2 - (2018) Jurasz - The Impact of Complementarity of Small Scale Hybrid Energy Systems-Annotated

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Energy 161 (2018) 737e743

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The impact of complementarity on power supply reliability of small

scale hybrid energy systems
Jakub Jurasz a, *, Alexandre Beluco b, Fausto A. Canales c
AGH University, Faculty of Management, Department of Engineering Management, 30 Mickiewicza Ave., 30-059 Krako w, Poland
Instituto de Pesquisas Hidraulicas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av Bento Goncalves, 9500, Caixa Postal 15029, Bairro Agronomia, 91570-
901 Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Department of Civil and Environmental, Universidad de la Costa, Calle 58 #55-66, 080002 Barranquilla, Atla ntico, Colombia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Small scale hybrid power systems gain popularity around the world as a viable way of reducing power
Received 10 April 2018 generation environmental impact, reducing energy cost and increasing power supply reliability. Hybrid
Received in revised form systems which are based on variable renewable sources usually utilize the effect of resources temporal,
16 July 2018
and to a smaller extent, spatial complementarity. Although there is already an extensive body of liter-
Accepted 26 July 2018
Available online 27 July 2018
ature investigating the concept of resources complementarity, they rarely addressed the impact of
complementarity on the reliability of a given hybrid system. In this paper we simulate the operation of
wind and solar hybrid energy system (with and without battery) for evenly distributed 86 locations in
Poland over the period 2010e2016 based on 15 min’ time step data. We analyze the impact of resources
Wind turbine complementarity (on various time scales: 15 min, hourly and monthly) on the system reliability. To
Hybrid energy source remove the capacity factor (resources availability depends on location) on the results, we select the
Complementarity installed capacity in wind and solar sources in such a way that on an annual scale they generate evenly
Reliability 50% of the observed demand (which is assumed to be constant ¼ 1 kW). We investigate the impact on
complementarity in the system reliability for hybrids with and without energy storage. The second part
of the paper deals with the problem of simulating the system reliability (in terms of Loss of Load
Parameter) based on multiple linear regression and artificial neural networks. The results indicate that
both temporal complementarity (expressed as coefficient of correlation) and storage capacity has non-
linear impact on the hybrid system capacity to cover the load. Generated relations between
mentioned factors show how complementarity indices may be used to size the solar-wind hybrids. The
follow up studies should concentrate on analyzing the operation of hybrids utilizing more than two
energy sources and juxtaposing complementarity based reliability assessment with other methods.
© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction literature are the ones that combine: solar-wind, solar-hydro,

hydro-wind and solar-wind-hydro. A detailed analysis/review of so
Due to the rapid technology improvements and progress in the far investigated concepts can be found in Refs. [1,2]. Often such
manufacturing processes (mainly an effect of scale) over the recent hybrids will be equipped with dispatchable sources such as diesel
years the hybrid renewable energy systems (HRES) attracted sig- generators, or with a form of energy storage like battery banks or
nificant attention as reliable and affordable energy sources, which fuel cells. Additionally, they would be often a part of a microgrid
are not only capable of providing electricity on a small scale by which facilitates the integration of various distributed generators
utilizing locally available resources but also as viable means of and also provides multiple end-use needs. Microgrids are charac-
improving both life and environment quality. terized by a low application and design costs and therefore they can
The HRES usually exploits two or more renewable energy be adapted by a locally available technology [3,4]. The need for
sources (RES). To the most commonly configurations addressed in utilizing the above-mentioned sources comes from the fact that the
underlying assumption which is a foundation of the HRES is that
the climate/weather driven variable renewable energy sources
* Corresponding author. (VRES) tend to exhibit either temporal or spatial or spatial-
E-mail address: jakubkamiljurasz@gmail.com (J. Jurasz).

0360-5442/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
738 J. Jurasz et al. / Energy 161 (2018) 737e743

Abbreviations Parameters, Constants & Variables

CFWT wind turbine capacity factor [%]
ANN artificial neural network CFPV photovoltaics capacity factor [%]
BFGS BroydeneFletchereGoldfarbeShanno CIq 150 complementarity index []
CF capacity factor CIh hourly complementarity index []
HRES hybrid renewable energy system CId daily complementarity index []
LOLP loss of load probability CIm monthly complementarity index []
MLR multiple linear regression EB battery state of charge [kWh]
PV photovoltaics EB_Max battery rated capacity [kWh]
RES renewable energy source EG energy generation [kWh]
STD standard deviation ED energy demand
VRES variable renewable energy source EDef not covered demand [kWh]
WT wind turbine EPV energy generation from PVs [kWh]
EWT energy generation from wind turbine [kWh]
Indices PS source rated capacity [kW]
I unit of time hChar battery charging efficiency [%]
K site/location hDis battery discharging efficiency [%]

