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Địa điểm thi: Phòng Test 2, Tầng 3 tòa nhà Trung Yên Plaza, Số 1 Trung Hòa,
Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội. Khi thi phải xuất trình CMND (hoặc hộ chiếu) bản gốc
Thời gian thi: 50 phút gồm 35 câu hỏi bằng Tiếng Anh, điểm đạt 700/1000. Đề bài cho 7 file
Excel tương ứng với 7 Project; mỗi file có khoảng 5 câu hỏi. Có thể Undo/Redo, sửa lại nếu
sai. Có nút: Reset Project - Làm lại bài thi từ câu 1 đến câu 5 của file Excel đó và Finish -
Nộp bài
- Được bảo lưu và học lại trong 2 tháng kể từ ngày kế thúc lớp; sau 2 tháng lệ phí thi nộp
cho IIG không còn giá trị
- Chứng chỉ Online sẽ có sau khi thi 1h tại; tên đăng nhập là
CMND/CMNDa/CMNDb, mật khẩu là CMND1/CMNDa1/CMNDb1; bản cứng sẽ được
nhận sau ngày thi khoảng 4 tuần (có thông báo trên Group)
Giao diện: Ribbon, Tab, Groups, Launcher, More
 Ẩn/hiện Ribbon: Kích đúp trên 1 tab bất kỳ trừ tab File
 Ẩn/hiện thanh công thức: View/ Formular Bar
 Chuyển sang định dạng English (United States): Search/ Control Panel/ Region/ Format:
English (United States)/ OK
 Book = workbook = file Excel, sheet = worksheet = bảng tính
 Di chuyển con trỏ: Ctrl + các phím lên/ xuống/ trái/ phải (mũi tên)/ home
 Đánh dấu/ Chọn: Hàng: Kích chuột tại STT hàng/ Cột: Kích chuột tại tên cột
Vùng: Name Box/Gõ địa chỉ
Cột dữ liệu trong bảng: Đặt chuột tại ô đầu/ Ctrl+Shift+Down (mũi tên xuống)
Tất cả: Ctrl + A

I. File
Farmers Market 1
1. Add the text “FTu” as the document status property of the document.
2. Add the category “IMOS” to the workbook properties.
3. (Mở file Accessibility) Check the workbook for accessibility and fix all the errors
= Check accessibilities and fix all the errors and warning
4. Inspect and remove all personal information of from this workbook.
= Inspect document and remove workbook properties and personal information
5. Inspect document and remove headers and footers about the workbook.
II. Home
6. Copy only value of cell range B3:F16 in the “Farmers Market” worksheet to A5:E18 in
the “Pre-Orders” worksheet. Configure the width of column will be adjusted
automatically to fit contents of the copied data (Automatically to fit the columns width
with the largest entries data).
(Copy data from I4:N6 in the sheet Product and paste into H2:K6 sheet Computer: Paste
không được chọn Value)
7. On the “Pre-Orders” worksheet, configure cell range H5:J18 so that data entries that are
wider than column width will be wrapped to multiple lines.
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8. Modify cells in A20:E25 of the “Pre-Orders” worksheet into a cell and not changing the
9. On the range A26:E30 of the “Pre-Orders” worksheet, modify cells in each row into a
only one column.
10. On the “Pre-Orders” worksheet, format number in cell range L5:L18 to be shown as
number with 3 decimal places.
11. On the “Farmers Market” worksheet, format value of “Date” column to be shown as
“English United States” date type “14-Mar-12”. Configure the width of this column will
be adjusted automatically to fit contents of data.
12. On the “Farmers Market” worksheet, use an automatic formatting method to format the
cells in the “Sales” column that contain above average values by applying Green Fill with
Dark Green Text. Use a technique that automatically updates the formatting if the values
13. On the “Farmers Market” worksheet, apply cell style “Heading 1” to cell range A3:F3.
14. On the “Farmers Market" worksheet, add a new column named “Brand” to the right
after “Product” column.
15. On the “Farmers Market" worksheet, add a new column named “Description” to the left
after “Sales” column.
16. On the “Farmers Market" worksheet, delete “Description” column without changing
cell ranges above and below it.
