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Nama : Atika Ariyanti

NIM : 172120018
Kelas : 5A

1. Which sentences are more reflective of speaker meaning and which are more reflective of
sentence meaning? Briefly explain.
a. I mean to be there tomorrow.
b. A stalling car may mean a tune-up.
c. Calligraphy means beautiful handwriting.
d. It wasn’t what he said but what he meant.
e. What does the German word Hund mean?

a. I mean to be there tomorrow (Maksudku untuk berada di sana besok)
The sentence is speaker meaning, because what written there is what the speaker means
when they use that sentence
b. A stalling car may mean a tune-up (Mobil yang mogok dapat berarti penyetelan)
The sentence is sentence meaning, because it is what the sentence means.
c. Calligraphy means beautiful handwriting (Kaligrafi berarti tulisan tangan yang indah)
The sentence is speaker meaning, because it is true that calligraphy is beautiful
d. It wasn’t what he said but what he meant (Itu bukan yang ia katakan, tetapi yang ia
The speaker is sentence, because it contais denotative meaning.
e. What does the German word Hund mean? (Apa arti kata ‘Hund’ dalam bahasa Jerman?)
The sentence is speaker meaning, because the sentence is what the speaker means.

2. Indicate whether each of the following sentence pairs expresses the same or different
propositions. Briefly explain.
a. Mary read the book / The book was read by Mary.
b. Fred took back the book / Fred took the book back.
c. The cat chased the rat / The cat was chased by the rat.
d. The chef cooked the meal / The chef had the meal cooked.
e. Hondas are easy to fix / It’s easy to fix Hondas.

a. Same, because two sentences have same meaning.
b. Same, because two sentences have same meaning.
c. Different, because the first sentence and the second sentence aren’t same.
d. Same, because two sentences have the same meaning.
e. Same, because the two sentences have the same meaning

3. Write down two sentences bringing out clearly the two different meanings.
a. Visiting relatives can be boring.
b. Smoking grass can be dangerous.
c. They passed the port at midnight.
d. The thing that bothered Bill was crouching under the table.
e. The captain corrected the list.

a. It can be boring to visit relatives
Relatives who are visiting can be boring
b. Smoking grass can be dangerous
Smoking on grass can be dangerous
c. They passed the airport at midnight
They passed the sea port at midnight
d. It was crouching under the table that bothered Bill
Something bothered Bill was crouching under the table
e. The captain corrected the inventory
The captain corrected the tilt
4. Which of the following are equative sentences and which are not? Explain why.
a. Fred is the man with the gun.
b. William the Conqueror is the current King of England.
c. Detroit is a nearby city.
d. Mary is a genius.
e. A box of cookies is what I would like.
a. Equative, because the man is Fred
b. Not equative, because William the Conqueror became king in 1066 – 1087. The current
king of England is Elizabeth Queen
c. Not equative, because it depends on our position to Detroit
d. Not equative, because genius is not something measurable.
e. Equative, because ‘what’ there refers to a box of cookies

5. Identify all the deictic expressions in the following sentences and be able to explain why they
are deictic.
a. You noticed me standing there.
b. This book was written by that author over there.
c. Just set your briefcase to the right of mine.
d. Now we have to make plans for next week.
e. Her best friend was standing behind John.

a. You is deictic
Me is deictic
There is deictic

b. This is deictic
That is deictic
Over there is deictic
c. Your briefcase is deictic
The right of mine is deictic

d. Now is deictic
We is deictic
Next week is deictic

e. Her best friend is not deictic

Behind is deictic
John is not deictic

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