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Handbook 2023
A Practical Guide to Summer Training for Students of
Mittal School of Business, Lovely Professional University

Summer Training
A summer Internship is an essential requirement for the fulfilment of a Degree in the discipline
of Management. It is a key pedagogical tool that enables students to understand and apply
academic learning into practice. AICTE recognizes that “Internships help in creating conditions
conducive to the quest for knowledge and its applicability in work.”
The internship enables students to pitch their work in the final placement and convince
the recruiters about their potential. Recruiters take Summer Projects very seriously. For
employers, it is the most authentic tool to judge the competence of the students as future
Available Options for Summer
Important points
Internship/ Industrial training
Summer internship/Industrial training/
with Industry/Other relevant
organization (Where Physical Presence
in the concerned industry or
The approval of the company for
organization is required).
summer internship/ industrial training
The student can opt for summer
shall be done through School TPC as per
internship/Industrial training with
the existing guidelines.
Industry/organization, which allows in-
person visits so that the student can gain
real-time knowledge and experience during
the summer Internship/ industrial training.
Summer internship/Industrial training/
with Industry/Other relevant
organization (where concerned industry
or organization allows Work from Home
The approval of the company for summer
The student can opt for summer
internship/ industrial training shall be done
internship/Industrial training with an
through School TPC as per the existing
organization that offers them work from
home, that can be undertaken in
collaboration with
Industry/Organization/Company in their
hometown which does not involve travel,
contact with outsiders etc.
For the approval of the summer internship company:

1. If the student gets selected through university and the result is updated on
UMS placement – No approval is required at the student’s end for joining
the company.

2. In the case of self–arrangement of the company – Mandatory

approval is required

To get company approval or a letter from the University side for Summer Internship must fill
out the company detail form.

On the clarity of who should arrange by self and how to take approval, watch the following
videos for clarity.

# How to Fill company detail form:

# Company detail form:

3. Mandatory form for all students:

# Every Student MUST fill Final Company and MIS form:

# How to Fill Final Company and MIS form:

What to bring during the viva to be conducted by the
examination department of 100 Marks:

1. Summer Internship Report (In this handbook, you will find information on how to
make the report as well as other pertinent details.)

2. Summer Internship completion certificate (Certificates of completion can vary from

company to company, but a sample template is provided in this handbook.)

3. PowerPoint presentation (PPT)

4. Industry Feedback Form & Attendance (Annexure-III - provided at the end of this
handbook) (Students must obtain this form filled out, signed, and stamped by company

5. Stipend proof (if any), Letter of recommendation (If any), Any award or achievement
(If any).

6. Any additional documents required will be communicated in advance.

Guidelines for Report Writing
Summer internship/Industrial training/ with Industry/Other relevant organization
(Where Physical Presence in the concerned industry or organization is required) or
(where concerned industry or organization allows Work from Home option)

Summer Internship Report: Students must prepare a report as per the FORMAT presented
below and that too in accordance with the assigned work in the area such as Marketing and
Sales, Finance, HR, HHM, IT, Retail Management, International Business, Business analytics
etc. during the training (a list of illustrative topics is given in the file named: List of Topics –


The sequence of heading to be followed in the Summer Internship Report

a) Title Page (Annexure-I)

b) Certificate [completion certificate (Annexure-II), Appreciation (if any), Stipend (if
any), Award (if any)] and Mandatory Industry Feedback Form & Attendance
c) Declaration
d) Acknowledgement
e) Executive Summary/Abstract
f) Table of Contents
g) List of Tables
h) List of Figures
i) List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature
j) Chapters (Eight chapters – See next page for details)
k) References
l) Appendices

Guidelines for Summer Training Report

Font Size: 12 Times New Roman

Line Spacing: 1.5
Paper Size: A4
Margins: 1.5 Inch on the left and one inch on all other sides of the page
Number of Pages: Minimum 50 to 60 pages

CHAPTER 1 – Introduction of Industry, Sector, Organization, Competitive positioning of the

CHAPTER 2 – Introduction to Topic and Problem Statement
CHAPTER 3 – State of Art of Existing Research / Review of Literature and Best Practices
CHAPTER 4 – Research Methodology (Clearly describing – Problem statement, Scope of
study, Objectives, Sample Design, period of study, Tools proposed for analysis etc.)
CHAPTER 5 – Data Analysis and Interpretation
CHAPTER 6 – Description of the assigned work, product description (if applicable),
execution strategy (target audience, the approach adopted etc.), Challenges faced, and
outcomes of your work done. In the case of sales bases assignments, students are supposed to
mention their targets, proposed strategies for achieving targets etc.
CHAPTER 7 – Summary, Conclusion, Limitations & Recommendations
CHAPTER 8 – References/ Bibliography (as per Harvard/ APA style)

Evaluation Parameters
# The evaluation of the summer training will be done based on the REPORT and Presentation. The
rubric of the same is mentioned above. ALL students need to upload the REPORT (including completion
CERTIFICATE, industry feedback etc.) on UMS as per the dates given by the Examination department.
Every student should make a different report on a different topic (even if they are working in the
same company).
Suggestive format for summer training Presentation

SLIDE 1 – Introduction of Industry, Sector, Organization, Competitive positioning of the