17. On the “Farmers Market" worksheet, delete “List of Product in each location” column
without changing cell ranges above and below it.
18. On the “Farmers Market" worksheet, delete row 50, 52 and 53.
19. On the “Farmers Market" worksheet, add a new column named “List of Product” to the
left after “Sales” column (column J).
20. On the “Farmers Market" worksheet, create a named range refer to range I13:J22 with
name “Summary”.
21. On the “Pre-Orders” worksheet, name cell range L5:L18 to “IMOS” Accept all default
22. Navigate to cell range named “Summary” and clear its format.
23. On the “Farmers Market” worksheet, use Find and Replace feature to replace all
instances of “Fruit” with “Fruit cake” of “Product” column.
24. On the “Farmers Market” worksheet, configure rows 55 to 60 so that they are present
but not visible.
25. On the “Farmers Market” worksheet, configure columns N to P so that they are present
but not visible.
26. On the “Farmers Market” worksheet, range I3:K10, create a table with Style Medium 4
27. On the “Farmers Market” worksheet, range I13:J22, create a table then apply Style
Medium 4
28. Add the Title and Description Alternative Text "Summer", “IMOS” to the Farmers
Market Sales table
29. On the “Farmers Market” worksheet, format the table so that every other row is shaded.
Use a technique that automatically updates the formatting when you insert a new row.
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30. On the “Farmers Market” worksheet, remove table function able of the table. Retain
value, format and data location to the Farmers Market Sales table.
III. Insert
Pictures/ Shapes
31. On the “Farmers Market" worksheet, insert picture Market.jpg to the right of the heading
locate in the documents folder. Apply Pencil Grayscale aristic effect.
32. On the “Farmers Market" worksheet, remove Background then Reset Picture to the
photo bar code
33. On the “Farmers Market" worksheet, remove background and apply image correction
Soften 25% then apply the Marker artistic effect to the contain a cup of coffee picture.
34. On the “Farmers Market" worksheet, apply a Beveled Oval, Black Picture style to the
photo bar code
35. On the “Farmers Market" worksheet, rotate the picture contain a cup of coffee on the
“Farmers Market" worksheet 30 degrees.
36. On the “Farmers Market" worksheet, insert Horizontal Scroll shape with range as
I33:J38 contains the text “IMos”. Apply Fill Pattern 90% to this picture.
37. On “Product” worksheet, create a 3-D Clustered Column Chart to show Quarter 1 Sales
of “North Park” category. Month should be shown as Legend (Series Name). Name of
“Product” should be shown as Horizontal Axis Label. Add text “By NP” to the Chart
38. On “Product” worksheet, create a 3-D Stacked Column Chart to show Quarter 3 Sales of
“Downtown” category. Month should be shown as Legend (Series Name). Name of
“Product” should be shown as Horizontal Axis Label. Add text “By DT” to the Chart
39. On the “Product” worksheet, create Pareto Chart that shows the number by Product in
May of “Hillside Park” category. Change the Chart Title to “In May”.
40. On the “Product” worksheet, insert a column sparkline in each cell in column O to
represent the Product’s order from January to December (column C to N).
41. On the “Product” worksheet, insert a line sparkline in a cell P4 to represent the Product’s
order from January to December (column C to N). It is suggested, not required to populate
entire column to check.
42. On the “P1” worksheet, change the layout of the chart to Layout 2. Remove the legend.
43. On the “P2” worksheet, change the layout of the chart to Layout 9. Add text “Product”
as the value of vertical axis title. Remove the horizontal axis title. Show legend at right/
left/ top/ bottom.
44. On the “P2” worksheet, modify the chart so that data excludes “Vegetables”
45. On the “P2” worksheet, expand the chart so that data includes “Vegetables”
46. On the “P2” worksheet, modify the chart to show the name of “Product” as Y-axis and
the value of “Months” on the X-axis.
= Swap axis data on the chart of “P2” worksheet.
47. On the “P2” worksheet, move the chart to “Pre-Orders” worksheet, and change the size
of the chart in the range G20:L35.
