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A Project Report on
Hall-Ticket No: 1401-21-672-014

Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the Degree of


Offered by

Osmania University, Hyderabad -500007

Under the guidance of

(Associate Professor)


Affiliated to Osmania University, Hyderabad -500005

lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33


I hereby declare that this Project Report titled “ROLE OF HUMAN


me to the Department of Business Management, O.U., Hyderabad, is a

bonafide work undertaken by me and it is not submitted to any other

University or Institution for the award of any degree diploma / certificate or

published any time before.


Hall-ticket No: 1401-21-672-014
Place: Hyderabad.

lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33

(Associate Professor)

Date: 06-Jun-2023


This is to certify that the Project Report title “ROLE OF HUMAN RESOURCE
fulfillment for the award of MBA Programme of Department of Business
Management, O.U. Hyderabad, was carried out by SYED MOHAMMED
OSMAN under my guidance. This has not been submitted to any other
University orInstitution for the award of any degree/diploma/certificate.


(Associate Professor)
Project Guide

Managed by: Al-Qurmoshi Educational Society

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The purpose of the present research work is to investigate the role of human resource

management organizational growth and development in context of Indian service

sectors. Quantitative and qualitative survey research design and methodology was

employed. The human resource management (HRM) is working as predictor variable,

while organizational growth and development as a criterion variable. Findings of the

study suggested that Human resource management positively correlated with

organizational growth and development and playing a significant role in determining

them. The independent variable (Human Resource Management) made significant

contributions in both dependent variables i.e. organization growth and organizational

development. On the basis research findings, it is recommended that there is an urge of

having effective human resources policies in relation to complete and comprehensive

organization growth and development (Mizan et al., 2013). As human resource policies

are determining recruitment and selection of skillful and equipped man power followed

by organizational growth, development and welfare. Though human resource

development is the global phenomenon and each industry is focusing on advancement

and integration of human resources with modern technologies, policies, and employees

welfare schemes, training and placements and more on, whereas present work is

limited to India, where provides theoretical and conceptual groundings for the

upcoming studies related to human resources.

Keywords: HRM practice, policies, Organizational Growth, Development, India

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A successful and satisfactory completion of my project is the outcome of invaluable and
aggregate contribution of personal skill in the radical direction and the guidance of the
concerned Authorities. Even the best efforts are wasted without a proper guidance and
advice. The success of any project is the result of hard work, dedication and the support of
the well wishers. It is our proud privilege to express our sincere gratitude to all those who
helped us directly or indirectly in completion of this project report. We are greatly
indebted to Associate Professor for his support, guidance and valuable suggestions by
which this work has been completed effectively and efficiently. These all contributions are
of immense value.

Last but not least, we are indebted to those people who indirectly contributed and without
them this work would not have been possible. Endeavour has been made to make the
project error free yet, we apologize for the mistakes.


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Table of Contents


List of Figures and Tables ...................................................................... i

List of Abbreviation & Glossary ............................................................ ii

1. INTRODUCTION OF RESEARCH STUDY…………………………………………………...1

2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY………………………………………………………………….11

3. REVIEW OF LITERATURE……………………………………………………………………….18

4. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK………………………………………………………............21

5. COMPANY PROFILE………………………………………………………………………………40

6. RESEARCH DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION ........................... ……51

7. RESEARCH FINDING AND CONCLUSIONS .............................. …………………68

8. SUGGESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................... ………………..72

9. BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………………………………………………………….….…77

10. APPENDICES……………………………………………………………………………………....79

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Human resource management employs a comprehensive approach to managing an

organization’s most valuable asset, its workforce. The role of the HR department
encompasses all issues related to people such as hiring, training, compensation,
wellness, benefits, communication, administration, and safety. Here are the roles of
human resource management:

What are the Roles and Functions of Human Resource Management?

Human resource management (HRM) involves the management of an organization’s

workforce to achieve business objectives. This includes fulfilling the organization’s
staffing needs and maintaining ideal workplace conditions.

The HR department accomplishes this by utilizing HR strategies and procedures that

focus on the organization's personnel. To achieve its objectives, human resource
management uses several disciplines, including psychology, business management,
analytics, and sociology.

