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Anulom vilom is a specific type of controlled breathing

(pranayama) in the practice of yoga. It involves holding one
nostril closed while inhaling, then holding the other nostril
closed while exhaling.
Matsyasana / Fish Pose
Fish Pose (Matsyasana) stretches out the same upper body
muscles that Shoulderstand (Salamba Sarvangasana) taxes.
That's why, if you are doing an inversions sequence, you might
follow Shoulderstand with Ear Pressure Pose (Karnapidasana)
and Fish Pose.
Tadasana, it comes from the Sanskrit words “tada” means
“mountain”. It is a simple standing posture, which forms the
basis for all the standing asanas. In this asana body looks
like a palm tree thats the reason it is also known as
“Mountain Pose”. ... Tadasana is the beginning and ending
asana of Surya Namaskar

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