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1. Some people like to use smartphone or other navigational device to guide their
road while traveling, some prefer to ask around, which do you like to do?




Using a smartphone or other device

(1) Convenient
You only need to open your Google Maps or Navi Maps, input where you want to go,
and there you are, you get the best route to your destination.

(2) Safe
You only need to use your phone in the safety of your car. However, if you go and ask
locals, there is a good chance that you will not return safely. They might kidnap you or
send you to dangerous places, especially if you are traveling in a dangerous country.

(3) More accurate navigation

It is difficult to explain where you want to go to locals, especially if they use a different
language or dialect, and the route they show you might not be the most accurate, since
information may be lost in translation.

(4) Cheaper
There are places in this world where locals will not answer your questions unless you
give them something in return, like to buy a book from their store, but your
smartphone apps are free.

Ask around

(1) More convenient

It is sometimes very difficult to input your destination into your smartphones since the
local language does not use a recognizable script, like when you are in Japan or China.
However, if you try to draw out the local characters on paper, you can talk with locals
in some way.
(2) Learn the local language
When you talk with people, you pick up their language. Maybe you cannot get a lot
out of a simple inquiry, but still you are learning to pronounce the local names and
simple phrases, which could come in handy.

(3) Get to know people

It might be a simple chat about going somewhere at first, but there is a slight chance
of it turning into a more developed conversation on local weather, customs, or maybe
the best pub around. Then you know that you have made a local friend.

(4) Happy experience

An interaction with a smart device is just one task done, but a conversation with a local
person is an interpersonal communication.


I think it’s definitely more effective to use your smart devices to navigate when you
are traveling, because it is just so much faster. Think about this. What do you need to
do to find the best route to your destination on your iPhone? You open your Google
Maps, input your destination and there you are, you have your best route and quite a
few alternatives. 5 seconds in total, right? You cannot reasonably expect to get a
response so quickly from a local person. Plus, it’s safer to stay in your car rather than
get out, especially when you are in questionable neighborhoods or countries, right?


(1) navigate 导航
(2) route 路径
(3) destination 目的地
(4) there you are (表示达成结果)瞧,那就是…
(5) alternative 备选
(6) questionable 值得怀疑的
2. Some people think that with the development of technology and Internet, libraries
will disappear; while others think libraries are always necessary. Which opinion do
you agree? Please give specific details to support your opinion.




Libraries will disappear

(1) Inconvenient
You have to physically go to the library, which could be miles away. Going there is a
chore, especially when it is snowing or when there is a pandemic.

(2) Expensive
The library itself might be free, but you have to pay for transportation and parking
every time you go there, which can add up.

(3) Easily out of date

Of course, any decent library buys new books every year, or even every quarter, but
still, it may be months before the newest books hit the library shelves. However, if you
use online book services like Kindle, you can get the newest books as soon as they are

(4) Censored
Books in a library are selected by library staff or management, which can often lead to

Libraries will not disappear

(1) Good places to study

Libraries are usually quiet and full of people reading, which make them good study
places. What is more, you will not play video games or watch YouTube in a library since
there are many people studying around you.

(2) Free air-con

The library usually has good heating or cooling, and they do not charge you for those.
(3) A place to socialize
Libraries are good places to meet people. There are usually reading clubs or poetry
clubs that meet regularly in the local libraries, and you can meet those people if you
visit one.

(4) Get away from annoying family members

Your mom will not follow you to the library to ask you to clean up your room or wash
your clothes.


I definitely think that libraries will soon disappear, since they are of no use at all. A
digital device, like a kindle or a Sony E-ink book is just so much more convenient than
a library. You get books immediately on Kindle Unlimited, which works like an online
library, but you need to travel to the library, find your book among thousands of other
books, and travel back if you decide to go the traditional route. Plus, you can’t take
notes on your library book, but you can on your Sony E-ink books. Oh, it is also worth
mentioning that not traveling to the library is good for the environment as well.


(1) of … use 有…作用

(2) go the … route 使用 … 方法
(3) be worth mentioning 是值得一提的
(4) charge 收费
(5) annoying 让人厌恶的
(6) censor 审查
3. Will you allow the children to use electronic devices?





(1) Happy
Kids can have fun playing video games, talking to each other or browsing YouTube

(2) Safe
When kids play on their phones or computers, they are not going into the community,
where there might be bad guys or traffic accidents.

(3) Convenient
If they want to do research, they can do it easily on a computer, while if they are not
allowed to use digital devices, they would have to go to a library, which can be quite
far away.

(4) Cheaper
When kids have fun on their digital devices, they do not need to have as many physical
toys and games.

(4) More friends

When kids play with local kids, they can make a few friends, but if they go online, they
will have friends from all over the globe.


(1) Not healthy

When kids are allowed to use digital devices for fun, they become a new breed of
couch potato.

(2) Lower academic achievement

When kids get access to mobile phones, game consoles and computers, they will
inevitably indulge themselves in the games and videos, which means less study time.
(3) Lower social ability levels
When a kid spends lots of time online or on a game, they, without a doubt, spend less
time with real human beings, so they get less experience with talking to people and
developing social skills.

(4) Potentially dangerous – When a kid starts tinkering with digital devices, they
sometimes start using tools for modification, like blow torches for PC modifications or
welding tools. These could lead to dangers.


I would definitely allow kids, at least my kids, to use digital devices. I mean, who would
want one’s own kids to be digitally ignorant in this world today? Having access to digital
devices like computers and smart phones will give kids a lot of benefits, like firstly they
can socialize with a wider variety of people. They can go online and meet people from
all over the world, which, eventually, will free them from petty prejudices like racial
and gender discriminations, while meeting only local kids will cement local beliefs into
their minds early on. Oh, also kids have more fun when they can play online games,
like Fortnite.


(1) socialize with 与人社交

(2) free … from … 使 … 免于 …
(3) petty 不值一提的
(4) prejudice 偏见
(5) discrimination 歧视
(6) cement … into minds 将 … 牢固地灌输进脑子里
(7) indulge 沉溺于
4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It’s impolite to make calls
or send text messages at a dinner table. Explain in details.


以提出一两个“不接电话才不道德”的情况。比如突然接到 110 来电之类。反


It is impolite.

(1) Gives others trouble

When you make phone calls at a dinner table, you are talking, and your voice will
distract your friends from their topics.

(2) Not joining the conversation

When you make phone calls, you are not joining your friends’ chat, which could mean
that you are not interested in what they are saying, or at least, less interested in it than
your calls.

(3) Trouble for others even after your phone call

When you finish your call and want to get back into the chat your friends are having,
someone at the table will inevitably have to brief you back into this chat, and that
means trouble for this person.

It is not impolite.

(1) None of the other people's business

Calls are private conversations and others do not have any right to listen in. And if they
do not listen in, how can this be impolite to them?

(2) You can keep your voice low, or even leave the table
When you answer phone calls, you can totally lower your voice or even leave the table.
When you are not at the table, you are not causing anyone any trouble, so you are not
being impolite at all.

(3) Sometimes there can be urgent issues

There are always urgent things, and if one of those urgent calls get to you when you
are having a meal with others, you are definitely entitled to answering it.
(4) Tolerance is a virtue
There is an old Chinese saying, 'Don’t force upon others what you don’t wish to happen
to yourself.' If you don’t want to be frowned upon when dealing with emergent issues
at a dinner table, be tolerant to those who are so unfortunate that they have to do it

(5) Texts don’t cause anyone any problems

When people reply to text messages, it could very well just take a couple of seconds,
like to reply with an emoji. How can this be trouble for others?


I believe it’s not impolite at all, as long as this person is not too loud and refrains from
slamming the table while talking on the phone. Firstly, I mean, there could be
emergencies every day, and this call might be one of them. This guy’s kid might be
having a huge problem at school, like falling ill or getting injured. Surely then, in this
situation, it’s OK to answer a phone call, right? Another thing is, text messages don’t
cause anyone any problems. How can an emoji reply, which takes less than a second,
be trouble for anyone? If it’s not trouble for others, I do not see how this can be


(1) refrain from … 不…

(2) emergency 紧急情况
(3) emoji 颜文字
(4) be entitled to doing … 有权利做…
(5) force … upon … 强迫 … 做 …
5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the popularity of the
technology that focuses on entertainment, people read fewer books than before.




Read fewer books

(1) Not efficient

If you want to get knowledge, it is quick to watch a YouTube video. The same goes for
getting some simple tips, like cooking tips. If what you want is highly academic, you
can easily watch an open online course.

