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Training manual

IS Agriware Logistics (ISAL)

Document notes

Document: Trainingsmanual Fibria.docx

Date: 20-03-2017

Pages: 97

Author: Wim Blijleven

Version: Release 1.0

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Release notes

Date Name Remarks

20 March 2017 W. Blijleven

Developed for the first training session at Fibria

Indigo Logistics BV
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INTRODUCTION ......................................................................
................................................................................ 6

GENERAL ...........................................................................
.... 7

1.1 HELP
FUNCTIONALITY .....................................................................
........ 7

APPLICATION .......................................................................
......... 7

INTERFACE .........................................................................
........................... 8

DATA ..............................................................................
............................................................... 10

.... 10


INFORMATION .......................................................................
..................................................................... 11

RESOURCE ..........................................................................
...... 15

LOTS ..............................................................................
................................ 17

OVERVIEW ..........................................................................
........................................................... 21

3.1 Layout
Containers ........................................................................
............ 21
3.1.1 Button
bar ...............................................................................
.............. 21

3.1.2 Info
bar ...............................................................................
..................... 23

3.1.3 Information side panels

(left) ............................................................................
................................................................ 24

3.1.4 Overview
panel .............................................................................
....... 28

3.1.5 Navigation
panel .............................................................................
.... 28

3.1.6 Operation information

.............................................................. 28
Machine ...........................................................................
.............. 29
Machine ...........................................................................
...... 30 Machine
assignment ........................................................................
.................................................................... 31 Supply and

demand ............................................................................
................................................................. 35 Finished machine

assignments .......................................................................
................................................. 35 Container
assignments .......................................................................
........................................................................ 36
Assignments .......................................................................
.. 36
Options ...........................................................................
........ 38 Activity
positions .........................................................................
38 Machine
automation ........................................................................
........................................................................... 40

3.1.7 Settings & Filter

........................................................................... 40 Layout
Settings ..........................................................................
. 40
Overview ..........................................................................
...... 40
Settings ..........................................................................
........ 41
......... 41
.............. 42
Filter ............................................................................
.................... 42

3.1.8 Container layout

functions .........................................................................
........................................................................ 43 Location
(XXXX) ............................................................................
44 Select
containers ........................................................................
........................................................................... 44 Move the containers on this

location ..........................................................................
................................. 44 Move selected

container .........................................................................
........................................................... 45 Edit the containers on this

location ..........................................................................
..................................... 46 Delete
containers ........................................................................
.......................................................................... 46 Correct Storage Location

quantity ..........................................................................
....................................... 47


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----------------------- Page 4----------------------- Give selected container(s) an assignment
to : ..............................................................................
............. 47 Filling
................................................................................ 47 Dispatch
Block .............................................................................
........................................................................... 48 Containers
(X) ...............................................................................
48 Container
overview ..........................................................................
..................................................................... 49 Add/Edit
Lot ...............................................................................
............................................................................. 55 Change Activity

phase .............................................................................
............................................................ 56
Delete ............................................................................
.......... 56 Purge
content ...........................................................................
.............................................................................. 56 Add/Edit Container

comment ...........................................................................
............................................... 57
................. 58 Activity
... 59

3.1.9 Belt system

63 ID
.......... 63 Activity
position ..........................................................................
64 Batch

3.2 Configuration Selection

machines ..........................................................................
............................................................. 66

3.3 Expedition
monitor ...........................................................................
...... 67

OVERVIEW ..........................................................................
............................................................................ 68

DASHBOARD .........................................................................
......................................................................... 69

MAINTENANCE .......................................................................
....................................................................... 70

Activity ..........................................................................
............................... 70

6.2 Activity
Flows .............................................................................
................ 70

.............................. 71

6.4 Activity
positions .........................................................................
............. 72

Schema ............................................................................
............................ 72

Features ..........................................................................
............................. 74

6.7 Machine
automation ........................................................................
...... 76

.......................... 81

6.9 Container
assignments .......................................................................
... 82

6.10 Container comment

type ..............................................................................
........................................................................... 82

6.11 ID
Reader ............................................................................
........................ 83

PRODUCTION ........................................................................
......................................................................... 83

7.1 Activity
plan ..............................................................................
................. 84

7.1.1 Edit / change status of a

plan ..............................................................................
............................................................. 85

7.2 Batch
assignment ........................................................................
............ 86

7.3 Storage container Lot

Overview ..........................................................................
................................................................. 88

7.4 Container
selection .........................................................................
........ 89

REPORT ............................................................................
............................................................................... 90

ADMINISTRATOR .....................................................................
..................................................................... 90

9.1 ISA’95
Communication .....................................................................
..... 90

10 LOT
SELECTION .........................................................................
................................................................. 91

10.1 Automatic Sticking

....................................................................... 92

10.2 Sticking Line 01-

04 ................................................................................
.. 92


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QUESTIONS .........................................................................
.................................. 93

How to insert a
containermovement ?................................................................
............................................................................. 93

How to reset a container

movement? .........................................................................
..................................................................... 95

How to insert a manual activity

plan? .............................................................................
................................................................. 95

How to change or finish an activity

......................................................... 95

How to handle a machine error

situation? ........................................................................
............................................................. 96


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This manual is setup as a guideline for the training sessions of the ISAL
application. All subjects will be

mentioned and provided with a minimum of information. During the training

sessions subjects will be

discussed in more detail.


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The ISAL application is provided with an online help system. To get access to
this help functionality a user

can press F1 on the screen or menu item where help is needed.

If no help is available for a specific option the help for the main screen will
be displayed

Not all of the information is entered yet and is under construction


On every client PC, 2 applications will be installed for the ISAL software.

· IS Agriware Logistics GUI, this is the ISAL Client application

· IS Agriware Logistics Bootstrapper, this application is used for

updating your local system will the

latest released version of the ISAL client software

The application can be started by selecting the short-cut ‘IS Agriware Logistics
Bootstrapper’ on your

desktop. After selecting, the application will check if there are available
updates of the ISAL client and will

install them automatically.

After updating your local system the ‘IS Agriware Logistics GUI’ (ISAL client)
will start and a login screen will

appear to fill in your user name and password.

NOTE: Every ISAL client needs read access to the shared update

\\server\IS Agriware Logistics Shared

Each ISAL client needs Full control access to the local

‘..\Program Files XXX\IS Agriware Logistics’

After entering your username and password press Ok and the ISAL client will start

*The language of the items on the login screen is depending on the local
operating system language


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A Main menu The menu bar on the left site of the screen
displays all possible menu items that are

configured for this user. By clicking a main

menu item, all under laying submenus will be

visible within section B

Chapter 2

Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

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B Submenu Within this section all submenu items will be

visible from the selected main menu option.

C Update This part of the screen displays if there is a

network connection possible to the shared

location bootstrapper folder where new client updates will

be stored for distribution.

There are 3 possible messages.

· Cannot check for updates : No

network access to the shared folder

· Version up to date :
Latest version of the ISAL client is installed

· New version available : Restart

ISAL client to get updates

D User login With this option it is possible to switch of user

account, after selecting this option the

user login screen will be displayed

E Language ISAL supports the possibility to change the

language of the interface. At

this moment Dutch, Polish, French, English,

German and Portuguese will be

F Skin Within this new version of ISAL a nice feature is

enabled that the user can

customize the look and feel of the ISAL screen

G Database This part of the screen displays the connected


H Workspace Within this area the form of the selected submenu

will be displayed

I Alarms This option indicates if there is an alarm within

the automated system, by clicking on this

option a popup window will be displayed on the

bottom of the screen and displays all

actual alarms. The pop up will disappear by a

mouse click action somewhere in the


J Website This will be a link to our website

K Teamviewer This will be an support option to start a

teamviewer session

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SECURITY : For a user menu this screen will be
read only.

With this menu option you will be able to register all images which can be
assigned to an Item, Resource etc.

With the manager login you will be able to add or edit the registered

1: When logged in as manager you will be able to add new Images or

edit existing Images

Click on the sign to Add manually a new Images.

Fill in the Image details within the blue focused row on the
bottom of the screen. After editing

press on to validate the information you have entered.

Press Save button within the top-left button to save the added
or changed record.


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2: Each image will be registered with a unique ID.

Advice : To categorize the images by purpose you can register

them with a prefix.

(For example : all images for

resources starts with ‘Res’)

3: Within this field it will be possible to register a description

for the image

With a right-mouse click on this field the user will be able to

load a image from a

network location.

5: Within this screen it is possible to import images from a

network location.

By pressing the button ‘Max Size’ the maximum picture size can
be configured otherwise the original

size will be used. With this option the imported image will be
resized to the defined value

NOTE : The maximum size of images to import is hardware related

in case of memory issues.


SECURITY: For a user this screen will be read


With this functionality you will be able to view the registered Items/Clones
that are imported from the SGF

environment. With the manager login you will be able to add or edit the
registered information.



10 13

11 12


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1: This window displays all registered Items (Clones/varieties) within

ISAL. The management of the

Items will be done within the registration software of Fibria called

SGF. Through the ISA’95

communication between ISAL and SGF New Items will be inserted and
existing Items can be

modified. Deleting Item information will only be possible if there

are no Lots registered within ISAL

for this Item. Permanently deletion of Items can only be executed

manually by a administrator within

this screen. If a Item is deleted by the ISA’95 communication, ISAL

will set the Item in-active. (no

automatic deletion)

NOTE : For details about the ISA’95 communication see Chapter 9.1

2: For the selected Item in the left screen (1) all registered features
for this Item will be displayed. Also

the Features information will be managed within SGF. It is possible

to manually add features to an

Item (you need manager rights) or by the ISA’95 messages

communication between ISAL and SGF.

All features that will be send from SGF to ISAL must be registered
before within ISAL !

NOTE : For details about the Features see Chapter 6.5

3. Image ID
It is possible to assign an image to an Item/Clone from a selection
list of predefined images.

NOTE : For details about registering images see Chapter 2.1


The list of the registered Items can be shown within a detailed

window (Item) or in a grid view (Item



Within both screen options a search functionality will be available.

After entering the search value and pressing the Find button all
items that meets

your search value will be displayed and highlighted.

After pressing the Clear button the entered search value will be
deleted and all items will

be shown.

6: When logged in as manager you will be able to add new Items or edit
existing Items

Click on the sign to Add manually a new Item.

Fill in the Item details within the blue focused row and after
editing press on to

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validate the information you have entered.

After validating press on save button within the top-left button

7: This part of the screen displays the assigned Image to this Item
(see point 3)

8: To add multiple Items manually with 1 or more common settings ISAL

have the possibility to define a
Template with all common settings. (Not in use at Fibria)

9: Item ID

Each item will be registered on an unique Item ID which can be based

on manual action or by using a


10: Description

With each Item a description can be registered

11: Feature Group

On Item level a feature group can be assigned which will be used to

define the boundaries for each

value for a grading process. For details about Features see Chapter

12: Activity Schema

Within ISAL it is possible to assign an activity schema to an Item

or Lot. If an activity schema is

assigned to an Item and a Lot the assigned activity schema of the

Lot will overrule the assigned

activity schema on Item level !

