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Indian Evidence Act Quiz Questions and Answers

1. The privilege to withhold the documents/information under the administrative law is

enacted in which of the following Sections of the Evidence Act?

1. Section 126
2. Section 120
3. Section 98
4. Section 123

Answer: Section 123

2. Section 133 of the Indian Evidence Act is related to

1. Number of witnesses
2. Relevancy of facts
3. Accomplice
4. Oral evidence

Answer: Accomplice

3. B', 'C' and 'D' never saw 'A' writing. But they give their opinion about the
handwriting of 'A'. The opinion of which one is relevant?

1. Of 'D' because 'D' is Z's broker to whom Z habitually submitted the letters purporting
to B written by 'A' for the purpose of his advice
2. Of 'C' because 'C' is a clerk of 'A' 'C's duty was to examine and file A's
3. Of 'B', because 'B' is a merchant in Delhi. 'A' has written many letters addressed to 'B'
4. Of all the above

Answer: Of all the above

4. Which Section of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 deals only with civil matters?

1. Section-27
2. Section-133
3. Section-23
4. Section-53

Answer: Section-23

5. Which one of the following sections of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 has been
inserted by the Dowry Prohibition (Amendment) Act, 1986

1. Section 113A
2. Section 111A
3. Section 113B
4. None of the above
Answer: Section 113B

6. Which section of the Indian Evidence Act protects communication during marriage?

1. Section 124
2. Section 125
3. Section 122
4. Section 123

Answer: Section 124

7. Section 27 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, permits the use of discovery evidence,
which lays down strictly as to how much of the information contained in the statement
of the accused is made admissible. Which one of the following information is relevant
under this Section?

1. That relates to the past user of the object

2. Information given by the accused, as relates distinctly to the fact thereby discovered
3. That relates to only the place of occurrence
4. That relates to nature of the object

Answer: Information given by the accused, as relates distinctly to the fact thereby

8. Which one of the following statements is not correct?

1. First Information Report recorded under Section 154 of the Code of Criminal
Procedure 1973, may be admitted as dying declaration.
2. Statement of dying declaration cannot be recorded by a police officer
3. Dying declaration may be oral or in writing
4. Where there are two or more dying declarations in a case, there must be similarity of
contents between them

Answer: Statement of dying declaration cannot be recorded by a police officer

9. For the admissibility of a dying declaration, it is not necessary that the statement:

1. The statement must be complete

2. Relates to cause of death
3. The person making the statement must be competent
4. The person making the statement must be under expectation of death

Answer: The person making the statement must be under expectation of death

10. Which one of the following is not correctly matched?

1. Dumb witness ? Section 120

2. Child witness ? Section 118
3. Expert witness ? Section 45
4. Hostile witness ? Section 154
Answer: Dumb witness ? Section 120

11. Rule of estoppel is contained in Section ______________________ of the Evidence

Act, 1872.

1. 115
2. 120
3. 118
4. 112

Answer: 115

12. Facts under the Evidence Act means:

1. Anything capable of being perceived by the senses and any mental condition of which
any person is conscious
2. Only any mental condition of which any person is conscious
3. Anything capable of being perceived by the senses only
4. Anything capable of being perceived by the senses only

Answer: Anything capable of being perceived by the senses and any mental condition of
which any person is conscious

13. Section 108 of the Evidence Act provides that when a man has not been heard of for
seven years by those who would _____________ have heard of him if he had been alive,
the burden of proving that he is alive shifts on the person who affirms it.

1. Normally
2. Naturally
3. Ordinarily
4. Usually

Answer: Naturally

14. Which are the provisions under Indian Evidence Act, 1872 that deals with
relevancy of opinion of experts?

1. Sections 45 and 46
2. Sections 81 and 82
3. Sections 23 and 24
4. Sections 49 and 50

Answer: Sections 45 and 46

15. Indian Evidence Act: Defence of alibi is governed by-

1. Section 11 of the Evidence Act

2. Section 6 of the Evidence Act
3. Section 9 of the Evidence Act
4. Section 12 of the Evidence Act
Answer: Section 11 of the Evidence Act

16. Which section of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 is based on the principle of

1. Section 9
2. Section 8
3. Section 10
4. Section 7

Answer: Section 10

17. Which one of the following sections of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 provides that
evidence may be given of facts in issue and relevant facts?