SLIDE 2 – Introduction to Topic and Problem Statement
SLIDE 3 – State of Art of Existing Research / Review of Literature and Best Practices
SLIDE 4 – Research Methodology (Clearly describing – Problem statement, Scope of study,
Objectives, Sample Design, period of study, Tools proposed for analysis etc.)
SLIDE 5 – Data Analysis and Interpretation
SLIDE 6 – Description of the assigned work, product description (if applicable), execution
strategy (target audience, the approach adopted etc.), Challenges faced, and outcomes of your
work done. In the case of sales bases assignments, students are supposed to mention their
targets, proposed strategies for achieving targets etc.
SLIDE 7 – Summary, Conclusion, Limitations & Recommendations
SLIDE 8 – References/ Bibliography (as per Harvard/ APA style)

# Note : Above slide, format is a suggestive format. You can increase the number of slides as per
the requirement.
ANNEXURE I: Report on Summer Training

<Font Style Times New Roman–Bold>

<Font Size 18><1.0 line spacing>


<Font Size 14>

Submitted by
<Font Size 14><Bold>
<Font Size 16>

Registration No:
<Font Size 14>
in partial fulfillment of Summer Internship for the award of the degree of
<Font Size 14><1.5 line spacing><Bold>
<Font Size 16>

Mittal School of Business

<Font Size 16>
Phagwara, Punjab
<Font Size 14><1.0line spacing>
June – July , 2023
<Font Size 14><1.5 line spacing>

Sample Title Page



Submitted by

Abhay Grover

Registration No: 00000007

in partial fulfilment of Summer Internship for the award of the degree of


Mittal School of Business


Phagwara, Punjab

June – July , 2023

ANNEXURE II: Report on Summer Training

(The certificate is to be printed on Organization Letter Head)

Certified that the summer internship project report “..........<Title of the

Project>............................” is the bonafide work of “................<Name of The
Candidate>, <Regd. No:...................>, student of …….<Programme
Name>…………. of School of Business, Lovely Professional University carried
out under my supervision during.......<start date>..... to…....<end date>...........

Signature of the Industry Supervisor

Date : <………Date………………>
Name of Supervisor : <………Name……..………>
<Font Size 14><1.0line spacing>
Designation : <………Designation………>
<Font Size 14><1.0line spacing>
Sample Certificate
(The certificate is to be printed on Organization Letter Head)


Certified that the summer internship project report “Attrition & Retention
Measures for the Outsourced Sales Force in the Telecommunication
Industry” is the bonafide work of ABHAY GROVER , Regd. No: 1112340,
student of Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) of School of Business,
Lovely Professional University carried out under my supervision during June 01,
2023 to July 15, 2023.

Signature of the Industry Supervisor

Date : July 16, 2023
Name of Supervisor : Mr. Harminder Singh
Designation : Sr. General Manager-HR

I, Abhay Grover, hereby declare that the work presented herein is genuine work done originally
by me and has not been published or submitted elsewhere for the requirement of a degree
programme. Any literature, data or works done by others and cited within this dissertation has
been given due acknowledgement and listed in the reference section.


Abhay Grover

Reg. No.:- XXXXXX


A few typewritten words of thanks cannot really express the sincerity of my gratitude. But I
am still trying to put into words my gratefulness towards all who have helped and encouraged
me in carrying out this project. This project of mine bears the imprint of many people who have
an important impact on my thinking, behavior, and acts during the course of study.

First of all we would like to take this opportunity to thank the LOVELY PROFESSIONAL
UNIVERSITY for having summer training as a part of the MBA degree. The accomplishment
of this project otherwise would have been painstaking endeavor, for lack of staunch and sincere
support of the Mittal School of Business, LPU. The incessant and undeterred succors extended
by the members of the department facilitated the job to the great extent. If this goes unnoticed
and unacknowledged it would be selfishness.

Many people have influenced the shape and content of this project, and many supported me
throughout. I express my sincere gratitude to Mr. <Name>, <Designation>, <Affilation>, who
was available for help whenever i required, his guidance, gentle persuasion and active support
has made it possible to complete this project.

I also owe my thanks to my respondents who gave their great contributions in getting my
questionnaires fulfilled. I have immensely benefited from my interactions with my friends and
I acknowledge their contributions to my learning.

In the end, I can say only this much that “ALL ARE NOT MENTIONED, BUT NONE IS
Last but not the least I would like to thank GOD, who continues to look after us despite all my
ANNEXURE III: Industry Feedback Form & Attendance (1 page)

Industry Feedback Form & Attendance

(To be signed and stamped by the industry Project guide. This is to be submitted at the time of
presentation by the students in a sealed envelope)

1. Name of the student: ____________________________________________________

Reg. No and Section: ____________________________________________________

2. Name of the Organization & Address: ____________________________________________

3. How do you rank him/her on the following 7 attributes?

S. No Evaluation Criteria Max. Marks Marks Obtained

1 Punctuality 10
2 Adherence to company norms 10
3 Conduct / Behavior 10
4 Initiative 10
5 Eagerness to Learn 20
6 Approach toward the project/ company 20
7 Quality of Project work 20
Total 100
4. Attendance

No. of Working Days (Calendar Days) No. of Days student was Present (Calendar Days)

5. What are the prospects of the students being recruited by the organization on the completion
of their degree? (Please √ at the appropriate place)

High Moderate Low

6. Any specific observations/suggestions for further improvement?


Particulars of the Project in charge of the training:

Name & Designation : ______________________________________

Address (Office) : ______________________________________

Company Stamp, Signature & Date

This Page must be Stamped and Signed by the Company official

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