Advice : If possible assign an activity schema on

the highest level = Item level

For details about Activity Schema’s see Chapter 6.4

13: Active

Each Item can be set to active or in-active.

An in-active Item will not be selectable within the lot registration

14: This ribbon displays at least the mandatory fields (Bold displayed)
and the fields which are needed.

To change the configuration of this ribbon press a right-mouse click

on the ribbon or a column


The next popup will appear by right-mouse click event on a column


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With the available options

within this list it will be possible to customize

the view of this screen.

See Appendix of the general
DEVExpress documentation for detailed

descriptions of these

The most used options are :

‘Hide This Column’ to remove

a field from the screen

‘Sort Ascending or
Descending’ to change the sorting of the values of this

field within the screen

‘Column chooser’ to add non

visible fields. After choosing this option a

list of available fields will

be displayed. By Drag&Drop action you will be

able to move it to the right

position within the ribbon

NOTE: All this kind of screen

adjustments will be saved within the User

settings profile

See Chapter 3.1.2 for more

information about the User settings

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SECURITY: For a user this screen will be

read only.

With this functionality you will be able to view the registered resources
that are imported from the SGF

environment. With the manager login you will be able to add or edit the
registered information.



1: When logged in as manager you will be able to add new
Resources or edit existing Resources

Click on the sign to Add manually a new

Resource within the focused row on the bottom of this


Fill in the Resource details within the blue focused row

and after editing press on

validate the information you have entered.

After validating press on save button within the top-left


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2: Resource ID

Each resource will be registered with a unique ID

3: External Reference

Each resource can be provided with an external reference ID. This

Reference ID can be the ID within

the administration of the customer and within the ISAL environment

the resource can have a

different ID.

The external reference ID can be used within the ISA’95 message


4: FirstName

For each resource at least a Firstname and Lastname will be


5: LastName

For each resource at least a Firstname and Lastname will be


6: Active

Each resource can be set to active of in-active within this screen.

In-active resources cannot being assigned to a activity position or
are not selectable by the user.

7: Info

Each resource can be provided with additional comment or


8: Image ID

Each resource can be provided with an image from a pre-defined list

of images which are registered

within ISAL at Image Registration (Chapter 2.1)

9: Feature/Feature Value

A resource can be provided with additional features which can be

registered manually or by

communication through the Personnel (ISA’95) message

For example if you want to register the age of a resource within

ISAL you need to first add the

feature ‘Age’ with the Feature screen (Chapter 6.5).

After adding this feature this feature will be selectable within the
Resource screen

NOTE : If you want to communicate additional information from the

SGF environment to ISAL the

added feature name must be available within ISAL before sending this
information to ISAL

10: This panel shows you the image which will be assigned to the
resource at field ‘Image ID’ (8)

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2.4 LOTS

SECURITY: For a user this screen will be

read only.

With this functionality you will be able to view the registered Lots that
are imported from the SGF
environment. With the manager login you will be able to add or edit the
registered information.









1: This part of the screen displays all registered Lots within

Lots are inserted from SGF through the ISA’95 connection.

Through this connection between ISAL and SGF New Lots will be
inserted and existing Lots can be

modified. Deleting Lot information will only be possible if

there are no Lots registered within ISAL.

Deletion of Lots can only be executed manually by a

administrator. If a Lot is deleted by the ISA’95

message, ISAL will set the Lot to in-active. (no automatic


NOTE : The mandatory fields are marked by bold displayed


2: This ribbon displays at least the mandatory fields (Bold

displayed) and the fields which are needed.

To change the configuration of this ribbon press a right-

mouse click on the ribbon or a column


The next popup will appear by right-mouse click event on a


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With the available options

within this list it will be possible to customize

the view of this screen.

See Appendix of the general

DEVExpress documentation for detailed

descriptions of these options.

The most used options are :

- ‘Hide This Column’

to remove a field from the screen

- ‘Sort Ascending or
Descending’ to change the sorting of the

values of this field

within the screen.

- ‘Column chooser’ to
add non visible fields. After choosing this

option a list of
available fields will be displayed. By Drag&Drop

action you will be

able to move it to the right position within the

NOTE: All this kind of screen
adjustments will be saved within the User

settings profile

See Chapter 3.1.2 for more

information about the User settings

3: Lot ID

Each Lot within ISAL will be registered with a unique Lot ID. This
Lot ID can be defined manually or

based on a pre-defined template (Not in use at Fibria)

4: Description

Each Lot can be provided with a description. When adding a Lot ID

manually the description of the

Lot will be same as the Item Description that will be assigned to

this Lot but can be changed


5: Item ID

Within ISAL a LotID will be based on an Item.

NOTE : An error can be occurred by inserting lot information

through the ISA’95 message

communication for a non-existing Item in ISAL !

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6: Item Description

This information is read only and can only be edited within the Item
management screen. (see

Chapter 2.2 )

7: Created On

For each Lot that will be registered within ISAL the date time of
creation will be registered

8: Started On

At the moment that a Lot will be used for the first time within the
growth process the date time will

be registered.
9: Execution Status

It is possible to register a status for a Lot (Not in use at Fibria).

Only the option ‘Finished’ will be

used for the Fibria project to Close the Lot information. This can
only be done by the manager.

After changing the status to Finished it will be communicated to SGF

by a scheduled job.

To start, the schedule will be configured for once a day in the


10: Finished On

As described at the previous point the Finished timestamp will be

registered within this field.

11: External Lot ID

Can be used for communication between ISAL and SGF. For example if
the Lot ID within the SGF

administration will be different than the Lot ID within the

automation or growth process.

12: Quantity

For each Lot, the ‘Start’ quantity can be registered

13: Active

Each Lot can be set to active or in-active.

NOTE : In-activated Lots are not listed/selectable within the Lot

selection screen

14: Marked for Deletion

When this option is selected this Lot will be deleted with the next
scheduled clean up job.

(Not in use at Fibria)

15: Pull Planning

(Not in use at Fibria)

16: Features / Feature values

For the selected Lot in the left screen (1) all registered features
for this Lot will be displayed. Also the

Features information will be managed within SGF. It is possible to

manually add features to an Lot

(you need manager rights) or by the ISA’95 messages communication

between ISAL and SGF.

All features that will be send from SGF to ISAL must be registered
before within ISAL !

NOTE : For details about the Features see Chapter 6.5


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17: Template new Lots

It is possible to define a template with common settings for Lots

you want to add.

(Not in use at Fibria)

18: Lots/Overview

The list of the registered Lots can be shown within a detailed

window (Lot’s) or in a grid view


19: Search

Within this screen a search functionality will be available.

After entering the search value and pressing the Find button all
lots that meets your

search value will be displayed and highlighted.

After pressing the Clear button the entered search value will be
deleted and all lots

will be shown.
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After selecting the main menu option “Process overview” 3 submenus will be
available for managing and

visualization of the automation

3.1 Layout Containers

The main screen for the ISAL platform will be the layout containers which
visualizes all configured

automation processes

Chapter 3.1.1

Chapter 3.1.7

Chapter 3.1.6

Chapter 3.1.3

Chapter 3.1.9
Chapter 3.1.4

Chapter 3.1.5

Chapter 3.1.2

3.1.1 Button bar

Refresh : By clicking this option ISAL will update

all data within the open window

Auto Refresh : When this option is activated the data that

is displayed on the actual

screen will be updated automatically.

Full screen : With this option the user has the

possibility to show the selected window

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“Full screen”. With this option the menu bar

will on the left site of the screen will be

minimized. To return to the original size

press option ‘Normal Screen’

Select mode : When this menu option is activated it will be

possible to select containers within the

layout by clicking on the necessary

containers. All selected containers are arounded

with a blue border.

v Clear selection : With this option the

list of selected containers will be removed

Move content : This option makes it possible for the user

with manager rights to move the content

of one container to another.

After activating this option select the

source container and drag&drop this container

to the destination container.

(Not in use at Fibria)

Move : When this option is selected the user has the

possibilty to move container

within the layout without assigning a

automated process. This option will

be used for administrative corrections.

Assignments : If this option is activated every movement of

a container within the

containerlayout results in a automated

movement task for al defined and

exiting routes.

See “How to insert a container movement” for

more details see Chapter 11.1

v Find route : Beside this option you have the

availability to activate the option “Find

Route”. This option means that ISAL will

determine the routes to be

executed. With this option you have the

availabity to select the end

location and ISAL will find and execute the

automated routes to bring the

container to the defined location.

Basic container assignment :

With this option it will be possible to

create an assignment based on movements

from one location to another within drag&drop

with the layout.

If a container within the source location is

selected before you select this option the
from location within this screen will be
automatically filled.


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After selection of the ‘To’ location the

information showed within the quantity field

will corresponding with the amount of

containers that are available within the source

location and can be changed.

Press Save(&Close) to activate the

Search For: With this functionality you have the
possibility to search on saved data

within ISAL. To specify what kind of

information you are looking for select within the

listbox the right option

For example you can search on a specific

containerID. All containers that meets the

search value will be marked in the

containerlayout by a black border

Note : After inserting a search value,

Press Enter

If there are containers found that

meets your search value the search

value will be shown in green. If there

is no match the search value will be

shown in Red

v Container Auto Select :

When this option is selected the found

containers will be automatically selected and

the containers will be provided with a

blue border

3.1.2 Info bar

The infobar on the bottom of the screen displayes the folowing information :


2 3 5 7



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1 : This information informs the user if the client software is up to
date and if the

connection to the update share is available.

2 : Displayes the active user login

3 : With this option it will be possible to switch to another user login

4 : This icoon indicates if there are user settings stored. (available)

By activating this option the user settings for the actual focused
screen will be reset to


5 : With this option it will be possible to switch to a different


6 : This option can be used to change the skin of the ISAL screens

7 : Information of the connected database

8 : This option shows you the actual alarms

A red icoon will appears when there are new alarm occures

To open the alarm window press on this menu option and the next
panel will appear

Normally all alarms will disappear when the problem situation is


If an alarm will not disappear automatically it is possible by a

right mouse click

action within this panel to de-activate the selected or all alarms.

To hide this panel a mouse click somewhere outside this panel is

9 : This icoon represent the hyperlink to our website

10 : This icoon represents a link to a teamviewer session for remote


3.1.3 Information side panels (left)

On the left side of the screen a few information panels will be available to
display the information of the

selected containers within the Layout Containers

Activity phase info : This panel displays the

details about the growth information based on

the information within

the Activity Schema (See chapter 6.4 for more

information about this


Default No information
will be displayed, check the option ‘Enabled’ (1)

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to retrieve the

Normally this panel

will disappear when the user clicks somewhere else

in the screen. It is
possible to pin this panel to stay open by clicking the

pin option

Activity History : This panel displays

the values of the executed activities on the stored

Storage Items on the

selected container(s)

Default No information
will be displayed, check the option ‘Enabled’ (2)

to get the
For each registered
feature the max, min and the average value will be


Content statistics : This panel displays

consists of 2 parts of information

Default No information
will be displayed, check the option ‘Enabled’ (3)

to get the

The top part displays the % chart of the selected color

group, change the selection by choosing the right

option within the list box (4)

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The second part of this panel displays the registered

values for the selected Storage Items within a Pivot


Default only the quantity value will be displayed.

