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11.2 Infinite Series 769


Finding nth Partial Sums 1 1 1 1

5. + # + # + Á + + Á
2#3 3 4 4 5 sn + 1dsn + 2d
In Exercises 1–6, find a formula for the nth partial sum of each series
and use it to find the series’ sum if the series converges. 5 5 5 5
6. + # + # + Á + + Á
1#2 2 3 3 4 nsn + 1d
2 2 2 2
1. 2 + + + + Á + n-1 + Á
3 9 27 3
Series with Geometric Terms
9 9 9 9
2. + + + Á + n +
Á In Exercises 7–14, write out the first few terms of each series to show
100 100 2
100 3 100
how the series starts. Then find the sum of the series.
1 1 1 1 q
s -1dn q
3. 1 - + - + Á + s -1dn - 1 n - 1 + Á 7. a 8. a n
2 4 8 2
n=0 4n n=2 4
4. 1 - 2 + 4 - 8 + Á + s -1dn - 1 2n - 1 + Á

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770 Chapter 11: Infinite Sequences and Series

q q
7 5 Then express the inequality ƒ r ƒ 6 1 in terms of x and find the values
9. a n 10. a s -1dn n of x for which the inequality holds and the series converges.
n=1 4 n=0 4
q q

11. a a n + n b 12. a a n - n b
q q
5 1 5 1 41. a s -1dnx n 42. a s -1dnx 2n
n=0 2 3 n=0 2 3 n=0 n=0
n s -1dn n
43. a 3 a b a b
n q q

13. a a n + b 14. a a n b
1 s -1d q
2 n+1 x - 1 1
44. a
5n 2 2 3 sin x
n=0 2 5
n=0 n=0 n=0 +
In Exercises 45–50, find the values of x for which the given geometric
Telescoping Series series converges. Also, find the sum of the series (as a function of x)
Use partial fractions to find the sum of each series in Exercises 15–22. for those values of x.
q q q q
4 6
15. a 16. a 45. a 2nx n 46. a s -1dnx -2n
n = 1 s4n - 3ds4n + 1d n = 1 s2n - 1ds2n + 1d n=0 n=0
48. a a- b sx - 3dn
q q
2n + 1 1
17. a 18. a 2 47. a s -1dnsx + 1dn
2 2 2 2
n = 1 s2n - 1d s2n + 1d n = 1 n sn + 1d n=0 n=0
q q

19. a a b 20. a a 1>n - 1>sn + 1d b

q q
1 1 1 1 49. a sinn x 50. a sln xdn
- n=0 n=0
n=1 2n 2n + 1 n=1 2 2
Repeating Decimals
21. a a b
1 1
n=1 ln sn + 2d ln sn + 1d Express each of the numbers in Exercises 51–58 as the ratio of two
q integers.
22. a stan-1 snd - tan-1 sn + 1dd 51. 0.23 = 0.23 23 23 Á
52. 0.234 = 0.234 234 234 Á
Convergence or Divergence 53. 0.7 = 0.7777 Á
Which series in Exercises 23–40 converge, and which diverge? Give 54. 0.d = 0.dddd Á , where d is a digit
reasons for your answers. If a series converges, find its sum.
55. 0.06 = 0.06666 Á
24. a A 22 B n
23. a a b
q q
56. 1.414 = 1.414 414 414 Á
n=0 22 n=0
q q
57. 1.24123 = 1.24 123 123 123 Á
25. a s -1d n+1
26. a s -1d n+1
n 58. 3.142857 = 3.142857 142857 Á
n=1 2n n=1
27. a cos np 28. a
cos np Theory and Examples
n=0 n=0 5n 59. The series in Exercise 5 can also be written as
q q
1 q q
29. a e -2n 30. a ln n 1 1
n=0 n=1 a sn + 1dsn + 2d and a sn + 3dsn + 4d .
n=1 n = -1
q q
2 1
31. a n 32. a n , ƒxƒ 7 1 Write it as a sum beginning with (a) n = -2 , (b) n = 0 ,
n = 1 10 n=0 x
(c) n = 5 .
34. a a1 - n b
q q
2n - 1 1
33. a 60. The series in Exercise 6 can also be written as
n=0 3n n=1
q q
nn 5 5
35. a 36. a a and a .
n n = 1 nsn + 1d n = 0 sn + 1dsn + 2d
n = 0 1000 n = 1 n!