(2) Not cheap

Books are not cheap. A textbook can easily cost more than 100 USD, while a lot of
decent open courses from prestige universities like Harvard and MIT are free online,
and all YouTube videos are free.

(3) Not fun

For the general public, a movie based on a book is much more fun than the book itself.
Millions of people enjoy watching the Lord of the Ring movies, but much fewer people
finished the books. That says something.

(4) Not environmentally friendly

Watching a movie online does not leave much carbon footprint, while producing and
recycling a book generates a lot of pollution.

Not read fewer books

(1) Sometimes it has to be a book

There are times when you have to use books, like in a traditional classroom or in
certain exams. Actually, most of the time when it comes to real knowledge, it has to
be a book.

(2) Reading a book is enjoyment in itself

The book itself might not be as much fun as a movie, but the process of reading it is
cool in itself. You can hold this paper book in your hands, you can feel the texture of
the paper and smell the fresh ink on it. It is a nice sensation
(3) Books are convenient
There are lots of places where digital devices are forbidden or restricted, like on
airplanes. However, you can read a book literally anywhere.


I totally think that people will read fewer books in the future. I mean, not just in the
future. How often do we read books that we are not required to read? Isn’t it just
better to watch a video? YouTube cooking videos are faster and more information-rich
than a recipe book, and an open course is just more efficient than a textbook. Also, the
book is less fun than its digital counterpart. For example, while the novels give people
a story, movies based on these novels give people not only the story, but also real
scenes and sounds, not to mention gorgeous actors and actresses.


(1) recipe 菜谱
(2) open course 公开课
(3) counterpart 对应的东西
(4) gorgeous 美丽的
(5) forbidden 禁止的
(6) restricted 受限的
(7) texture 质地,材质
(8) sensation 感觉
6. To teach old people to use the computer in the community. Which do you think is
better? To find a professional to teach them outside, or to find a student to teach
them at home?




Find a professional to teach them outside

(1) A chance to meet new friends

Computer classes in the community are great places to meet new people who might
become friends. This is especially important for the elderly to prevent loneliness.

(2) Stay active

Old people are encouraged to move more and sit less during the day. If they take a
class outside, they will have to go out and take a walk, which is a great way to stay
active and enjoy the benefits of fresh air and sunshine.

(3) Less money

Generally speaking, taking a class in the community is definitely much cheaper than
one-to-one instruction. This will reduce the financial burden and more old people will
be encouraged to learn.

(4) More professional and experienced

Professional teachers with decades of teaching experience are usually better than
students with very limited experience. Because of this, they could adjust their way of
teaching based on the response from and the needs of the elderly, so the old people
could learn better.

Find a student to teach them at home

(1) Walking difficulties

Some old people have walking difficulties, so it is not convenient for them to move
around. If a student can teach them at home, it will save them much time and trouble
commuting, which will definitely motivate their learning interests.

(2) More attention and support

In a one-on-one relationship, the student will get all the support and attention from
the instructor, and the instructors can see immediately their students’ struggles and
provide assistance and encouragement. This is especially important because most old
people are intimidated by high technology.

(3) Low stress learning environment

When taking a class one-to-one at home, the old people can have a low stress learning
environment. Since there is no one else around, they will be less scared to ask
questions or make mistakes. They can also take their time to finish the tasks with the
support of the instructor.


Personally speaking, I think to find a student to teach them at home is better. First,
some old people have walking difficulties, so it is not convenient for them to move
around. If a student can teach them at home, it will save them much time and trouble
commuting, which will definitely motivate their learning interests. In other words, they
are less likely to quit. Second, in a one-on-one relationship, the student will get all the
support and attention from the instructor, and the instructors can see immediately
their students’ struggles and provide assistance and encouragement. This is especially
important because most old people are intimidated by high technology and do need a
lot of support and encouragement during the process.


(1) prevent loneliness 防止寂寞

(2) stay active 保持经常运动;保持活力
(3) one-to-one instruction 一对一授课
(4) reduce the financial burden 减少经济负担
(5) be encouraged to do sth. 被鼓励做某事
(6) have walking difficulties 腿脚不便
(7) increase learning interest 提升学习兴趣
(8) more attention and support 更多的关注和支持
(9) instructor 导师; 老师; 教练
(10) be intimidated by sth. 对某事感到害怕
(11) be less scared to do sth. 不那么惧怕做某事
7. Some people think that robots will never replace human, while others think robots
will replace human in the future. Which do you agree with?


费用;二来,机器几乎可以 24 小时不间断工作,同时工作效率往往也比人力更


Will replace humans

(1) Cheaper labor

Robots are much cheaper than humans and their cost is now decreasing. Plus,
companies do not need to pay for workers’ insurance, costs of vacations, and other
benefit packages, even pensions. That is a lot of money saved.

(2) In repetitive tasks

Robots are already replacing human beings in repetitive tasks in places like factories
and banks. Humans grow tired of repetition after a certain amount of time, and long-
term repetition can also lead to injuries, while robots do not suffer from that.

(3) In high risk tasks

Robots can replace human beings in dealing with high risk tasks. In this way, people
can be safe. For example, if a chemical factory explodes, releasing harmful chemicals.
Humans can get nowhere close to the place because they will be killed, but robots can
respond quickly.

(4) Higher productivity

After working for a certain amount of time, we will get tired and of course, our
efficiency and productivity begins to decrease, while robots are able to repeatedly
perform tasks without drops in productivity. They can also work non-stop during
holiday months.

Will not replace humans

(1) No empathy or compassion

Robots do not have many critical human characteristics, like empathy or compassion,
which are required in many jobs. Will you really like a robot as your teacher, nurse, or
baby sitter?

(2) Not in creative tasks

Robots will only follow their programs. They are mostly programed to do repetitive
and dull tasks, while humans are wired to think critically and creatively. We can design
new programs to control the robots the way we want but robots cannot. Plus, since
humans are more creative, we are more capable of dealing with unexpected situations.

(3) Humans create and humans control

Robots and AI are created by humans. They are tools that we can use when we give
the right instructions. As long as we do not want them to replace us, they will not since
they are not programmed to do so.


Personally speaking, robots will replace humans in the future. First, robots are much
cheaper than humans and their cost is now decreasing. Plus, companies don’t need to
pay for workers’ insurance, costs of vacations, and other benefit packages, even
pensions. That is a lot of money saved. Second, robots can replace human beings in
dealing with high risk tasks, meaning people's safety can be preserved. For example, if
a chemical factory explodes and releases harmful chemicals, humans can get nowhere
close to the place because they will be killed. But robots can be programed to respond
quickly and start fixing the problem in a second.


(1) insurance 保险
(2) pension 养老金
(3) get engaged in 参与
(4) repetitive tasks 重复性任务
(5) grow tired of sth. 对…产生厌烦,疲倦
(6) suffer from sth. 遭受疾病,不适
(7) a chemical factory 化工厂
(8) release harmful chemicals 释放有害化学物质
(9) work non-stop 不停地工作
(10) empathy or compassion 同情心和同理心
(11) be programed to do sth. 按程序做某事
(12) deal with sth. 处理某事
(13) give instructions 给指令
(14) be wired to do sth. 天生会做某事
8. When learning to use a new product, some people prefer to read the instruction
manual. Others prefer to figure out how to use the product on their own. Which
do you prefer and why? Give details and examples to support your response.




Read the instruction manual

(1) Saves time

Manuals usually offer comprehensive information about products, and they are easy
to read. If you do not read a user manual, you will have to spend quite a bit of time
figuring out all the features yourself. It once took me a week to figure out all the fancy
modes of my oven.

(2) Company Image

Manuals say a lot about a company image. If it is not well-written and not easy to
follow, you could possibly tell that the company does not care too much about their
customers. After all, good companies take their products and users’ experience
seriously. Then the customer can decide if they will stay loyal to the company.

(3) Prevents misuse of the product

Reading manuals helps prevent misuse of the product. For instance, the first time I
used my oven, I did not know I needed to set the correct boiling point for water first,
so my food was not fully cooked.

Figure it out by myself

(1) A hands-on person

I am a hands-on person and the most efficient way for me to learn is by doing. Plus, if
I managed to figure how to operate the machine myself, it is easy for me to recall the
process next time I use it.

