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Howerer i ier pense inveracKons Awe Pyw of nhs is Pach Core Heywre and fexer gs there Are wore intyanNoas fc ivfe we Plow Teen Juste pergie ant ther monegers whidk “n RewVx wake exgonisaWtons moe Synomcc etxglain 3 advantages and Smadvonbeges cf Tewok: ets NAvonkegess sincrense Ss PrdvAbvoy wreduces estnkecisre —Tteproves pmorete - haps recturtwrernde ank cerentor of top em pleyeeo -sowes evehenk veadence “NARS CaNNToni cmt — Sanves employee money HK Ey pairs whek fo the Git) Economy with 1 Crome: + Gig eronomy: serice workers mwediing a Vii Comrplekt pee Goes Gr peeee v 2 €-5- Weer, Lyte: Connect oders ant davers ouchnb: Connece Yronchers Uith &uoimol etions % Ey loan re meaning of giecbakisaHon ans how the T improvemate Kes Comparies be gheber: % Clobudisakon process of CreaNng q werlluite nauwok of budnesses and Uretrets COUSeS greaker molitthy, of ges, SerAL2S, ank capiret around +e usetld TT improvements caused Kamakiz decdknes in he WS of computing and Conmunirarions Made Companies be. glebat takespises easiel than before Gian 2 adv 5 and 2 disedirantayes of Glebarisabier * For sain winerenses Compebon |— makes We U5 subordinate — feeple in poorer counhtes | 4» te uwolid Wrbe salen lecerve Spl too ~foeed osertutun one Ws ag ted onb-Trve | to Compete with bor wh fowke Bor co poor county] Sof get Sevent nl to beptie cA vonohis = qPovo Joos ceduce unrest] — Audenics exolvs of and increase Srabi\ity satanteaturiog ond vWh-oller Jove Stop United Stotes Shuts workers in Bragn Lountes HE Ey pon the eeird ot Digital Divide uit Ceawple: & Deira Suwhdes some perPle ewe ances +o trobemn wl yation seunology wWwle vtrens dont — An Cyample includes only 30% -f Abrran ckres have ctless te the wheel whereas Wh & Prchale ab zens WOe Bless Yo the wh¥net- A Explor the 2 podets A Tethadegicat diffusion ' Two Models for Technological Diffusion 100% 100% ji i £ % £ A £ 2 8 3 3 y 6 6 Time Time @ ) In both models the most advantaged group A is the first to adopt a new technology, while the least advantaged group C is the last to adopt it. (a) In the normalization model, the technology is eventually embraced by nearly everyone in all groups. (b) In the stratification model, the eventual adoption of the technology is lower for less advantaged groups. + Explain the cee ck Tiered sensces ord how 8 ured in Wok Newkeauily: Tiered senice is Unere more is charged far high-prieri (ouking of intemnel pockets. Tiered SORECOS ag2, padeS tm nek nentialty as hey suppoik veice-ever-TP and otter seasces suck ar kes hal Mepire Moe blood band ALExp lain how to duce the effeds ch winner take al in the Tr maseet: Lis ceduGrd winner- talee-alt effect: — Vet nuxber of hour Wolk KOS cematn per — busines fore woperwlise +o cthuce osthun4) md (Led, 2G, vale >on plo spoltd> Nea OM 5&9 meet pices. — move Progressive Kon Sructwes - campaign Fence (0 fone

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