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Law Students Federation

LL.B. Notes
6th Semester

My Fair Garden, Flat # 103, Beside Ohris, Petrol Bunk, Hyderabad.

Abdul Kareem, 7799224814

My Fair Garden, Flat # 103, Beside Ohris, Petrol Bunk, Hyderabad. Abdul Kareem, 7799224814
Q1. Define Human Rights & explain evolution of Human Rights.
Ans. The term human rights is developing rapidly in modern period main object of human right
is all human being in every country should get opportunity to lead life with respect &
dignity, this concept developed in USA, UK, Australia, Japan, & it has been adopted
even in India, the term human rights has been define by various authors as follows.
1. Holland:- Human Rights is capacity residing in every person to control others with
assistance of state.
2. Austin:- Human Rights is power given by law to any person (or) persons residing in the
country to insists government & public authorities to do certain Acts.
3. Gray:- Human Rights is power which has been given to a person (or) persons (or)
society to protect their interest according to legal system of the country.
4. Salmond:- Human Rights is vested in a person (or) persons because of legal system
enforceable in that country & remedies are available from authorities & the court.
Therefore human right gives power & protect rights & interest of every human
being in the country.
Characteristic of Human Rights:-.
1. Every human being is born free & he should get opportunity to lead respectable life
which can be called as birth rights.
2. Human right is having reorganization & enforcement in all the countries called as
universal application of human rights.
3. Every human being have right of dignity, respect, & reputation in country & society.
4. Human rights cannot be withdrawn (or) waived (or) taken away in any country.
5. Every human right is having corresponding obligation.
6. Human rights include Economic, Social, Cultural, and Religion of every human being.
7. All fundamental rights specified in constitution are covered under human rights.
Evolution of Human Rights:-
1. In ancient period there was dictatorship in many countries. In India also there was
dictatorship of Britishers. Many countries got independence & the concept of
human rights developed because of independence.
2. There was slavery system in many countries in South Africa human being was sold &
purchase by auction as awareness came among people there was abolition of
slavery system, after abolition of slavery human rights concept developed among the
3. There was administration of kings in many countries, they used to do dictatorship &
misuse powers & causes injustice to people because of injustice people made
revolution in many countries such as revolution in India, revolution in Russia in 1917 &
because of this revolution there was evolution of Human Rights.
4. There became development of unions in industries, factories, employees &
unions brought pressures & human rights developed.
5. Many countries including India drafted their own constitutions in constitution some
rights have been given as fundamental rights & it is also part of human rights.
6. There is rapid development in education of the people in all the countries including
India, because of education knowledge of human rights developed in mind of the people
& it has been promoted in all the countries.
7. There was conventions of representations of all the countries was held on December
10 1948 in USA, in these convention there was lot of discussion among representatives
of countries, there was concept approved; “All human being are born free” & they
are equal in dignity & rights in these constitution many resolution have been passed
called as Universal Declaration of Human Rights. These resolution are binding on all
the members countries, therefore universal declaration of human rights made
significant contribution to promote human rights.
These is details about definition of human rights & evolution of human rights.

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My Fair Garden, Flat # 103, Beside Ohris, Petrol Bunk, Hyderabad. Abdul Kareem, 7799224814
Law of Information & Technology
VIth Semester

Q2. Explain provision of universal declaration of human rights.

