Research Questionnaire

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Research Questionnaire: Harassment Faced by Male Employees from Senior Staff

Females in the Workplace

Thank you for your interest in participating in this qualitative research study. The purpose of this
questionnaire is to gather detailed information and personal experiences regarding harassment faced
by male employees from senior staff females in the workplace. Your responses will remain
completely confidential and anonymous.

Please take your time to provide thoughtful and detailed responses to the following questions. If any
question makes you uncomfortable or you do not wish to answer, feel free to skip it. Your
participation is voluntary, and you may withdraw at any time without excuse.
Demographic Information:
a) Age: ______
b) Nature of Job: ______
c) Job Position: ______
d) Length of Employment: ______ (months/years)
e) Business Nature of Organization: ____________________
f) Location: _______________
g) How many time switched job: _______________________

1. Can you describe any instances or experiences of harassment you have faced from senior staff
females in your workplace? Please provide as much detail as possible, including the nature of
the incidents, the context in which they occurred, and any impacts they had on you personally
or professionally?


2. How did you initially respond to the instances of harassment? Did you confront the
individuals involved, report the incidents to HR or management, or take any other actions?
Please explain your reasoning and describe the outcomes of your actions, if applicable.

3. How did these incidents of harassment affect your overall well-being and job satisfaction?


4. Were there any specific types of harassment you encountered? If so, please provide some


5. In your opinion, what factors or dynamics contribute to harassment from senior staff females
towards male employees? Are there any specific power imbalances or organizational factors
that you believe play a role in such incidents?


6. Have you observed any patterns or trends in terms of the individuals who engage in
harassment? Are there any specific roles or positions involved?


7. How do you perceive the impact of the harassment on your well-being, job satisfaction, and
career progression? Have there been any long-term effects on your professional growth or
mental health?


8. Have you observed any patterns or trends regarding harassment from senior staff females in
your organization? For example, are there particular departments or teams where such
incidents are more prevalent? Are there any commonalities among the individuals involved or
the circumstances surrounding the harassment?

9. How comfortable do you feel reporting incidents of harassment to your superiors or HR


10. How supportive do you find your organization's response to incidents of harassment faced by
male employees from senior staff females? Has the organization provided appropriate
resources, guidance, or policies to address such cases effectively?


11. How would you describe the overall workplace culture when it comes to respecting
boundaries and preventing harassment?


12. Are there any existing channels or mechanisms within your organization that you feel are
helpful in preventing or addressing harassment from senior staff females? If so, please
describe them and share your thoughts on their effectiveness.


13. Based on your experiences and observations, what changes or improvements would you
suggest to your organization in order to better prevent and address harassment faced by male
employees from senior staff females?

14. Have you sought support or counseling, either internally or externally, to cope with the effects
of the harassment? If so, please describe the support you received and its impact on your well-


15. How has the harassment impacted your relationships with female colleagues and the overall
dynamics within your team or department?

16. If you have any additional comments, insights, or personal stories related to harassment from
senior staff females in the workplace, please share them here.


17. What message or advice would you give to other males who might be facing harassment from
females in their workplace?


Thank you for your participation and willingness to share your experiences. Your
input will contribute significantly to understanding this important issue and advocating for a safer and
more inclusive work environment.

Sincerely yours,

Muhammad Sarah Ahmad

Roll No. 30, Session 2020 - 23
Student of MSC Criminology,
Institute of social sciences,
BZU, Multan.

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