temporal complementarity. However, this phenomenon herein- the storage requirements. Liu et al. [10], scrutinized the solar and
after referred to as “complementarity” is not perfect and tend to wind resource spatiotemporal complementarity on an hourly basis
vary in its range depending on considered time scale. As an in China whereas Xu et al. [11], created a solar-wind complemen-
example, it is worth to imagine two energy sources which power tarity map for China. For the case study of China also Zheng et al.
generation follows sine functions with the same amplitudes (see [12], used reanalysis data for extraction of solar-wind spatiotem-
Fig. 1). If they are out of phase by p/2, then they would exhibit a poral synergy patterns based on k-clustering method. Thomaidis
perfect complementarity (which also can be expressed as a coef- et al. [13], have shown that complementary nature of solar and
ficient of correlation equal to 1. If the correlation between those wind resources can increase the system reliability; dos Anjos et al.
two-time series is different than mentioned “-1” then the aggre- [14], have analyzed long-term correlations and cross-correlation
gated energy output of both sources will start to exhibit significant between wind speed and solar radiation on a selected island near
variation on time domain. Brazil. Santos-Alamillos et al. [15], presented how spatiotemporal
The power output fluctuation aforementioned, might signifi- correlation between solar and wind smooths their combined power
cantly limit the HRES ability to cover the demand load, thereby output in case of Iberian Peninsula. Li et al. [16], aimed at modelling
reducing the system reliability and in consequence leading to and assessing the wind and solar resources complementarity in
financial losses or other undesirable events like spoiled food or Oklahoma (USA). Prasad et a. [17], analyzed solar and wind re-
vaccines. There are several approaches which can be used to sources synergy in case of Australia and have shown the MERRA
overcome this problem. Either together or separately one can (Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications)
apply: datasets are suitable tool for such research. Migilietta et al. [18],
analyzed the solar and wind resources complementarity from the
 already mentioned energy storage; meteorological perspective. Whereas Bett and Thorton [19] per-
 swiftly ramping up and down dispatchable sources; formed a similar analysis from a climatological perspective in case
 another solution is to oversize the whole system in such a of Britain. Castro and Crispim [20] analyzed the variability and
manner which will ensure that the considered load is always correlation between renewable sources in case of Portugal and
covered. found strong complementarity between solar and wind energy for
typical summer and winter days. Gutierrez et al. [21], performed a
All approaches have their drawbacks and advantages and the spatial complementarity analysis between generators using only
optimal choice will be usually based on a multi-criteria one energy resource (solar irradiation) and created complementary
optimization. clusters for the whole Iberian Peninsula.
The concept of resources complementarity has been addressed In addition to the above mentioned works other authors have
in several research papers. Authors have investigated comple- addressed the complementarity phenomena between other re-
mentarity in order to assess its potential to reduce required energy sources, like: solar-hydro [22e26], hydro-offshore wind [27],
storage, impact on the net load or the changes in complementarity hydro-onshore wind [28,29], solar/wind-hydrokinetic [30], solar/
as a result of climate variability. For example, Agelidis and Shriv- wind-hydro [31,32]. Also recently Risso et al., proposed a new
astava [5] investigated the correlation of complementary solar and method for assessing the spatial complementarity between wind
wind resources with the electricity load. Hoicka and Rowlands [6], and hydro energy (also applicable to other sources) based on
have shown solar and wind resources complementarity as a po- complementarity roses [33]. As can be seen the body of literature
tential advancing option for renewables integration into Ontario on this topic has significantly grown over the recent years. This is
power system. Monforti et al. [7], investigated the wind and solar undoubtedly a result of an increasing role of renewables in modern
resources complementarity in Italy based on a Monte Carlo power systems.
approach. De Jong et al. [8], analyzed the relationship between solar Considering state of the art presented above and the aspects of
and wind energy production and its relationship to the electric load the HRESs described in earlier paragraphs, this paper has two ob-
and hydropower availability in Brazil, stating that solar and wind jectives, the first one is to investigate the impact of wind and solar
power can increase water savings. Solomon et al. [9], performed an resources temporal complementarity on their reliability. In other
analysis of wind and solar resources complementarity impact on words, we want to assess how the tendency of solar (photovoltaics)
J. Jurasz et al. / Energy 161 (2018) 737e743 739

and wind (wind turbine) to complement each other impacts the

HRES capability of covering the load. The second objective is to
assess if it’s possible to model the HRES reliability, given a demand
load, and based on capacity factors for wind and solar generation,
complementarity indices and storage capacity.
The main novelty of our contribution lays in approaching the Wind
problem of small HRES reliability from the perspective of solar and
wind resources temporal complementarity. We investigate the
impact of complementarity indices (on different time scales) on the
system capability to cover the load.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 Constant
briefly describes the investigated problem, summarizes consid- load
ered data and made assumptions made regarding HRES simulation
and optimization. Section 3 presents and discusses obtained re- PV
sults. In Section 4 we provide a short summary along with several
prospective future research directions.