To Add columns or Rows press right-mouse click

within the top of this panel and the next options will

be available
By selecting the ‘Show Field List’ a list of all available

option will be displayed which the user can

drag&drop to the right location within this pivot grid

Activity plan :

After selecting this menu option the calendar view of the scheduled Activity
plans will be ‘fly in’ from the left

side of the screen.

Within this screen all scheduled activity plans will be displayed. Details of
these scheduled plans can be

changed by the user by a mouse rigth-click action or dmouse double click action
on the scheduled item.

More details of the activiplan functionality will be described in Chapter 7.1


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1: Schedule workpace

Within this window all scheduled activity plans will be displayed.

Which Activity plans are displayed

depends on the setting at position 3,4 and 5

Within this schedule window you have the possibility to change the
view of the agenda. By a mouse
right-click action on this screen you get the menu options to change
the view and timescale options.

2: Time scale

Depending on the selected timescale option the day and hour scale
will be displayed.

(how to change the scale will be described at pos. 1)

3: Display type of schedules

this menu options you have the possiblity to filter the

types of
activity plans that are displayed within this agenda.

ISAL you have the possibility to create an activity

plan on
Storage Item, Lot, Container or Activity position


4: Date selector

this date selector it is possible to set the day that will

displayed within the Activity Plan agenda.

To go
back to the actual day press “Today”
5: Display types of Activity Flows

To minimize the
amount of displayed scheduled plans you have

the possibility
to filter on displayed Activity Flows (activities)

More information
about Activity Flows will be described within the

admin manual
Chapter ???

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6: Filter on Activity plan features

With this option it will be possible to filter the

displayed information on a specific feature which is

assigned at creation of an activity plan

3.1.4 Overview panel

This panel informs the user which

area of the automation is displayed within

the Layout containers. This area is

marked by the blue bordered box.

To easily change the displayed area

click on the right position within this

panel. (1)

1 It is also possible to adjust the

zoom factor by clicking 1 of the button options

(2) or by moving the slider (3) to

the right %

3.1.5 Navigation panel

This panel displays the

configured areas of the automation.

To view a specific area click on

the right row within this panel. It is also

possible to deactivate area by

check or uncheck the checkbox (1) before an

area row

3.1.6 Operation information panels

This information panel contains 4 types of information.

Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter
· Information about the machines (Chapter


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· Information of all containers with a container assignment ( Chapter

· Information of the available activity positions (Chapter

· Information of all configured machine automation rules (Chapter Machine


1: The indicator shows information of

the machine status.

Three types of indicators can be displayed :

Machine is up and running

Machine is not active (can be changed within

the machine panel by double-click on the machine)

Machine is in Error (can be changed within the

machine panel by double-click on the machine)

See: Error handling machine Chapter 11.5

2: This column displays the description of the machine

that is defined by the implementation of

this project.
3: The column “Activity PLC” displays the actual status of
PLC for this machine.

NOTE: For ISAL a machine must be in status “Idle” to

accept new


4: The column “Status Description” displays the error

description if an alarm or error


5: The column “On Storage location” displays the actual

position of the machine

Only used by riding machines

6: This checkbox informs the user if the machine is active

or not. With manager

rights it will be possible to change this checkbox

within the machine

configuration screen (see Chapter for more

detailed information)

7: If case an error occurs this column displays the error


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8: For executing container tasks a machine must in

Automatic mode, this status is not editable

by a user. With manager rights it will be possible to

change this setting by double click on

the right machine. After this action the right machine

configuration screen will appear.

(see Chapter for more detailed information)

This configuration screen for a machine consists of 4 tab pages

with detailed information :

· Machine

· Machine assignments

· Supply and demand

· Finished machine assignments

To access the machine configuration screen for editing you need

manager rights.

Double click on the right machine and the detailed machine

configuration screen will be displayed Machine

This window consists of 2 panels. The upper panel displays information that can
be edited by a user. The

lower panel displays information that is read only for the user.

1: This panel displays the following options that can be edit or set by
a user

Active Set a machine

active or not active

Error In case of an
error this this checkbox will be checked by the ISAL application.

(See : Error
handling machine Chapter 11.5)

Status description Read only

field that shows the machine status.

Automatic mode With this

checkbox a user can turn-off the automatic mode of a machine.

Location parking For every

riding machine it is possible to define a parking position where the

machine must
stay when there are no active tasks for a period of time

Idle time After this

time period the machine will go to the parking location.

Optimal mode position bring This option

is not in use for the Fibria environment but allows a user to change

the scope of
a machine to handle automatic bringing tasks. This option will be

used in
situations where 2 or more machines operate in 1 lane.

Optimal mode position pickup This option

is not in use for the Fibria environment but allows a user to change

the scope of
a machine to handle automatic pickup tasks. This option will be

used in
situations where 2 or more machines operate in 1 lane.


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----------------------- Page 31-----------------------

2: This panel displays settings of a machine which are configured by

implementation and is read only

for a user
ISAL mode
Indicates that the machine is in ISAL mode

Unable to move with containers

Is used for elevator machines to prevent movements with a


Machine no.
No. of machine that ISAL uses in communication with the PLC

Accept routenos.
Indicates that the machine will accepts routes

Scan after pickup

Indicates that a machine provided with a scanning device with

scan the container after pick up

Stop route after scan mismatch

This option will be configured if ISAL needs to stop if the

scanned container ID is differs from the expected one

Create scanned containers

This option indicates that the machine will create a container ID

based on the scanned value

Switched scanned containers

This option indicates the machine will changed the

containerID’s if another containerID is scanned than expected

in de layout

Switched containers gets container assignment

This option means that the container assignment will be

assigned to the switched (scanned) container

Switch container content

With this option enabled the registered content information

will be moved to the scanned container ID.

Force priority
If this option is activated ISAL will executed all assignments

based on the priority and will wait with executing other

assignments with a lower priority

Claims full route

With this option all machines within the route from actual

position to assignment destination will be claimed

Allows simultaneous assignments

With this options it will be possible that a machine will

executed multiple assignments on the same time. If not

selected the assignments will be executed 1 by 1

Create all possible assignments

When activated all possible machine assignments will be

created. If not activated all Storage Container assignments will

be converted to machine assignments 1 by 1

Do not use relative positioning

Claim full route

Machine no.
Displays the machine no. ISAL will use in the PLC


Activity PLC
Displays the actual PLC status of the machine

Description of the application name that handles the machine


Container ID format
Displays the format of the container ID’s scanned by the


On location
Displays the actual location of the machine

Part of machine
Information if this machine is part of another machine.

Alarm source
Shows the alarm type configured to the machine

PLC status
Actual PLC status of the machine

Is exceeding location dimension by Machine assignment

This screen displays the active machine assignments if exists.


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1: This panel displays the settings / information of a main


Within this panel a few fields are editable by a user

Execute on This
option makes it possible for a user to change the time of assignment execution

Activity Plan ID This

option enables the user to add this assignment to an existing activity plan

(Not in
use for Fibria)

Maximum assignment Maximum of

container movements within 1 assignment


Follow up quantity

Possibility to de-activate the main assignment

Route partitioning

Automatic circulation This

option activates the automatic rotation of containers which has no assignment
to extract
containers from a location with an assignment. (locations needs to be

as rotation location !)

Automatic find correct route With this

option activated ISAL will find out the shortest way to the final destination

of the

Contains PLC movements Enable

this option if the route contains movements which are initiated by the PLC.

(Not in
use for Fibria)

Force priority This

option take care of the execution of assignments based on priority

The following fields are read only


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----------------------- Page 33-----------------------

Main assignment no.

This field displays the Main assignment ID that is generated by

inserting the assignment

Description of the assignment. By default the route description will

be assigned by creating the assignment

Route assembly
Defines a route is composed of multiple subroutes

Displays the route name that is executed by this main assignment.

Create assembly assignments

ISAL will generate all possible assignments at one time

Skip location capacity check

It is possible to execute a main assignment without a check of the

available space within the destination location.

Displays the route information at execution time

Execute status
Displays the status of a PLC for this assignment

Executed on
Displays the time of execution

Finished on
Displays the end time of the execution

Created on
Displays the creation time of the main assignment

Created by
Displays the user who has created the assignment

Server executed on
Displays the server execution time for this main assignment

option allows the user to delete main assignments if the

is not executing.

When the
user tries to delete an executing assignment a error message

will appear.

3: This panel displays the settings / information of a machine


Within this panel only 1 field will be editable by a user

Execute on This option

makes it possible for a user to change the time of assignment


The following fields are read only

Machine assignment no.

This field displays the Machine assignment ID that is

generated by converting the container assignment to a

machine assignment.

Displays the route information

PLC Status
Displays the status of the PLC

Displays the name of the machine that handles this

Displays the route that is executed by this assignment

From machine
Displays the start machine of this route

From location
Displays the start location of this route

To machine
Displays the last machine of this route

To location
Displays the endlocation of this route

Displays the quantity of containers that will be moved by this



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Execute on
Displays the start execution time

Executed on
Displays the time the route is accepted by the PLC

Sent on
Displays the time that ISAL sent the route information to the


Finished on
Displays the end time for this assignment/route

This counter displays the amount of retries to start this

assignment (if configured)

Machine assignment no. follow up route

Shows the machine assignment ID of the follow up route

Follow up quantity

End route
Displays if the user had activated the End Route button (3)

End/Abort route sent on

Displays the time the end route message is sent to the PLC

4: With this option the user has the possibility to end an active

After pressing this button a confirmation dialog will appear. If Ok,

a abort message will be send from

ISAL to the PLC to abort the actual assignment. After a few seconds
the assignment within ISAL will

disappear and a ‘blue bullet ‘ will appear on the source location

of the original assignment to
prevent regeneration of an assignment by ISAL. The ‘blue bullet’
must be released by the user

manually after fixing the reason why the assignment must be aborted.

5: To navigate between the machine assignments a navigation bar will be

located on the bottom of

each screen

With the available edit options you can delete assignments if the
status is not executing.

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----------------------- Page 35----------------------- Supply and demand

This interface displays all positions of the machine where it can bring or gets a

If no checkbox is displayed for a location means that it is not possible to bring

or get a container on that


For each location 3 checkboxes are available to prevent

a location for bringing or getting a container. The

Dispatch or Filling of a location can be set on PLC, ISAL

or User level.
If a location is selected for dispatching or filling means

that ISAL will not start any assignments from this

location or to this location before the block status is


Within the layout it is visualized if a location is blocked

by a user with a yellow bullet.