Ans. Human rights are not only recognized in one country but all countries recognized it, there
are many international conventions held at international level to recognized & protect
human rights there was international convention held in Russia from 24th may to 16th
june 1948, & there was lengthy discussion about human rights, therefore it is called as
Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948. Same provisions of universal declaration
of human rights have been included in our constitution which came into effect from 26th
January 1950 called as Republic day.
Provisions of Universal Declaration of Human Rights:-
1. There is equality among all the people because nature have maintained equality.
2. There should not be discrimination on grounds of caste, religion, sex, place of
birth, among the people.
3. All people to be given right of life & personal liberty.
4. There should be abolition of slavery in every country.
5. There should be prohibition of torture & inhuman treatment against any person.
6. There should be equality before law & same procedure to be followed against all
in court.
7. When fundamental rights are given then effective remedies have to be provided
under the law.
8. No arrest & detention to be done without giving reason.
9. Every person to be given opportunity to prove innocence & there should not be
direct punishment without trail.
10. People to be given right of privacy.
11. People to be right of movement in the country & to foreign countries according to
12. Every state to give Asylum on humanitarian grounds.
13. Right to be given to marry in any caste, religion & country.
14. Every person should have nationality & statelessness to be prohibited.
15. Freedom to be given to all people to follow religion of choice.
16. Freedom to be given for expression & opinion.
17. Peaceful assembly to be allowed.
18. Right of education to be treated as fundamental rights.
19. Standard of living of people to be increased in all the countries.
This is details about provisions of universal declaration of human rights 1948.

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My Fair Garden, Flat # 103, Beside Ohris, Petrol Bunk, Hyderabad. Abdul Kareem, 7799224814
Law of Information & Technology
VIth Semester

Q3. Explain international covenant on human rights with reference to civil, political,
economic, & social rights.
Ans. Covenants means resolution accepted by the countries many conventions were held at
national & international level & discussed civil, political, economic, & social rights of the
people, this rights are approved by countries in the conventions in 1966, these rights are
specified as ICESCR(International Covenant of Economic, Social, Cultural Rights).
Provisions of Civil, Political, Economic & Social Rights:-
1. It is right of every person to do earning & improve economic condition.
2. Every person to be given opportunity to earn live hood.
3. Anybody can do earning without any limit by payment of taxes.
4. Every person to be given civil right to take remedy from court according to civil laws in
5. In industries & factories better conditions to be provides to work & there should
be protection of health & safety of workers.
6. Work should not be taken for more than 8hours including interval. If extra work is
taken then overtime payment have to be done by the employer.
7. Every employee to get at least one holiday in a week.
8. Employee (or) the people to be allowed to form union for lawful purpose. Therefore
there are many union in the country & international union is ILO (International labor law
9. Every state to provide social security’s to employees such as provident fund, pension,
gratuity & compensation in case of accident.
10. Children under 14years age should not be employed in industries & factories.
11. Children above 14years & under 18years can be employed called as Adolescent
workmen but they should not be given work for more than 5hours per day.
12. There should health checking of every workman at least one time in year to be done
by employer.
13. There is economic justice to be done to all the people such as same fee in
institution same fare in bus & train.
14. Special laws to be made in every country for children, women, mental retired &
disabled person.
15. Every person to be given right to contest election & to vote in election if he is major &
it is political right.
16. There is social right to carry on social functions & religions ceremonies in the country.
17. Right to be given to people to take advantages of subsidy given by government.
18. Right to be given to people to highlight illegal activities of political leaders.
This is details about civil, political, economic & social rights which are
covenants in convention of 1966.

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My Fair Garden, Flat # 103, Beside Ohris, Petrol Bunk, Hyderabad. Abdul Kareem, 7799224814
Law of Information & Technology
VIth Semester

