Corrosion PHD ShortCourse2

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Corrosion - fundamentals

David Trejo and O. Burkan Isgor

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• Generic definition:

The destruction or deterioration of a material because of reaction with its

environment. (Fontana)

• Specific definition (for our purpose):

The destructive result of electrochemical reaction between an elemental

metal or metal alloy and its environment. (Jones)

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Corrosion Cycle

Metal Alloys,
Oxides Metals

Alloys in

Think of it as nature’s way of minimizing total energy… It is also said to be

“extractive metallurgy in reverse…”

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Rusting vs. Corrosion
• “Rusting” is a term dedicated to the changes in physical
appearance of iron and ferrous alloys (e.g. steels, cast
irons, etc.) during corrosion.

• All non-ferrous metals corrode, but do not rust (e.g. copper,

aluminum, etc.)

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Chemical vs. Electrochemical
• Chemical reaction: process in which one or more substances, the
reactants, are converted to one or more different substances, the

• Reactions occur due to changes in bond structure.

• Examples:
– 𝐴𝐴 + 𝐵𝐵 → 𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴 (synthesis)
– AB ---> A + B (decomposition)
– A𝐵𝐵 + 𝐶𝐶 → 𝐴𝐴 + 𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵 (single displacement)
– AB + CD ---> AD + CB (double displacement)
– HA + BOH ---> H2O + BA (acid-base)
– CxHy + (x + y/2)O2 ---> (x) CO2 + (y/2) H2O (combustion)

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Chemical vs. Electrochemical
• Electrochemical reaction: process either caused or
accompanied by the passage of an electric current and
involving in most cases the transfer of electrons between
two substances—one a solid and the other a liquid.
• Example: Redox reactions
– Ox: Oxidation reaction
• Where electrons are produced Fe→ Fe2+ + 2e-
• Anode
• Metal loss (corrosion)
– Red: Reduction reaction
• Where electrons are accepted / consumed
• Cathode ½ O2 + H2O + 2e- → OH-
• No metal loss

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A Note: Elemental Metal vs. Alloy


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A Note: Elemental Metal vs. Alloy
• An alloy is a material with metallic properties that is composed
of two or more substances, of which at least one must be a
• Steel is an alloy composed of iron and carbon (up to 1.7%),
along with additional alloying elements.
– The amount of carbon and the level of impurities and additional
alloying elements determine the properties of each steel grade.
– There are over 3500 grades of steel.

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A Note: Elemental Metal vs. Alloy
• Steel differs from cast iron, which is also an iron-carbon alloy.
• Cast iron also contains high Si content (1-3%)
• Cast iron has higher carbon content (greater than 1.7%)
• Steel is malleable; cast iron is mostly not.
• Steel is mostly ductile; cast iron is brittle.

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Types of Steel
• Carbon steel
– Only iron and carbon as main components
• Alloy steel
– Manganese is greater than 1.65%, silicon over 0.5%,
copper above 0.6%, or other minimum quantities of alloying
elements such as chromium, nickel, molybdenum, or
tungsten are present
• Stainless steel
– Grades of steel that contain more than 10% chromium, with
or without other alloying elements.

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Corrosion Definitions
In electrochemical corrosion, four things are for corrosion to occur:

Anode: site where metal is lost and

electrons are produced
Cathode: site where the electrons
produced at the anode are consumed Ionic path
Metal: path that conducts electrons
from the anodes to the cathodes
Electrolyte: path for the ions, and Anode Cathode
source of reactants
Current path
If you have all four, you have a corrosion cell. Metal

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Corrosion Definitions
- The electrode of an electrochemical cell at which
oxidation occurs
- Electrons are produced
Salt water
- Electrons flow in the metal away from the anode,
while positive-ion current leaves the anode to return Ionic path
to the electrolyte. Fe2+
- Metal ions enter solution at the anode, and hence,
corrosion of metals usually occurs at the anode. Anode Cathode
- Metal loss, pitting, corrosion is observed at the 2e-
Current path Fe

Fe→ Fe2+ + 2e-

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Corrosion Definitions
- The electrode of an electrochemical cell at which
reduction is the principal reaction.
- Electrons flow in the metal toward the cathode, and
positive-ion current flows to the cathode from the Salt water
electrolyte. Ionic path
- Typical cathodic processes are cations taking up electrons
and being discharged, oxygen being reduced, and the O2
reduction of an element or group of elements from a Anode Cathode
higher to a lower valence state.
Current path Fe

½ O2 + H2O + 2e- → OH-

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Corrosion - Definitions
• Oxidation: M → Mn+ + n(e-+)
– e.g. Fe→ Fe2+ + 2e-
– e.g. Al→ Al3+ + 3e-

• Reduction:
– Most commonly electron are consumed in reactions of gasses:
• e.g. ½ O2 + H2O + 2e- → OH- (oxygen reaction)
• e.g. 2H+ + 2e- → H2 (hydrogen evolution)
– Can also be on metal surface (galvanic corrosion):
• Ca+2 +2e-→ Ca

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Corrosion - Definitions
• Electrode: where a half-cell reaction takes place.
– anode or cathode