(2) Not necessary

Some products are highly intuitive and user-friendly like iPhones. When I have it, I can
already know how to use it, if I had one before. If not, still, I am able to figure out all
the important features within just a few minutes.
(3) Too long and poorly written
Some instructions can be too complicated or poorly written, so I always get confused
while reading them. Plus, some texts can be unnecessarily long and it totally scares
me, so I would rather figure it out myself. How hard can it be?


Personally speaking, I prefer to read manuals. First, manuals usually offer

comprehensive information about products, and they are easy to read. If you don't
read a user manual, you will have to spend quite a bit of time figuring out all the
features yourself. It once took me a week to figure out all the fancy modes of my oven.
Second, manuals say a lot about a company image. If it is not well-written and not easy
to follow, you could possibly tell that the company does not care too much about their
customers. After all, good companies take their products and users’ experience
seriously. Then I can decide if I will stay loyal to the company.


(1) manual 说明书

(2) figure out 想出;理解;弄清
(3) say a lot about sth. 清楚地说明某事
(4) take sth. /sb. seriously 认真地对待某事/某人
(5) stay loyal to 保持忠诚
(6) hands-on 动手的;实际操作的
(7) intuitive 直觉的
(8) user-friendly 方便使用的
9. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that internet plays an important role
in people’s life?


解决了远程教育的问题。 同时网上购物,外卖也大大提高了人类生活的便捷度。



(1) Distance education

The internet makes distance education possible. We can take courses or even get a
degree online, so the internet has definitely made education more accessible. Thanks
to the internet, we could still take classes at home during the recent coronavirus

(2) Online shopping

With the help of the internet, I can order products anywhere and anytime online. Also,
online shops normally offer huge discounts, so I can get bargains and save a bunch of

(3) Mobile payment

Currently, instead of bringing cash and credit cards, I can only walk around with a
phone. When I want to pay for something, I just need to scan the QR code. Payment
has never been easier.

(4) Easy search function

Whenever I want to search for something online, I just need to type in the keywords
in the search bar, and then within a second, all the related information I want will just
pop up for me to choose.


(1) Not for the elderly

My grandparents have no interest in the internet because they always say that this is
not something for people of their age. They do not know how to use the internet,
either, and many old people are reluctant to learn because they are usually intimidated
by high-tech.

(2) Not in the poorest regions

In some of the poorest countries in the world, only 2% of the population have access
to the internet. Most people there are still struggling to meet their basic needs
everyday, like getting enough food or clean water resources. So, the internet basically
plays no role there.

(3) Banned in some countries

In some countries, like North Korea, the internet plays very limited roles in people’s
everyday life because it is banned. The internet is only used by a small group of people
in the government.


Personally speaking, I agree that the internet has definitely played an important role
in our life. Honestly, this is something we cannot live without these days. First, the
internet makes distance education possible. We can take courses or even get a degree
online, so the internet has definitely made education more accessible. Thanks to the
internet, we could still take classes at home during the recent coronavirus outbreak.
Second, with the help of the internet, I can order products anywhere and anytime
online. Also, online shops normally offer huge discounts, so I can get bargains and save
a bunch of money.


(1) distance education 远程教育

(2) make sth. possible 使某事成为可能
(3) deepen understanding on sth. 加深对…理解
(4) target knowledge 目标知识点
(5) provide sb. with sth. 给某人提供某物
(6) order products 订购产品
(7) offer discounts 提供折扣
(8) a bunch of 许多
(9) bargain 便宜货
(10) a QR code 二维码
(11) search bar 搜索栏
(12) within a matter of a second 一秒内
(13) pop up 弹现
10. Emailing and texting takes a major place in contacting people in modern times.
However, face-to-face talk could be a more effective way of communication. Which
way of communication would you prefer, give the reasons to support your idea?




Face-to-face talk

(1) Body language

When you talk to people face-to-face, you can not only hear them but also see their
facial expressions and gestures. It is much easier to tell how they are feeling about
what you are talking about, so you can make adjustments accordingly.

(2) Quicker and more effective

Communicating face-to-face tends to be quicker and more effective. We can respond
to each other and get feedback immediately, while when you communicate via emails,
it will take you 5 minutes to send a message and maybe another 5 minutes to receive
a reply because typing is much slower than talking.

(3) More sincerity

If you talk to people face-to-face, you can make them feel that they are important. It
shows more sincerity. For example, if you travel to meet a friend, you are showing your
friend that he or she is worth the time and effort.

(4) Prevents misunderstanding

Face-to-face communication can better get the message across. But when you are
typing, you could mistype or the reader could misread. Both of these issues could lead
to misunderstanding.

Emailing and texting

(1) Reduces geographical barriers

With the help of emails, I can stay in touch with my friends in foreign countries. Even
though we live far away from each other, we can instantaneously talk to each other via

(2) Leaves a record

Emails leave a written record of the conversation, and it is easy for me to keep track of
all the information. For example, if I forget about when to meet with my friends next
Friday, I can just search the information in my email inbox.

(3) Makes working from home possible

Communicating through emails makes working from home possible. This is especially
important during the recent coronavirus outbreak, because emails allow us to keep
social distancing and avoid talking to each other face-to-face.


Personally speaking, I prefer to communicate face-to-face. First, when you talk to

people in this way, you can not only hear them but also see their facial expressions and
gestures. It is much easier to tell how they are feeling about what you are talking about,
so then you can make adjustments accordingly. Second, communicating face-to-face
tends to be quicker and more effective. We can respond to each other and get
feedback immediately. But when you communicate via emails, it will take you 5
minutes to send a message and maybe another 5 minutes to receive a reply because
typing is much slower than talking.


(1) facial expressions and gestures 面部表情和手势

(2) make adjustments 做调整
(3) accordingly 相应地
(4) via 通过
(5) sincerity 真诚
(6) get the message across 把意思传达清楚
(7) lead to 导致
(8) geographic barriers 地理障碍
(9) stay in touch with sb. 与某人保持联系
(10) instantaneously 立刻,马上
(11) keep track of sth. 跟踪某事
(12) keep social distancing 保持社交距离
11. Some people prefer to do everyday tasks like doing the laundry or dishes by
hand, others prefer to use machines to do these tasks. Which one do you prefer?
Give details and examples in your response.




Doing the laundry or dishes by hand

(1) Saves money

If you use machines to do the laundry or dishes every day, it could cost you at least
100 yuan for the electricity bill only. In comparison, if you do it by hand, it will not cost
you any money for electricity, and the money saved can be spent on paying for other
household expenses.

(2) Saves water

Washing machines often require more water than washing by hand, so doing the
laundry by hand also helps to save water. Plus, this will also reduce your water bill,
which means more money in your pocket!

(3) Saves yourself from doing the job twice

I used to use a machine to clean dishes, but they never came out of the dishwasher
clean without pre-washing. Sometimes, I could still see scraps of leftover food on the
plates, which was so disgusting, and I had to rewash several of the dishes again after
they came out. It was such a hassle.

Use machines to do these tasks

(1) A huge time saver

A washing machine is a huge time saver over hand washing. You do not have to spend
1 hour standing there washing the clothes by yourself. You can just load your clothes
in the machine, start the cycle, and walk away. You can carry out another task while
the machine is doing the job.
(2) Saves effort
Hand-washing requires too much effort, especially when I have to wash some heavy
materials like curtains or beddings. I always have a hard time lifting up those heavy
and wet things and I usually get back pain after washing clothes. Plus, sometimes it is
hard to get rid of some difficult stains by hand-washing, so machines can save me all
the effort.
(3) More convenient
A washing machine has numerous settings that you can choose from, like the setting
for delicate clothing or heavy garments. You just have to learn which ones to use for
each garment to avoid ruining your clothes. Then your garments will come out
perfectly washed.


I prefer to do the laundry or wash dishes by hand because first, it saves money. If you
use machines to do the laundry or wash dishes every day, it could cost you at least 100
yuan per month for the electricity bill only. In comparison, if you do it by hand, it will
not cost you any money for electricity, and the money saved can be spent on paying
for other household expenses. Second, I do not need to wash it twice. I used to use a
machine to clean dishes, but they never came out of the dishwasher clean without
pre-washing. Sometimes, I could still see scraps of leftover food on the plates, which
was so disgusting, and I had to rewash several of the dishes again after they came out.
It was such a hassle.


(1) do laundry 洗衣服

(2) electricity bill 电费
(3) household expenses 家庭开支
(4) preserve water 节约水
(5) scraps of leftover food 残留的食物
(6) hassle 困难,麻烦
(7) a time saver 节省时间的事
(8) carry out 实施,执行
(9) back pain 背疼
(10) get rid of 除掉
(11) stain 污渍
(12) garment 衣服
12. Some people think electronic books are better, others prefer to work with paper
books. Which do you think is better and why?