(Red bullets will set and handled by the PLC)

(Blue bullets will be set by ISAL and must be reset by the

user) Finished machine assignments

This interface displays all executed assignment for his machine. (Historical

Navigation through all executed assignments can be done by the navigation bar


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----------------------- Page 36----------------------- Container assignments

Within this window all containers with an assignment will be


Each assignment will have 5 types of status levels

Container assignment cannot be executed yet and is not sent to the PLC

Container assignment is sent to the PLC

Container assignment is executing

Machine assignment is created based on container assignment


Within this
screen there is a possibility for the user to easily change the

priority of
the assignment by changing the priority value and press Apply

1 (1)

To edit the storage container assignment from here it is possible to

double click on the rigth

container and the container assignment screen will appear.

This container assignment screen consists of two tab pages

· Assignments

· Options Assignments

Within this window the details of the container assignment will be





1: This panels displayes al editable values for a user for the main

Shows if a container assignment is active

Displays the route description

Route assembly
Displays follow up route info


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Executed on
Displays the time the container assignment must be executed

Maximum assignment quantity

Maximum of containerassignments that can be handled within a main


Automatically find correct route

Displays if the option “Find route” is used

Skip location capacity check

Shows that there is no check on avalaible space within the destination


Automatic circulation If
configured, it makes it possible for automated container rotation in case

not enough space within the destination

Force priority
This option forces the execution of assignments based on the configured


Route partitioning Can

be used in situations if there are more possible routes to go to the

same destination.

Contains PLC movements

Activate this option if the movement contains movements initiated by the


2: This windows displays all readonly values for this main assignment

Displays the generated description of ISAL based on the from

to location.

Displays the route information

Executed on
Displays the time of execution

Main assignment ID.

Displays the ISAL generated ID for this assignment

Executed status
Displays the PLC status for this assignment

Created on
Displays the time of creation for this assignment

Created by
Displays the user who has created the assignment

Finished on
Displays the finished time for this assigment

Server execute on
Displays the server execution time

Created assembly assignment

ISAL will generate all possible assignments at one time

Follow up quantity

Last machine assignment no.

Displays the last executed main assignment

Activity plan ID
Displays the activity plan ID which this container ID is assigned to

3: This part of the window displays the details of the container


4: Navigation bar

On the bottom of this screen an navigation bar is available with the

option to delete the complete

mainassignment (including all underlying containerassignments).

This will only be possible if the

assignment is not executing

5: Navigation bar

On the bottom of this screen an navigation bar is available with the

option to Add (not often used) or

delete the container assignment This will only be possible if the

assignment is not executing

6: This option allows the user to change the priority for 1 or all
selected container assignments


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----------------------- Page 38----------------------- Options

Within this window all assigned activities for this container

assignment will be displayed. Also

assigning and deleting activities can be done (not in use at

Fibria) Activity positions

This window displays all configured activity positions within the

automated system.

The main goal for this window is to activate or de-activate an

activity position by a user by clicking

the checkbox “Active” (1)

Depending of the user account security level a

user will be allowed to change the activity

position parameters.

To startup the settings window for an activity

position, double-click on the activity position

you want to edit. The next window will appear.

For the Fibria project these screens are read-only

2: Within this part of the window all possible settings of a activity

positions will be displayed

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Activity position
Name of the activity position defined by implementation

A user can set a active or in-active

Activity phase
If configured it is possible to switch to another activity phase (see

Chapter 6.2)

Description of the activity that will be executed on this location

(see chapter 6.1 for more details about activities)

Activity parameter template

Within ISAL it is possible to define templates with needed

parameters for a specific activity

Auto perform activity

Always executing, no dependancy with user setting

Perform activity on start route

Execution of the activity will done after starting the route

Storage group
Within ISAL it is possible to combine a few storagelocation within a

storage group where the activity can be executed.

The storage location of this activityposition

NOTE : the color of the AP within de GUI depends on the

configured color for the activity

Position on location
Defines the position within a storage location where the activity will

be executed

To position on storage location

Defines the end position of a storage location where the activity

will be executed

Position count descending

Counting direction

Name of the position defined by implementation

Container position
The name of the containerposition where the activity will be


Time schedule
Within ISAL time schedules can be configured. A time schedule will

be used to prevent execution of an activity outside the defined


Container content condition

With this option you have the possibility to define the content

condition of the container for handling the activity

Resource ID
Within ISAL it is possible to assign a resource to an activityposition

for registering statistics

External reference
This field defines the reference ID for a thirth/external party for

communication purposes.
Within ISAL it is possible to defien different comment types that a

user can assign to a container. With this option you can define that

an activity can be executed if it meets the comment condition. (See

Chapter 6.9 for more information about comment types)

Comment not equal

Defines the opposite of the previous setting

Pending release request

Open requests between ISAL and PLC

Activity started on
Information of the last started activity

Activity finished on
Information of the last finished activity

3: The information of the activity positions can be shown within a card

or grid format.

4: Within this part of the screen the position of the activity position
within the layout can be defined

5: Within this part of the window all parameters for a activity

position can be configured

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----------------------- Page 40----------------------- Machine automation

windows displayes all configured machine automation

for a specific machine. With this functionality it is

possible within ISAL to execute container movements

automatically based on the defined rules. A user can only

a rule active or in-active by clicking checkbox (1)

Chapter 6.6 for more information about machine


3.1.7 Settings & Filter panels

On the Right side of the screen a few panels will be available to display the
detailed information of the

selected containers within the Layout Containers.

1: Layout settings

This panel displays all possible settings to customize

the visualization of the Layout Containers screen.

2 Color scheme, labels on the container, etc.

(See Chapter for more details)

3 2: Quick filter

This option can be used to apply a filter on specific

registered data that is registered within the ISAL

database based on pre-defined lists of (available) data .

After applying only the containers that meets

the filter will be marked within the layout.

(See Chapter for more details)

3: Filter

Same functionality as described at the Quick filter only

with option you need to specify the filter

manually within a query structure

(See Chapter for more details) Layout Settings

This panel consists of 3 tab pages with

settings for the visualization of the layout.

1 · Overview

2 · Settings

· Tooltip

7 Overview

1: Within this panel it will be

possible to change the grouping of information of the

6 registered content on the


2: This option allows the user to

change the way of sorting the information on the


- Order on storage : the

information will be visualized based on the sequence the

8 information is registered on a
container in combination with grouped by setting.

- Quantity : The information will

be visualized based on the sum of the grouped by value

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3: Depending on the configured

features and

feature values a few options will

be available to

change the colors used in the


4: Allows the user to change the

visualization of the information on the container

The selected information can be

shown by row or column

5: Here the user can change the

information that

is displayed on container level

within the


6: Based on the selection of the

color (pos. 3) all

possible options will be

displayed within this

panel. An option can be activated

by clicking the

right option. After selecting all

containers that’s

meets this value will be

highlighted within the


NOTE : only configured feature

values will be selectable

7: The selected containers after

applying the selection filter within the layout will

be displayed.

8: This option enables you to reset

the selection filter Settings

Within this panel the information that can be switched on or off.

Details will be explained during the training if needed Tooltip

Within this panel all tooltip options can switched on or


Details will be explained during the training if needed
To enable or disable the tooltip option press the

checkbox on position 1


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----------------------- Page 42----------------------- Quickfilter

With this menu option it will be

possible for the user to set a filter on specific registered
information which is registered.

1 First select the right field

option by activating the checkbox (1). After activating a popup

list (2) will be displayed with

all available/registered field values within the system

When the necessary values are

selected press the OK button.

All containers that matches the

filter will be highlighted within the visualization

To reset the Quickfilter press

button ‘Clear selection quick filter’ (3) Filter

Within ISAL you have the

possibility to search on each registered value using

the Filter option. This

option is basically the same as the quick filter option.

With this option the user

will be able to define his own query.

Default this panel will be displayed

To define your search query you can use the

options :

With this option you define the start keyword of

your query

With this option it is possible to Add or Group to

your query.

By clicking plus sign to will be able to define

‘WHERE’ part of the query. Only existing values will

be selectable

After defining the filter
query press button ‘Apply’ (2). After apply all containers

within the system that meets

the selection filter will be highlighted

To undo the filter press

button ‘Clear’ (3)


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3.1.8 Container layout functions

Within the container layout a lot of options will be available for a


(depending on the security level).

The container layout consists
of multiple objects which different properties

and functions.

1: This box
represents an empty position within a storage location.

A storage
location within ISAL is a location where a container can

be located and
can contains 1 or more containers.

A Storage
Location can also be defined as a Machine. A Machine

within ISAL
means that this entity is used for communication with

the PLC.

2: A colored box
around 1 or more storage locations means that

this position is
an activity position. The color of the box is

configured by
the Activity positions (Not active for the user at


3: A dark grey box

represents an empty container. A container

2 within ISAL is a
unit that can contains lot and Item information.
4: A Colored box
represents an containers registered with

Lot information

Depending on the location in the layout menu options will be available to edit
layout options by executing

the right click mouse event.




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----------------------- Page 44----------------------- Location (XXXX)

After selecting this menu option a few menu options will appear to handle Storage
Location related tasks Select containers

With this option a user can select all containers
After selecting this menu option a few menu options

within a Storage Location or if a Storage Location

will a appear depending on the Storage

is divided into multiple Storage Location Groups

Location/group configuration.

the user can check the needed Storage Locations

with the checkbox (1). After checking all necessary

Storage Location confirm the selection by using

the option “Select checked items”

A shortcut to select all containers within a storage

location press CTRL -A

(not in use at Fibria project) Move the containers on this location

With this menu options the user will be able to

reallocate the positions of the containers within a

Storage Location



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1 This panel displays all containers within the selected Storage

Location. The column “Order in storagelocation”

displays the sequence of the containers.

The selected container(s) will be highlighted in green

2 With this 4 buttons the selected container (s) can be moved up and down
or to the last or first position

3 With this option the user can move the selected containers to the
selected location. After selection of the

destination location press ‘Apply’.

4 With this option it is possible to reorder the ‘Order in

Storagelocation’ numbering. In praktice the nummering ID’s

can have duplicates or negative number if manual movements of

containers are executed.

5 To disable the ordering check by using the navigation buttons (4) this
checkbox needs to be activated

6 If any change is happened a Save button will appears to Save the

changes Move selected container

With this menu options the

user will be able to move a

selection of containers to a

selected location.


1 Selection of source containers to move to another location for
administrative correction purposes

2 Within the destination location select the right-mouse-click

option ‘Move selected containers’. Press save within

the popup screen and the selected containers will be registered

within the new location (no physical

movements !)

