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The Ultimate Guide to


Theocharis - Ascension Tribe


Who am I?
I am Theocharis, you probably know me as Theo from
Spartan Health & Ascension Tribe. I am 22 years old and
have been working out since I was 16. I started out as an
extremely skinny kid, weighing only 110 pounds at 5'8. I
was not strong AT ALL, having to use the 4 pound
dumbbells my mother had lying around in the house. The
only thing I had going for me - I was very low on body fat.
This is me back then:

As you can see

from the
bagginess of my
xs t-shirt, I was
not exactly
blessed with
muscularity 😂 .
So, Why should I
be giving you any
advice on the

Why take my advice?
Today, I am proud to take off my shirt at the
beach, eager for the summer, to be able to wear
short sleeve t-shirts, and most of all, I am
eager to teach others what I wished someone
taught to me!

Today, I am
proud to take
off my shirt
at the beach,
eager for the
summer, to
be able to
wear short
sleeve t-
shirts, and
most of all, I
am eager to
teach others
what I
taught to me!

What can you expect out of this guide?
Whether you are a complete beginner or
you have been working out for some
months, this guide will teach you the
basics of calisthenics - gaining an
aesthetic, healthy body in the way.

What you will need

Calisthenics is a minimalistic style of
training. You will achieve crazy levels of
strength and muscularity while only
using your body! The only equipment
you will need is a pull-up bar, which you
will find at any local park!

This program will consist of a variation
of exercises you can swap in a 3
sessions/week Upper - Lower program.
Contrary to a lot of other programs,
your sessions should be no longer than 1
hour! So, without further delay, LETS

The material (including without limitation, advice and recommendation) within this program, other
programs, our email newsletter and our website is provided solely as general educational and
informational purposes. Use of this program, advice and information contained herein is at the sole
choice and risk of the reader.

Always consult your physician or healthcare provider before beginning any nutrition or exercise
program. If you choose to use this information without prior consent of your physician, you are
agreeing to accept full responsibility for your decisions and agreeing to hold harmless
TheAscensionTribe, its agents, employees, contractors and any affiliated companies from any
liability with respect to injury or illness to you or your property arising out of or connected with
your use of the information contained within this program, other programs, our email newsletter
or our website.

The materials and content contained in this program, other programs, our email newsletter and
our website are for general health information only and are not intended to be a substitute for
professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Users of this program, other programs, our
email newsletter and our website should not rely exclusively on information provided in this
program, other programs, our email newsletter, and our website for their own health needs. All
specific medical questions should be presented to your own health care provider and you should
seek medical advice before starting any type of nutrition or weight loss or workout program.

TheAscensionTribe reserves the right to update or change information contained in this program,
other programs, our email newsletter, and our website at any time. TheAscensionTribe are not
responsible for information appearing at hyperlinks.

Exercise is not without its risks and this or any other exercise program many result in injury. As
with any exercise program, if at any point during your workout you begin to feel faint, dizzy or
have physical discomfort, you should stop immediately and consult a medical professional. You
should rely on your own review, inquiry and assessment as to the accuracy of any information
made available within this program or via this web site.

©Ascension Tribe

No part of this publication may be

distributed, or transmitted in any form
or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other
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without the permission of the

Instagram @theascensiontribe

What is it? How to use it?
Upper - Lower consists of 2 As we decided already, your
workouts. program will consists of
Upper is the workout that three weekly sessions. Each
engages the muscles of session will be upper or
your upper body: Back- lower. Every upper body
Chest-Shoulders-Arms. workout is followed by a
Lower challenges your lower body workout and
legs: Glutes, Quads, vise-versa.
Hamstrings, calves.

How would that Look?

Week 1

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Upper Rest Lower Rest Upper Rest Rest

Week 2

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Lower Rest Upper Rest Lower Rest Rest

So, what would you do on the

days you workout?
Upper body has 5 main muscle groups. Chest - Back -
Shoulders - Triceps - Biceps. We will use compound exercises
to hit all these muscles efficiently, in a short time frame, while
building general strength and functionality. The session will be
sectored into 4 rounds of a superset, each one containing 5
exercises. Rest between the supersets will be 3 minutes and
rest between the individual exercises of the superset will be 30

Superset 1 Superset 2
12 Dips 12 Dips
30" Rest 30" Rest
12 Pull-Ups 12 Pull-Ups
30" Rest 30" Rest
8 Pike Presses 8 Pike Presses
30" Rest 3 Min Rest 3" Rest...
30" Rest
12 Pull-Ups 12 Pull-Ups

To recap, you will perform the above superset 4 times. But what
about the exercises? What if they are too easy for your/ or you
can't complete nearly close to 12 reps on them? Fear not! These
exercises are symbolic. I will give you a detailed list of
progressions for all of them. Your goal should be to perform
the reps mentioned relatively hard. If an exercise becomes too
easy/ is too difficult, you replace it with a more suitable one!

The exercises listed above represent groups of exercises. You
have a selection of equivalent exercises to choose from,
depending on your level. The aim is to perform the amount of
reps listed barely, with 2-3 reps in the tank maximum. Here are
the variations ranked from easier to harder:
Easy Dips Push-Ups

Bench (Chair) Dips Knee Push-Ups

Parallel Bar Dips Negative Push-Ups
Single Bar Dips Push-Ups
L Dips Diamond Push-Ups

Pike Press Pull-Ups

Kneeling Push-Ups Australian Pull-Ups
Bend-Knees Pike Push-Ups Negative Chin-Ups
Hard Pike Push-Ups Chin-Ups

During your 4 Supersets, you are free to swap in variations at

any time. Say, for the first superset you perform Chin-Ups as
your pulling exercise, if during the second superset you cannot,
swap in negative Chin-ups or Australian Pull-Ups. I have not
included visual representations of the above exercises in this
guide, you should google each exercise before doing it to
ensure correct form!

The lower body, as I hope you
can guess, consists of the Glutes,
Quads, Hamstrings, and Calves.
Your training on this day will be
similarly structured to the
Upper day. Four supersets, with
3 minutes of rest between them.

Superset 1 Superset 2
12+12 Lunges 12+12 Lunges
30" Rest 30" Rest
15 Squats 15 Squats
30" Rest 30" Rest
25 Calf Raises 25 Calf Raises
30" Rest 3 Min Rest 30" Rest 3" Rest...
15 Squats 15 Squats

Similar to the upper body, these exercises are symbolic. You

are provided with a list of variations ranked by difficulty, to
ensure optimal performance for the duration of this program.
Side-note, lunges should be performed unilaterally.

Easy Lunges

Forward-Stationary Lunge
Reverse Lunge
Walking Lunge
Elevated Split Squat

Air Squats
Jumping Squat
Pistol Squat
One Leg Squat

Calf Raises
Elevated Calf Raises
One Leg Calf Raises
Hard One Leg Elevated Calf Raises


You should follow this

guide for 2-3 months. That
is how much time it will
take you to find the routine
and exercises too easy. You
will see significant results
within this time period!
Keep a consistent schedule
and be mindful of your
health. Visit
on Instagram for guides on
all nutrition, mindset,
attraction, facial
attractiveness and all other
areas of life!

If you want to get taller,

click here.

Brought to you by Theo of The

Ascension Tribe!


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