如果选择电子书,一个常用理由是电子书更便宜。比如在美国,一本 300
美金的纸质书的电子版本一般只需要 20 美金左右。同时使用电子书可以提高效


Electronic books

(1) Ease of reading

Reading on an e-book reader is great. You can hold it with one hand and it allows you
to read at any angle and posture. Also, e-book readers come with inbuilt light, so you
can read in the dark without hurting your eyes.

(2) Carry a thousand books with ease

An e-book reader is very lightweight and portable. You can carry thousands of e-books
anywhere. Imagine you are going for a long tour and you do not want to carry a lot of
books in your luggage, then an e-book reader will be a perfect choice. It is even lighter
than a medium-sized book.

(3) Cost effective

An e-book reader might look costly, but that is a one-time cost. Plus, the price of e-
books is considerably less than the paper ones. For example, while a paper book can
cost 300 dollars, its e-book counterpart only costs 20 dollars. Also, there are thousands
of free e-books available on the internet for download.

(4) Inbuilt dictionaries

E-book readers have made reading much easier, because they come with inbuilt
dictionaries. You do not have to carry a dictionary or phone while reading. When you
do not understand the meaning of any word, just tap on it, and you will see the
definition immediately.
Paper books

(1) No need for electric power

You do not need to charge printed books. Since it needs no electric power, you can
carry them anywhere without the worry of charging, like you can read paper books on
a plane.

(2) Cheaper than e-book readers

A printed book is much cheaper than an e-book reader. For example, if you buy a kindle,
it could cost you 300 dollars, while if you buy a paper book, normally 20 dollars will be
enough. If you do not read much, a paper book will be more economical.

(3) The feel of paper

For avid readers, there are important elements to reading a paper book: holding a
book in your hand, the smell of the paper, a nice cover, and flipping through pages,
which give us a beautiful feeling. Digital devices lack these pleasing elements. Also, it
feels great to always have a book nearby, no matter if you read it or not.

(4) Easier to take notes

It is much easier to go back and forth to take notes in a paper book. Plus, you can use
pencils and pens of different colors to highlight, use symbols, or write wherever and
whatever you want. After taking notes, you can simply fold a corner to make them.


I prefer e-books. For one thing, e-books are cost-effective. An e-book reader might look
costly, but that is a one-time cost. Plus, the price of e-books is considerably less than
the paper ones. For example, while a paper book can cost 300 dollars, its e-book
counterpart only costs 20 dollars. Also, there are thousands of free e-books available
on the internet for download. Second, e-book readers have made reading much easier,
because they come with inbuilt dictionaries. You do not have to carry a dictionary or
phone while reading. When you do not understand the meaning of any word, just tap
on it, and you will see the definition immediately.

(1) an e-book reader 电子书阅读器
(2) come with 与……一起供给;自带
(3) with ease 轻松地
(4) put things off 拖延
(5) tap on sth. 轻轻敲击某物的表面
(6) electric power 电力
(7) avid 热衷的
(8) flip through page 翻页
(9) go back and forth 来回
(10) fold a corner 折一个角
13. Do you agree or disagree that important business meetings should be held in
person rather than use technology such as video conference call? Give specific
reasons to support your answer.




In person

(1) Easy to see reactions

In face-to-face meetings, all the participants are in the same room and they can read
each other’s body language and see each other's reactions. This helps the meeting
leaders and the participants know if the others present are able to understand what
they are trying to say.

(2) More control and attention

During face-to-face meetings, everyone has no choice but to pay attention to what is
being said, and thus the leaders of the meeting enjoy almost full control and attention.
While, in video conferences, participants might be distracted and working on other
documents, sending emails, and checking messages, and the leaders are not able to
exercise enough control.

(3) Builds stronger relationships with team members or clients

If you take time to meet with someone face to face, it shows that you really care about
the person and the issues. Your team members or clients will appreciate your sincerity
and this will definitely help you to build stronger relationships with them.

Video conference call

(1) Avoids traveling

If one has to travel long distance for a face-to-face meeting, then they will have to bear
great travel costs, including airfare and accommodation costs. Also, time is wasted on
the road, and people are usually less productive dealing with work on a plane or a train.
So, a video conference call can save you much time and money.

(2) Better flexibility

If there is an emergency meeting, but team members are present in different locations,
then a conference call is a much quicker and more convenient option. Wherever your
team members are, they can join the meeting online right away. By contrast, this is
impossible for a face-to-face meeting.

(3) Can be recorded

Now, every video conference can be recorded, so even when a team member is absent
from the meeting, he or she can still watch the video afterwards to catch up. The
videos can also be shared with colleagues in other departments to spread the
information of the conference.


I prefer to meet in person. For one thing, in face-to-face meetings, all the participants
are in the same room and they can read each other's body language and see each
other's reactions. This helps the meeting leaders and the participants know if the
others present are able to understand what they are trying to say. Also, if you take time
to meet with someone face to face, it shows that you really care about the person and
the issues. Your team members or clients will appreciate your sincerity and this will
definitely help you to build stronger relationships with them.


(1) exercise control 施加控制

(2) build relationships with someone 与某人建立关系
(3) bear great travel costs 承受巨大的旅行费用
(4) airfare 机票费用
(5) accommodation costs 住宿费用
(6) catch up 跟上;了解情况
14. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that students should be allowed to
carry their cellphones at all times? Give details and examples in your response.





(1) Parents can stay in touch with their kids

If students are allowed to carry their cellphones at all times, parents can stay in touch
with their kids and know their whereabouts. Some parents also use apps to keep track
of their kids’ cell phone’s location to see if their kids are in their regular locations.

(2) Record lectures

Smart phones can be great learning tools, like they can be used to record lectures. For
example, sometimes I need to hear information more than once for it to sink in. In this
case, I record the lecture with my phone. After the class, I can watch the video as many
times as I need to. I can even watch the video at a slower pace.

(3) Emergencies can happen

Students can quickly ask for help in the middle of an emergency if they have a phone.
Incidences of violent attacks at a school, fires, kidnappings, medical emergencies and
other emergencies can sometimes occur. Students can be saved if these emergencies
are reported quickly.


(1) Disruptive
Some students often forget to turn off their phones in class, and ringing noises or text-
message alerts are so noisy that will interfere with the teacher and also disturb other
students who are actually paying attention to the class.
(2) Students will pay less attention to the class
Cell phones can be very distracting. If students carry a phone with them, they will
probably be busy playing around on the phone, chatting with friends, or surfing the
internet. Thus, they will pay less attention to the class and this will definitely influence
their grade.

(3) Can be used for cheating

Some students can subtly look up the answers to test questions using Google or
Wikipedia, or they can ask their friends for help. This is unfair to those students who
are well-prepared for the test. Even though careful monitoring can help, such things
can still happen as long as students are allowed to carry a phone in the school.


Personally speaking, I disagree with this statement. For one thing, cell phones can
cause many distractions. If students carry a phone with them, they will probably be
busy playing around on the phone, chatting with friends, or surfing the internet. Thus,
they will pay less attention to the class and this will definitely influence their grade.
Second, cell phones can be used for cheating. Some students can subtly look up the
answers to test questions using Google or Wikipedia, or they can ask their friends for
help. This is unfair to those students who are well-prepared for the test. Even though
careful monitoring can help, such things can still happen as long as students are
allowed to carry a phone in the school.


(1) be in touch with someone 与某人保持联系

(2) whereabouts 行踪
(3) learning tool 学习工具
(4) sink in 吸收沉淀
(5) at a slow pace 慢速
(6) violent attack 暴力袭击
(7) kidnapping 绑架
(8) medical emergency 急救;急诊
(9) turn off the phone 关机
(10) text-message alerts 短信提醒
(11) interfere with 打扰
(12) look up 查询
15. Some people like new technology that allows them to complete many common
activities (such as shopping and banking) and prefer to use only machines while
they are doing these activities. Other people prefer to interact with a person
while they are doing these activities. Which way would you prefer to use and
why? Using details and examples in your response.




Use only machines

(1) Much faster
Machines like the self-checkout system can speed up the process. Normally, when I
wait in line to check out, it will at least take me 10 minutes, but at the self-checkout
terminal, I can get the job done within 30 seconds. So, it is a much faster and more
convenient option, especially if you are a busy person."