3 Situation after using this option. Containers will be

registered at the beginning of the new location. Use option

‘Move the containers on this location’ to place the containers

on the right position

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----------------------- Page 46----------------------- Edit the containers on this location

After activating this menu option the next window will

appear to edit the containers within this Storage


With the options available within the navigation bar an

user can Add and Delete containers within this Storage



1 Load lot and Item data Reload all

saved information for Lot and item information registered on the


2 Show container popup form With this

option a user can change the properties and features of the

container. (more details see Chapter

3 Show container overview With this

option a user can change the content of the selected container.

details see Chapter

4 Show container Lot form With this

option a user can change the lot information of the selected

(more details see Chapter

5 Show storage item form With this

option a user can change the item information of the selected

(more details see Chapter

6 Reorder With this

option it is possible to reorder the containers on this location by

the value ‘Order in storagelocation’

With the navigationbar options it will be possible for a user to Add and Delete
containers within the selected

Storage Location

If there are changes a Save button will appears to Save (7) the changes Delete containers

With this option
the user can delete the containers from the layout by

using this
functionality. After clicking this menu option a warning

message box will

appear to confirm this deletion.

NOTE : Containers
will be deleted permanently but will be placed within

a virtual Storage
Location which content is not visible for a user.


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----------------------- Page 47-----------------------

This option
allows the user to change the quantity of registered storage Correct Storage Location items or

containers within a location.

quantity This option will

only be used within belt systems.

(Not in use at
Fibria) Give selected With this option

the user can insert a containerassignment to 1 or more

container(s) an selected

assignment to : Only possible

routes/destinations will be selectable

After activating this option the pop up screen will

appear to confirm the containerassignment (see

Chapter 11.1) Filling Block Within ISAL a

user has the possibility to prevent a storage location to

bring a

After selecting
this option a message box will appear with the possibility

for the user to

describe the reason for this action (or it keeps blank)

Press Save to
close this window
Within the
layout a blocked Storage Location is marked with a yellow

point and the

menu description will change to the opposite “Filling Un-

Block” to make
it possible for the user to unblock the location


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----------------------- Page 48----------------------- Dispatch Block Within ISAL a
user has the possibility to prevent a storage location for

getting a

After selecting
this option a message box will appear with the possibility

for the user to

describe the reason for this action (or it keeps blank)

Press Save to
close this window

Within the layout

a blocked Storage Location is marked with a

yellow point and

the menu description will change to the opposite

“Dispatch Un-
Block” to make it possible for the user to unblock

the location Containers (X)

After selecting this menu option a few

menu options will appear to handle

Container related tasks

Within this menu option the value that is displayed on position 1 is depending on
the quantity of selected


If one container is selected, the container ID will be displayed.

If more containers are selected, the quantity of selected containers will be



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----------------------- Page 49----------------------- Container overview

After selecting this menu option a window will appears

to show all actual data that is available for this container.

Depending on the security settings a user is allowed to

change the content of the container.


9 11

2: Container details
This panel displays the parameters of this container.

Depending of the security setting a user can edit features with

the options as described by pos. 9

5 6 7

3: Details of Lot/Item or container comment


On top of this panel 4 tabpages will be located to view the

detailed information on Lot, Storage Item, Container comment

and Container Location History.


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4: Container Lot




4.1 Summary of Storage Items on Lot level

This panel displays a summary of all registered Storage Items which are
registered on this container. These individualy

storage items are visible within tab ‘Storage Items’ (5)

4.2 Actual growth phase information

This panel displays the actual growth phase situation of the selected Lot

4.3 Activity schema information

This panel displays the growth planning of the selected Lot. This information is
based on the assigned ‘Activity Schema’

on the Item/Clone or Lot. For more details about the Activity Schema see chapter

4.4 Statistics diagram

This panel displays the statistics of a selected Feature

The available options are depending on the assigned features to the Item/Clone or

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5: Storage Item




5.1 Overview of registered storage items

This panel displays the registered storage items on this container (can be tray
or container)

In case of unique plants the ID will be the barcode or RFID information of a

plant. Within situations without unique plants

a GUID will be used to identify the registration line.

In situations with unique tray’s on a container (just like Fibria) for each tray
a GUID ID will be registered with a quantity

of plants within the tray (depending on the process)

5.2 Activity history

This panel displays the history of activities which are executed on the selected
Storage Item
5.3 Visualization of container pattern

This panel displays the pattern of the container. Within this situation it is
possible to select a Storage Item (tray) within

panel 5.1. and the related tray within the pattern will be focused and vice

5.4 Visualization options of the container pattern


A. With these options it is possible to turn on/off the color or label


B. Depending on the assigned features and featurevalues to the

Item/Clone or Lot a list of defined color

schemes are available

C. This option allows the user to change the displayed label

information on a plant posistion within the


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6: Container comment

This panel displays the registered comments on the container. (read only)

7: Container location history

This panel displays the history of container positions within the greenhouse

8: Add/Edit information

Depending on the selected panel 4, 5, 6 or 7 it will be possible to Edit or Add

new information.

The forms which will be displayed are the same as when the options 9,10 or 11
will be selected.
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9: Show container popup form

After selecting this menu option a screen will be

displayed to Edit the container information.


Displays the containerID. This ID must be the same ID as on the van

Zaal container label

This datetime information shows the data/time the container is

moved to this location

Displayes the actual storage location of the container

Displayes the container position within the storage location

Displayed the type of container

With this option the actual container pattern will displayed

If a container will be placed within another container. For example a

tray within a container, the name of the parent container will be


This External ID option is checked if a container is unique and can

be identified during the logistical process.

The field displayes the expected destination within the logistical

process of this container. Is only in use for processes on item or tray


Within this panel it is possible for a user to add features with

featurevalues on container level. These features can be used by

defining machineautomation rules (see chapter 6.5)


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10: Show container Lot form
This screen displays the lot summary information registered

the selected storage container. This can be a container or

tray depending on the customer situation


Displays the lot information on the selected storage container. This

information is read only

Displayes the Item feature information

Displayes the Lot feature information

Displayes detailed information of the selected lot

Displayes features of the Lot/Container combination

11: Show Storage Item form

This screen displays the Storage information registered on

selected storage container.


These options can be used to Add,Edit and Delete the Storage

item information on this container.

Displayes all plants that are registered on this container. This

can be a unique plant or a lot.


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In case of a unique plant the ID represent the RFID or barcode

of the plant and the quantity is 1.

In case of non-unique plants the ID will be a GUID and

represents plants from the same lot with a quantity > 1

Displayes the stored features on Item level

Displayes the stored features on Lot level

Displayes detailed information of the selected Storage Item

Displayes features of the Item/Container combination Add/Edit Lot

Definition : Lot = Storage Item (quantity >= 1)

After selecting this menu option the lot edit window will appear. Within the
left panel the bold marked fields

are mandatory.

When the information of a field is changed the checkbox (1) will be enabled.










1: Checkboxes which indicates if

information is changed

2: Displays (read only) the container ID

3: Selection list of all available (active)

lot ID’s

4: After selection of a lot the description

and Item information will be displayed here
5: Possibility to register the quantity of
the edited Lot

6: Register the grade of the edited Lot

7: Select the right growth phase for the

edited lot

8: After selection of the growth phase this

datetime field will be automatically filled with the

actual datetime and can be changed by

the user.


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9: Optional : the next phase of this lot can

be registered

10: Optional : the next phase started can be

11: Optional : It will be possible to assign a
feature group

12: If the storage item represents a unique

plant this checkbox must be enabled

13: After changing the necessary field

information it will be necessary for the user to decide if the

changes belongs to a new storage item or the

new/changed information must be applied to

the selected rows within the main panel 16.

Only the checked fields will be saved when the

apply button (14) will be pushed.

14: Apply button to update the edited

information within the main panel 16

15: With this option it is possible to assign

features to selected rows within main panel 16

Press Save button to saved

changed or edited

information Change Activity phase

With this option it will be possible to change the

registered growth phase information of 1 or more

selected containers.

After selecting the right option a popup message will

appear with the actual date time information.

Press Save to register the growth phase change on the

proposed or edited date time Delete

With this option it is possible to remove a container from the layout.

After confimation the container will be

moved to virtual location Purge content

If lot information is available on the container the option “purge content” will
be enabled.

After selecting the next message box will appear

After confirmation the content of the

container will be deleted

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----------------------- Page 57----------------------- Add/Edit Container comment

With this menu option it is possible to add or edit comments on a container.

After selection of this menu option it will be possible to assign an editable

comment (A) or a predefined

comment type (B)

A. Free comment type

After selection of this menu option the next popup window will appear.

1: This part of the screen displays the selected containers.

With this option it is possible to edit multiple

containers at the same time

2: With this option it is possible to select an existing

comment type (more information about comment

types see chapter 6.9)

3: Within this window the predefined comment text will be

displayed and can be edit/changed by an user

4: A location can be defined for moving the container to this

location if a container is marked with this

comment type

5: This (read only) option displays the configured flag for

this type of comment. The type of flag can be
edited within panel 7 after pressing the Apply button (6)

6: Apply button to confirm configuration

7: Displays detailed information of the applied comments


8: After applying comment information a Save button will appear

to save the comment information

B. Pre-defined comment types

After selection of one of these options no popup window will appear and
the icon of the comment will

be displayed on the container directly


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----------------------- Page 58----------------------- Activity

Within ISAL is it possible to activate or de-activate an activity position or

change the configuration with an

option from the right-mouse-click menu option (1). If the mouse pointer is on an
activity position the menu

option as shown below will be enabled

1 B

A. Not in use at Fibria

B. Labour

Within ISAL it is possible (if configured) to assign a resource to an

activity position to register the

labour performance

1. With this option it is possible to search an resource based on

a search criteria. ISAL will highligh

all resources with matching values

2. This panel displays a list of all registered resources. For
more information about the

maintenance of resource see Chapter 2.3

3. The buttons Log On/Log Off makes it possible to

assign/activate a resource to the selected

activity position

After Log On a resource icon will be displayed within the


This functionality is only available/configured for the

work positions


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----------------------- Page 59----------------------- Activity plan

When configured it is possible within ISAL to insert an activity plan on

Container, Lot, Storage item and

activity position level. Depending on the mouse pointer location a menu option
as shown below (for

example) will be enabled at the right-mouse-click action

The amount of options displayed within the first level of the submenu (A) depends
on the configured activity

flows and activity positions that are reachable from this location.

Also depending on the existing information on the container (Lot/items), a few

submenus (B) will be enabled

to insert an activity plan on Container, Lot, Storage item or Activity position


After selecting the option ‘Containers’ the next window will appear to define all
needed parameters for this

activity plan.



3 4

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Edit activity plan This button will switch the screen to the edit
mode the activity plan

Progress Progress indicator of the planned versus

processed containers

Activity plan ID This ID (GUID) will be generated by ISAL (read


Description Description of the plan (default based on the

description of the selected activity flow)

External reference Will be filled with a customer ID when Activity

plan is inserted by a ISA’95 production schedule


Activity flow The selected activity option from the menu

Execution allowed Default filled with the actual date/time the

plan is inserted (if manual inserted)


Estimated execution Default filled with the actual date/time the

plan is inserted (if manual inserted)


Estimated execution Default filled with the actual date/time the

plan is inserted (if manual inserted)

Execution started on Automatic filled by ISAL when the execution of
the plan is started

Execution finished on Automatic filled by ISAL when the execution of

the plan is finished

Execute status Status of the plan

NOTE : The status of a plan must be changed to ‘released’ by the operator to

execute the plan

Export Status Checked if the status of the Activity plan

needs to be communicated to another system.