2. Problem description, data and methods

2.1. Hybrid system configuration and simulation

Battery bank
Fig. 2. Conceptual design of PV-WT-battery system. The red square indicates regula-
In our analysis we have considered the most common type of tion and conversion components.
HRES, specifically one which consists of wind and solar generators
as well as an energy storage in form of a battery bank, Fig. 2. The
energy yield from photovoltaics has been calculated as in Ref. [34]
whereas in case of the wind turbine we have used a power curve o EiG
1 kW turbine manufactured by Kestrel (http://www.kestrelwind. CF ¼ i¼1
*100% (1)
co.za) as in Ref. [35]. The management of energy flow and the nP S
operation of battery bank has been simulated as shown on Fig. 3. To
where: EiG e energy generated from given source [kWh], P S e
simulate the behavior of battery bank (charging and discharging
installed capacity [kW], n e number of considered sub periods
processes) it was a used modified version of formula found at [36].
usually accounting to whole year, namely 8760 h
Potential energy surpluses (energy neither used to cover the load
nor stored) are disregarded and are not subject of our analysis. P
2.2. Research procedure LOLP ¼ *100% (2)
The procedure represented in Fig. 3, has been applied at 86 i¼1

(k ¼ 86) selected locations in order to determine the impact of

where: EiDef e energy deficit [kWh], EiD e energy demand [kWh]
temporal complementarity on the system reliability. For k ¼ 1 the
The complementarity index was calculated based on Pearson
system was sized under fixed hourly load (1 kW). The installed
correlation coefficient due to the ease of its interpretation, although
capacity of wind turbines and photovoltaics has been selected
other approaches can be used [22].
based on an assumption that each of them should generate 50% of
the energy demand on an annual scale. In case of each location k we
have gathered data on: WTs and PVs capacity factors (CF, Eq. (1)), 2.3. Input data
solar and wind energy complementarity on a monthly, daily, hourly
and quarterly (150 ) time scale, LOLP value (Eq. (2)) and installed Irradiation time series has been downloaded from Ref. [37],
capacity in PVs and WTs. The capacity of the battery bank was wind speed from Ref. [38] whereas air temperature from Ref. [37]
arbitrarily assumed to range within 0e96 kWh. (temperature was used to simulate PV energy yield). Time series
describing wind speed and irradiation came from satellite mea-
surements, however our previous research [39] has shown their
good fit with ground measurements. All three above mentioned
time series covered period 2010e2016 with a 15-min time step.
Data has been downloaded for 86 evenly distributed locations in
Poland (excluding maritime regions). The charge and discharge
efficiency of the battery bank was set to be linear and equal to 90%.
The self-discharge effect was neglected.

3. Results and discussion

A significant wind resource variation was observed for the sites

considered (as shown on Fig. 4). The resulting capacity factors for
wind generation ranged from slightly over 2.5% to almost 23%. The
Fig. 1. Various degrees of two renewable energy sources (green and yellow) temporal ones for PV generation were fairly stable and their average value
complementarity. was 10.9%.
740 J. Jurasz et al. / Energy 161 (2018) 737e743



E + (E +E -ED) (1/
) 0



Fig. 3. HRES simulation procedure flowchart.

Analyzed solar and wind resources exhibited almost lack of (considering no storage) reliability in terms of LOLP parameter. It is
complementarity on a 15 min and hourly time scale in terms of easily observed that the higher the resources temporal comple-
correlation coefficient (CC). Observed values ranged from 0.15 to mentarity (lower values on the vertical axis) the higher the system
0.08. The CC values for daily and monthly complementarity were reliability. In other words, the higher the tendency of resources to
significantly higher and ranged respectively from 0.42 to 0.24 complement each other the higher the probability that the load will
and 0.87 and 0.67. Although the complementarity on a daily and be covered. It is worth to point out that the resources comple-
monthly basis was higher from the perspective of satisfying the mentarity indices (especially on a 15 min and hourly time scale)
load, it is crucial to maintain a stable level of power supply on a tend to be significantly correlated. This known relation may be used
short time scale. Following scatter plots (Fig. 5) visualize the rela- to estimate the complementarity indices on short time scale when,
tionship between resources complementarity and the system for example, complementarity values on a monthly time scale are