(2) More convenient

Machines normally offer more payment and language options. This is especially useful
when you are travelling in a foreign country. For example, when I was travelling in
Japan last year, I always used machines in airports or shops, because I could choose
Chinese as the system language. They also offered more options like cash, credit cards,
or mobile payments. These make it much easier for a foreign visitor like me to
complete a transaction.

(3) Practice social distancing

During the recent coronavirus, we are required to practice social distancing. In other
words, we should avoid human interaction while carrying out different activities. So,
in a special circumstance like this, I prefer to use machines only.
Interact with a person

(1) More help

If I have a shopping cart full of items, I prefer to go to a cashier. The cashier can ring it
up and bag it more quickly than I can, if I have bought a lot of merchandise. I am lazy
when it comes to those kinds of things, and the cashiers can put the items in the bags
better than the customers do. In this way, I will have better a shopping experience.
(2) Personal interaction
I love interacting with people. Rather than dealing with a faceless and cold machine, I
can enjoy a brief conversation with employees. A simple exchange of pleasantries can
make my day.
(3) More convenient
One time after scanning the only item I had, the machine insisted I scan a second item,
but I did not have one. Then I had to wait for help from an employee, which ended up
costing me more time. Sometimes I also have trouble navigating my way through all
the systems, so interacting with a person can save me all the trouble.


Personally speaking, I prefer to interact with a person. For one thing, if I have a
shopping cart full of items, I prefer to go to a cashier. The cashier can ring it up and bag
it more quickly than I can, if I have bought a lot of merchandise. I am lazy when it
comes to those kinds of things, and the cashiers can put the items in the bags better
than the customers do. In this way, I will have better shopping experience. Second, I
love interacting with people. Rather than dealing with a faceless and cold machine, I
can enjoy a brief conversation with employees. A simple exchange of pleasantries can
make my day.


(1) speed up 提速
(2) check out 结账
(3) self-checkout 自动结账系统
(4) complete a transaction 完成交易
(5) practice social distancing 保持社交距离
(6) line up 购买
(7) a shopping cart 购物车
(8) ring it up 结账
(9) bag sth. 打包某物
(10) an exchange of pleasantries 寒暄
(11) make my day 使我开心

1. Some people prefer to get advices from older generations, others prefer to get
advices from friends. Which do you prefer?


比如 长辈可以利用自己曾经在职场的经验或者生活的教训来给建议,以避免犯


Get advice from older generations

(1) Knowledge transfer

Older generations have decades of experience to share with younger generations.
Millennials can spend years slowly gaining the experience and making the same
mistakes on their own, or they can draw on the wisdom of those who have already
been down the same road.

(2) Relieve stress

Since young people generally have stress from work and life, talking to older people
can relieve anxiety about the future, especially when the time comes to celebrate a
loved one’s life after they die.

(3) Develop intergenerational relationships

It helps to alleviate fears children may have of the elderly and to understand and
later accept their own aging.

(4) Invigorate and energize older adults

It will reduce the likelihood of depression and the isolation of older adults.

Get advices from friends

(1) Friends know you the best

Young people normally spend most of their time with friends, and as a result, they
know each other even better than their own parents. Therefore, they might offer
really valuable advice.
(2) Easier access to friends
When people are studying in college, it might not be convenient for them to contact
their parents, who are more likely to live in a different place, when in need. On the
contrary, friends are always there.

(3) For privacy concerns

It is easier to talk about some personal matters, like the problems you have with
your boyfriend, or whether to get a tattoo, to your friends than to your parents.

(4) Time to be independent without parents’ help

As you grow out of childhood, it is time to take care of yourself. Try to solve
problems by yourself first, and then ask for your peers’ help.


Well, for me, advice from older generations works better. To start off, as a
millennial, I will inevitably encounter obstacles and make mistakes when growing up.
Instead of dealing with all the negative consequences on my own, I’d rather draw on
the wisdom of those who've already been down the same road in advance. Plus, I
like to talk to the elderly in my family since the time we spend connecting not only
helps them to reduce the loneliness in their life, but also makes us closer.


(1) millennial 千禧一代(多指1980-2000年出生的人)

(2) inevitably 不可避免地
(3) encounter obstacles 遇到阻碍
(4) draw on 吸取(经验教训)
(5) be down the same road 有过相似的经历
(6) reduce the loneliness 减轻孤独感
2. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that friends are the most important
influence on young adults?





(1) Boost your happiness and reduce your stress

Hanging out with your best friends after a long day is the best way to unwind, even
when you are not doing anything, the company is already relaxing enough for
younger adults.

(2) Similar needs and tastes

Young people tend to find the company of their friends more attractive because
people of the same age groups have similar needs, interests and tastes.

(3) The urge to fit in the group

Young people today have access to a lot of things that their parents did not have
when they were young. At this age, boys and girls experience an irresistible need to
fit in with their group. This need encourages them to adopt the beliefs and behaviors
of their friends.

(4) More likely to follow friends’ advice

Due to the generation gap between young people and their parents, they are more
willing to listen to what their friends say and take their words into account.


(1) Family is the most important influence

The environment where someone grows up basically decides who they are, and
when it comes to crucial life decisions, they are, of course, more likely to take their
family members’ advice.

(2) Pressure to fit in

When trying to fit in with a group of friends, young people tend to conform by doing
things that they normally would not do, and that could lead to some negative

(3) Changes of social circles

Young adults experience a series of changes as they graduate and grow up, and their
social circles will change as well. Several years spent with a group of people is not
long enough to change someone permanently.

(4) The definition of friends

The threshold of defining whether someone is a friend varies among different
people. A few hours spent together at a party is enough for some people to call
someone a friend.


Friends are definitely the most important influence on young adults. Friendships
can benefit you in a number of ways: lifting your self-esteem, encouraging you to live
healthier, or even just elevating the quality of your life. For people like me, friends
help us to be the best we can be. Additionally, being away from family and home
enables young people to live independently. In fact, they spend way much more time
with their friends than with their family members. What friends think, do and say
make a major impact on their life.


(1) lift self-esteem 提高自尊心

(2) elevate the quality of life 提升生活品质
(3) be the best they can be 做到最好
(4) make a major impact on… 对……造成很大的影响
3. Some people think that it’s more important to spend time with families, others
think they should focus on work and study. Which do you prefer?




Spend time with families

(1) Builds self-esteem

Children who spend quality time with their loved ones have self-confidence. They
are more sociable because they sense that their parents value them. Also, kids with
self-esteem find it easy to build relationships.

(2) Creates bonds

Spending time with family strengthens family ties. Also, families who enjoy group
activities will develop strong relationships and handle stressful situations more easily
than those who do not.

(3) Nurtures positive behavior

Consequently, young people will start to develop positive behavior because loved
ones influence them. Furthermore, adolescents who spend more time with their
parents tend not to abuse alcohol.

(4) Creates memories

Another reason for having family time is to make memories and these memories
could last a lifetime.

(5) Relieves stress

Chatting with your loved ones will help to reduce your stress. Talking about worries
can minimize the stressful effect.

Focus on work and study

(1) Boosts Working Efficiency

More time spent on work means you are fully concentrated on it, and this enables
you to think fast without being distracted.
(2) Improves Working Skills
As a young man, only by making mistakes and learning will help you become more
professional and lead to more achievements at work.

(3) Secures your future

Young people should know how crucial what they are doing now is to their future.
Studying and working hard can guarantee they have a secure life in the years ahead.

(4) Work and study is time-consuming

A project at work or a big assignment in college takes more effort than you think to
complete. Even working overnight is a common event.


Personally, I prefer to spend more time my family, for a number of reasons. The
essence of family is to be there for each other. For example, when I'm facing a tough
time at work, sharing it with my parents can be a big relief. This will create a sense of
security and belonging. Moreover, it reduces stress. Maintaining a work-life balance,
family responsibilities, and so on, can be stressful. However, spending time with my
family acts as a stress-buster. Having a support system to discuss my stress and
issues substantially reduces the pressure.


(1) essence 精髓,重点

(2) be there for each other 互相支持
(3) face a tough time 面对困难
(4) big relief 很大的解脱
(5) a sense of security 安全感
(6) a sense of belonginess 归属感
(7) reduce stress 减压
(8) work-life balance 工作和生活的平衡
(9) stress-buster 减压方式
(10) substantially 本质上,实际上
4. Some people like to befriend people who share the same opinion, others like to
befriend someone who holds different ideas. Which do you prefer?