Q4. Briefly explain provisions of European & American conventions on human rights.
Ans. There were many international conventions held to protect human rights & includes new
regimes in the fields of human rights among there conventions European convention of
1950 & American convention of 1969 are very significant some provisions have been
included in fundamental right & directive principles in our constitution but many
provisions are recognized but not included.
Following are the provisions of European convention & American Convention
on human rights.
1. Citizens to be given right to life & right to liberty & security in every country, it has
been included under article 20,21,22 of constitution.
2. All citizens to be given relating to fair trail in the court no punishment to be given
without fair trail & contrary to law.
3. Every human being to be given freedom of thought, conscience & religion.
4. Freedom to be given relating to expression, assembly, association to people in the
5. Citizen to be given freedom to perform marriage intercaste, inter religion & also
inter sate.
6. Citizens to be given to enforce their rights against abusive (or) misuse of power done by
public authorities in India this right has been given under article 226 & 32 called as writ
petition in which high court & supreme court have power to provide remedy.
7. Every human being in the country to be given right of effective remedy whenever
injustice has been caused.
8. In every country free & fair elections to be conducted & voting right of citizen should
not be deprived unless there is reasonable grounds.
9. In criminal cases citizens to be given right of appeal because innocent person should
not be convicted because of error of trail judge.
10. Citizen to be given rights of compensation against wrongful (or) illegal convictions
there is not implemented in India.
11. There should not be trail for more than one time (or) punishment for more than one
time for same offence. It is called as Double Jeo Pardy, & it has been implemented.
12. In every country court have to give opportunity in civil matters to make compromise
(or) settlement by the parties by their mutual consent.
13. In every country government have to ensure same benefits to all the citizens in
their welfare activities & schemes.
14. All citizens to be given right of human treatment in society & even in prisons.
15. In any country Post Facto law which has been repelled should not be made
enforceable in deciding the cases.
16. Every person should have nationality & statelessness is prohibited.
17. People to be given opportunity to participate in government functions.
It is also recommended in these conventions that in every state government
have to appoint commission (or) committees to review human rights & bring changes in
it, separate human right court to be established to provide speedy remedy when there is
violation of human right this is details about European convention & American
convention relating to human rights.

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My Fair Garden, Flat # 103, Beside Ohris, Petrol Bunk, Hyderabad. Abdul Kareem, 7799224814
Law of Information & Technology
VIth Semester

Q5. Briefly explain provisions of CEDAW relating to human rights.

Ans. There are many conventions held at international level in which human right have been
discussed & resolution have been passed such as European convention, American
convention, universal declaration of human rights in 1946 a commission was
appointed to prepare report about status of women, these commission prepared report
in 1953 & submitted called as Report of Discrimination of Women, meaning of CEDAW
is Convention on Elimination of Discrimination Against Women.
Provision of CEDAW:- Following are the provisions relating to CEDAW to maintain
equal status of women & to abolish discrimination against women, it includes
following points.
1. Right of Marriage:- Women to be given right to perform her marriage in the caste (or)
inter caste (or) inter religion in the country (or) out of the country.
2. Political right of women:- In these convention right of women to contest election &
occupy any political post in the country.
3. Right of nationality & citizenship:- When a girl perform marriage with boy of any
other country then by virtue of marriage respective country have to give citizenship &
nationality to married. If husband wants citizenship then he has to apply to
respective government & government may consider it.
4. Right to property:- Women to be given right in property on grounds of equality she
can claim equal property along with male children these right have been brought in
hindus succession act by making amendment in 2009.
5. Right against child marriage:- It is right of every girl to prevent child marriage age of
the girl should be 18years (or) above for marriage if age is less than 18years &
anybody gives complaint then authorities have right to prevent such marriage.
6. Right of maternity:- Women have right to claim maternity benefits from employer, it is
three months leave with full salary & also all expensive of delivery charges can be
claimed, women who are unemployed can go to maternity hospitals run by government.
7. Right of guardianship:- Father is natural guardian & after death of father these right is
passed on to elder male of member of family under human right mother can also
become guardian after death of father human right commission have considered this
8. Right of education & employment:- There is right to every women to pursue
education & get any employment according to rules & procedure.
9. Right of adoption:- There is right of women to go for adoption of child if they are not
blessed with child after marriage, unmarried women have also right of adoption.
10. Right to claim stirdhana:- Stirdhana means all the gifts given by relatives before &
after marriage there is right of women to use & enjoy stridhana during married life &
after divorce also she can claim her stridhana.
11. Protection against cruelty:- After marriage if husband (or) in-laws cause mental (or)
physical cruelty then state have to make relevant law to provide protection to her. In
India section 498A have been included in IPC in which there is provision of
punishment, if husband (or) in-laws caused cruelty there also domestic violence act to
provide protection against cruelty she can also represent such matter before human
right commission.
12. Right to claim custody of children:- There is right of women after divorce to claim custody
of children, if there is source of income to maintain the children & by considering welfare of
children court may pass order to give custody of children to mother.
Therefore no. of provisions have been made to provide protection
against Discrimination to women & it has been approved by UNO therefore
convention of CEDAW is very significant relating to human rights of women.

