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KEMAX Report no, Cibet 98470318 000-HVL 99-1277 China Power Grd Bevelapment Co. Ltd. No. 4 South Xue Yuan Road Distr Bejing, r00088 PR China ageing test under operating vattage simulating weather conditions: 3 March til 27 October 1999 KEMA High-Valtage Laboratory, Amber, the Netherlands: two f} of nan ceramic insulators Be ea moe ee Insulators Co, Ltd, Hubei, China er KEMAX TEST REPORT Report no, 98470318,000-HVL 99-127 Client China Power Grid Development Co. La, No. 4 South Xue Yuan Road Haidian District Beijing, 100088 PR China Concerning ageing test under operating voltage simulating weather conditions Date 3 March fil 27 October 1999 Place KEMA High-Voltage Laboratory, Arnhem, the Netherlands Object {wo types of non ceramic insulators Type 300 KN SML and 210 KN SML Manufacturer TONLY Xiangfan Guowang Composite Insulators Co. Ltd, Hubei, China REQUIREMENTS ‘The requirements as specified in the standard IEC 61109, 1992-03, annex C. TEST PROGRAMME ‘The programme was specified by the client and was as follows: 1) ageing test under operating voltage simulating weather conditions. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION The resuils obtained relafe only to the work ordered and to the material tested ‘The insulators witnstood the 3600 test witout eny lashover. after the test no marks of {racking could be observed and only slight erosion of the surface was visible. The tests were passed. Author L. Scheltinga KEMA Nederland B. eC This B-report consists of: G.P.T. Rbeléts, 39 pages KEMA High-Voltage Laboratory 2 appendices Amhem, 17 November 1999 °, Copyright Pablicaton or reproduction othe contents of thi pet ia any oer frm than 2 compat cay othe er, not owed shout cz ten conser Urecttseveg 310, 6812 AR Ammhem tha Netherlands, ‘Teletoon +3 26 355 91 11. Telex 45016 kema nl, Telefax +31 26 4 43.38 43 KEMAX 98470318.000-HVL 99-1277 MATERIAL DATA Manufacturer TONLY xiang Guowang Composite insulators Co. Ltd, Hubei, China Type A 300 KN SML (A series) Technology A HTV after the sheath is extruded onto the fiber glass rod Type B 210 KN SML (B series) Technology B injection moulding Number At to A4 and Bt to B4 ‘Sampling procedure by the manufacturer Drawing appendix A and 8 PERSONS ATTENDING THE TEST Neither representatives of the client nor the manufacturer were present during the tests. ‘THE TEST WAS CARRIED OUT BY MrL. Scheltinga KEMA Nederland 8.V. MrHJ. Amoldus KEMA Nederland B.V. PURPOSE OF THE TEST Purpose of the test was to verify whether the material complies with the specified requirements. KEMAX 98470318.000-HVL 99-1277 DESCRIPTION AND RESULTS OF THE TEST MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY The last page of this report contains a table with measurement uncertainties. Unless otherwise indicated in the report, the measurement uncertainties of the results presented are as indicated in this table, 1 AGEING TEST UNDER OPERATING VOLTAGE SIMULATING WEATHER CONDITIONS Four insulators of each type were subjected to the accelerated ageing test, the test was carried out in accordance with IEC 61109, 1992, appendix C. Two insulators of each type were suspended horizontally and two vertically. The dimensions of the test chamber were 3,0 x 1,5 x 1,8 m (xwx h). The protection level ofthe tripping device was set at 1 A. Various climatic stresses were realised in a cyclic manner: Solar radiation simulation ( see appendix 3 page 1) artificial rain (in accordance with IEC 60-1) salt fog at low concentration (7 kg NaCl /m*) dry heat humidification near to saturation high dampness at room temperature (saturation). Of each insulator the creepage distance was measured, the results are listed in the table below. sample creepage distance inmm | AL 534 Az 525) | AS 532 Ad 527, Bt 565 B2, 561 B3, 566 Ba 569) average 547 ‘The insulators were energized at a voltage of 15,6 KV dc. (approximately 35 kV/mm creepage distance). KEMAX + 98470318.000-HVL 99-1277 In appendix 1 page 1 the accelerated weather ageing cycle is displayed. In appendix 2 page 1 the diagram of the test set up is given. In appendix 3 page 1 the spectrum of the metal halogenide lamp is given. In appendix 4 page 1 a photograph of the test set up is given. The test duration was 5000 h. ‘After each period of 1000 h photographs of the insulators were taken, see appendix 6 pages 1 to 28. During the test the leakage current of each insulator was monitored, the data obtained is given in appendix 5; in page 1 the leakage current after appr. $00 his given. And in page 2 the leakage current after 5000 his given. During the test no overcurrent trip-outs occurred. After the 5000 h the insulators were cleaned and subjected to a visual inspection. Only slight erosion of the insulator surface was visible and there were no permanent marks of tracking. The test was passed successfully. KEMAX oe 98470318.000-HVL 