48. On the “Pre-Orders” worksheet, move the chart to new worksheet, named NewChart.
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Header/ Footer
49. Add a footer (or header) of each page of “Product” worksheet. Show “MosFTU” text in
right place and Page number in left place.
50. On the “Product” worksheet, link cell C3 to cell H5 of “Pre-Orders” worksheet.
51. On the “Pre-Orders” worksheet, link cell K3 to the website:, then insert
text to display “More info”.
(On the “Pre-Orders” worksheet, link cell J5 to the website:
IV. Page Layout
52. Change the theme of this workbook to Slice.
53. Change the theme color of this workbook to Blue.
54. On the “Pre-Orders” worksheet, set range H5:L18 to the print area.
55. On the “Pre-Orders” worksheet, remove only cell range H5:L18 from Print Area. Accept
all other default settings.
56. Configure the cell range H5:J18 on the “Pre-Orders” worksheet is the only range can be
57. On the “Pre-Orders” worksheet, insert a page break to between the “Code” column
(column H) and the “Location” column (column I).
58. Configure the “Farmers Market” worksheet so that the column heading of the table (row
3) to print repeatedly in all pages/ row 3 repeated in all print page.
59. Configure the “Farmers Market” worksheet to print this sheet with Gridlines, in
Landscape Orientation and Fit all columns on one page/ on a single page.
60. Configure the “Farmers Market” worksheet to print center on page horizontally.
V. Formulas
61. Margin is the result of the selling price minus the cost. On the “Costs” worksheet, in cell
I4 of “Margin” column, insert a formula to calculate Margin value. Copy formula to
I5:I26 without changing fill color.
62. Discount is the result of the price multiplied by quantity multiplied by discount rate. On
the “Costs” worksheet, in cell K4 of “Discount” column, insert a formula to calculate
Discount value. Copy formula to K5:K26 without changing fill color.
63. Amount is the result of the price multiplied by quantity minus by discount. On the “Costs”
worksheet, in cell L4 of “Amount” column, insert a formula to calculate Amount value.
Copy formula to L5:L26.
64. Percentage is the result of the cost divided by price. On the “Costs” worksheet, in cell M4
of “Percentage” column, insert a formula to calculate Percentage value. Do not copy
formula to M5:M26.
65. On the “Costs” worksheet, create a formula in cell P3/P4/P5/P6/P7 that uses an Excel
function to return the max/min/average/count/sum order amount based on the values in
the “Price” column.
66. In cell J4 of the “Costs” worksheet, create a formula to show “Yes” if Price is at least
$5.50 and show “No” if Price is less than $5.50. It is suggested, not required to populate
entire column to check formula.
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67. Total is the sum of sales for all months from column C to column E. On the “Revenue”
worksheet, in cell F10 of “Total” column, insert a formula to calculate Total value. Copy
formula to F11:F44 without changing fill color.
68. In the cell range of “Total” column on the “Summary” worksheet, calculate total quantity
of each “Location”. The value can be found in the “Revenue” worksheet. Copy formula
to F10:F44 without changing fill color.
69. On the “Summary” worksheet, enter a formula in E9/E10 that uses an Excel function to
return the value of the product that has the highest/ smallest of price value. The value can
be found in the “NewCosts” worksheet.
70. On the “Summary” worksheet, create a formula in cell E11/E12/E13 that uses an Excel
function to return the average/ number/ total of price value based on the values in the
“Price” column in the “NewCosts” worksheet.
71. In cell B4 of the “Costs” worksheet, use a function that will take a copy of cell A4 and
lowercase all letters of each word.
72. In cell Item2 column of the “Costs” worksheet, use a function that will take a copy of
Product column and capitalize all letters of each word.
73. In cell D4 of the “Costs” worksheet, use a function that will take a copy of cell C4 and
capitalize only the first letter of each word.
74. In cell P9 of “Costs” worksheet, use a function to show the leftmost of value in cell A1.
75. In cell P10 of “Costs” worksheet, use a function to show the rightmost of value in cell A1.
76. On the “Costs” worksheet, use a function to fill the value of “Full Name” column (column
E) by joining “Product” and “Item2” which separated by space.
77. In cell P12 of the “Costs” worksheet, create a formula to calculate the average selling
price of Mocha Coffee.
