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Gurbandhanpreet singh 4347806

Assignment 5
Topics in contemporary workplace
Question 1-: Why do you want to work for this company? Why are you interested in this job?

Answer-: Bell Company might have a strong reputation in its industry, known for innovation,
quality products or services, and a successful track record. Working for such a renowned company
can boost an individual's professional credibility and open up future opportunities. Bell Company
may offer excellent career growth opportunities, structured training programs, and avenues for
skill development. Many individuals seek roles that allow them to learn and progress in their

Question 2-: Have you done this kind of work before?

Answer-: To be honest I don’t have any that kind of experience in my whole life, but I would like to do
that job as its my childhood dream.

Question 3-: What kind of training or qualifications do you have?

Answer-: In order to get that job we should have diploma or particular study like computer system
technician diploma, computer programing and etc. So I have diploma of computer system technician
course. Moreover, we should have practical knowledge about some particular subjects which are
mandatory for instance python, programing.

Question 4-: Tell me about yourself. Why should we hire you?

Answer-: My name is Gurbandhanpreet singh. I was born and bought up in Tarn Taran Punjab. I
Completed my study from Himalaya public school Makhowal,Amritser(Punjab). I am studying alpha
college bus and tech at Scarborough (Ontario).

Question 5-: What do you do in your spare time?

Answer-: Watching movies, TV shows, or online videos, listening to music, playing video games, or
attending live performances. Moreover, I love to visit adventurous places.

Question 6-: What do you think of working in a group?

Answer-: Working in a group allows individuals to pool their skills, knowledge, and perspectives,
often leading to better problem-solving and innovative solutions. When tasks are divided among
team members, it can lead to increased productivity and faster completion of projects. Team
members can support and motivate each other, fostering a positive work environment.

Question 7-: How do you react to instruction and criticism?

Answer-: I react very polite and calmly, I tried to learn that what front want to say.

Question 8 -: With the kind of work experience you have had; do you think this job would bore you?

Answer-: Definitely, I don’t think so this job will make me bore. As, I earlier mention that this is my
dream since my childhood.

Question 9-: Why did you choose this line of work?

Answer-: I opted that line because it was my childhood ambition to become a successful it officer in bell
company in Canada and since from school, I had lots of interest in computer subject that’s why I chosen
that field to get success in future.

Question 10-: How well do you work under pressure or tight deadlines?

Answer-: well, I am very patience person and whenever I have any kind of pressure I would like to make
myself calm and try to understand the situation and after taking a long breath I will definitely find the
solution of any big problem. Moreover, if the situation is getting worse then I would like to take
suggestion from my elder ones.

Question 11-: How often were you absent from work in your last job? Have you every had any
serious illness or injuries? Do you have any health problems?

Answer-: To be honest I am very punctual person in my life I never took any leave on my last job for
invalid reason because I took off due to some valid reason like health issues.

Question 12-: Have you ever been fired or quit a job?

Answer-: As, I earlier mention that I am very serious towards my all the works but this kind of thing
never happened with me in my whole the life because of my punctual behaviour

Question 13 -: Why haven't you worked recently?

Answer-: In recent year I have completed my graduation that’s why I decided to take a short leave
which will further helps to make my mind fresh and rejuvenate my energy level. So that whenever I
will do any job then I can do that with full of concentration.
Question 14 -: What are your long-term goals or career plans?

Answer-: well, l have discussed that thing earlier in my last question that I would like to become a
successful person in Canada in it field and earn handsome salary which will further leads my my great
living standard and become a rising star.

Question 15 -: What do you feel are your greatest strengths?

Answer-: first of all, I am very much cooperative person and I can handle any situation in a good way.
In addition, I do have great communication skills by which I can coordinate and establish strong
bonding while working in a team. Furthermore, team leading skill always make my personality strong
and dedicated.

Question 16 -: What do you feel are your weaknesses?

Answer-: It is very common fact among society that hard work is key to success, so that I feel that I
don’t have any weakness but still sometimes I face problem to recognize the real face of any person but
I believe that according to the passage of time I will get new experiences about different personalities
than I can recognize the real face any person.

Question 17 -: How would you describe your last employer?

Answer-:Pizza Pizza is a Canadian pizza restaurant chain that specializes in serving a

variety of pizzas and other fast-food items. I was cashier their and I workrd their
approximately one year. It helped me a lot to increase my communication skills and
confident level as a handled customers of different community which was great
experience of my life.

Question 18 -: What five words would be describe you?

Answer-: Diligent, Adaptable ,Collaborative, Responsible and positive.

Question 19 -: What did you like about your last job?

Answer-: At my last job I was cashier and one thing which I most like about my last job was familiar
environment because everyone on my work was very much motivating which encouraged me to give
my best at my workplace.

Question 20-: Why did you leave your last position?

Answer-: Actually, at that movement I was in college and my all the classes were online but afer some
time college announced that they will held the classes offline from next week. Therefore, I was unable
to continue that job.

Question 21-: What are your long range goals?

Answer-: In the IT (Information Technology) sector, longer-term goals will make me

ambitious and strategic objectives aimed at driving innovation, growth, and sustainable
success which will further make my bright future and I can get the better living standard
by earning great income.

Question 22-: What kind of machines or equipment have you worked with?

Answer-: I earlier mention that I worked in a pizza pizza as a cashier. So that being a cashier I need to
work at front PC through which I can take order of my customers which will further printed to the
cooking sector.

Question 23-: What type of salary are you looking for?

Answer-: Well, I want a average salary which is appointed to ever other fresher because it will be fair
in both the sides and the company will also agree upon the proposal

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