37. a ln a b 38. a ln a b
q q
n n Write it as a sum beginning with (a) n = -1 , (b) n = 3 ,
n=1 n + 1 n=1 2n + 1 (c) n = 20 .
n 61. Make up an infinite series of nonzero terms whose sum is
39. a a p b
q q
e e np
40. a ne
n=0 n=0 p a. 1 b. -3 c. 0.
62. (Continuation of Exercise 61.) Can you make an infinite series of
Geometric Series nonzero terms that converges to any number you want? Explain.
In each of the geometric series in Exercises 41–44, write out the first 63. Show by example that gsan>bn d may diverge even though gan
few terms of the series to find a and r, and find the sum of the series. and gbn converge and no bn equals 0.

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11.2 Infinite Series 771

64. Find convergent geometric series A = gan and B = gbn that

illustrate the fact that gan bn may converge without being equal
to AB.
65. Show by example that gsan>bn d may converge to something other
than A> B even when A = gan, B = gbn Z 0 , and no bn equals 0.
66. If gan converges and an 7 0 for all n, can anything be said about
gs1>an d ? Give reasons for your answer.
67. What happens if you add a finite number of terms to a divergent
series or delete a finite number of terms from a divergent series?
Give reasons for your answer. 1/2
68. If gan converges and gbn diverges, can anything be said about
their term-by-term sum gsan + bn d ? Give reasons for your answer. 77. Helga von Koch’s snowflake curve Helga von Koch’s snow-
flake is a curve of infinite length that encloses a region of finite
69. Make up a geometric series gar n-1
that converges to the number
area. To see why this is so, suppose the curve is generated by
5 if
starting with an equilateral triangle whose sides have length 1.
a. a = 2 b. a = 13>2 .
a. Find the length Ln of the nth curve Cn and show that
70. Find the value of b for which limn: q Ln = q .
1 + e b + e 2b + e 3b + Á = 9 . b. Find the area An of the region enclosed by Cn and calculate
limn: q An .
71. For what values of r does the infinite series
1 + 2r + r 2 + 2r 3 + r 4 + 2r 5 + r 6 + Á

converge? Find the sum of the series when it converges.

72. Show that the error sL - sn d obtained by replacing a convergent
geometric series with one of its partial sums sn is ar n>s1 - rd . Curve 1
73. A ball is dropped from a height of 4 m. Each time it strikes the pave- Curve 2
ment after falling from a height of h meters it rebounds to a height of
0.75h meters. Find the total distance the ball travels up and down.
74. (Continuation of Exercise 73.) Find the total number of seconds
the ball in Exercise 73 is traveling. (Hint: The formula s = 4.9t 2
gives t = 2s>4.9 .)
75. The accompanying figure shows the first five of a sequence of
squares. The outermost square has an area of 4 m2 . Each of the Curve 3 Curve 4
other squares is obtained by joining the midpoints of the sides of
the squares before it. Find the sum of the areas of all the squares. 78. The accompanying figure provides an informal proof that
g n = 1 s1>n 2 d is less than 2. Explain what is going on. (Source:

“Convergence with Pictures” by P. J. Rippon, American Mathe-

matical Monthly, Vol. 93, No. 6, 1986, pp. 476–478.)

1 1
32 72
1 1 62 …
1 52
22 1
76. The accompanying figure shows the first three rows and part of
the fourth row of a sequence of rows of semicircles. There are 2n 42
semicircles in the nth row, each of radius 1>2n . Find the sum of 1 1 1 …
the areas of all the semicircles. 2 4

Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley

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