English Paper

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Lesson Where’s

7  isDescribe
A. Look and say! (Perhatikan dan sebutkan)

Tugas :
Murid menyebutkan nama-nama tempat dalam bahasa Inggris.
Contoh : “A bank, a book store, a hospital
B. Read aloud (Bacalah dengan nyaring)

a hospital ( e haspitel ) a playground ( e pleigraun )

a bus stop ( e bas stap ) a school ( e skul )

a zoo ( e zu ) a library ( e laibreri ) a shop ( e syop )

a bank ( e beng ) a museum ( e myuziem )

C. Giving Directions ( Menunjukkan Arah)
 In front of = Didepan
 Beside = Disamping
 Behind = Dibelakang
 Between = Diantara

Contoh kalimat :
1. The school is in front of shop
= Sekolah ada di depan toko
2. A zoo is beside playground
= Kebun binatang ada disamping taman bermain
3. Hospital is behind the bank
= Rumah Sakit ada dibelakang bank

Merdeka Street

Fill in the blanks with correct answers!

1. The library is __________________ bus stop.

2. Museum is __________________ of Merdeka Street.
3. Zoo is __________________ the Shop.
4. Bus stop is __________________ Bank and School.
5. Hospital is __________________ Merdeka Street.
6. Play ground is __________________ The zoo.
7. __________________ is between Museum and Shop.
8. __________________ is beside bus stop.
9. Museum is beside __________________.
10. __________________ is in front of library.
E. Look at the maze, and draw the line!

Hi, help the school bus driver to go to school. Take correct ways to go to school on time!
Happy drawing

( Hai, bantulah supir bus sekolah untuk sekolah. Gunakan jalan yang benar agar dapat sampai
ke sekolah tepat waktu! Selamat menarik garis. )
F. Count and Circle

Hitung dan lingkari!

How many candies are

there? there?
12 13

How many candies are

re? there?
16 17

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