Befriend people with the same opinion

(1) Birds of a feather flock together

Nobody likes to be opposed or disliked, everyone wants someone who
acknowledges their thoughts. This is why we become friends in the first place.

(2) Comfort - A group of individual finds themselves more comfortable if all

members have similar opinions, because it is the human tendency to find a place
that supports them.

(3) Confidence
People are confident that their friends will give them appropriate suggestions.

(4) Avoids conflict

When hanging out with your friends just for fun, nobody wants to argue over a
variety of things with their friends just because they do not share the same opinion.

Befriend someone who holds different ideas

(1) Better advice

Some people would like to be with a person who has innovation and also another
opinion in different situations, since it is a good chance for them to utilize from other
mindsets and experiences in their lives and know what direction they want to go.

(2) Share ideas

They can share their knowledge and skills and through
this action, they can acquire loads of information which will be definitely beneficial
for them in the future.
(3) Facilitate radical thinking
Diversity can contribute to the birth of new ideas and opportunities.
(4) Become open-minded
Folks whose mindset differs from one another makes them more adaptable to react
to unfavorable situations.


Truth to be told, I support the latter point of view, as it makes our thought processes
much wider. To begin with, it enables a person to comprehend and evaluate
another’s thoughts, which often opens a new door of opportunities for learning. For
example, any pre-existing problem can have multiple possible resolutions. This can
be understood more clearly when you interact with different folks with different
intellectual backgrounds, rather than settling for only one idea. Not only this, but it
can also have a cultural impact and make an individual more open-minded and able
to operate in a cross-section of social situations.


(1) truth to be told 实话实说

(2) open a new door of opportunities 获得新的机会
(3) pre-existing problem 眼前的问题
(4) settle for only one idea 满足于唯一的想法
(5) cultural impact 文化上的影响
(6) open-minded 心胸开阔的
(7) operate in a cross-section of social situations 跨越社会阶层
5. Do you think it’s better to communicate with a person face to face, or through text
messages and emails?




Communicate face to face

(1) Shows body language

When you see the way that the person you are talking to reacts, you are able to
better understand how they are feeling.

(2) Builds relationships

It provides a feel of friendliness which, in turn, boosts the success of your
relationships, whether they are personal or business relationships.

(3) Values the other person

When you make the effort to actually see the other person and when you show
them through your expressions that you are listening and you care about what they
are saying, you will show the other that you value them.

(4) Boosts effectiveness

Meeting with people will allow you to give out all the details clearly, benefit from the
flow of ideas that others might suggest, and boost the overall creativity and energy
of the meeting.

(5) Protects confidentiality

There is some information that is meant for only one person. In face to face
communication, sensitive information is revealed only to the trusted person in a
private setting.

Communicate through text messages and emails

(1) Fast and high-priority
Most people read their texts or emails instantly after receiving them which makes it
quicker and easier to deliver important messages.
(2) Reach many people at once
It is an easy way to blast many people at once with the same message.

(3) Increases efficiency

For people who live and work in different places, setting a time and location to meet
and talk requires effort, whereas a simple text could help deliver your messages in
no time.

(4) Keeps a written record

In business occasions, important communications and exchanges of files need to be
stored and available for later use.


I like to talk to people face to face. One of the benefits of face-to-face

communication is the live feedback translated through the body language and facial
expressions. Other forms of communication can never provide this advantage. You
can also hear the tone of voice which makes it easier to interpret the person’s
feelings. Moreover, it’s efficient. Efficiency is so important, especially in the business
world. Imagine having to explain a whole project through an email and then spend
the whole day responding to questions. Instead, you will be able to address all the
problems at once when you actually see your team or clients.


(1) live feedback 实时反馈

(2) body language 肢体语言
(3) facial expressions 面部表情
(4) interpret the person’s feelings 解读人的情感
(5) respond to questions 回应问题
(6) address the problems 解决问题
(7) at once 立即
6. Do you like to make a plan with friends about social activities in advance or plan it
when you attend it?




Make a plan in advance

(1) Saves a lot of time

If you do not have a plan, you will have to spend a lot of time deciding what to do and
where to go when you see each other. But if you have a plan, you can start having fun
immediately upon seeing each other.

(2) Have a better time

There is a lot you can do beforehand, like booking a table or going online to see what
dishes people recommend. In this way, you can make sure you have a wonderful time.

(3) Saves money

For example, if you are going on a trip with your friends and you book the plane tickets
and hotel rooms in advance, you will be able to save a lot of money because they are
usually cheaper when you buy them in advance.

(4) You won’t miss out on anything

For example, if you are going on a trip with your friends, you can make a list of the
things you want to do and the places you want to go to. In this way, you will not forget

Plan it when you attend it

(1) Plans eliminate the element of surprise

When you go out with your friends without a plan, you might end up doing something
that you never thought you would do, like you might decide to go jet skiing or bungee
jumping. It’s so much more fun than whatever plan you might have had.

(2) Plans can lead to disappointment

When you go out with your friends with a plan, sometimes you might not be able to
do the things you want to because of the weather or the traffic. In this case, everybody
would feel disappointed.
(3) Plans cause unnecessary stress
For some people, it is unacceptable not to have a plan and go through with it. They
grow so fixated, even obsessed with their plans that they do anything to ensure they
follow through completely on their plans, even if that means experiencing trouble or
problems in the process.

(4) Making plans is energy-consuming

For example, some people would spend weeks on planning a one-week trip to Thailand.
They would do so much research on the food, the temples and the markets. It is just


Personally speaking, I prefer making plans in advance. This is because we will be able
to save a lot of time. I mean, if my friends and I have to start making plans when we
see each other, we are going to spend so much time on deciding what to do and where
to go. But if we make plans in advance, we can start having fun immediately. Besides,
we will have a way better time if we plan ahead. For example, if you are going to dinner
with a friend, there is a lot you can do beforehand, like you can book a table, so you
don’t have to wait in line. Also, you can go online to see the dishes that other people
recommend. In this case, you can make sure that you have a wonderful time with your


(1) in advance 提前
(2) way better 好得多
(3) plan ahead 提前做好计划
(4) book a table 预定座位(餐厅)
(5) wait in line 排队等候
(6) recommend a dish 推荐一道菜
(7) have a wonderful time 玩得非常愉快
7. Some people prefer to celebrate special occasions like birthdays with their friends,
others prefer to be alone at such occasions. Which do you prefer? Use examples
and details to support your response.




Celebrate special occasions with friends

(1) More fun

My friends throw a birthday party for me every year. We get together at my place,
order something to eat and play video games. They also give me presents. We have
a blast.

(2) Bond with friends

On my birthday we get together and talk about how much we have grown over the
past year. Also, we share with each other what is going on in each other’s lives. In this
way, we feel closer to each other.

(3) It is the only day in a year that’s all about me

You know, on that day, my friends will be super nice to me. They will buy me something
nice, listen to me whining about nothing and I get to boss around them. It just feels
good to do those things once every year!

To be alone on special occasions

(1) I can do whatever I want

If I celebrate my birthdays with other people, I will be doing things that they want to
do, like having a birthday party and singing the birthday song. But I usually just want
to stay in my room and play video games.

(2) I don’t like being the center of attention

I am a very shy person so every time my parents throw a birthday party for me, I always
feel very uncomfortable because everybody asks me a lot of questions and feels the
need to talk to me.

(3) It is a reminder that I am aging

When I was a kid, I did enjoy birthdays because my parents would take me to a nice
restaurant and buy me something nice. But now I just do not want to celebrate it
anymore because I am getting older and starting to feel more stressful about


Personally speaking, I prefer to celebrate special occasions with my friends. This is

because it is just more fun this way. You know, my friends throw a birthday party for
me every year. We get together at my place, order something to eat and play video
games. And of course, they give me presents. Like I said, we always have a blast. Plus,
it is how I bond with my friends. I mean, on my birthday we get together and talk about
how much we have grown over the past year. Also, we share with each other what is
going on in each other’s lives. As a result, we feel closer to each other.


(1) throw a party 举办一个聚会

(2) get together 聚会
(3) order something to eat 点东西吃
(4) play video games 玩电子游戏
(5) give sb. a present 给某人礼物
(6) what is going on in one’s life 某人的生活中在发生些什么
(7) feel closer to sb. 对某人感到更亲近
8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It’s acceptable that
someone use other’s influence to get a job.