1. Section 4
2. Section 60
3. Section 3
4. Section 5

Answer: Section 5

18. The Principle of Promissory Estoppel found its root:

1. As a rule of past consideration in the law of contract

2. As an exception to the doctrine of consideration in the law of contract
3. As a rule of future consideration in the law of contract
4. None of the above

Answer: As an exception to the doctrine of consideration in the law of contract

19. The plea can succeed only if it is shown that the accused was so far away at the
relevant time that he could not be present at the place where the crime was committed'.
The Supreme Court of India, in this observation, was referring to the plea of:

1. Abetment
2. Self-defence
3. Innocence
4. Alibi

Answer: Alibi

20. Two friends A and B were sleeping in a room which was bolted from inside. In the
morning, A is found murdered. Under which provision of the Evidence Act, prosecution
can claim shifting of burden on B to prove the manner in which the murder took place:

1. Section 103 of the Evidence Act

2. Section 114 of the Evidence Act
3. Section 101 of the Evidence Act
4. Section 106 of the Evidence Act
Answer: Section 106 of the Evidence Act

21. Statement made in anticipation of death by a person who survives, to a police

officer, would be

1. Admissible under S. 144

2. Inadmissible
3. Admissible under S. 32
4. Admissible under S. 157

Answer: Inadmissible

22. When a person summoned to produce a document and he produces a document then

1. He is cross-examined with the permission of the court

2. He does not become a witness and cannot be cross examined unless and until he is
called as a witness
3. He becomes a witness
4. He is cross-examined by both the parties

Answer: He does not become a witness and cannot be cross examined unless and until
he is called as a witness

23. Evidence of a witness in a previous proceeding would be admissible under section 33

of the evidence act only if the adverse party in the first proceeding had the right and
opportunity to cross-examine the witness'. The statement is . . . . . . . .?

1. Partly correct
2. True
3. False
4. None of these

Answer: True

24. Which of the following provisions of Indian Evidence Act permits evidence recorded
in one case to be considered relevant in a subsequent proceeding?

1. Section 32
2. Section 38
3. Section 33
4. Section 37

Answer: Section 33

25. When one fact is declared by the Indian Evidence Act to be conclusive proof of
another, the court, on proof of one fact:

1. May allow evidence to be given for the purpose of disproving it

2. Shall not allow evidence to be given for the purpose of disproving it
3. Both 1 and 2
4. None of the above

Answer: Shall not allow evidence to be given for the purpose of disproving it

26. Mandatory requirement of Section 27 of the Indian Evidence Act is that ______________

1. The accused must plead guilty first

2. The accused must be in judicial custody
3. The accused must be on bail
4. The accused must be in police custody

Answer: The accused must be in police custody

27. Which one of the following has not been mentioned as a ground under section 24
rendering a confession by an accused person irrelevant

1. Deceit
2. Threat
3. Inducement
4. Promise

Answer: Deceit

28. Electronics records produced before the court are:

1. Ordinary evidence
2. Technical evidence
3. Oral evidence
4. Documentary evidence

Answer: Documentary evidence

29. An evidence given by a dumb witness in an open court is _____________________

1. Deemed to be no evidence
2. Inadmissible
3. A documentary evidence
4. An oral evidence

Answer: An oral evidence

30. Accused wants to submit a document for consideration under Section 35 of the
Indian Evidence Act, 1872. In which of the following cases will the document become

1. It is not an entry made by public servant

2. It does not deal with a relevant fact
3. It does not deal with a fact in issue
4. It is not an entry made in public or other official book, register or record
Answer: It is not an entry made in public or other official book, register or record

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