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 Identify the type of letter you are asked to write
Formal  Requesting information from a company applying for a job
 Complaining to a bank, store, airline, product/service
 Making a recommendation/suggestion
Semi-formal  Complaining to a landlord
 Explaining to a neighbour
 Asking a professor for permission
Informal  Inviting someone you know well
 Thanking a friend
 Apologizing
 Asking for advice

 Open and close the letter correctly based on the type and purpose of
the letter

Formal To someone you have not met, Dear Sir/Madam, Yours truly/faithfully,
whose name you don’t know

Semi-formal To someone you may or may not Dear Mr. Brown, Yours sincerely,
have met, whose last name you Dear Ms. Stone Best regards,
Informal To someone you know well, whose Dear John, Warm wishes,
first name you know and use Dear Anita, Lovingly,
With love,

 Key Expressions for Letter

How to start a letter

 Apologizing
I’m sorry about...
I am sorry that...
I'm very sorry about/for...
Please forgive me for...
I'd like to apologize for...
Please accept my apologies
Please accept my sincere apologies (Very formal)
I would like to use this opportunity to express my sincere apology for this embarrassing and
rare occurrence at my .... (Institute/hotel/organization/office)

 Asking for help
I would be grateful if you could...
I would appreciate it if you could...
Could you please...?
I was wondering if you could help me (Informal)
I would like to know...
I am unsure about .... so could you please lend me a hand

 Asking for Information

I am writing to enquire about...
Could you please tell me if...
I am writing to find out about...
I wonder if you could tell me...
What I am looking for is...

 Complaining / expressing dissatisfaction

I'm writing to express my disappointment / dissatisfaction with...
I'm writing to express my annoyance with...
I am not happy about...
...was very disappointing
I am very unhappy with / about….
I am writing to complain about….
I am extremely dissatisfied with / about
I would like to use this opportunity to explain the problems leading to this complaint

 Expressing satisfaction
I was delighted/glad/elated to hear that...
I was very happy to learn that...
I was thrilled to find out that...
...was very enjoyable / pleasurable

 Expressing concern / sympathy

I was sorry to hear about.... (Your accident/ illness)
I am writing to express my concern about...
I was saddened/grieved to hear about…

 Giving bad news

I regret to inform you that ... (Semi-formal)
I am sorry to tell you that .... (Informal)
I regret to advise you that ... (Formal)
I am afraid I have some bad news .... (Informal)

 Thanking
Thank you
Thank you very much
I can't thank you enough
No words can express my gratitude
I am extremely grateful / thankful for...
I very much appreciate your ...
Thank you for your attention to this matter….

 A request
Could you please…
Please would you consider….
I would be grateful if….
I would appreciate it if you could….

 An application or resignation
I am writing to apply for the position / post of….
I would like to apply for….
Please find my CV attached
I am writing to tender my resignation
Please accept this letter as formal notification of my resignation
I am writing this letter to give my notice…
Please accept my resignation effective from…

 An invitation
I regret that I am unable to attend….
I am pleased to accept....
It’s been ages since I’ve heard from you
This is ABC, we met at the XYZ. I hope this email finds you well

 To make an arrangement
I am writing to enquire about….
I am writing to confirm the arrangements for….
I would like to know….
Please can you tell me…

 Stating Purpose
I am writing to inform you that….
I am writing to express my concern / disappointment / dissatisfaction…
I am writing to request…
I am writing with regard to…
I am writing to you to express my interest in...


The body of the letter

 Advice (mostly informal cases)
If I were you, I’d …
You should …
You ought to …
Why don’t you …

 Explain the problem

Unfortunately, (the heater is out of order)
We are / I am extremely unhappy about this situation
This is making our lives uncomfortable
The best solution would be for me to ..... I request my money be refunded

 Asking for information

I would like to ask / know about...
I am also personally very interested to know about...
I will be obliged if you could tell me about...
I would like to know what this course comprises
I would like/request you to send me a brochure of.....offered at your

 Giving reasons
This is because...
This is because of...
This is due to ... (Formal)
This is as a result of ... (Formal)
This is owing to ... (Formal)
This happened/took place due to…
This was an outcome of…

 Making suggestions
Would it be a good idea to...
Perhaps it would be a good/great idea to...
With the help of......, you can........

 Giving good news

I am pleased to inform you that .... (Semi-formal)
I am delighted/excited/elated/overwhelmed to tell you that .... (Informal)
I am happy to advise you that ....(Formal)
I thought you might like to know that.... (Informal)

 Giving solutions for the problems you caused
As a gesture of goodwill and as means of compensation, I would like to offer you...
Please allow me to make this right by offering you...
I would like to make up for this by…

 Asking for solutions for the problems you experienced

I would now like to know what you intend to do about this problem. Is there a possible
refund or other means of compensation?
I would therefore like to ask what you can do in order to improve this state of affairs
I look forward to reading in your reply about what action you intend to take
I would like know about the measures that can be taken to resolve…
I would like know the possible steps that can be taken for…

Useful phrases to finish the letter

 The signoff
I look forward to hearing from you
I hope to hear from you in the near future
I await your response
I expect to hear from you soon
I look forward to hearing from you soon
I thank you for your consideration
Please respond at your earliest convenience
Hoping to hear from you very soon
Keep/Stay in touch
If you need to know anything else, just get in touch with me as soon as you can
I hope the situation will be resolved soon
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me
Thanks a lot for your help and I hope to hear from you soon

 Conveying regards
Please give/pay my best regards to your family
Please pass on my best wishes to your wife and children
Please give/pay my regards to your parents

 Closing
I look forward to seeing you
I look forward to hearing from you soon
I look forward to meeting you
I am looking forward to your response
I am looking forward to seeing you
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon

I am looking forward to meet you
I am looking forward to your response

Letter Vocabulary
1. I have been on the lookout for – searching for something (accommodation/job)
2. Allow me to make it up to you – apologising for your mistake and requesting to give you a chance
3. If that works for you – saying if the provided solution is okay with you
4. Lock it away – keeping things safely
5. Inconvenience – problem/trouble/hassle
6. Strenuous – difficult/exhausting
7. Malfunction – go wrong/fail/defect/break down/not working properly
8. Obnoxious – objectionable/offensive/unpleasant
9. Ideal – suitable/flawless/faultless/perfect
10. Appealing – attractive/enticing/tempting
11. Exhibit – show/reveal/display
12. To top off - finish something in a memorable or notable way
13. Unsatisfactory – not satisfactory/not good enough
14. Incompetent – unskilful/unprofessional/inexpert
15. Authentic – original/genuine
16. Insight – awareness/understanding
17. Complication – problem/obstacle
18. Comprehend – include/understand/
19. Supplementary – additional/extra/more
20. Indispensable – essential/crucial/necessary

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