Fig. 4. Box-plot for capacity factors of wind and solar generations in 86 considered
sites. Fig. 5. Complementarity index impact on the system loss of load probability.
J. Jurasz et al. / Energy 161 (2018) 737e743 741

In order to get a better understanding of the relationship be-
tween resources complementarity and system reliability we have
created supply synthetic time series (by combination of sine
functions depicting solar and wind yields) which exhibited various
complementarity indices ranging from 1 to 1. Our analysis
focused on hourly time series as the selected load did not exhibit a
variation on a daily or monthly time scale. The use of synthetic data
shows that the relationship between resources complementarity
and system reliability is not linear (Fig. 6). Perfectly complementary
sources (complementarity index equal to 1) are capable of always
covering the load (assuming that non-appearance of equipment
failure), whereas those which do not complement each other Fig. 7. Impact of energy storage potential on the system reliability for all considered
(perfectly correlated, complementarity index ¼ 1) will not cover locations.
over 32% of the observed load.
The results presented at Fig. 6 are representative for a solar-
and the system reliability (LOLP). This relation was evaluated for all
wind hybrid not equipped with energy storage. As the power
86 sites and for various storage capacities. As can be seen, an in-
output of PVs and wind turbines changes almost simultaneously
crease in storage capacity weakens the correlation between hourly
with varying availability of the primary energy, therefore there is a
complementarity index and the LOLP parameter. It shows that the
very limited potential to increase their natural complementarity.
greater the storage capacity the lower impact on system reliability
Therefore, unlike in case of hydro-solar or hydro-wind systems, it is
has the complementarity. However, in case of a daily and monthly
not possible to artificially increase their complementarity by the
complementarity, adding up to 14 kWh in storage makes the rela-
available storage in form of pondage/reservoir. The problem of
tionship between resources complementarity index and system
relatively low tendency of solar-wind resources to complement
reliability stronger and after exceeding 14 kWh of storage it oscil-
each other on a short time scale is usually addressed by the addition
lates at a high range between 0.8 and 0.7.
of battery banks, diesel generators, fuels cells or other dispatchable
Undoubtedly this is a complex phenomenon which can be better
sources. Here, a battery bank was considered. The Fig. 7 displays the
understood by means of the results shown on Fig. 9. It presents the
impact of adding storage capacity to the solar-wind hybrid on the
reduction of the loss of load probability parameter as a conse-
observed reliability. Box and whiskers plots present results for all
quence of adding storage capacity. To calculate the impact on LOLP
considered 86 locations. It can be seen this relation is also not
a solar-wind hybrid without storage was considered as a bench-
linear, and adding up to 16 kWh of storage tends to significantly
mark. It can be observed that for the lowest storage capacity the
reduce the loss of load probability (each 1 kWh of storage reduces
reduction of the LOLP parameter is almost the same for all
LOLP by 3% points). Adding more storage than 16 kWh does not
considered values of the daily complementarity index. The situa-
significantly affect the system reliability. Interestingly the addi-
tion changes with an increase of storage capacity (as the premises
tional storage capacity does not only reduce the mean observed
from the Fig. 8 initially indicated) and it can be seen that not only a
value of LOLP but also the range of observed values within all sites.
decrease in complementarity index makes the LOLP reduction
Based on the results described in the previous paragraphs and in
values slightly smaller but also their variability is greater within the
Figs. 6 and 7, it can be stated that both factors affect the HRES
same storage capacity level.
reliability in nonlinear way. Fig. 8 shows the relationship between
complementarity indices for hourly, daily and monthly time scales
3.1. Reliability modelling

Considering the complexity of the combined impact of resources

complementarity and storage capacity this subsection aims at
modelling the system reliability based on available HRES parame-
ters and characteristics of the renewable sources.
The input variables selection for statistical models such as MLR

