - 1,0
b) 4,0 - 2,5 – 1,0
c) 5,0 - 2,5 – 1,0
d) 4,0 – 2,0 – 1,0

Question 4: The basis of the strategic plan formationphase is basedon:

a) All ideas are right.

b) Techniques that can be used such as SWOT, BCG Matrix, SPACE matrix, IE matrix, and GS matrix
c) Combining skills and internal resources and skills with opportunities and risks created by
external factors
d) Information gathered from an early stage combines external opportunities and challenges with
internal strengths and weaknesses

Question 5: Contributions of the QSPM matrix:

a) There is no limit to the number of strategies evaluated.

b) It can be applied to all organizations.
c) All ideas are right.
d) It's less likely that factors are overlooked or misrated weights

Question 6: What steps is the Strategic Position and Operational Assessment (SPACE) matrix
established through?

a) 7
b) 3
c) 5
d) 6
e) 4

Question 7: Identify the alternative strategy that the company should consider
implementing. Set the strategies into separate groups if possible." Here's a development of:

a) SWOT Matrix
b) EFE Matrix
c) IFE Matrix
d) QSPM Matrix
e) SPACE Matrix

Question 8: In the BCG matrix, when the business may be dissolved:

a) Dogs 
b) Cash Cows  
c) Stars
d) Questions Mark
Question 9: The fifth step in the process of establishing the strategic position matrix and
operational assessment (SPACE) is:

a) Find the intersection of Tung – Hoan value

b) Calculate a plus point average for CA, IS, FS, and ES factors
c) Identify the set of variables used to evaluate CA, IS, ES and FS indexes
d) Determine the average value of the ES and FS elements to find the value on the space matrix's
toss axis on the toss axis

Question 10: Choose the best answer in the following sentences:

a) Only strategies in the same group are easier to compare than those that are not in the same
b) Only strategies that are not the same group are easier to compare than those in the same
c) Only different strategies are compared to each other.
d) Only strategies in the same group are compared to each other.

Question According to the BCG matrix, an SBU that has products in an attractive industry
but has a low market share is called:

a) Dogs 
b) Cash Cows  
c) Questions Mark
d) Stars

Question The most difficult task of establishing a SWOT matrix is:

a) Combining strengths with important opportunities

b) The combination of strengths with internal factors
c) A combination of important elements inside and outside.
d) A combination of external factors and important opportunities

Question 13: The CPM matrix (competitive image matrix) is set up to:

a) All ideas are right.

b) Let managers see the company's strengths and weaknesses for competitors
c) Identify competitive advantages for the company and weaknesses to overcome
d) Identify a company's main competitors and its own strengths and weaknesses in relation to the
strategic position of the direct competitor.

Question 14: Based on the BCG matrix tool, enterprises implement a harvest strategy when:

a) Relatively high market share

b) High industry growth rate
c) Relatively high market share and saturated demand growth rate
d) High market share and high industry growth rate
e) Relatively high market share and high demand growth rate
Question 15: The matrix of internal and external elements (IE) is used to:

a) Consider the ability to maximize profits of the business

b) Analysis of the balance of portfolios
c) Consider the growth capacity and the attractiveness of the market.
d) Consider the strategic choice of business units

Question 16: Step 6 in the construction of the SWOT matrix is:

a) Combining weaknesses with threats to form a WT strategy

b) Combine strengths with opportunities to form a SO strategy
c) Combine strengths with threats to form st strategy
d) Combine weaknesses with opportunities to form WO strategies

Question 17: Which of the following factors is NOT important to consider when choosing a
coalition partner?

a) Additional resources for yourself

b) They have as much to lose as you if the alliance fails.
c) Culture and resources are similar.
d) Compatible expectations and goals

Question 18: An organization that has both human and capital to develop products but
whose distributors are unreliable or incapable of satisfying the company's needs, the
effective strategy that can be applied is:

a) ST Coordination Strategy
b) WO Coordination Strategy
c) SO Coordination Strategy
d) WT Coordination Strategy

Question No matter how many opportunities and threats the EFE matrix has, the highest
total critical point a company can have is..., on average, the most important score a company
can have is...., the average is....  And the lowest is...
a) 5,0 - 2,5 – 1,0
b) 4,0 – 2,0 – 1,0
c) 4,0 - 2,5 – 1,0
d) 10,0 – 5,0 - 1,0