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My Fair Garden, Flat # 103, Beside Ohris, Petrol Bunk, Hyderabad. Abdul Kareem, 7799224814
Law of Information & Technology
VIth Semester

Q6. Explain provisions of International conference on human rights & World conference on
human rights.
Ans. In order to protect human rights many conventions (or) conference were held at
international level which were attended by representatives of various countries,
international convention is attended by few countries & world convention (or)
conference is attended by all members countries of UNO.
International conference on Human Rights:- This conference were held in 1965 & it
added sum points to universal declaration following are the resolutions passed in
these international convention.
1. Protection against Genocide:- Meaning of Genocide is killing of human beings it was
found that mask killing of innocent people was done on grounds of caste, religion, color
(or) race. It has been agreed in the resolution that killing of human being called as
Genocide should be stopped. If any country have no desire to keep persons of other
country then they can be send back to respective country. Genocide is inhuman being
act & it should not be done in any country as human rights.
2. Promotion of labor organization:- There should be encroachment to form labor
organization at national & international level in any country there are no of unions of
working class called as labor union there is common union at international level called
as ILO (International labor Organization).
3. Promotion of tradition:- Resolution has been passed in these conference to make
extradition of criminal (or) wanted person, if any person make commit crime & take
shelter in other country then he should be handed over to respective country, purpose
of these provision is no criminal should escape without trial & punishment for his illegal
act (or) crime.
4. Prohibition of child labor:- Children under 14years age should not be employed in
industries & factories called as prohibition of child labor, in these age basic education
to be provided to the children & child labor to be eliminated.
5. Asylum on humanities grounds:- When there is insecurity to people & they go to other
country to save their life than any other country can give Asylum on humanities grounds,
when situation become normal then they can be send back to respective country, India
also give Asylum to Bangladesh people where there was war between Bangladesh &
Pakistan & there was threat to security of Bangladesh people.
6. Security of migrants:- There is migration of people from one country to other country
for education encroachment to tour, if there is violence then there is responsible of
respective country to give security to these people, they should be send back to
respective country.
Provisions of world conference:- These conference was held in 1993 & it also called as
VIENNA Convention (or) Conference. It was attended by members of all the countries
& some resolutions have been passed in this conference which includes following points.
1. In these conference resolution has been passed that recognized countries
should send representatives (or) diplomatic agents & they can regulates
relationship between the countries.
2. There should be protection against torture by public authorities, if there is death
in police custody because of torture then it is crime of culpable homicide, in our
constitution it is stated that no life (or) liberty can be deprived without procedure
established under law.
3. In every country some people may be disable (or) handicapped in order to protect
them human rights every country to make special laws to give protection to them
in employment, education and carry on welfare activities.
4. In these conference resolution has been passes about destitute meaning of destitute is
such person having nobody to take care such as orphan children, old age persons,

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My Fair Garden, Flat # 103, Beside Ohris, Petrol Bunk, Hyderabad. Abdul Kareem, 7799224814
Law of Information & Technology
VIth Semester

in order to protect their human rights government (or) voluntary organization to

open rescue homes, old age homes & provide them basic requirement so that they
can lead respective life like a human being.
5. Every human being should have relation with the state there should not be
statelessness if anybody acquired citizenship, therefore there resolution is significant
in these world conference.
6. If there is any dispute related to human rights then dispute to be settled by Mutual
Corporation between countries through foreign ministers of both the countries.
7. Resolution has been passed that every country to provide education related to
human rights in educational institution & universities to bring awareness
among people.
8. Every country to established machineries to provide remedies when there is
violation of human rights, in India national human right commission & state human
right commission have be constituted to provide remedies.
These are details about provisions of International conference &
World conference on human rights.

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My Fair Garden, Flat # 103, Beside Ohris, Petrol Bunk, Hyderabad. Abdul Kareem, 7799224814
Law of Information & Technology
VIth Semester

Q7. Explain constitution & functions of Human Rights commission.