Fig. 8. Values of correlation between observed Loss of Load Probability for given
Fig. 6. Impact of the complementarity index on the system reliability. storage capacity and values of complementarity indices.
742 J. Jurasz et al. / Energy 161 (2018) 737e743

complex issue. Considering five different activation functions, a

total of 200 different variants of the ANN architecture were
analyzed. During the ANN creation an available algorithm in Sta-
tistica of the type BroydeneFletchereGoldfarbeShanno was used.
The best performing ANN model had 6 neurons in the input
layer, 10 neurons in the hidden layer and 1 neuron in the output
layer. In both cases, hyperbolic tangent activation function was
used. Based on the testing subset the ANN performed very well, and
it was possible to model the LOLP parameter with a mean absolute
percentage error (MAPE) less than 1.5%. The resulting MLR equation
(Eq. (3)) clearly was not (unlike ANN) able to grasp the non-linear
dependence between battery capacity/complementarity index
and the loss of load probability. In terms of MAPE criterion it per-
formed relatively poorly, and was characterized by an average error
of 15%. Fig. 10 visualizes in form of scatter plot the modelling ac-
Fig. 9. Impact of adding given storage capacities (chart legend) on the reduction of curacy of both models. As can be seen the ANN model significantly
observed values of LOLP parameter depending on the daily complementarity index. outperformed traditional MLR.

LOLP ¼ 0:167CF WT  0:035CF PV  7:996CIq þ 7:782CI h

and ANN is a complex task, and its outcome strongly impacts the
quality and performance of the final model. When the number of þ 0:213CId þ 0:101CIm  0:002EB Max
þ 0:452 (3)
potential input variables is limited, and there is enough computing
power, an exhaustive search can be applied which will deliver Where: LOLP e loss of load probability, CF WT e capacity factor for
models based on all potential configurations of input variables and wind generation, CF PV e capacity factor for PV generation, CI q e
the best performing model will usually be selected. According to quarterly complementarity index, CI h - hourly complementarity
May et al. [40], the optimal input variables set (exogenous vari- index, CI d e daily complementarity index, CI m e monthly
ables) will have the smallest sufficient number variables capable of complementarity index, EB Max e battery bank capacity.
describing the changes in the output variable, and be characterized
by a minimal level of redundancy (strongly correlated input vari- 4. Conclusions
ables) and missing non-informative variables. May et al. [40],
pointed to the existence of a multitude of methods for input vari- The objective of this article was to investigate the impact of solar
ables selection, although only exhaustive search ensures finding and wind resources temporal complementarity impact on the mi-
the optimal configuration. cro hybrid system reliability in terms of covering fixed load. Addi-
Based on the stated above we have applied the following tional, analysis was carried out to see the relationship between
approach: apart from capacity factor of PVs (CFPV), all input vari- energy storage, resources complementarity and reliability. Multiple
ables are significantly correlated with output variable (Table 1); linear regression and artificial neural network models were applied
complementarity indices on hourly and 15 min’ time scale are to simulate the loss of load probability based on known ahead ca-
perfectly correlated so one can be removed, so the authors decided pacity factors, complementarity indices and battery bank capacity.
to not include 15 min’ complementarity indices.   The remaining The conducted analysis enables us to formulate the following
variables did not exhibit a strong collinearity ðrxy  > 0:9Þ and were conclusions:
considered in the MLR and ANN models creation.
Statistica (version 12) software was used to create the MLR and  the impact of resources complementarity on the system reli-
ANN models. In case of the MLR model the whole set was used to ability is similar to the impact of battery storage, and is non-
optimize the model. Whereas during the ANN model formulation, it linear;
is crucial to follow a strict procedure and divide the input sets into  synchronously operating solar and wind sources (correlation
training, validation and testing subsets which will be used to design coefficient of “1”), characterized by the same performance in
the most appropriate architecture of the neural network. The ANN terms of power and energy output will cover slightly above 70%
architecture refers to, foremost, the number of neurons in the of the load;
hidden layer and the activation functions of the hidden and the  storage capacity increases the system reliability but only to a
output layer. Here an assumption was made that the number of certain extent this impact is significant, additional storage over
neurons in the hidden layer will range from 3 to 10, based on rule
provided by Ref. [41] - it is important to note that this problem is a

Table 1
Correlation coefficients between input variables, marked correlations are significant
at p < 0.05.


CF 1 ¡0.554 ¡0.463 ¡0.463 ¡0.349 ¡0.322 0.000 ¡0.093
CFPV 1 0.014 0.015 ¡0.247 ¡0.094 0.000 0.001
CI 1 1.000 0.871 0.722 0.000 0.099
CIh 1 0.872 0.723 0.000 0.099
CId 1 0.804 0.000 0.128
CIm 1 0.000 0.127
EB_Max 1 ¡0.778
Fig. 10. Scatter plots presenting reliability modelling tests based on artificial neural
network model and multiple linear regression.
J. Jurasz et al. / Energy 161 (2018) 737e743 743

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