Last exported Displays the last status information send to

another system

execution status

Expires on

Info Displays information generated by ISAL by

executing the activity plan

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Abort Send On During execution of an activity plan it is

possible to abort the execution. From ISAL an cancel

message will be send to the PLC. This field

displays the timestamp when this situation occurs.

PLC ID ID for communication with the PLC (not in

use at Fibria)

Start after Activity It is possible to define an dependency to

another activity plan which must be finished first

Plan ID

2: Within ISAL it is possible to create an

recurrence rule to generate multiple activity plans with the

same configuration (not in use at Fibria)

The activity plan features will be used to define

feature values on activity plan level to define if a

plan can be executed or not.

The features will be checked by executing the

activity flow

(not in use at Fibria)

(see Chapter 6.2 for more information about the

activity flow)

The activity plan parameters will be used to the

parameters on activity plan level.

The parameter will be used within the

communication between ISAL and the PLC

(not in use at Fibria)

This option can be used to automatic insert or delete a

container, Lot, Item or Activity position from the


(not in use at Fibria)

The value can be filled within the textbox and followed

by an Enter the value will be inserted.

This option can be used for manual inserting a lot of

Lot’s into a schedule by scanning the barcodes.


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This panel displays all ‘plannables’ like
containers, Lots or Storage Items for this activity

plan. Also some detailed information of the

status and progress will be showed.

(not in use at Fibria)

After activating this option a panel similar to

plannables (6) will appear with all scheduled

activity positions for this flow

(not in use at Fibria)

The features are related to plannable as

registered within panel (6)

(not in use at Fibria)

With this example the activity will only be

executed if the Container contains Storage Items

with Feature ‘Ramifications diameter’ = C

The activity plan parameters will be used to the

parameters on container/Lot/Item or activity

position level

(not in use at Fibria)

The parameter will be used within the

communication between ISAL and the PLC


(not in use at Fibria)

This panel displays the execution details of

each step during the execution of the

activity plan.


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3.1.9 Belt system functions ID Reader

Within the belt system ID readers will be available to identify the objects that
will be transported over the

system. This can be Storage Items or Storage Containers

A Reader position will be visualized with a symbol like

(see more details about a ID Reader Chapter 6.11)

Example : Exit readers at the sticking process

1. On each reader position a right-mouse-click menu will be available

2. Each reader position can be activated or de-activated.

When a reader is de-activated a symbol will

be visualized on the reader position.
Within this situation ISAL will not handle the message received from
the PLC and the

scanned object will stay on the reader position.

Other symbols which can be displayed on a reader :

This warning symbol will appear when no destination for

the scanned object can

be determined. Within this situation the object will stay

on the reader location

until a destination can de determined.

(see Appendix E for error handling)

This symbol will appear when the reader is in alarm

situation. After solving the hardware

problems this message will automatically disappear after

receiving a new PLC message.

Within this situation the object will stay on the reader


(see Appendix E for error handling)

3. With this option it will be possible to reset the message received

from the PLC (not in use at Fibria)

4. This menu option displays the settings screen of an ID Reader

(see Chapter 6.11 for detailed information)

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----------------------- Page 64----------------------- Activity position

Within ISAL positions within the container layout and in a belt system can be
defined as Activity position. (see

Chapter 6.4)

1. If configured a colored border will be displayed around an activity

position. The used color will be

defined at the Activity information (Chapter 6.1). If a position is

de-activated a red border will appear.

To controll an activity position a right-mouse-click menu will be available


2. With this menu option an activity position can be activated or de-


If configured it could be possible to communicate the status of an

activity position to the PLC to

prevent bringing new containers/tray’s/plants to a work position

(not in use at Fibria)

3. This menu option displays the configuration settings of an activity


(see Chapter 6.4)

4. Within ISAL it will be possible to assign a resource to an activity

or work position to register the

activities done by this resource. Within the Fibria project this

functionality will be configurated at the

sticking work positions

5. List of all available resources

(see Chapter 2.3 for more detailed information)

6. With these options it will be possible to log-on or Log-off a
resource from a activity position.

When a resource is connected to an activity position it will be

displayed with a symbol


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----------------------- Page 65----------------------- Batch assignment

Within ISAL a menu option will be available to generate a manual batch

assignment. Normally ISAL will

generate automatically batch assignments based on the defined rules to fill a


If , for example, not enough trays will be available within a buffer belt to
fill a full container it will be possible

to manually create an batch assignment.

The batch assignment can be generate for tray from different bufferbelts

1. After selection of the right tray’s within the belts select the
right-mouse-click option ‘Batch’ and the

possible destination

After activating the menu the next window will appear

1. Within this panel the selected locations (bufferbelts) will be

displayed including the quantity of tray’s

It will be possible to add multiple location by selecting the

2. When batch assignment is correct press ‘Save’


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3.2 Configuration Selection machines

To control the settings of the selection machines a layout screen is developed

for the operator to set the

right configuration of an selection machine before starting the selection


1. For each selection machine the right activity needs to be selected.

2. Besides the activity the configuration of the exit belt of the

selectionmachines needs to set by the
operator and will be depending on the expected results of the next
selection process. After visual

controlling the plant material the operator needs to determine what

will be the largest amount of

Classification type.

3. This information displays the active lot and clone within the tray on
the GET position within the

selection machine (4)

4. GET position of a selection machine

On every change of the tray on this location the settings for grading
will be communicated to ARIS

and Flier Systems

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3.3 Expedition monitor

To control the expedition process a layout screen is developed to inform the

operator which order is active

per expedition exit

Because no pushbuttons or any automation is available at the expedition

locations the operator must

manually release an expedition exit by pushing the button ‘Reset’. (1)

With a ‘Reset’ action the active ‘Order/Item/Classification’ will be deleted and

ISAL will use this exit to assign

a new order.

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4 9


After selection op menu option (1) this screen will be displayed were the user
will be able to define the right

filters on the available data within the greenhouse.

Remark : For this screen only the main topics will be described
and if necessary it can be explained

during the training in more detail

Within this panel (2) al available growth phase area are visualized and which
are selectable by the user.

To view which locations are assigned to a specific growth phase area click on
the ‘+’ sign at the

beginning of a growth phase area row (3)

4. Storage

Within this
list box it will be possible to select the needed properties

which are
available for storage items within the registration


Within this
list box it will be possible to select the needed features

which are
registered on Item, Lot and Storage Item

Load data

selection of the needed information press on this button to load

information from the ISAL database

Example : The next screen will displays the information of the rooting
area CV01 and with a selected ‘Series by’ on

the feature ‘Color’


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5. Within this panel all selected options within the list boxes (4) will be
showed as selectable list boxes to define the

filter over the loaded data. After selection press ‘Apply filter’ (6)
(press ‘Reset filter to get all data)

7. Fullscreen

With this option it will be possible to

show the screen full. Within the full size mode the option

‘Normal screen’ will be enabled to return

to the default visualization.
Chart Rotated

With this option it will be possible to

rotate the visualization of the chart

8. Within this option the configured settings

can be saved within a template. After defining the

settings fill in the name of the settings

for example ‘test’ and press Enter

Use option ‘Remove setting’ to delete the

saved settings

9. Advanced

This panel displays the numeric values of the loaded data within a Pivot

It is possible to drag&drop the necessary fields to the row of column to

change the visualized data.

10. Detail


Within this menu option a few dashboards will be available

(to be defined)

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Within the maintenance

menu these options are available to maintain


information needed for

the automation/registration.










6.1 Activity

This information is read only !

Within this screen all possible activities which can be executed within the
automation are defined and cannot

be changed by the user

6.2 Activity Flows

This information is read only !

Within this screen the activity flows are defined which can be executed by an
activity plan.

(See for more details about activity plans Chapter 7.1)


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1. Activity flow

For the Fibria environment there are 3 activity flows defined which
will be used within the Activity

Schema functionality to perform automatic container movements based

on an expired growth phase.

Flow ‘FromGrowingIIToSelectionUnloader’

With this flow the containers will be transported from the

Growthphase II lanes to the selection unloader

position when the duration of the growthphase ‘Growing phase II’ is


(See Chapter 6.5 for more information about Activity Schema’s)

Flow ‘FromShadowingToSelectionUnloader’

With this flow the containers will be transported from the Shadowing
lanes to the selection unloader position

when the duration of the growthphase ‘Shadowing phase’ is reached

(See Chapter 6.5 for more information about Activity Schema’s)

Flow ‘FromRootingToShadowing’

With this flow the containers will be transported from the Rooting
lanes to the end of the expresslane (lane 9)

when the duration of the growth phase ‘Rooting phase’ is reached

(See Chapter 6.5 for more information about Activity Schema’s)

Containers transported from the rooting area to lane 9 will be

transported from lane 9 to the shadowing lanes

with the machine automation

(See Chapter 6.6 for more information about Machine Automation rules)

2. Activity Step
Each activity flow is based on 1 or multiple pre-defined activity

6.3 Phases

This information is read only !

Within this screen all possible growth phases used within the automation are
defined and cannot be changed

by the user


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6.4 Activity positions

Within ISAL it is possible to define positions within the automation where

activities can be executed. Each

activity position is related to 1 or more storage locations within ISAL.

1. This panel displays the settings for a activity positions and will be
done by Indigo during the


2. This panel displays the locations and indexes/positions which are

assigned to the activity position

3. Within this panel a total list of all configurated activity positions

will be displayed

NOTE : Within the Fibria environment all work positions and watering zones for
Sabil are defined as activity


6.5 Schema

Within ISAL the activity schema functionality will be used for visualization and
automation purposes.
The Schema is based on growth phases, grades (classifications), durations etc.


The configurated durations and

phases will be displayed within the container

layout when the Color schema

‘Activity phase’ is selected within the layout

settings (see Chapter for

more information)

The containers will be colored based

on the defined color at the ‘Activity

phases) (see Chapter 6.2 for more



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On each
container a progress indicator will be displayed

represents the duration of this container related to

actual growth phase and the activity schema information

Color of
the progress indicator can be green, orange and

depending on the progress

Green =
on schedule

Orange =
reaches the expiring date (10 %)

Red =
Expires growth phase duration

Within ISAL it is possible to define an activity or growth scheme to define all
needed phases and activities that

needs to be executed during the growing process

1: Main description of a activity schema

Activity schema Description of the activity schema

Active Sets a activity schema active or in-


2: Activity phases details

Activity phase Select a pre-defined

activity phase (see chapter 10.2.3)

Phase order Ordering of phases within a



Duration Duration of the phase

Duration period unit Unit of measure for the


Duration interpolation Make use of seasons

depending values

Next Phase Next phase during the growth


Next Activity Next Activity within the

actual phase

Scrap percentage Possibility to define an

expected scrap % for each growth phase/grade (not in use at


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Default pattern Possibility to define a

default container pattern which can be used for space

planning functionality
(not in use at Fibria)

Activity flow Within ISAL it is

possible to define an activity flow which can be activated when a

container reaches the

date-time for the next activity phase

(see more details in

Chapter 6.2)

On the bottom of this screen a navigation bar is located to insert and

delete phases & activities
3. Within this screen it will be
possible to configure multiple activity schemes. To

make it more easier to create

multiple scheme which are moreless identical it will

be possible to make a copy of an

existing one.