• Electrolyte: where ions move and react. It is mostly a liquid, but can also
be a solid, that conducts electricity by the flow of ions: the more ions you
have the higher the conductivity.
– E.g. seawater – highly conductive (pure water is not a good
electrolyte because it is not conductive).
– e.g. pore solution in concrete

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Corrosion - Definitions
Ions are charged species: H+, Cl-, SO4-2, OH- ,…

• Anions have negative charges and ‘move’ through the electrolyte to the

• Cations have positive charges and ‘move’ through the electrolyte to the

• Ions exist in the electrolyte…

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Corrosion - Definitions
There are 4 main types of corrosion cells:

• Dissimilar Electrode Cell

– e.g. Galvanic cell
– e.g. Dry cell
• Concentration Cell
– e.g. Salt concentration cell
– e.g. Differential aeration cell
• Differential Temperature Cell
• Local-action cells

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Dissimilar Electrode Cells
(Galvanic cell)

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Dissimilar Electrode Cells: dry cell

Source: Uhlig and Revie

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Concentration Cell
Salt concentration cell:

• Copper plates out on the

electrode (cathode) in the
concentrated solution.

• The electrode (anode) on the

left dissolves.

• This tends to make the

concentrations equal, at which
point corrosion stops.
Source: Uhlig

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Concentration Cell
Differential aeration cell:

The region with less oxygen

corrodes (anode).

Oxygen is reduced at the

cathode in an effort to make the
oxygen concentrations equal.


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Differential Temperature Cell
Electrodes of the same metal;
but at different temperatures
(e.g. heat exchangers, boilers,
immersion heaters).

Generally, hot metal is the

anode – release overexcited
(hot) electrons. But there are
exceptions depending on the
metal. Sometimes, electrons
can reduce cations on the hot
side of the electrolyte –
Source: Corrosion Doctors
making it the cathode.

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Local Action Cells

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Local Action Cells

Example: Zinc corrosion in de-aerated HCl

Hydrogen evolution may also be observed in steel corrosion in concrete if there is no oxygen
available in the pore solution…

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How do we study corrosion?

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Standard Hydrogen Electrode (SHE)

1 mol /lt = 1M

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Standard Half-cell Electrode

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Standard Half-cell Electrode
EMF Series

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Half-cell Potentials

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Half-cell Potentials
• We can measure half-cell potentials using reference
– SHE (Standard Hydrogen Electrode)
• H2 → 2H+ + 2e- (Eo = 0.0 V at 25oC)
– CSE (Copper-Copper(II)sulfate Electrode)
• Cu → Cu2+ + 2e- (Eo = 0.337 V vs. SHE at 25oC)
– SCE (Standard Calomel Eelctrode)
• 2Hg→ Hg22+ + 2e- (Eo = 0.788 V vs. SHE at 25oC)

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Reference Electrode

Source: Fisher Scientific

SCE (Standard Calomel Electrode):
2Hg→ Hg22+ + 2e- (Eo = 0.788 V vs. SHE at 25oC)

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Half-cell Potentials

Identify the anodic and

cathodic reactions for the
pairs below:
– Au + Ni
– Pt + Ag
– Au + Pt
– Cr + H2O + O2
– Fe + H2O + O2
– Fe + H2

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Galvanic Corrosion
• When two dissimilar metals are connected in an electrochemical
cell (e.g. touch each other in a conductive medium)
– Two different metals
– Electrically connected
– In the same electrolyte
• More anodic metal corrodes
• Less anodic metal is protected
• Galvanic series predicts the corroding metal

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Galvanic Series

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Forms of Corrosion
• Uniform (general) corrosion
• Pitting corrosion
• Crevice corrosion
• Galvanic corrosion
• Environmentally induced corrosion cracking
– Stress corrosion cracking
– Corrosion fatigue cracking
– Hydrogen induced cracking
• Inter-granular corrosion
• De-alloying corrosion
• Erosion corrosion and fretting

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Forms of Corrosion

(Source: Principles and Prevention

of Corrosion by Jones)

Corrosion Rate in Practice:

Mils penetration per year (MPY) = (534 W) / (DAT) (

W = weight loss in milligrams Metric conversion:

D = density in g/cm3 1 mpy = 0.0254 mm/yr
A = area in square inches
T = time in hours mm/yr = (87.6 W) / (DAT)

(1 mil = 0.001 in) All units the same except for A in cm2

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Forms of Corrosion

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Forms of Corrosion

(Source: Principles and Prevention

of Corrosion by Jones) (
(Uhlig and Revie)


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Forms of Corrosion

(Source: Principles and Prevention

of Corrosion by Jones) (

Dissimilar electrode corrosion

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Forms of Corrosion

(Source: Principles and Prevention

of Corrosion by Jones)

If the crevice is formed by a non-metallic

material, it is sometimes called “deposit
corrosion” or “gasket corrosion”.

A form of concentration cell corrosion.

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Thermodynamics of corrosion

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Potential-pH (Pourbaix) Diagrams
Example: Aluminum

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Potential-pH (Pourbaix) Diagrams

E-pH diagram for pure Al at 25˚C in

aqueous solution.