Rule 1: Recruitment and Hiring

Recruitment and Hiring is perhaps the most popular role associated with human
resource managers. It involves finding, reviewing credentials, screening, and selecting
candidates for a company. An effective recruitment process results in the hiring of
employees who are tailor-fit for the position and not just candidates who have the best

Popular Recruitment Methods

An HR manager can employ a variety of recruitment methods to cast a broader net to

lure potential candidates. These methods include:

 Employee referrals

 Advertising on social networking sites (LinkedIn, Facebook)

 Dedicated online job portal

 Participate in job fairs (community, organizations, universities, colleges)

 Post job openings on online job boards

 Advertising in print media (newspapers, magazines)

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 Working with or outsourcing recruitment services to a dedicated recruitment


Rule 2: Training Employees

Even with the most experienced candidate, joining a new company requires training.
The purpose of employee training is to equip them with the necessary skills and
knowledge to perform their role effectively. Employers must be prepared to commit a
significant amount of investment in their employee's training. This is not only
beneficial for the company but also helps in the employee's self-development.

The quality of training provided goes a long way in retaining employees. When
employees feel that they can grow, they are more likely to stay in their jobs. The
opportunity for employees to enhance their skills improves overall satisfaction and

Rule 3: Organization Development

Organizational development is the process in which an organization implements a plan

to improve its current workforce to meet its current and projected requirements. It
involves increasing organization effectiveness by improving processes and systems.
Organizational development plays a vital role in strengthening the existing workforce,
enhancing its effectiveness, and promoting positive workplace conditions.

Rule 4: Communication in the workplace environment

Human resources play a critical role in managing the workplace environment. They
are the first responders for any workplace-related issues among employees. Effective
communication makes it easier for employees to work for a single objective, the
company's success. It is the role of the human resource department to promote better
communication among individuals in the company.

Rule 5: Employee Information and Benefits

Human resource managers are involved in disseminating information on employee

benefits, assistance programs, and leaves of absence. This information is usually
included in the HR manual. Human resource managers are tasked with orienting new
employees about the several benefits offered by the company. They also play a role
during employee benefit disputes.

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Rule 6: Managerial and Operational Responsibilities

More than just hiring new employees, HR managers are also involved in managerial
and operational responsibilities. To be an effective human resource managers, they
must also perform leadership roles in the ongoing training of employees and maintain
a solid understanding of the company’s brand and objectives. A good HR strategy also
employs manpower planning, hiring, and promotion as part of their managerial and
operational responsibilities.

Rule 7: HR Managers Are Advisors to the different departments

The human resource manager should be able to function as an advisor to the different
departments on matters related to human resources. This includes working with the
department head in formulating policies and procedures.

First and foremost, HR managers must give expert advice on how to create stronger
employee relationship and morale.

Rule 8: Aligning human resources to current and projected needs

Human resource strategies also include aligning human resources to current and
projected needs. This is to maintain the company's competitive advantage and enable it
to respond more quickly to changing customer needs.

Rule 9: The role of human resource management in managing organizational


Human resource management plays a critical role in managing organizational change.

Change is constant, even in business. To ensure continued success, a company must be
able to adapt to shifting markets and customer needs.

This is only possible when management is able to communicate its objectives with
employees effectively. Human resource management makes this possible by creating
an environment where team members can freely communicate thoughts and ideas,
especially during periods of change.

What is the Role of the HR Manager?

Today’s HR manager must be able to wear multiple hats. Human Resource

Management roles include being able to function as an employee advocate, strategic
planner, and change manager. HR manager works with the different managers in the
research, planning, training, and development of workforce culture to ensure the

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successful delivery of the business strategy. Here are the best roles of human resource
management in Businesses:

The responsibility of an HR manager is enormous; he runs the gamut in almost every

aspect of a company's day-to-day operations. Roles include supervising and leading
tasks that oversee all the elements associated with maintaining a productive

The human resource manager must lead efforts toward organization development.
They play a significant role in developing a workplace culture that improves
productivity and customer service. Human resource professionals are involved in
developing the skill of managers and organizations. This has led to the creation of
even more roles for HR managers, making them vital members of any company.