99-1277 Appendix 1 page 1 Humidification Humidification Chautlage 50 °C Heating 50°C Pluie déminéraliséo Demineralized rain Brouillard salin: 7 kg/m? Salt fog: 7 kg/m? Simulation de rayonnement solaire : Soar radiation simulation Y\ Tansion: Uy3 RV Voltage: U3 kV 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 4 16 18 20 22 2 TemparTime | Oe Oh sce Out of operation In operation Exemple de cycle de vieillissement climatique accéléré Sous tension de service Example of an accelerated weather ageing cycle under operating voltages KEMAX 6 (98470318.000-HVL 89-1277 ‘Appendix? page 1 15,6 kV DC | Wit D>] tripping device eakage current monitor 100 ohm Schematic diagram of set-up KEMAX tT (98470318.000-HVL 99-1277 Appendix 3 page + ———————_ Solar spectrum at noon in summer at a latitude of 42°. - spectrum of the metal helogenide lamp with boro-llcate KEMAX 98470318 000-HVL 99-1277 Appendix § page | Record of leakage currents obtained after $00 h sample leakage current channel “suspension AL 1 vertical 2 2 horizontal Ag 3 horizontal Ad, 4 vertical Bt 5 ‘votical Bz 6 horizontal | Es 7 horizontal Bt 8 vertical KEMAX 10+ 98470318.000-HVL 99-1277 Appendix § page 2 Record of leakage currents obtained after 5000 h sample | Jeakage current channel suspension al = Az 16 AS 7 18 18 20 “horizontal 2 horzontai 2 vertical ain [FB tekst00m vi ‘0 KEMAX 8 98470918, 000-HVL 99-1277 ‘Appendix 4 page 1 Test chamber with non-cevamic insulators under test KEMAX ae (98470318, 000-HVL 99-1277 ‘Appendix 6 page 1 Samples A1 and A2 before test Ja KEMAX “12. 984703 18,000-HVL 99-127 Appendix 6 page 2 Samples A3 and Ad before test, KEMAX ae 98470316, 000-HVL 98-1277 Appendix 8 page 3 Samples 81 and 82 before test. KEMAX 4 98470318 000-HVL 99-1277 ‘Appendix 6 page 4 ‘Samples 83 and 84 before test, KEMAX 15 98470318 000-HVL 99-1277 Appendix 6 page 5 ‘Samples A1 and A2 after 1000 h KEMAX ae 98470318, 000-HVL 98-1277 Appendix ® page 6 Samples A3 and Ad after 1000 h i“ Y KEMAX at 0470218 000. 90-1277 Appendix 6 page ? ‘Samples 81 and 62 after 1000 h KEMAX 18 99470318,000-HVL 99-1277 Appendix® page & Samples 83 and B4 after 1000 'n KEMAX 19 98470318,000-HVL 99-1277 ‘Appendix 6 page 9 Samples At and A2 after 2000 hy, KEMAX -20- 98470318,000-HVL 88-1277 Appendix page 10 Samples A3 and Ad after 2000 h yy KEMAX Appendix 6 page 11 ‘Samples 81 and 82 after 2000 h KEMAX 22 (98470318, 000-HVL 81277 Appendix 6 page 12 Samples 83 and B4 after 2000 h KEMAX 2 98470318 D00-HVL 99-1277 Appendix 6 page 13 ‘Samples A1 and A2 afer 3000 n. KEMAX “24 98470318.000-HVL 90-1277 Appendix6 page 14 Sampies A3 and Ad after 3000 KEMAX 25 1984703 18,000-HVL 98-1277 Appendix 6 page 15 ‘Samples 81 and B2 after 3000 h KEMAX -26- (98470318, 000-HVL 99-1277 Appendix 6 page 18 Samples 83 and 84 after 3000 h, KEMAX -2- 98470318.000-HVL 99-1277 Appendix page 17 Sampies A1 and A2 after 4000 h. KEMAX “28 '98470318.000-HVL 99-1277 Appendix 6 page 18 Samples A3 and Ad after 4000 h a KEMAX 2 90470318.c00-HML ee-t277 Appendix6 page 19 Samples B1 and B2 after 4000 h KEMAX 30. 98470318.D00-HVL 99-1277 Appendix 6 page 20 Samples 83 and B4 afler 4000 h, KEMAX at 98470318.000-HVL 90-1277 Appendix 6 page 21 Samples Af and A2 after 5000 hi (top) KEMAX -32- 98470318.000-HVL 99-1277 ‘Appendix 6 page 22 Samples Ad and Ad after 5000 h (top) KEMAX “33 98470318 000-HVL 99-1277 Appendix page 23 ‘Samples B1 and B2 after 5000 h (top) KEMAX 4 98470918.000-HVL 99-1277 Appendix page 24 Sampies B3 and B4 after 5000 h (top) KEMAX “38 98470318.000-HVL 98-1277 Appendix 6 page 25 Samples At and A2 after 5000 h (bottom), KEMAX 36 98470348 000-HVL 98-1277 Appendix 8 page 28 Samples A3 and Ad after 5000 h (bottom) KEMAX 37. 984703 18,000-HVL 98-1277 Appendix ® page 27 Samples 81 and B2 after 5000 h (bottom) Fe KEMAX ae 8470918 000-41 99-1277 Appendixé page 28 ‘Samples 83 and Bd afler $000 h (bottom) KEMAX 98470318.000-HVL 99-1277 ‘The measurement uncertainties in the results presented are as specified below unless otherwise indicated Measurement measurement uncertainty dielectric tests and impulse current tests, peak value: < 3% time parameters: < 10% capacitance measurement tan 5 measurement 0.3% £0,5% #5x10% partial discharge measurement < 10pC 2pC 40- 100pC : 5 pC > 100pC : 20% ‘measurement of impedance <1% ac-resistance measurement measurement of losses <1% measurement of insulation resistance | < 10% measurement of dc resistance Tp = SyQ 11% 5uQ + 10u2 305% 10y2 = 20nQ :0,2% radio interference test 248 calibration of current transformers 2.2.x 10° lilly and 290 prad calibration of voltage transformers 1,6 x 10% UiUu en 510 prad measurement of conductivity 5% measurement of temperature 80°C = -40°C :3K 40°C = 125°C :2K 125°C - 150°C :3K tensile test 1% sound level measurement type 1 meter as per IEC 651 and ANSI $1.4.1971 measurement of voltage ratio 0.1% f | Oy ry

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