Question 20: The purpose of making the SWOT matrix is:

a) Set out possible strategies and pre-feasibility to be implemented

b) Set out the strategies that can be selected and decide which one is best.
c) Set out the strategies that can be chosen, not the best strategy.
d) Set out pre-feasibility strategies to set the stage for establishing a viable strategy
Question 21: The methods of collecting information are:

a) Conducting experimental activities on the survey subjects

b) All ideas are right.
c) Take tests on survey subjects
d) Research documents or interviews
e) Directly observed on the survey subjects

Question Identifying and analyzing the key factors that influence strategy is the work of the
step. in the process of developing a strategy

a) Decision stage
b) Input stage
c) Combined stage
d) Evaluation review phase

Question 23: How many tools do you have to build a strategy?

a) 3
b) 2
c) 5
d) 4

Question 24: The term "information asymmetry" means information in a company:

a) Transferable to all interested parties

b) It must not be transferred to all interested parties.
c) Equal transparency for all stakeholders
d) There is no same level of transparency for all stakeholders.

Question 25: How many steps does the mc kisey matrix build?

a) 5
b) 4
c) 6
d) 3

Question According to Fred R. David, the EFE matrix is set up in several steps:

a) 4
b) 3
c) 5
d) 6

Question 27: The formation and implementation of the strategy is concretized through three
stages, respectively:
a) Stage of strategic development and analysis; strategic implementation phase; strategic search
b) Stage of strategic development and analysis; strategic implementation phase; phase of strategic
measurement, evaluation and adaptation
c) Construction phase; strategic implementation phase; strategic testing phase
d) Strategic analysis phase; strategic implementation phase; strategic adaptation phase

Question 28: The role of the Ansoff growth matrix is:

a) Used to analyze the scale of changes in a business's product strategy and market strategy
b) Allow managers to quickly summarize potential growth strategies in each of the existing
market's problem groups and compare them to the risks involved.
c) As a way to test the company's existing products and markets, shows that products can start to
create and the market can enter.
d) All ideas are right.

Question 29: What steps is the IFE matrix set up by?

a) 5
b) 4
c) 3
d) 6

Question 30: The Ansoff Growth Matrix is used to:

a) Analysis of the different strategic directions an organization pursues

b) Analysis of the balance of portfolios
c) A business's market stock review
d) Assess whether the parent company creates value

Question 31: The Main Strategic Matrix (GS) is used to:

a) Consider the ability to maximize profits of the business

b) Consider the strategic choice of business units
c) Consider the growth capacity and the attractiveness of the market.
d) Consider the competitive position and the growth of the market.

Question 32: In the EFE matrix, what does the total important score of 1.0 show us?

a) The company's strategy took advantage of the opportunity but failed to avoid external threats.
b) The company's strategy has taken advantage of opportunities and avoided external threats.
c) The company's strategy does not take advantage of opportunities and avoids external threats.
d) The company's strategy does not take advantage of opportunities but can avoid external

Question 33: What is the step "Determining the number of attractive points of each strategy
(TAS)" in the QSPM matrix?
a) 2
b) 6
c) 3
d) 5
e) 4

Question 34: Is the data from the government's report on the production and export
situation of enterprises in the industry used in their market analysis a source of data?

a) Primary
b) Scientific literature
c) Media documents
d) Secondary

Question 35: Choosing the right strategy and making decisions is the job of the step... in the
process of developing a strategy

a) Combined stage
b) Input stage
c) Decision stage
d) Evaluation review phase

Question 36: In the EFE matrix, what is the highest total of important points that a company
can achieve?

a) 4.0
b) 2,5
c) 3,0
d) 5,0

Question According to the BCG matrix, in a company's portfolio, the SBU led by the ....

a) Stars
b) Cash Cows  
c) Dogs
d) Questions Mark

Question 38: What steps does the process of developing a strategy take?

a) 5
b) 6
c) 7
d) 8

Question A method for visualizing possible future options is known as:

a) Script planning
b) Visualize the script
c) Imagine the script
d) Script synthesis

Question 40: Based on bcg matrix tools, enterprises will invest in expanding production

a) Relatively high market share

b) High market share and high industry growth rate
c) Relatively high market share and high demand growth rate
d) High industry growth rate
e) Relatively high market share and saturated demand growth rate