Step A : Fill in the name of the new


Step B : Select the schema you want

to copy

(After selection the

‘copy’ option will be enabled)

Step C : Press Copy (4) and a new

schema will be visible

Step D : Save added schema

Step E : Change the name of the

schema if needed

The relation between the activity

schema and a Item/Clone or a Lot must be configured

(see Chapter 2.2 and 2.4)

5. Recalculate next After changes on the activity schema

settings the changes must be applied to the

phase change exiting registration. By using this

option a progress indicator will appear while ISAL

will update the exiting


6.6 Features

After selecting this menu option the next window will appear to manage the
Features and Feature values that

are used within the system

1 2


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1: Features

Features are used within the ISAL system to assign specific features to a
container, Item, Lot and Storage

These values will be used for visualization, controlling the imaging
process and for controlling the

automation processes.

Name Name of the feature

Type Datatype of the feature

Format Possibility to define the format of

the feature

Default value Default value of this feature when

there are no feature values defined

External reference Reference ID which can be used

within the communication with other systems

Item maturity type Not in use at Fibria

Is Selectable For With this option it will be possible

to define for which part of the application this feature

can be used/selected

2: Feature values

Within this part of the screen it will be possible to define the possible
values for each feature.

Each value can be provided with a color to be used within the


Name of the feature

Value of the feature

Description of the feature value

Color code which will be used within the visualization

Possibility to assign a image to a feature value (Not in use at


Category ID
Possibility to assign a feature to specific category (Not in use

at Fibria)

Expected percentage
(Not in use at Fibria)

External reference
This reference ID can be used within communication with

other systems

Activity phase
If the feature value is depending on the growth phase

3: Groups

With this option it is possible to assign Features to a specific group

which can be assigned to a Item or


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These values will be used for the grading process and

will be communicate by ISAL to ARIS.

REMARK : Be aware when changing these values

because this will influence the selection process

immidiately !!

6.7 Machine automation

Information wihtin this screen is read only !

Within ISAL it is possible to define automation rules to automatically transport

containers from one location

to another based on capacity, container content, timer base etc.

1. Within this panel all actual configurate machine automation rules

are displayed

These rules are grouped on machine level

2. Within this panel all configuration options are displayed

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Defined automation rules

To see more about activating or de-activating automation rule see Chapter


- To Loader Selection From

This rule will bring a new/empty container to the loader at Selection

from the stack positions

Default all stack positions are enabled to get containers. The stack
positions can be activated or

deactivated by the user within the machine automation panel

- From Unloader Selection To

This rule will get all empty containers which are dispatched from the
unloader position at selection

Default all stack positions are enabled to bring new containers. The
stackpositions can be activated

or deactivated by the user within the machine automation panel

- To Loader Sticking From

This rule will bring a new/empty container to the loader at Sticking

from the stack positions

Default all stack positions are enabled to get containers. The stack
positions can be activated or

deactivated by the user within the machine automation panel

Remark : It is also possible that a container

dispatched from the unloader at selection

automatically transported will be transported

to the loader at Sticking

This movement will be generated by the

automation rule ‘CRBY019 à Dispatch

Selection Unloader to Sticking Loader’


- Dispatch Sticking to Rooting area

This rule will automatically transport containers dispatched from the

loader at Sticking to a

destination within the Rooting area.

The destination within the Rooting area can be assigned with 2 option

1. Mixed

When this option is enabled the option ‘By Clone’ will be


With this option all containers will be transported to the

first available free position within the

rooting area. Locations within the rooting area will be filled

based on capacity.

The sequence of the locations which will be used to validate

the first available option is default

from CV01-lane1 to CV12 – lane 7. These sequence can be

changed by the user wihin the

machine automation panel

2. By Clone

When this option is enabled the option ‘Mixed’ will be


With this option all containers will be transported to the

first available free location within the

rooting area and where the last container within the location
contains equal Item/Clone

information. Locations within the rooting area will be filled

based on capacity.


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The sequence of the locations which will be used to validate

the first available option is default

from CV01-lane1 to CV12 – lane 7. These sequence can be

changed by the user wihin the

machine automation panel

For each option 2 underlying sub rules are available ‘Exiting’

and ‘New’

With this option all possible locations will be validated

and checked on equal Item/Clone

Information. If no equal Item/Clone will be found the

next rule ‘New’ will be validated to

prevent waiting time


With this option the same procedure as ‘Existing’ will be

followed except the validation on

same Item/Clone

- Dispatch Selection Unloader to Sticking Loader

This rule activates the automatic movements of containers from the

Unloader Selection to the

Sticking Loader. This rule will be executed when no container is

located within the Supply location of

the Loader at Sticking.

If this rule cannot being executed the next rule will be validated
(Dispatch Selection Unloader to BST

Position) to bring the container to a stack position

- Dispatch Selection Unloader to BST Position

This rule activates the automatic movements of containers from the

Unloader Selection to the BST

position. This rule will be executed when there is a container

located within the Supply location of

the Loader at Sticking.

If this rule cannot being executed the container will stay within the
unloader Selection


- Dispatch Selection I
This automation rule will validate if the containers leaving the
Loader are in ‘Growing I ‘ and will

transport the container to location 13 to 16

Location ‘Lane 13’ contains Classification A

Location ‘Lane 14’ contains Classification A

Location ‘Lane 15’ contains Classification B

Location ‘Lane 16’ contains Classification B

For each option (per classification) 2 underlying sub rules are

available ‘Exiting’ and ‘New’


With this option all possible locations will be validated

and checked on equal Classification

and equal Item/Close Information. If no equal

Classification and Item/Clone will be found the

next rule ‘New’ will be validated to prevent waiting time

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----------------------- Page 79-----------------------


With this option the same procedure as ‘Existing’ will be

followed except the validation on

same Item/Clone. Validation will only being done on


- Dispatch Selection II

This automation rule will validate if the containers leaving the

Loader are in ‘Rustification I ‘ and will

transport the container to location 23 to 26

Location ‘Lane 23’ contains Classification C

Location ‘Lane 24’ contains Classification A+B

Location ‘Lane 25’ contains Classification A+B

Location ‘Lane 26’ contains Classification A+B

For each option (per classification) 2 underlying sub rules are

available ‘Exiting’ and ‘New’


With this option all possible locations will be validated

and checked on equal Classification

and equal Item/Close Information. If no equal

Classification and Item/Clone will be found the

next rule ‘New’ will be validated to prevent waiting time


With this option the same procedure as ‘Existing’ will be

followed except the validation on
same Item/Clone. Validation will only being done on

- Dispatch Selection III/Expedition

This automation rule will validate if the containers leaving the

Loader are in ‘Expedition ‘ and will

transport the container to location 27 to 32 (through the express


Location ‘Lane 27’ filled by Clone

Location ‘Lane 28’ filled by Clone

Location ‘Lane 29’ filled by Clone

Location ‘Lane 30’ filled by Clone

Location ‘Lane 31’ filled by Clone

Location ‘Lane 32’ filled by Clone

2 underlying sub rules are available ‘Exiting’ and ‘New’


With this option all possible locations will be validated

and checked on equal

Item/Clone Information. If no equal Item/Clone will be

found the

next rule ‘New’ will be validated to prevent waiting time


With this option the same procedure as ‘Existing’ will be

followed except the validation on

same Item/Clone. Validation will only being done on


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- From ExpressLane to Shadowing

This automation rule will automatically transport containers from the

ExpressLane to the Shadowing

locations based on available capacity and equal Clone within a

Shadowing location.

Containers will be transported from the rooting area’s to the

expresslane based on the Activity Flow

functionality (see Chapter 6.2)

- Location ‘Lane 10’ filled by Clone

- Location ‘Lane 11’ filled by Clone

- Location ‘Lane 12’ filled by Clone

For each option 2 underlying sub rules are available ‘Exiting’ and


With this option all possible locations will be validated and checked
on equal

Item/Clone Information. If no equal Item/Clone will be found the

next rule ‘New’ will be validated to prevent waiting time


With this option the same procedure as ‘Existing’ will be followed

except the validation on

same Item/Clone. Validation will only being done on capacity.

- From Growing I to Growing II

This automation rule will automatically transport containers from the

Growing I locations to the

Growing II locations based on available capacity and equal

Classification and with at least 84

containers remaining within a Growing I location.

Location ‘Lane 17’ filled by Classification A

Location ‘Lane 18’ filled by Classification A

Location ‘Lane 19’ filled by Classification B

Location ‘Lane 20’ filled by Classification B

Location ‘Lane 21’ filled by Classification C

Location ‘Lane 22’ filled by Classification C

For each option (per classification) 2 underlying sub rules are

available ‘Exiting’ and ‘New’


With this option all possible locations will be validated

and checked on equal
Classification and Item/Clone Information. If no equal
Item/Clone will be found the

next rule ‘New’ will be validated to prevent waiting time


With this option the same procedure as ‘Existing’ will be

followed except the validation on

same Item/Clone. Validation will only being done on



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Beside the rules based on Classification a rule will be defined to

handle empty containers

With this rule empty containers will be transported to a free

position within the Growing II area and
the locations will be filled up equaly.

- From Rustification I to Rustification II

This automation rule will automatically transport containers from the

Rustification I locations to the

Rustification II locations based on available capacity and equal

Item/Clone and with at least 84

containers remaining within a Rustification I location.

Location ‘Lane 27’ filled by Clone

Location ‘Lane 28’ filled by Clone

Location ‘Lane 29’ filled by Clone

Location ‘Lane 30’ filled by Clone

Location ‘Lane 31’ filled by Clone

Location ‘Lane 32’ filled by Clone

For each option (per classification) 2 underlying sub rules are

available ‘Exiting’ and ‘New’


With this option all possible locations will be validated

and checked on equal

Item/Clone Information. If no equal Item/Clone will be

found the

next rule ‘New’ will be validated to prevent waiting time


With this option the same procedure as ‘Existing’ will be

followed except the validation on

same Item/Clone. Validation will only being done on


Beside the rules based on Classification a rule will be defined to

handle empty containers

With this rule empty containers will be transported to a free

position within the Rustification II area

and the locations will be filled up equaly.

6.8 Containers

This panel displays all available Storage Containers within the ISAL database. A
Storage Container can be a

tray or a container.