These are just some of the answers to the question of, what a human resource manager

What Is The Importance Of Human Resource Management?

Human Resource Management is one of the critical departments for the business
because it focuses on the workforce. One of the most valuable assets of a company or
organization is its workforce. It is a living, breathing resource that needs to be
continuously managed to function effectively.

The human resource department goes beyond the hiring process. It plays a crucial role
in the day-to-day operations of a company. The importance of human resource
management can only be quantified by the success of an organization.

1. Human Resource Management Improves Productivity

Productivity starts with having the right people for the right job. One of the critical
roles of human resource personnel is to seek and hire the best employees. This isn’t
just about hiring the people with the best academic background but identifying the
individual who possesses the right skill, knowledge, and attitude for the job.

Human resources departments are not only involved with recruiting and interviewing
candidates, but these professionals also employ an HR strategy that goes beyond
numbers such as years of experience, age, or test scores. They pick the perfect
candidate by first setting standards and selecting only those who fit the job

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However, to be able to select the best people, human resources departments must be
able to attract the best candidates. And this is where a professional HR manager comes
in. Aside from creating a job posting, they are also able to provide a hiring package
that includes attractive work benefits that are designed to lure motivated, productive

2. Human Resource Management Improves Employee Retention

Even after hiring the best candidates, the business still has to spend a considerable
amount of its resources training these new employees. Nobody hits the ground
running. New employees must spend time familiarizing themselves with the
company’s policies and work procedures to become productive members. Human
resource management does not end with the hiring process. It is also involved with
another essential task of retaining valuable members of the workforce.

3. Human Resource Management Improves Brand Recognition

The best companies attract the best people. With a strong brand, the task of hiring and
retaining the right people is half the job done. Human resource personnel is tasked
with keeping the workforce happy. Brands become recognizable not only because they
have the best product but also because they are the best places to work.

4. Human Resource Management Empowers Intellectual and Financial Success

The task of human resource personnel includes maintaining and improving workforce
capabilities. This is something that can be delegated or automated. It requires a keen
insight into the company's business strategy and available resources.

Depending on a company's needs, HR strategy can include training and maximizing

employee performance for its short-term and long-term objectives. Human resource
management can also conduct reorganizing existing processes to improve workflow
and efficiency. All these can only be executed with the help of experienced, trained,
and professional human resource personnel.

How to Create a Human Resource Strategy:

HR strategy is a long-term plan that focuses on workforce planning and development.

This goes beyond traditional HR functions that are mainly involved in reviewing
candidates, creating a census, and signing up employees for benefits. HR strategy is
more forward-looking and involves aligning employee qualifications with the
company's workforce needs.

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This type of human resource management is involved preparing, training, and

developing the workforce for personal growth. Creating an HR strategy must include
the participation of management to create a more comprehensive approach to
workforce development.

Step 1: Planning is the first step in developing an HR strategy.

HR planning plays an essential role in the development of an effective HR strategy. It

guarantees that job candidates provide a good fit for available job openings. HR
strategy helps avoid personnel surpluses or shortages in the workforce. Human
resource planning includes analyzing the current workforce, projecting demands, and
balancing the available workforce with current demand.

Step 2: Create programs to deliver on the designated objectives.

After establishing the different objectives and plans, the next step is to organize the
various tasks to achieve them. The HR manager sets out to design and creates
programs to deliver on the designated objectives. This involves organizing activities,
assigning tasks, and coordinating all related activities.

Step 3: Offer a variety of benefits

HR managers provide direction, encouraging people to work effectively and efficiently

to achieve the objectives of the company. This is done by overseeing all tasks and
processes in the HR plan. HR managers can offer a variety of benefits, up training
opportunities, and improve current work conditions to provide motivation.

Step 4: Outlining the Expected Outcomes

This involves observing and comparing results with expected outcomes and correcting
any deviations. In this step, HR managers perform appraisals and examine records,
statistics, and audits.