(1) Saves time

If I can use another’s influence to get a job, I do not have to go job hunting and sit
through all those interviews. I can spend the extra time on something that is more
meaningful, like taking an online course or doing some reading.

(2) Saves money

For example, when someone is going to a job interview, he or she will probably need
a new suit and a haircut. The ladies will want to get their hair done. You know, these
preparations can be really expensive.

(3) It reduces recruiting costs for the company

Sometimes it costs a company a lot of time and money to find the right person for a
certain position, but if somebody inside the company knows who you are and you are
right for the job, they can just recommend you to the company.

(4) You will be working with somebody that you already know
For example, if you get a job from one of your friends’ recommendation, you will be
working with him or her. That means your life will be a lot easier since he will introduce
you to other employees and give you a hand when you need help.


(1) You might get a job that you are not qualified for
If somebody just gives you this job without knowing whether you are capable or not,
you may be clueless and you might make a lot of mistakes and bad decisions.

(2) It is not fair for other applicants

Others work hard before the interview in the hope of a fair competition. If they find
out they did not get the job because they did not know anybody, they will feel really
upset and disappointed.

(3) Other employees may not respect you.

Other employees might think you only got this job because of who you know, not
because of what you can do. For this reason, they may not respect you or trust your

(4) You may feel a lot of pressure

Because you do not want other employees to think that you are incompetent, you will
keep pushing yourself to work hard and get good results.


Personally speaking, I think it is a great idea to use another’s influence to get a job.
This is because it will save me a lot of time. I mean, if I can use another’s influence to
get a job, I don’t have to go job hunting and sit through all those interviews. In this
case, I will be able to spend the extra time on something that is more meaningful, like
taking an online course or doing some reading. Plus, I will save so much money. For
example, when someone is going to a job interview, he or she will probably need a
new suit and a haircut. The ladies will want to get their hair done. You know, these
preparations can be really expensive. But if I can use another’s influence to get a job,
I can save all that money.


(1) job hunting 求职

(2) sit through sth. 从头到尾坐着忍受某件事情
(3) take an online course 上一门网课
(4) job interview 工作面试
(5) suit 西装
(6) get one’s hair done 做头发
9. Some people like making friends with same ages, while other people like making
friend with different ages. Which do you prefer?




Make friends with people of the same age

(1) There is no generation gap

We watch the same movies and TV shows, listen to the same type of music and idolize
the same group of athletes. We often enjoy talking to each other and understand each
other’s jokes.

(2) We can do stuff together

I often hang out with my friends on the weekends in a coffee shop. My 28-year-old
cousin usually gets a massage or goes on a double date. I can’t imagine doing the same
stuff with him.

(3) You get long-lasting friendships

Because people of the same age tend to have the same struggles and aspirations, they
will be more likely to support and motivate each other. This will result in heathier and
longer-lasting friendships.

Make friends with people of different ages

(1) Improves communication skills

If you have friends of different age groups, you will get to know how people in each
age group communicate and learn to talk to them. For this reason, you will become a
better communicator.

(2) Gain perspective

One of the advantages of being friends with an older person is that they can offer you
different perspectives. That means you will look at the world differently and think in
different ways. You may well become a more open-minded person.

(3) Learn to show empathy

If you have friends of different age groups, they might talk to you about the problems
in their lives. You might not understand their problems, but you can learn to listen.


Honestly, I prefer making friends with people my age. This is because there is no
generation gap between us. I mean, because we are of the same age, we probably
watch the same movies and TV shows, listen to the same type of music and idolize the
same group of athletes. In this case, I am sure we would enjoy talking to each other
and would understand each other’s jokes. Plus, we can do stuff together. For example,
I am in high school, so on the weekends, I often hang out with my friends in a coffee
shop. My cousin is 28, and on the weekends, he usually just gets a massage or goes on
a double date. I just can’t imagine doing all that stuff with him.


(1) People my age 同龄人

(2) generation gap 代沟
(3) of the same age 同龄
(4) idolize sb. 视某人为偶像
(5) understand each other’s jokes 理解对方的笑话
(6) coffee shop 咖啡馆
(7) double date 两对男女一起的约会
10. When traveling, do you think it’s necessary for you to update on your family
members about what you’ve done in what place?




(1) I don’t want them to worry about me
For example, last year I went to Japan with my friends. I was having so much fun that
I did not talk to my parents for 4 or 5 days. They got so worried that they actually called
to see if I was ok.

(2) I want to share with my family how happy I am

Every time I travel, I take a lot of pictures of the people I meet and the places I go to.
Later, I post them online so my family and friends can see them and feel happy for me.

(3) They can give me some traveling advice

For example, my mother has been to a lot of different countries. Every time I go to a
different country, I call my mom to ask her where I should go or what kind of food I
should try.

Not necessary
(1) Traveling is the time when I take a break from my life
I live with my family, so there are good days and bad days. On the bad days, we fight a
lot, so, when I go traveling, I turn off my phone and just enjoy my trip. This is how I

(2) My travel buddies would be annoyed

Let’s say I go on a trip with four other people and we will be on the road for 2 weeks.
I do not think they would want me to be on the phone with my mother all the time
because it is super annoying.

(3) Traveling should be an opportunity to bond with friends

When you go traveling, you should do everything with your friends, like visiting tourist
attractions, trying the local food and staying up late talking. So, it’s not really not that
necessary to stay in touch with your family.

Personally speaking, I think it is necessary for me to keep my family updated when I

am traveling. This is because I don’t want them to worry about me. For example, last
year I went to Japan with my friends. I was having so much fun, so I did not talk to my
parents for 4 or 5 days. They got so worried that they actually called to see if I was ok.
This is why I want to keep them updated. Plus, I want to share with my family how
happy I am. You know, every time I travel, I take a lot of pictures of the people I meet
and the places I go to. And of course, I post them online so my family and friends can
see them and feel happy for me.


(1) keep sb. updated 随时告诉某人某件事情的进展

(2) get worried 担心
(3) take pictures 拍照
(4) post sth. online 把某物发到网上
(5) feel happy for sb. 为某人感到高兴
11. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Friends who have
disagreements could still maintain their friendship.





(1) Views and opinions do not get in the way.

We make friends with other people because we like hanging out with them – not
because we share the same views on social or political issues – even if we voted for
different candidates in the last election, we can still play basketball and go to a movie
(2) Learn from each other
Sometimes we are drawn to the people that agree with us because they do not
challenge us. But this is very limiting. If we can be friends with people who share
different views with us, we can learn to look at the world from a different
(3) Become a more tolerant person
For example, my friend David is vegan but I am a meat eater. I empathize with his
reasons and understand a lot of his arguments about animals not being given a good
life and he respects my meat-eating habits. We both become more tolerant because
of each other.
(4) Improve your communication skills
If you can be friends with people who disagree with you, you can learn how to talk to
them and understand their ideas. In this way, you will become a better


(1) Fight all the time

If you become friends with people who disagree with you, you will have a lot of
heated discussions about so many things. During the discussion, one of you is likely
to raise your voice and the discussion could turn into a fight.

(2) Difficult to hang out with them

Let’s say you are vegan, but you have a friend who is a devoted meat-eater. That
means if you want to have dinner together, they will be eating a lot of meat in front
of you and you could easily feel offended.

(3) You have to leave your comfort zone

If you become friends with people who disagree with you, that means sometimes
you will have to go to places you do not want to go, meet people you do not want to
meet and do the stuff that you do not want to do. It could make you feel very


Honestly, I do believe that friends who have disagreements can still maintain their
friendship. This is because we make friends with other people because we like
spending time with them, not because we share the same views on social or political
issues. I mean, even if we voted for different candidates in the last election, we could
still play basketball and go to a movie together. That is what friends are for. Plus, we
can learn from each other. You know, sometimes we are drawn to the people that
agree with us because they don’t challenge us, but this is very limiting. If we can be
friends with people who share different views from us, we will learn to look at the
world from a different perspective.


(1) maintain friendship 保持友谊

(2) share the same view as sb. 与某人有相同的想法
(3) social or political issues 社会或政治问题
(4) vote for sb. 给某人投票
(5) candidate 候选人
(6) election 选举/ 大选
(7) go to a movie 看一场电影
(8) that’s what friends are for 这都是朋友
(9) be drawn to sb. 被某人吸引
(10) look at the world from a different perspective 从不同的角度看世界
12. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? You should not try to
help your friends with their problems unless they ask for your help.