78. In the cell P13 on the “Costs” worksheet, calculate total quantity of product category has
price greater than $5.00. This result will be updated even if your product categories are
changed or added.
79. In the cell P14 on the “Costs” worksheet, calculate average quantity of product category
has value less than $5.00. This result will be updated even if your product categories are
changed or added.
80. In the cell P15 on the “Costs” worksheet, count the number of product category has value
greater than $5.00. This result will be updated even if your product categories are changed
or added.
81. Configure the formulas on the “Costs” worksheet will display formulas in each cell
instead of the resulting value.
82. Thực hành các câu 62 – 67, 72-82 trên sheet “NewCosts”.
VI. Data
83. Import file Source.txt into the cell N5 in the “Pre-Orders” worksheet as tab-delimited
that has header row. Accept all other settings.
84. Import file Source.txt into the cell S5 in the “Pre-Orders” worksheet as commas-
delimited that has not header row. Accept all other settings.
85. Import file Source.txt into the cell W5 in the “Pre-Orders” worksheet as colon (:)-
delimited that has header row. Accept all other settings.
86. On the “Farmers Market” worksheet, sort the table to order the records by “Code” with
orders from “30” coming first and orders from “50” coming second. Then sort the orders
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alphabetqically (from A to Z) by the “Location” field. Finally, sort the orders in Newest
to Oldest order by the “Date” column.
87. On the “Farmers Market” worksheet, sort the table to order the records by “Location”
with orders from “Riverside Park” coming first and orders from “Downtown” coming
second. Then sort the orders alphabetqically (from A to Z) by the “Product” field. Finally,
sort the orders in ascending/ descending order by the “Sales” column.
88. On the “Farmers Market” worksheet, configure the table to display only records of the
“Spring” season.
89. On the “Farmers Market” worksheet, configure the table to display only records that
sales are greater than 100,000.
90. On the “Revenue” worksheet, create subtotal for data range A9:F44 at each change in
“Location” field and use Sum function. Insert Page break between groups. Grand Total
should be in cell F50.
91. On the “Revenue” worksheet, create subtotal for data range A9:F44 at each change in
“Location” field and use Count function. Insert Page break between groups. Grand Count
should be in cell E50.
92. On the “Revenue” worksheet, create subtotal for data range A9:F44 at each change in
“Location” field and use Average function. Insert Page break between groups. Grand
Average should be in cell D50.
93. On the “Data” worksheet, use an Excel data tool to remove all records with duplicate
“Code” values from the table. Do not remove any other records.
94. On the “Data” worksheet, use an Excel data tool to remove all records with duplicate
“Location” values from the table. Do not remove any other records.
VII. Review
95. On the “Pre-Orders” worksheet, add a comment that uses the text Verify to the L5.
96. On the “Pre-Orders” worksheet, go to then delete Imos comment
VIII. View
97. Unlock all rows and columns on the “Computer” worksheet to scroll entire this
98. Change the view of the “Computer” worksheet to Page Layout. Insert a page break so
that all “Room Name” with value “Done” (column B) are on the first page.
99. Change the view of the “Computer” worksheet to Page Break Preview. Save the
current view as a custom view named “MyPrint”
100. Change the view of the “Computer” worksheet to Page Break Preview. Drag the page
break between columns E and F to immediately after column E.
101. Display/Show/Enable/Disable/Hide/Unhide Formula bar before finish
102. Zoom the worksheet 125%
IX. Worksheet
103. Create a new worksheet named “Tin hoc” in this workbook after/before sheet “Data”.
104. Create a new worksheet named “IMos” in this workbook after right existing sheet
(current sheet).
105. Delete worksheet named “Tin hoc”
106. Make a copy of the “IMos” worksheet and rename this copied sheet “IMos13”
107. Copy a sheet “IMos” to create a new worksheet after that sheet, named “IMos16”.
108. Hide/Disable “IMos” worksheet. Make it not visible, but its value can use in formulas.
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109. Unhide/ Enable “IMos” worksheet.
