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What is the philosophy behind encouraging children to engage in activities that interest

them during the daily preschool or child care center schedule? Write a brief report (at least 2
pages with references listed) of your findings. Please use MSWord for your report.

When we provide a routine for the children, they will know the order of their daily events.  also,
they will know what to expect with each activity. This will make the children feel emotionally
secure, which will help them to explore their environment easily. In addition, the Daily routine
helps the children to develop independence because they feel satisfaction in doing things for

Children need the teacher's guidance throughout the day. First, we have to teach them to
understand the sequence of the activities; for instance, we play, then we have a Storytime, after
that, we have a snack, then recess to play, and then we go home.

 Half the day should be set aside for self-selected activities called large blocks of open time.
children like to select activities and decide how long to work with activity one. This help to meet
the children’s individual needs. Because of the sort of attention span and the differences in the
speed to finish the work. When we engage the children in carrying out basic routines, they will
become more independent, such as dressing and undressing themselves, hanging coats, and tying
their addition, The teacher must encourage the children to serve and assist with meal
preparation and clean up. 

A well-planned daily routine schedule helps the children with their transition of moving between
activities without a fuss. There are four methods to help children in a successful transition. first,
the concrete objects when we ask the children to move the objects from one place to another to
get their attest from this activity to another. For example, taking the coat off tells the child that
the outdoor activities are over. Second, visual signals, using a picture about the activities. Such
as showing them a picture of the lunch table to tell them it is lunchtime. third, novelty, like using
imagination or new action to make their transition, such as napping or crawling. fourth, Auditory
Signals like using a bell or timer. So, when the children hear the sound, they are for the

Self-directed activities have lots of benefits on child development, they help the children to
express their feelings and emotions, it develops coordination, gross motor skills, and fine motor
skills. Also, children learn through play, where they discover and explore their environment. (1)

When offered activities that reach the child's interests, you will encourage them to participate in
learning. When the children become engaged in daily activities, they learn through a natural
process and create a positive atmosphere, which encourages feelings of positive well-being. (2)

There are many ways to implement interest-based activities. Such as Offering choice, knowing
students' interests, letting students choose the tasks, Moving from traditional instruction,
Encouraging interests and passions, Letting students collaborate and network, Making learning
connected to students' interests, Co plan and co-teach with other teachers, Group students by
interests. When the teacher implements these methods, she will discover, Motivated students,
Students connecting their learning to the world around them, Students excited about learning,
The development of intrinsic motivation, Increased literacy skills, and Students' able to use
literacy in multimodal ways. (3)

When the teacher help, permit, and encouraged to follow her children interest and build a plan to
learn more, in a learning environment  based on their interests, where they can participate  in
special activities and experience their own way on how to complete the task. Children are
empowered and become fully engage in the experience when it is their own Meaningful work.

Chapter 7





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