Question 41: Which matrix is common for internal analysis?

a) BCG
d) IFE

Question 42: The highest total critical score a company can have is 4.0; an average of 2.5 and
as low as 1.0 used for the matrix:

a) CPM Matrix (Competitive Imaging Matrix)

b) SWOT Matrix (strength matrix, weaknesses, opportunities, challenges)
c) Ife matrix (matrix that evaluates internal factors)
d) EFE Matrix (matrix that evaluates external factors)

Question 43: What steps is the SWOT matrix done through?

a) 8
b) 4
c) 5
d) 7
e) 6

Question 44: The tools for forming a strategic plan that can be selected are:

a) EFE Matrix, IFE Matrix, Competitive Imaging Matrix (CPM)

b) Competitive Imaging Matrix (CPM), Main Strategic Matrix (GS), EFE Matrix
c) SWOT Matrix, EFE Matrix, QSPM Matrix
d) SWOT Matrix, Main Strategic Matrix (GS), Strategic Position Matrix and Operational Assessment
Question 45: In the BCG model, a business in the Dogs cell location, can switch positions to
stars cells by doing:

a) Merger strategy
b) Focused growth strategy
c) Diversification growth strategy
d) Growth and integration strategy

Question 46: The role of the use of information in strategic setting is:

a) All ideas are right.

b) Support the manager's intuitive judgment to determine the appropriate level and evaluation
c) Input tools require managers to quantify subjectively, enabling more effective strategic
development and evaluation
d) Allow strategists to build and evaluate strategic options more effectively

Question 47: The tools for formulating a strategy are:

a) Main strategic matrix, IFE matrix, SWOT matrix

b) Competitive Imaging Matrix (CPM), Main Strategic Matrix (GS), QSPM Matrix
c) EFE Matrix, SWOT Matrix, QSPM Matrix
d) EFE Matrix, Competitive Imaging Matrix (CPM), IFE Matrix

Question 48: Is step 3 of the information collection process?

a) Identify information needs
b) Perform logical reasoning
c) Building an information collection system
d) Information processing

Question 49: How many steps did the construction of the Ansoff matrix go through?

a) 4
b) 6
c) 5
d) 3

Question 50: Which of the following data is most likely in terms of future forecasting:

a) Environmental science data

b) Demographics
c) Social trends
d) Economic indicators

Question 51: How many steps does the information collection and processing
model take?
a) 5
b) 4
c) 3
d) 6
Question 52: How many stages does the strategy process consist of?

a) 5
b) 4
c) 2
d) 3
Question 53: The MC Kinsey matrix is used to:

a) Consider the ability to maximize profits of the business

b) Assess whether the parent company creates value
c) Consider the growth capacity and the attractiveness of the market.
d) Analysis of the balance of portfolios
Question 54: How many steps is the CPM (competitive image matrix) set up?

a) 5
b) 3
c) 4
d) 6
Question 55: In the BCG matrix cash cow is the cell with market share and

a) Low – Low
b) Low – High
c) High – Low
d) High – High
Question 56: According to Fred R. David, the second step in the ife matrix is:

a) Multiply each element's importance by its type to get an important score

b) List 10 to 20 key internal factors including both strengths and weaknesses
c) Cataloging 15 to 20 external factors that are critical to a company's success, including
opportunities and threats to the company and its business
d) Determine the weight of important elements by importance from 0.0 (unim significance) to 1.0
(very important)

Question 57: How many cells does the matrix of internal and external
elements (IE) have?

a) 8
b) 6
c) 12
d) 9
Question According to Fred R. David, the first step in the efe matrix is:

a) Determine the weight of important elements by importance from 0.0 (unim

significance) to 1.0 (very important)
b) Multiply each element's importance by its type to get an important score
c) Cataloging 15 to 20 external factors that are critical to a company's success, including
opportunities and threats to the company and its business
d) List 10 to 20 key internal factors including both strengths and weaknesses
Question 59: Combining information to form a strategic plan is the work of the step... in the
process of developing a strategy

a) Decision stage
b) Combined stage
c) Evaluation review phase
d) Input stage

Question 60: The role of the main strategic matrix (GS) is:

a) All ideas are right.

b) Popular tools for forming strategies that are likely to be selected
c) Can help plan a strategy for both large and small businesses
Combine with other mats to co

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