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PT I (2023-24)

Section – A (Reading)

Q.1 Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below. (5x1=5)

Tommy loved playing in his backyard. One sunny day, as he was digging in the soil, he discovered a tiny
seed. Excitedly, he decided to plant it and see what would grow. Tommy watered the seed every day and
patiently waited. Soon, a small green shoot emerged from the soil. It grew taller and taller, and leaves
started to unfurl. Tommy was amazed to see a beautiful sunflower blooming in his backyard. He couldn't
believe that a tiny seed could transform into such a magnificent flower.


1. What did Tommy discover in his backyard?

2. What did Tommy do with the seed?

3. How did Tommy take care of the seed?

4. Choose the correct meaning?

Tiny ________(shiny/small)
Magnificent _________ (beautiful/dry)

5. Give a title to the above passage.

Section – B (Writing)

Q.2 Create a display advertisement to sell a pen. (5)


1) Begin your advertisement with an attention- grabbing statement or question that highlights the benefits of
the pen.

2) Describe the key features of the pen, such as its smooth writing, comfortable grip or any special

3) Highlight how the pen can make a positive impact on the user's life.


Write a paragraph on the picture given below.

Section – C (Grammar)

Q.3 Do as directed : (5x1=5)

1. This flat is ____________ (my/mine)

2. I do my home work regularly. Which part of speech is :-
I ________ (Possessive/Personal Pronoun) regularly ________ (verb/adverb)
3. Plural of ‘half’ is ____________ (halfs/halves)
4. A _______ (herd/litter) of puppies are wandering.
5. A fat cat is sitting _______ (outside/under) a tree.
6. Geeta likes to collect flowers.
Common noun
Proper noun
7. __________ (Hurray!/Oh!) we won the match.
8. Deepak ______ a sandwich. (fill verb)

Section – D (Literature)

Q.4 Write the meaning and frame a sentence of the given words. (2x1=2)

a) Cluster
b) Wonderful

Q.5 Answer the following questions. (3x1=3)

a) What did the Maharaja command sternly and why?

b) Name the things sold by the ice-cream man.
c) Which new dish was served by the cook in the chapter ‘Wonderful Waste’ and name the ingredients
used to make it .

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