Human Resource Department Operations

The HR department is responsible for many of the company’s day-to-day

administrative operations. This runs from hiring of new employees to settling
workplace disputes. Below are some of the most important functions of the HR

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1. Procurement of new employees

Hiring new employees is one of the most crucial responsibilities of the human resource
department. This process usually involves:

 Job Analysis – identifying current and projected job needs. This enables the
company to employ a hiring strategy that targets the necessary candidates to meet
these needs.

 Recruitment – this is the hiring process in action. To attract the right candidate,
human resource managers may employ several mediums such as print media,
online job sites, referrals, or recruiting within the organization.

 Selecting – candidates are then screened initially through an interview followed by

tests to measure their competency.

 Placement – the stage in the procurement process where the selected candidate is
extended an offer.

 On boarding – as the candidate accepts the offer and becomes a formal employee,
the HR staff then proceeds with orienting them with company policies and

 Transfers and Promotion – filling a position can be done by hiring within the
organization. Companies that provide career growth opportunities are more likely
to retain their workforce.

2. Employee Development

 Performance Appraisal – constant checks are done to assess how an individual

employee is performing. Depending on the result, a manager can create a plan to
improve performance or recommend changes to work procedures.

 Training – the introduction of new work procedures or new equipment require up

training. Training can be delivered in-house or by letting employees join seminars
or classes.

 Career Planning – human resource managers also create career pathways that
provide growth opportunities for employees.

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3. Compensation and Benefits

 Evaluation – this involves determining compensation based on current living

costs, healthcare, and taxes.

 Salary and Wages – salaries can be based on hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly
payments. Employee salaries can include payments plus benefits such as paid
vacation leaves, housing, travel, and other privileges.

 Bonuses and Incentives – these are benefits above and beyond standard salaries
and wages. Bonuses can be rewards to employees who show outstanding
performance. Incentives are given to employees who exceed specific goals and
objectives. The conditions for bonuses and incentives can be communicated during
orientation or before a project formally starts.

 Payroll – another important function performed by the human resource

department. A payroll contains a list of all the employees, the amount of salary,
and benefits due if any.

4. Integration

This refers to the role that the human resource department performs in day-to-day
company operations.

 Communication and dispute management– the tasks of the HR department

include facilitating smooth communication between the staff and management.
When things do not go smoothly, the human resource department can implement
several options, including meditation, training, counseling, and developing new
procedures for enhanced communication.

 Motivation – to ensure optimum performance, companies must provide a sense of

motivation for its employees. This includes providing benefits and incentives and
promotion opportunities.

 Discipline – necessary for maintaining a smooth working atmosphere. The HR

department can be tasked with implementing disciplinary actions for common
infractions. These can include dress code violations, discrimination, harassment,
and other similar infractions of company policies.

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1. Provides information about the performance ranks, basis on which decision

regarding salary fixation, confirmation, promotion, transfer and demotion are
2. Provide feedback information about the level of achievement and behavior of
subordinatethis information helps to review the performance of the subordinate,
rectifying performance deficiencies and to set new standards of word, if
3. Provide information to diagnose deficiency in employee regarding skill,
knowledge, determine training and developmental needs and to prescribe the
means for employee growth provides information for correcting placement.


This study belongs to organization effectiveness through human resources

management. In this we are studying how organization is effected through

Human Resources Management. The main objective to be studied

Main objective

1. To find the relation and effect of human resources management with

organization effectiveness. Fragmented of the following parts,
2. To understand the recruitment procedure adopted by this company.
3. To identify the training and development program adopted by this company.
4. To identify compensation salary increment policy adopted by this organization.
5. To identify the present performance of an employee being appraised through
career advancement.
6. To provide better employee health, safety, welfare facilities as per
their standard policies.
7. To understand the quality circle is beneficial for solving the problem.
8. To understand the reason of employee turnover.