Ans. In order to enforce provisions of human rights commission have been constituted there
are two commissions having power to entertain complaints of violations of human rights
& provide appropriate remedies.
National Human Right Commission (NHRC)
State Human Right Commission (SHRC)
1. National Human Right Commission (NHRC):- President appoints members of NHRC
in consultation with Prime Minister, Chief Justice of supreme court, leader of opposition
in parliament & speaker of parliament these members are appointed for 5years term &
they are as follows.
a. Retired chief justice of Supreme Court is chairperson.
b. One retired judge of Supreme Court is member of NHRC.
c. Retired judge of any High Court is also member.
d. Two persons who are experts having knowledge related to human rights. There
is independent office of NHRC having other staff such as secretary, chief
executive officer, administration officer; it is superior authority having supervision &
control on all SHRC. NHRC carry on function throughout the country when decision
is given by SHRC then appeal is allowed to NHRC & after that to Supreme Court.
2. State Human Right Commission(SHRC):- In every state there is SHRC head
quarters is in capital city, all members of SHRC are appointed by Governor in
consultation with chief justice of high court, chief minister, leader of opposition in
assembly & speaker of assembly, following are the members in SHRC appointed
for 5years term.
a. Retired chief justice of High Court is chairperson.
b. Retired judge of High Court is member.
c. Retired Dist. Judge is also member.
d. There are two subject experts having knowledge in human rights.
There is separate office of SHRC having other staff such as executive
officer, chief administration officer & other staffs.
Functions of Human Right Commission:- NHRC carry functions throughout country
& SHRC in particular state it is having powers like a civil court these functions includes
following points.
1. When injustice has been caused then an individual (or) group of people can
file complaint (or) petition before human rights commission having jurisdiction.
2. When any violence has been caused within jurisdiction then suo motu human
commission have right to visit the place & conduct the inquiry even though there is
no complaint.
3. When there are administration problem then effected persons can represent the matter
before human right commission such as no refund of service benefit no deduction of PF.
4. When any injustice has been caused against minorities, SC, ST then human right
can interfere when there is complaint (or) information.
5. When there is violation of fundamental rights then also human rights commission can
provide remedy.
6. When there is violence which resulting damages to property, injury (or) death the human
right commission can order relevant police station to make investigation & submit report.
7. It can issue summons & direct parties to appear & give explanation.
8. There is right to commission to call relevant record from any public office
within jurisdiction.
9. It can impose reasonable penalty (or) fine (or) compensation; in case of crime it
can order police to book the case & file in the court.
10. NHRC can make rules & regulation to be followed by SHRC.

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My Fair Garden, Flat # 103, Beside Ohris, Petrol Bunk, Hyderabad. Abdul Kareem, 7799224814
Law of Information & Technology
VIth Semester

Q8. Briefly explain provision of African charter (or) Human rights.

Ans. African charter was declared in 1981, in these charter some fundamental human rights
have been specified & in addition to these duties to be obliged by the people have
been included.
Provision of African charter:-
1. All human beings shall have equality before law & equal protection of law.
2. It is human right to maintain dignity to every person & also respect dignity of others.
3. Every human being to be given security of life & financial security when there is
no source of income.
4. It is human right to be heard when there is complaint such hearing to be done by
court, public servant & government.
5. Human being to be given freedom of conscience & faith.
6. Human being to be given rights to receive information, every information to be
provided unless it is secret information.
7. Human being to be given right to from assembly as well as union for lawful purpose.
8. People to be given right of movement within the country & out of the country
according rules & procedure.
9. Right to work to be given to every human being to earn livelihood.
10. People to be given right of health and compulsory insurance of health.
11. Rights of human being to maintain family as well as represent problems of family
on behalf of family members.
12. Human being to be given right of peace & privacy because it comes under human right.
Provision of duties under human right:-
1. Every citizen has duty to promote human rights in the country.
2. There is duty to study human right & promote research in the field of human rights.
3. If human right of poor person is violated then there is duty of citizen to file PIL to protect
human rights.
4. Every citizen has to protect his family & provide basic requirement to family member.
5. There is duty to bring incidents of violation of human right to notice of authorities.
6. There is duty to prevent discrimination & maintain equality.
7. There is duty to maintain healthy environment & minimize pollution.
8. Duty to maintain dignity & respect of women.
9. Duty to maintain unity & integrity of the country.
Therefore in African charter rights as well as duties have been included &
therefore this charter becomes significant relating to human rights.