110. Color “Computer” sheet tab to Green, Accent 5
111. Color “Product” sheet tab to Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 40%
112. Remove color of “Data” sheet tab.
Chú ý: Tên các cột, sheet, cũng như địa chỉ các ô, vị trí bảng và vị trí đặt các tranh ảnh sẽ
được nêu cụ thể trong bài thi thật. Vị trí ở trên chỉ mang tính chất tương đối.
Bài tập về nhà: Thuộc Ngân hàng đề + Viết ra vở cách làm từng câu 2 bộ Test


Project 1
1. In the "Orders" worksheet, format the table so that every other row is shaded. Use
a technique that automatically updates the formatting if you insert a new row.
2. In the "Orders" worksheet, sort the table to order the records by "Country" with
orders in United State coming first and orders from Canada coming second. Then
sort the orders alphabetically (from A to Z) by the "Customer" field. Finally, sort
the orders in ascending order by the "order date" field.
3. In the "Orders" worksheet, enter a formula in cell J2 that uses an Excel function to
return the average order amount based on the values in the "order amount" column.
4. In the "Order Amount Totals" worksheet, use an automatic formatting method to
format the cells in the "net amount" column that contains above average values by
applying Green Fill with Dark Green Text. Use a technique that automatically
updates the formatting if the values change.
5. In the "Order Amount Totals" worksheet, use an Excel data tool to remove all
records with duplicate "Inv #" values from the table without changing the other
Project 2
1. Change the cupcake picture in the sheet "Picture" to Glow: 18 point, Gold Accent
Color 4.
2. Change the tab colour to Orange Accent 2 Lighter 80% in the “Picture” worksheet.
3. Open the "Income" worksheet between the Picture and Profit worksheet
4. In the "Profit" worksheet, copy the formula of cell G3 to the G4:G25 without
changing fill colour.
5. Inspect and remove all personal information from this workbook.
Project 3
1. In the “Data” worksheet, in the Color column, replace all the text "Gold" with
"Yellow" without changing the other column.
2. In the “Data” worksheet, create subtotal for data range A1:F663 at each change in
Autos field and use Sum function for Sales. Insert Page break between groups. Grand
total should be in cell F1172.
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3. In the “Sales” worksheet, change the "Report" table to range. Keep the formatting.
4. Change the name of the "Sales" worksheet to "Sales in December".
5. Display the formulas in the "2016" worksheet.
Project 4
1. Locate to the Retail table, then change the price of the first Item # to 1700.
2. In the Q1 Sales worksheet, create hyperlink in the bicycle picture with the follow:
3. In the "Title" worksheet make the worksheet present but not visible
4. In cell C4 of the "Type" worksheet, use a function to show the leftmost value in B4.
Project 5
1. In the "Input" worksheet, create a table with the headers. Change the style to
Medium 3
2. In the "Input" worksheet, add a row to the table that automatically calculates the
total amount due.
3. In the "Summary" worksheet, modify the "Sales by month" chart to show the
Month on the horizontal axis and the SalesChannel as the series.
4. In the "Summary" worksheet, add legend for to the right of the "Percentage" chart.
5. Move the line chart on the "Summary" worksheet to a new chart named "Total
Project 6
1. In the "Vehicles" worksheet, enter a formula in I2 that uses an Excel function to
return the "Price" value of the individual order that the highest price.
2. In the “Vehicles” worksheet, set the A2:F16 to print area.
3. Make a copy of the "Sold" worksheet.
4. Add the “Sum of Price” to the “Item Type” chart of the “Sold” worksheet.
Project 7
1. In the “Region” worksheet, display data of Sales column to number with 3 decimals.
2. In the “Description” worksheet, format content in column "Indicator Name" so that
the content is wrapped into multiple lines.
3. Create a new worksheet named "Sales Number" in this workbook
4. Import file Source.text into the cell B2 in the "Sales Number" worksheet as tab-
delimited that has a header row. Accept all other settings.
5. In sheet “Region”, create a Pareto chart based on Sales and Region column.
6. Named the chart in the above "Summary".
7. Change the view of the "General" worksheet to Page Layout. Insert a page break so
that the value "AIM Item" in the "Product" column on the first page.
8. Attach the keywords (tags) "Spending" to the workbook.

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