(1) Some people just want to keep their problems to themselves

I know people who do not talk to others about their emotional problems because
they prefer to be alone in a quiet place at that time. I think we should just respect

(2) Sometimes they do not want help

For example, one of your friends is struggling with work, but what he is trying to do
is to figure out the ways to deal with the problems by himself so he can become
better at his job. Now if you just solve the problems for him, he will not be able to
get better and it could be seen as being rude.

(3) Sometimes we do not know what is best for them

For example, when one of your friends is feeling down, you think they need to go out
and have fun, so you offer to take them out. But maybe what they really want to do
is to stay at home and be alone.


(1) Sometimes they just do not want to be embarrassed

A lot of people think that asking for help is quite embarrassing and they just keep it
to themselves all the time. We should offer our help first to save them the
(2) It might be too late when they ask for help
When our friends finally make up their minds to ask for our help, things may have
gone really bad. If we offer our help first, we might easily help them with their

(3) There is always something you can do

Sometimes our friends do not need us to solve the problems for them, but there are
other things that we can do. For example, we can bring food over, run errands for
them or we can just be good listeners. All these things can help them feel better
without being aggressive.


Honestly, I don’t think we should help our friends only when they ask for help. This is
because sometimes our friends just don’t want to be embarrassed. I mean, I know a
lot of people who think that asking for help is quite embarrassing, so they just keep
their problems to themselves all the time. In this case, we should offer our help first
to save them the embarrassment. Also, it might be too late when they ask for help.
You know, sometimes when our friends finally make up their minds to ask for our
help, things may have gone really bad. So, if we offer our help first, we might easily
solve their problems.


(1) ask for help 寻求帮助

(2) keep it to oneself 闷在心里
(3) save sb. the embarrassment 避免某人尴尬
(4) make up one’s mind 下定决心
(5) things have gone bad 事情已经变得很糟
13. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that interrupting others while
others are talking about something in a discussion is impolite and unacceptable?





(1) It might break their chain of thought

When you interrupt other people when they are talking, they might forget what they
are trying to say; they will have to waste some time collecting their thoughts.

(2) It is very upsetting, especially for teachers

Imagine this is a classroom and the teacher is trying to teach, but some students are
just talking loudly in the back of the classroom, about something irrelevant. The
teacher will not be happy about that.

(3) Interrupting does not make you look good

When you interrupt other people, even for a good reason, like asking a relevant
question or offering a solution to a problem, you still come off as rude and arrogant
because you are basically saying “I don’t care about what you are saying” and “my
voice is more important than yours”.

Sometimes it is OK to interrupt others

(1) It is OK to interrupt others when they are offering wrong information

For example, in an English class when the teacher misspells a word. It would be a
good time to interrupt because if you do not interrupt now, other students are going
to think it is the right spelling and write it down.

(2) It is OK to interrupt others when they are wasting your time

For example, you are in a meeting and the presenter just wanders off the topic, like
he just starts talking about what to have for lunch and stuff – it would be a good idea
to interrupt him because he is wasting everybody’s time.

(3) It is OK to interrupt others when they are disturbing other people

For example, you are in a museum and someone is on his phone, talking very loudly
and disturbing other people. It would be a good idea to interrupt him and stop him
from ruining other people’s experience.


Personally speaking, I think it is impolite and unacceptable to interrupt others when

they are talking. This is because it might break their chain of thought. You know,
when you interrupt other people when they are talking, they might forget what they
are trying to say. In this way, they will have to waste some time collecting their
thoughts. Plus, interrupting doesn’t make you look good. I mean, when you interrupt
other people, even for a good reason, like asking a relevant question or offering a
solution to a problem, you still come off as rude and arrogant. Because you are
basically saying “I don’t care about what you are saying” and “my voice is more
important than yours.


(1) break one’s chain of thought 打断某人的思路

(2) collect one’s thoughts 集中注意力思考
(3) make sb. look good 让某人的形象变好
(4) for a good reason 出于一个正当的理由
(5) offer a solution to a problem 对一个问题提出一个解决办法
(6) come off as rude and arrogant 显得粗鲁又傲慢
14. Some people like surprise visits from their friends, while others prefer to be
informed of such visits. Which one do you prefer and why?




Sometimes a surprise visit can be a good idea

(1) Special occasions

It can be a good idea when it is your friend’s birthday, for example, because they
would probably enjoy your company. Often, when it is someone’s birthday, they will
not be doing anything important about work except for celebrating. So, if you pay
them a surprise visit, I think they will be thrilled to see you and you can join their

(2) Romantic in a couple

It can be a good idea when you are in a long-distance relationship with someone
because it is very romantic. If you have not seen your girlfriend in 6 months, you can
show up unexpectedly with a bunch of red roses in your hand. I think she will be in
tears of joy when she sees you.

(3) I like surprises

Ever since I was a kid, I have liked all kinds of surprises; surprise birthday parties
from my parents and friends and surprise visits from my uncle and aunts who live far
away, for example, because these things make me feel special and important. So, if
my friends pay me a surprise visit, I will definitely love it.

Prefer to be informed

(1) I can be better prepared

If my friends give me a heads up before they come, I can order some food, make
some coffee and do some cleaning. Then, we would have a blast.
(2) I might have something important on that day
For example, last Friday, my friend Tommy showed up at my doorstep without
informing me first. I happened to be out of town for a meeting on that very day so
he basically wasted an hour driving to my place.

(3) Surprise visits are rude and presumptuous

When you just show up in front of somebody without telling them first, you are
putting them in a very difficult situation because they might have to clear their
schedule on that day just to keep you company, like they have to get off work or
early or something.


Honestly, I think my friends should inform me first before they come to visit. This is
because I can be better prepared. You know, if my friends give me a heads up before
they come, I can order some food, make some coffee and do some cleaning. In this
case, we would have a blast. But if they just drop by without telling me first, we will
not have so much fun. Also, it would save everybody a lot of trouble. For example,
last Friday, my friend Tommy showed up at my doorstep without informing me first.
But I happened to be out of town for a meeting on that very day. So, he basically
wasted an hour driving to my place.


(1) be better prepared 准备得更好

(2) give sb. a heads up 通知某人有事将要发生
(3) make some coffee 做些咖啡
(4) do some cleaning 打扫卫生
(5) have a blast 玩得开心
(6) drop by 顺便来访
(7) save sb. a lot of trouble 给某人省了很多麻烦
(8) show up at one’s doorstep 出现在某人家门口
(9) happen to do sth. 碰巧做了什么
(10) be out of town 不在城里
15. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: it is important to keep
good relationships with our new neighbors?





(1) Help each other

For example, I have a 4-year-old sister. My parents are usually really busy, and I have
to go to school every day, so, sometimes we ask our neighbors to babysit my sister.
In this way, we do not have to worry about her anymore.

(2) Have a lot fun

When you are friends with your neighbors, you can invite them over for dinner on
the weekends. You can even take a trip together during holiday season. I’m sure you
will have a blast.

(3) Make life-long friends

When you decide to buy a house, you will usually live there for a long time, like 15 to
20 years, even longer. So, if you have a good relationship with your neighbors, you
will be friends for a long time.

(4) Increase safety

If you have a good relationship with your neighbors, they will tell you when
somebody is trying to break into your house or steal your car when you are not
home. In this case, your property will be much safer.

Not important

(1) It can be a waste of time

If you are friends with your neighbors, they might want to have a conversation with
you every time you leave your house for work or school. It can be a huge waste of
time because you might be in a hurry.

(2) They might be too friendly sometimes

If you are friends with your neighbors, they might invite themselves over to your
house parties when they are not invited. Or they will just ring your doorbell and
barge in, just because they want to hang out with you. All these things can be very

(3) People move a lot nowadays

Sometimes you spend a lot of time getting to know your neighbors, but after a year
they just move to a different state. So, all the time that you have spent together
makes it difficult to say goodbye because you feel attached.


Personally, I think it is super important to keep good relationships with the new
neighbors. This is because we can help each other. For example, I have a 4-year-old
sister. My parents are usually really busy, and I have to go to school every day. So,
sometimes we ask our neighbors to babysit my sister. In this way, we don’t have to
worry about her being home alone. Plus, we can have so much fun. You know, my
family are good friends with our neighbors, so we sometimes invite them over for
dinner on the weekends. We even take a trip together during holiday season. Like I
said, we usually have a blast.


(1) babysit (临时代人) 照看小孩

(2) home alone 独自在家
(3) invite sb. over 邀请某人来你家
(4) take a trip 旅行
(5) holiday season 假日季节

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