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My Fair Garden, Flat # 103, Beside Ohris, Petrol Bunk, Hyderabad. Abdul Kareem, 7799224814
Law of Information & Technology
VIth Semester

Q1. Domestic Jurisdiction.

Ans. Jurisdiction means area (or) region where case can be file when there is violation of
human rights, in every state there is constitution of human right commission called as
SHRC, it is having jurisdiction to entertain cases of violation of human right in particular
state & it is called as domestic jurisdiction, it is responsibility of every state people in that
Ex:- If torture against minorities (or) tribunal people have been done in telengana state,
petition can be file before human right commission of telengana & not of other state,
therefore domestic jurisdiction is necessary to entertain & dispose human right dispute.

Q2. UN charter.
Ans. United nation issued a charter on 26th june, 1945, it is related to basic policy relating
to human rights it includes following points.
1. There should not be war between the countries any war is violation of human rights
of the people, effect of war is death of innocent people & damages of property which
is violation of human right.
2. All the countries have to maintain peace & this responsibility has been given to
Security Council.
3. UNO have to give security to small countries when there is threat to human right.
4. Friendly relation to be developed among the countries.
5. Human rights problem related to economic, social, cultural to be solved in the country
& at international level.

Q3. UN commission on human rights.

Ans. United nation constituted a commission in 1946 called as UN commission on human
rights no of members have been appointed are 18 for the term of 3years these
commission have responsibility to make study & submit proposal with recommendation
on human rights, it includes following points.
1. It has to prepare & submit bill on international human rights.
2. It has prepared report about various conventions related to human right.
3. Report to be prepared about status of women in the countries.
4. Commission has to study & prepare report about status of minorities.
5. This commission has to make correspondent with countries & collect information
about promotion in human rights, all these rights are submitted to UNO.

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My Fair Garden, Flat # 103, Beside Ohris, Petrol Bunk, Hyderabad. Abdul Kareem, 7799224814
Law of Information & Technology
VIth Semester

Q10. Convention against torture.

Ans. International convention was held on 9th December 1975 to discuss the problem relating
to torture (or) harassment done by police authorities in custody, following resolution
have been passed in this convention.
1. Investigation authorities can make arrest & conduct inquiry (or) investigation
without making inhuman torture.
2. Torture in the beginning is violation of human rights because if crime is not proved
then victim have suffered torture even though he is innocent.
3. Unreasonable force should not be applied against body of arrested person.
4. If there is need of medical help then police authority have to take him to hospital
for treatment.
5. If there is death of any person to torture then it is crime of culpable homicide &
relevant officer are liable for punishment.
Government has to appoint committee against torture consisting of legal experts &
social worker & report to be collected every year from the committee necessary changes
can be done in law who minimize (or) oblish torture against detained person.

Q11. Convention relating child rights.

Ans. There was first convention relating to protection of rights of children held in 1924 & again
there was convention held by united nation in 1959 & 1989, it includes following points.
1. There right of the child to acquire nationality of the country where child have taken birth.
2. If parents wants to bring child with them to their respective country then child to be
given nationality of parents country.
3. There should not be marriage of children in age of minority, this provision has
been implemented in India by passing prohibition of child marriage act but it is not
implemented strictly.
4. Where there are orphan children having nobody to take care then government
have responsibility to establish orphan houses to take care of such children.
5. Basic education to be provided to children at least for 14years age.
6. Children under 14years age should not be appointed in industries (or) factories.
7. Poor children to be given nutritious food in schools.
8. Child can be given in adoption but government has to ensure welfare of such children.
9. Separate hospitals to be established by government to take care of health of children
free of cost.