Remark : Don’t use this option to add manually tray’s or

containers. Tray ID’s will be automatically

created after a scanning point


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6.9 Container assignments

With this menu option it will be possible to maintain the actual and all-ready
executed main assignments

All finished main assignments will be automatically cleaned up by the system.

Be aware : Delete only unfinished main assignments after error situations and
the assignment will not set

to finished automatically.

When this situation occurs that an assignment will not disappear or set to
finished automatically please call

the service desk of Bosman van Zaal

6.10 Container comment type

With this functionality it is possible to pre define some comment types a user
can assign to a container (see


Comment Name of comment type

Comment Comment that is displayed on the container

within the visualization

Location Can be used to define a location where to

bring a container if this comment is assigned to the



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Comment image Define the default image for this type of


Default comment If checked this comment will be displayed as

first if more comment types are configured

Group Names Possibility to configure that only specific

groups of users are allowed to use this comment

6.11 ID Reader
This screen is Read Only !

Within ISAL positions can be defined as reader positions. This reader can be an
barcode or RFID reader.

1. This part of the screen displays all the settings of a reader within
a card view. The configuration will

be done during the implementation by Indigo.

2. This part of the screen displays all the configurated reader within
the project

3. Each reader can be provided with features which will be assigned to

the scanned item

Each reader position will be accessible within the layout from a right
mouse click action

(see Chapter



Within the
production menu these options are available to view/edit
7.2 information needed
for controlling the processes




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7.1 Activity plan


1: The
scheduled plans can be displayed within 2 layouts.

It is
possible for a user to edit existing schedules or adding new schedules

With the option ‘Overview’ an overview of all scheduled plans will be

displayed in a grid format.

Within this screen only existing schedules can be edit by a user

2: Within the agenda workspace all agenda details will be displayed for each
selected ‘Activity Flow’ selected by

option 5 (Resources)

Within this
layout the user can select a right-mouse-click menu to set the

date/time view. Also a Add new plan (New activity plan) option is

available to insert a new plan

(See Chapter for more information about inserting a new activity plan)


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3: With the
calendar option the user can move directly to the right day by a

mouse click
action on the right day

4: With this
option it is possible to filter which activity plan type must

within the agenda

5: With this menu

option a filter can be set on the activity flows that will be

shown within
the agenda

6: With this
option it will be possible to filter on activity plans on configured

features. For
example ‘Show me all plans created by ‘Mister X’
(not in use at

7: Legenda of all
possible activity status values

7.1.1 Edit / change status of a plan

To edit an existing plan from out the ‘agenda’ layout two possible options will
be available to edit a plan

Option 1

Choose right-mouse-click action to open the plan

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Option 2

Double click action on the right plan

To edit an existing plan from the ‘Overview’ window double click on right plan

With both options the detailed information window for the plan will be displayed
and it will be possible for a

user to edit the information of the plan.

When a change is done by a user a Save button will appears at pos. 8.

Within ISAL the status of a scheduled plan can be changed on Activity plan or on

position level

NOTE: For releasing a new plan the user only needs to set status to ‘Released’
on activity plan level. ISAL will

automatically sets all under laying items on ‘Released’

During the execution of the plan ISAL will automatically update the
status for each item.

When all under laying items are finished ISAL will automatically
sets the Activity plan status to finish

7.2 Batch assignment

This functionality will be used to automatically extract tray’s from buffers to

container loader positions.


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Normally the generation of a batch assignment will be done by ISAL but it also
possible for an operator to a

batch assignment manually

All generated batch assignments will be visualized within this screen.

1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11



For each batch assignment a few information fields are available :

1. Batch assignment ID Automatically

generated ID by ISAL. When creating a batch

assignment manually
the ID can be changed by the operator

2. Description Will be
automatically generated by ISAL. In case of manual created

batch assignment
default ‘Manual assignment’ will be used

3. Location Destination
location of the batch assignment

4. Finish batch after last line a batch assignment

will be set to Finish after executing the last line

as described within
panel (12).

5. Execution allowed from With batches

generated by ISAL the actual date time will be filled

When manual
creating an batch assignment the operator can select the right

date time to
execute the assignment

6. Execution status With this option

the actual status of the batch assignment will be
displayed. This
status can be changed by the operator.

Normally all
assignments will be set to Finished automatically but in

some error
situations it will be necessary to set an assignment on

Finished manually

7. Pattern (Not in use at


8. Batch assignment no. Automatically

generated ID which will be used within the

between ISAL and PLC

9. Content tracking (Not in use at


10. Created On Date time that the

batch assignment is generated or created


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11. Started On Date time that

the batch assignment is really started

12. Batch assignment lines Each batch

assignment consist at least of 1 line but depending on

the situation it
could be multiple lines

Each line
describes the tray’s needed, in progress or finished

13. Batch parameter (Not in use at


7.3 Storage container Lot Overview

This read only form displays all registered information on the tray’s or

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7.4 Container selection

The functionality of this screen can be used within the container layout screen
to search specific container or
container content information to select the right containers.



1 7


6 8

Information can be searched on :

- Locations

- Storage container

- Storage Item

- Container comment

- Features
After defining the search criteria press the button (6) ‘Search Containers’

All containers matching the search criteria will be displayed within panel (7)
grouped by location because an

assignment can only be inserted from 1 source location. Default no containers

are selected. To select or clear

selection press button (8).

When the right (or all) containers are selected the menu options 9, 10 and 11
will be enabled

9. Storage container content : Display the

content information of all selected containers

10. Storage container assignment : Within this screen it will be

possible to generate an assignment for

the selected containers within the same group (source location)

11. Use this option to select all marked containers within the
container layout screen

12. With this reset option all configured search criteria’s will be

13. Use this option to go back to the selection screen

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Within this menu option a few reports will be available

(to be defined/developed)


9.1 ISA’95 Communication

Within ISAL it will be possible to communicate with other systems based on the
ISA’95 messages structure. At

this moment ISAL is capable of communication with the Material Information,

Production Schedule,
Production Performance and the Personnel information messages.

This screen displays the received message and the status of each message

If an error occurred during the handling of an incoming message the error

description will be displayed

within the ‘Info’ field and the checkbox ‘Rejected’ is enabled

When messages are handled without problems the checkbox ‘Accepted’


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Within ISAL it
will be possible to activate the right Lot before

starting a
process for registering the tray/Lot combination.

1. After selection/focus on the right Lot ID press ‘Start’ (if start

= grayed out then first active Lot

needs to be stopped by clicking button ‘Stop’ (2)

2. Stop button to stop active Lot

3. With this search panel it will be possible to search for the right
Lot ID (Search value must be equal to a

registered Lot ID !). Press Enter after typing search value

4. This option ‘Auto Change’ will perform an automatic stop/start

action after entering the right Lot ID

within search field (3) (not in use at Fibria at this moment)

5. This panel displays the actual activated Lot ID



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10.1 Automatic Sticking machine

Within the actual situation the
ISO sticking machine will work standalone and

1 there will be no communication

with ISAL.

Only communication at position (1)

will be available. On this ID Reader

location the ID of the tray will

be validated and communicated from the PLC

to ISAL.

After receiving the tray ID ISAL

will register the tray ID and will assign the

selected Lot ID to the scanned


After a successful registration

process ISAL will communicate the destination

within the tray buffer to the PLC.

If there is no ID received from

the PLC or no Lot ID is selected the tray will

stay on the exit position !

10.2 Sticking Line 01-04

2 2 As agreed within
previous meetings and in the order confirmation

there will be
maximum 4 different Items/Clones active on the same

time at the sticking

Also agreed that 1
Item/Clone can be active on a sticking line

Within ISAL the

operator must activate the right Lot ID for the

right sticking line

before starting the sticking process.

At the moment a tray

is scanned on the workposition (1) the active

1 Lot ID will be
assigned to the tray ID

On the exit
positions of the sticking line ID readers will be available

to validate the tray

and check if there is lot information registered

on the scanned tray

ID. If there is no lot information registered on

the tray the ID

reader will displays an alarm and the tray will stay

on the reader

4 3 2 1

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APPENDIX A: Frequently questions

How to insert a containermovement ?

Option 1: Drag & Drop

With this option a user selects the right container (or containers) he wants to
move. By holding the left

mouse button down the containers can be dragged to the right destination.

During the dragging process all possible destinations will be marked by a green
box or route visualization

with arrows.
When dropped on the destination a detail window will appear for the user to fill
in more detailed information

for this movement.

1. When finished press the Save button to schedule this movement


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2. Detailed editable information

Active Indicates if this

assignment can be executed or not

Route If needed a user

can select a pre defined route if there are more than 1

possible routes to
the given destination

Route assembly Description of

follow up route

Execute on Scheduled time to

execute this assignment

Maximum assigment quantity Maximum of

container assignments

Automatically find correct route If no pre defined

route is available, ISAL will find a way to the given


Skip location capacity check If checked,

assignment will be executed even there is no space within the


Automatic circulation If checked,

containers will automatically rotate to release the container
from the original
location (if configured)

Force priority

Route partitioning

Contains PLC movements

3. Displays ISAL generated information

4. Tabpage Options

If configured, a user can assign activities to be executed by executing this

container movement.

(not in use at Fibria)

5. Displays route information

Within this panel all containers are listed who gets a storage
container assignment by saving this

6. With this option it will be possible to change the priority of the


1 = the hightest priority

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Option 2: Mouse Right click action

After selecting the container(s) to mover press the mouse right button to get
the next menu

After selecting the same window will appear as with option 1

Option 3: Machine automation

This functionality will be used if automatic movement can be configured based on

conditions of a location,

container or container content.

(More detailed information of this functionality will be described within Chapter


How to reset a container movement?

See Chapter for more detailed information

How to insert a manual activity plan?

For inserting an activity plan follow the description at Chapter

How to change or finish an activity plan?

Once inserted activity plans within ISAL can be changed from status by
a user.

Option 1

Use the calendar view within the layout to find the schedule you want
to edit.

To open the schedule double click on the right item or select the
“Open” option within the mouse-

right-click action.

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Option 2

Choose the menu option “Plan” from the Production menu

See chapter

for more information about editing a activity plan

How to handle a machine error situation?

When a machine is in an error status it will be visible within the machine panel
by the sign
Step 1: First repair or handle the reason of the error on the
mechanical or PLC site before change

anything within ISAL!

Step 2: Double click on the machine row you want to reset and
next window will appear

Step 3: Uncheck the error checkbox (if problem is solved!)

Step 4: Sets the machine active by clicking the checkbox

Step 5: Press the Save button on the right lower corner of the
screen to confirm the


Step 6: When a machine is in an error situation the container

assignment(s) will be set

to In-active for security reasons.

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Step 7: With a Mouse Rigth click action on the yellow marked


The next menu option will appear

Step 8: Select the option : Edit Container assignment and the

assignment window will


Step 9: Set the container assignment to active by clicking

the checkbox at pos. 1

Step 10: Press Save to confirm change


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