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Aim of the Experiment

To estimate the amount of oxalic acid crystals dissolved per litre of the given solution using
sodium hydroxide solution and pure crystals of oxalic acid.
A standard solution of oxalic acid is prepared by dissolving a known weight of it in a known
volume of water. Then the given sodium hydroxide solution is standardized by titrating a
known volume of this standard oxalic acid solution against sodium hydroxide solution taken
in the burette. Since sodium hydroxide is a strong base and oxalic acid is a weak acid
phenolphthalein is used as the indicator. The above titration is repeated with the given oxalic
acid solution.


Preparation of standard oxalic acid solution:

About 1.5g of pure oxalic acid crystals are weighed out accurately into a 250 mL standard
flask. It is dissolved in a little distilled water and then made up to the mark with distilled water and
shaken well for uniform concentration.

Standardisation of sodium hydroxide solution

25 mL of the prepared oxalic acid solution is pipetted out into a clean conical flask. Three
drops of phenolphthalein indicator is added to it. The burette is filled with the given sodium
hydroxide solution. The initial burette reading is noted. The solution in the conical flask is then
titrated against sodium hydroxide solution in the burette carefully in the beginning and dropwise
towards the end of the titration. Just appearance of a permanent pale pink color marks the end point.
Final burette reading is noted. Titration is repeated to get the concordant values.

Estimation of oxalic acid in the given solution

The above titration is repeated with the given oxalic acid solution instead of the prepared standard
oxalic acid solution. The concordant value obtained is noted.


The weight of oxalic acid crystals dissolved per litre of the solution = .................. g

Observations and Calculations

Preparation of standard oxalic acid solution

Weight of the weighing bottle + oxalic acid crystals, W1 = ....................…g

Weight of the weighing bottle after transferring the crystals, W 2 = ....................…g
Weight of oxalic acid crystals taken, (W1 - W2) =

= ....................…g
( W 1−W 2) X 4
 Strength of the solution prepared, N1 =

= .................. N

Standardisation of sodium hydroxide solution

Solution taken in the burette given NaOH solution

Solution taken in the conical flask 25 mL of prepared oxalic acid solution
Indicator used 3 drops of phenolphthalein
Colour change colourless to pale pink

Trial No. 1 2 3

Final Burette reading

Initial Burette reading

Volume of NaOH added

Agreeing value, V1 =................. ml

25 X N 1
Strength of the given NaOH solution, N 2=

= .................. N
Estimation of oxalic acid
Solution taken in the burette given NaOH solution
Solution taken in the conical flask 25 mL of given oxalic acid solution
Indicator used 3 drops of phenolphthalein
Colour change colourless to pale pink

Trial No. 1 2 3

Final Burette reading

Initial Burette reading

Volume of NaOH added

Agreeing value, V2 = ................. ml

Strength of the given oxalic acid solution,

V2 X N2
N 3=

= .................. N
Weight of oxalic acid crystals present per litre of the solution = N 3 X 63

= .................. g

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