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 Towards a new lifestyle

I chose the quote; “the relationship between a good aesthetic education and the maintenance of a
healthy environment cannot be overlooked”. By learning to see and appreciate beauty, we learn to reject
self-interested pragmatism. If someone has not learned to stop and admire something beautiful, we
should not be surprised if he or she treats everything as an object to be used and abused without
scruple. If we want to bring about deep change, we need to realize that certain mindsets really do
influence our behavior.

This quote directly relates to the ideas of Thinderberg, Attenborough, NASA and ideas of my own. People
in our world often look past the problems that we are facing. It is such a selfish world. It is unfortunate
that admiring the beauty of the world and taking time to be present is diminished by the fast technology,
and convenience at our finger tips. If something doesn’t directly affect our day, or inconvenience our day
we pay no mind to it at all. To be present and look at the big picture would help us to open our eyes. I
fear that the generation of technology is becoming blind to what we are doing to our future generations.
Extinction, climate change and present catastrophes to our world are often looked over. I sometimes feel
guilty to have brough children into a world of such demise. Their children and grandchildren have to deal
with the consequences of our actions. It truly is about appreciating the beauty of our world and
preserving it to save the health of our future world.

I’ve learned of the severely negative impact humans are leaving on our earth. And the difference that a
person like Gretta can make. I sometimes feel like my single attempt at change will never make a
difference. I was proved wrong. I will from this day forward continue to support global change and make
an impact.

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