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BSA 1-1 Group 2 - UN Secretariat

Slide 1: Introduction
• Title: "The UN Secretariat: What You Need to Know"
• Brief overview of what the presentation will cover

In this presentation, we will be discussing the role of the Secretariat within the UN system, its
history, structure, the role of the Secretary-General, key issues and priorities, challenges and
criticisms, and more. So, let's get started.

Slide 2: What is the UN Secretariat?

• Definition of the UN Secretariat
• Its role within the UN system
• Its responsibilities and functions

The UN Secretariat is the administrative arm of the United Nations. Its primary role is to support
the UN's overall mission of promoting peace, security, and sustainable development worldwide.
The Secretariat is responsible for coordinating and implementing the decisions made by the
UN's member states through its various organs and agencies. Its functions include policy
analysis and research, information dissemination, and provision of administrative and logistical

Slide 3: History of the UN Secretariat

• Brief overview of the Secretariat's history
• Important milestones and events

The UN Secretariat was established in 1945 following the end of World War II. Its creation was
part of the overall plan to establish an international organization that would promote cooperation
among nations and prevent future wars. Over the years, the Secretariat has played a crucial
role in many significant events, including the Cuban Missile Crisis and the establishment of
peacekeeping missions in various conflict zones around the world.

Slide 4: Structure of the UN Secretariat

• Overview of the Secretariat's organizational structure
• Key departments and offices
• Chart showing the hierarchy of the Secretariat

The UN Secretariat is divided into several departments and offices, each with its own specific
responsibilities. Some of the key departments and offices include the Department of Political
and Peacebuilding Affairs, the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the Office of Legal
Affairs, the Department of Management Strategy, Policy, and Compliance, and the Office of
Information and Communications Technology. The Secretariat's organizational structure is
hierarchical, with the Secretary-General at the top and various departments and offices
reporting to him or her.

Slide 5: The Secretary-General

• Role and responsibilities of the Secretary-General
• Selection process
• List of past and current Secretaries-General

The Secretary-General is the chief administrative officer of the UN and is responsible for
overseeing the organization's work. Some of the key responsibilities of the Secretary-General
include promoting peace, security, and sustainable development, acting as a mediator in
international disputes, and advocating for human rights. The Secretary-General is selected by
the UN General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council. The current
Secretary-General is António Guterres of Portugal, who took office on Januray 2017. U Thant
and Ban Ki-Moon are the two past Asian Secretary-General.
Slide 6: Key Issues and Priorities
• Overview of the key issues and priorities of the Secretariat
• Examples of current initiatives and programs
• Highlight the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The Secretariat works on a wide range of issues related to peace, security, and sustainable
development. Some of the current priorities include promoting human rights, addressing climate
change, and ensuring global health. The Secretariat also leads the implementation of the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are a set of 17 goals that aim to end poverty,
protect the planet, and promote peace and prosperity for all.

Slide 7: Challenges and Criticisms

The UN Secretariat faces several challenges in carrying out its responsibilities. Some of the
challenges include:

• Funding: The UN Secretariat relies on voluntary contributions from member states. This
sometimes results in unpredictable funding and can affect the Secretariat's ability to carry out its
programs and initiatives effectively.

• Political interference: The Secretariat's work can be influenced by political interests of member
states. This can sometimes lead to decisions that are not in line with the objectives of the UN.

• Bureaucracy: The UN Secretariat is a large organization with complex bureaucratic

procedures. This can make decision-making slow and cumbersome.

Steps taken to address these challenges and criticisms include:

• Increasing transparency: The UN Secretariat has taken steps to increase transparency in its
operations, including publishing more information about its activities and decision-making

• Reforming the funding system: Efforts are being made to reform the funding system to ensure
more predictable and sustainable funding for the UN Secretariat.

• Strengthening internal management: The UN Secretariat is working to improve its internal

management processes to become more efficient and effective.

Slide 9: Conclusion

In conclusion, the UN Secretariat plays a crucial role in achieving the goals of the UN. Despite
the challenges it faces, the Secretariat continues to work towards the promotion of peace,
development, and human rights around the world. It is important for us to support the UN's
mission and work together towards a more peaceful and equitable world.

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