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The scope of the research is very vast) however the total time period available
was very limited for the purpose of the study observation, analysis and
conclusion. second important thing is on account of ethical and moral
obligation of a manager disclosure of all pertained and particular policies has
got limitation because of his positional accountability and responsibility,
Studying organization effectiveness through human resources management' of
the employees specialized subject restrict a training, recruitment and selection,
job analysis, performance appraisal for entering into human resources
management of different parameter as well as view of the company. The
finding of the study can be refried to as a reference for entire
organizational policies, parameter and particles.


1. Lack of Strategic Influence: In some organizations, HRM is not given a seat at

the strategic decision-making table. This limits the HR department's ability to

contribute to long-term planning and hinder its potential impact on the

organization's growth.

2. Resistance to Change: HRM initiatives often require organizational change,

such as implementing new policies, processes, or technologies. However,

employees and managers may resist these changes, which can impede the HR

department's efforts to support organizational growth.

3. Limited Control over Line Managers: While HRM provides guidelines and

policies, line managers are responsible for implementing them. If line

managers do not effectively enforce HR practices or fail to recognize their

importance, it can hinder HRM's ability to drive organizational growth.

4. Lack of Quantifiable Metrics: Measuring the impact of HRM initiatives on

organizational growth can be challenging. Unlike other departments that have

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clear financial metrics (e.g., sales, revenue), HRM often deals with intangible

aspects like employee satisfaction, engagement, and development, making it

difficult to establish direct links to organizational growth.

5. External Factors: HRM operates within the broader external environment,

which includes factors beyond its control, such as economic conditions, market

trends, and legal/regulatory changes. These external factors can influence an

organization's growth trajectory, potentially limiting HRM's impact.

6. Limited Budget and Resources: HRM functions are often allocated limited

budgets and resources, which can constrain their ability to implement

comprehensive programs and initiatives that support organizational growth.

This limitation can affect areas such as talent acquisition, training and

development, and employee engagement.

7. Time Constraints: HRM professionals are often tasked with managing multiple

responsibilities simultaneously, from recruitment to training to employee

relations. The time constraints and competing priorities can limit their capacity

to dedicate adequate time and attention to strategic initiatives that drive

organizational growth.

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Research Methodology
Research is one of its kinds and is a process to acquire knowledge about a

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certain topic. Research is done so that systematic analysis can be done and
problem can be effectively solved.

The procedures by which researchers go about their work of describing,

explaining and predicting phenomena are called methodology. Methods
comprise the procedures used for generating, collecting and evaluating data.
Methods are ways of obtaining information useful for assessing explanations.

The definition of research given by Creswell is Research is a process of steps
used to collect and analyse information to increase our understanding of a topic
or issue and it consists of three steps: Pose a question, collect data to answer
the question, and present an answer to the question.

Data Sources:
The data collected for the study is mainly through the distribution of
questionnaire; to be precise the data collected for study is both primary and
secondary sources.

Primary Data:
Primary data is the information collected for the first time; there are
several methods in which the data is complied. In this project it is
obtained by mean of questionnaires.
Questionnaire is prepared and distributed to the employees

Secondary Data:
Secondary data needed for conducting research work is collected from
company websites, library and search engines.

Research Instrument:
In this study the primary data is collected by survey technique. In this we
distributed the questionnaires to the respondents. The researcher
structured the questionnaire in the form of:

1. Close Ended Questions

2. Multiple Choice Questions

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A questionnaire is a sheet of paper containing questions relating to contain
specific aspect regarding which the researcher collects the data. Because of
their flexibility.
The questionnaire method is by far the most common instrument to collect
primary data. Thequestionnaire is given to the respondent to be filled up.
Sampling Method
Since the study is restricted to Retail sector, all the functional Departments
of Big Bazaar & D-Mart and the respondents are found at the store only so
according to the convenience randomly they are being picked so sampling
method is used in this study is Random Convenient Sampling.

Sample size : 120 respondents

Sampling Method : Random Convenience sampling
Sample Unit : D-Mart
Measuring Tools : Questionnaire


A Hypothesis is a tentative statement about the relationship between two or

more variables. It is specific, testable prediction about what we expect to
happen in a study.

Hypothesis can also be divided as below:

 Null Hypothesis
 Alternative Hypothesis
H1: Employees are satisfied with training and development. H0: Employees
are not satisfied with training and development.