Sukiman et al. 2012

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Potential Anodic Reactions for Iron

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Pourbaix Diagram for Iron

Simplified E-pH diagram for pure Fe at 25˚C in

aqueous solution.

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Example Pourbaix Diagrams

GREEN: Passive regions; RED: Corrosion regions; GREY: immunity regions

NOTE: Pure gold does not corrode in aqueous environments assuming water is pure
and no other half-cell reaction occurs at a potential higher than 1.5 V (SHE).
(Source: U. of Cambridge - DoITPoMS)

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Regions in the Pourbaix Diagram
• Immunity: Corrosion does not occur; i.e., metal ion
activity in the solution does not exceed 10-6 M.

• You keep a metal in this region to protect it from

corrosion by using an external power source. This is
called “cathodic protection”.

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Regions in the Pourbaix Diagram
• Corrosion: Both metal and its oxides/hydroxides are
unstable; therefore, they corrode; their ionic
concentrations exceed 10-6 M in the solution.

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Regions in the Pourbaix Diagram
• Passivation: Oxides/hydroxides are stable and in
equilibrium with the soluble solution species. Generally
if the metal is covered with an oxide/hydoxide layer.
• If this layer is called a passive layer if
– it is protective
– has low solubility (less than 10-6 M)

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Limitations of Pourbaix Diagrams
• They provide no information on kinetics (how fast the
corrosion will take place).
• They are obtained for specific temperatures and
• They are obtained for pure water as the base electrolyte.
• The oxides shown in the diagram as thermodynamically
stable are not necessarily protective (passivating).

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Passive Layers
• A passive oxide film needs to have the following
– Low dissolution rate
– Continuity over the metal surface
– Good mechanical stability

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Pilling-Bedworth (P-B) Ratio

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Pilling-Bedworth (P-B) Ratio

(Source: NACE)

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Kinetics of corrosion

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• So far we studied the equilibrium conditions to
understand if corrosion is thermodynamically possible
or not.
• We never discussed how fast the reactions can take
place; i.e., kinetics of corrosion.

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Remember - Equilibrium


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• To study kinetics we need a different setup for
experiments: three-electrode corrosion cell


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Anodic Polarization

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Anodic Polarization

Corrosion 62
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Example: Mild steel in 10% sulfuric acid

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Cathodic Polarization

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Activation Polarization:
Tafel Behavior

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Activation Polarization:
Tafel Behavior

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Mixed Potential Theory

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Mixed Potential Theory

Corrosion current density

Corrosion potential

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Passive Metal

icorr = ipass

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Mixed Potential Theory

Zinc in H2SO4 Lead immersed in H2SO4

Iron exposed to natural Magnesium exposed to
waters natural waters
Iron immersed in a
chromate solution

Porous insulating covering

a metal surface

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Polarization Types
• Activation polarization
– Both at the anode and cathode
• Concentration polarization
– Mostly at cathode
• Resistance polarization (iR drop)
– Due to the electrolyte

Polarization = over-potential = over-voltage

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Activation Polarization – Tafel Behavior

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Mixed Potential Theory

Corrosion current density

Corrosion potential

Anode: Activation Polarization; Cathode: Activation Polarization

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Modeling of corrosion
(of steel in concrete)

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Estimating Corrosion Rates (models)
• Empirical models: Alonso, Duracrete, Liu and Weyers, Ahmad and Bhattachajee,
Morinaga, Trejo et al., etc.
• Analytical models: Bazant, Balabanic et al., Raupach, Gulikers, Huet et al.,
Maruya, etc.
• Numerical models: Krank and Sagues, Isgor, Pour-Ghaz et al., Song et al., etc.

TYPICAL INPUT DATA (varies by model)

• General concrete properties (e.g. w/c, moisture content)
• Chloride content
• Electrical resistivity of concrete
• Half-cell potentials (and/or their gradients)
• Seasonal environmental data (temperature, RH, etc.)
• Oxygen content at steel level

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Estimating Corrosion Rates (Exp.)
Weyers and Liu: Chloride content (Ct), temperature(T), resistivity (Rcon)

ln1.08i corr =7.89 + 0.7771ln1.69C t − − 0.000116R con + 2.24t 0.215

Trejo et al.: Chloride content (Cl) and threshold (ClTh), w/c, temperature (T), moisture content (mc)

Pour-Ghaz, Isgor, and Ghods: Half-cell potentials (f), cover thickness (d), temperature (T), resistivity (r)

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Corrosion Modelling (Numerical)
• The potential mapping of a reinforced concrete
member can be modelled by solving Laplace’s
equation with the following boundary conditions:

∇ 2φ = 0
Anodic sites: φ=
a φFe + β a log
i a
Cathodic sites: φ
=c φO + β c log c

i 2

1 ∂φ
Corrosion rate on the surface of the steel: =i = f (φ , r )
r ∂n

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Domain and Boundary Conditions



Active area Passive area

Anode Cathode

φa φc

∇ φ =0

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Typical Results - Potentials

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Typical Results – Current Densities

On the steel surface

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Typical Results

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Typical Results

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Typical Results

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David Trejo
O. Burkan Isgor

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