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My Fair Garden, Flat # 103, Beside Ohris, Petrol Bunk, Hyderabad. Abdul Kareem, 7799224814
Law of Information & Technology
VIth Semester

Q12. Convention on statelessness.

Ans. There was convention relating to statelessness held in 1960, it has also been already
approved in universal declaration of 1948, statelessness means a person is having no
status of citizenship (or) nationality in any country, if there is statelessness then
such person is not allow leaving in any country which is violation of human rights.
Following are the resolutions passed in these conventions.
1. When any person has been given citizenship (or) nationality of any country by virtue
of marriage (or) residence but it has been deprived afterwards, it is legal duty of
earlier country to recognize his citizenship & nationality.
2. When any child have taken birth in any other country then by birth child acquire
nationality of that country, parents cannot leave the child alone & they can bring child
to their respective country & parents country have to give nationality to the child.
3. When anybody acquire nationality (or) citizenship because of employment & there is loss of
employment he can come to earlier country & that country have to give nationality.
If there is any dispute relating to statelessness then court have power to
decide the dispute & give remedy against statelessness.

Q13. Convention against slavery.

Ans. Slavery means a human being is under control of some other person, there is no
freedom to the person because of slavery, therefore convention was held by UNO
in 1926 against slavery in these convention following resolution have been passed.
1. Human being has born free & he should not be under slavery.
2. Our national leader Mahatma Gandhi went to South Africa & found that human
being were sold & purchase like animals & he become against slavery.
3. When anybody makes contract that he will do service with same employer throughout
his life is also like a slavery & such contract cannot be valid, if there is term contract for
fixed period then it is valid.
4. If anybody doing trade to sale (or) purchase human being then it is punishable crime
in every country.
5. Bounded labor is also slavery which go from generation to generation & it has
been abolish in all the countries.
6. If there is any complaint against slavery then it can be filed before human rights
commission & there is power of commission to give appropriate remedy.
7. A criminal complaint can also be given against slavery which is a crime.
Therefore under human rights abolition of slavery is important step.

Q16. Human Rights Courts.

Ans. There are no separate courts relating to protection of human rights in all stated there are
human rights commission, human right commission have powers of civil court, if there is
any criminal matter related of violation of human rights then human rights commission
can order police department having jurisdiction to make investigation & file case in
sessions court, therefore sessions court is like a human rights court who decide matters
according to provisions of IPC & CrPc.
` There is also provision under protect of human rights act to constitute separate
human rights court, in these court retired judge of high court is chairperson & there are
two more members who are retired judges of Dist. Court such court have been given
jurisdiction & it entertain & dispose human rights cases, such court can award
compensation & also give convention according to nature of act, in many states separate
human right courts have not been constitute & all these functions are carried by human
rights commissions & sessions court.

Page 12

My Fair Garden, Flat # 103, Beside Ohris, Petrol Bunk, Hyderabad. Abdul Kareem, 7799224814
Law of Information & Technology
VIth Semester

Long Questions.

Q1. Define Human Rights & explain evolution of Human Rights.

Q2. Explain provision of universal declaration of human rights.
Q3. Explain international covenant on human rights with reference to civil, political,
economic, & social rights.
Q4. Briefly explain provisions of European & American conventions on human rights.
Q5. Briefly explain provisions of CEDAW relating to human rights.
Q6. Explain provisions of International conference on human rights & World conference on
human rights.
Q7. Explain constitution & functions of Human Rights commission.
Q8. Briefly explain provision of African charter (or) Human rights.

Short Questions

Q1. Domestic Jurisdiction.

Q2. UN charter.
Q3. UN commission on human rights.
Q4. Universal declaration on human rights.
Q5. Economic human rights.
Q6. European human rights.
Q7. American convention on human rights.
Q8. African charter on human rights.
Q9. Genocide convention.
Q10. Convention against torture.
Q11. Convention relating child rights.
Q12. Convention on statelessness.
Q13. Convention against slavery.
Q14. SHRC.
Q16. Human Rights Courts.

Page 13

My Fair Garden, Flat # 103, Beside Ohris, Petrol Bunk, Hyderabad. Abdul Kareem, 7799224814

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