Research Design

The type of research design used in this study is “Descriptive Research”.

Descriptive research design involves summarizing and organizing of the data
so that they can be easily understood.

The main purpose of this descriptive statistics is to provide a brief summary

of the samples. This generally means that the descriptive statistics is not
developed on the basis of probabilitytheory.

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Sources of Data

Research as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a

specific topic. In fact, research is an art of scientific investigation. It is an
academic activity and as such the term should be used in a technical sense.
Research is, thus an original contribution to the existing stock of knowledge
making for its advancement. It is as per suit of truth with the help of study,
observation, comparison and experiment. In short, the search for knowledge
through objective & systematic method of finding solution to a problem is

❖ Primary Data
❖ Secondary Data

Primary Data
1. Primary data would be collected during the course of asking
questions by Performing surveys.

2. Primary data would be either through respondent either through

questionnaire or through personal interview.

3. I will collect the data through both of them.

Secondary Data
1. The data will be already available in the form of print material, website,
journals etc.
2. Data will be collected from some Magazines, Newspapers, Websites and
course material forthat purpose.

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The success and future status of different organizations whether this could be public or

private, such as banking and hospitality etc., depend mainly on the performance and

planning process of their core professionals and human resources (Uma et al., 2017),

which emphasize employees’ and management skills and future plans(Ong and Koh,

2018; Ong et al., 2019). Human resource management (HRM) policies and practices

could be considered as a set of both internal and external, coherent and consistent

policies and practices aimed to designing and promoting professionals competence,

communication, motivation as well as commitment towards works and organization

(Elrehail et al., 2019).They all need to manage human talents and desirable skills to

gain the organization’s vision and goals (Anaet al., 2019).HRM policies and practices

are likely to create work atmosphere and conditions where employees could become

highly motivated and committed about organization and personal growth (have

positive attitude) and do their maximum to accomplish the personal and organization’s

goals. Organizational communication and commitment could be regarded as the

employees’ willingness to be committed about organizational in achieving its vision

and goals. Organizational planning and commitment involves the employees’ levels of

perception, satisfaction, identification, and involvement and loyalty about workplace

(Devananda and Onahring, 2019). HRM policies and practices creates positive and

significant impacts on employee job satisfaction and performance (Faiza et al.,

2019).HRM policies and practices are regarded as method of communicating and

encouraging employees’ job performance and satisfaction with their work styles and

jobs (Mohammed et al., 2019). Job performance and satisfaction could be defined as

personal job orientation and satisfaction toward work styles and roles that is presently

occupying by her or him, and it is being associated to that personal behavior in the

workplace (Devananda and Onahring, 2019).HRM policies and practices are intended

to enhance employees’ perception and attitudes (commitment) and subsequently their

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job satisfaction and performance (Cai et al., 2019). Employee commitment,

communication and satisfaction impact organization greatly and notably (Elrehail et

al., 2019). Moreover, Ana et al. (2019) highlighted the very high positive relationship

between HRM policies and employee job satisfaction. Effectiveness of HRM policies

and practices could be increased the employee perception, satisfaction and

commitment. In the same time, on one the hand, organizational work style and

performance are also important component to considered (Cai et al., 2019).Employees’

working style and commitment are considered as a bond or association to the

organizational policies (Mizan, et al., 2013). If employees are neither communicated to

organizational working pattern and commitment nor fully satisfied with their job

specification, then the changes of absenteeism and annual turnover will be more and

high (Murat et al., 2014). Toensure employees’ communication and commitment,

organizations must adopt and utilize incentives plans and motivate the employees

towards boosting their commitment and motivation (Mehwish et al., 2019).Alima

Aktar and FaizuniahPangil (2018) measured the mediating and intervening role of

organizational commitment (OC) and communication on the relationship between

HRM polices and employee satisfaction among service sector employees. Their

findings and results suggested that HRM policies and practices were the important

predictors of employee satisfaction and engagement. The results also highlighted the

organizational communication and commitments a crucial mediator about HRM

policies and practices and employee and employers engagement relationship.One

could experience and expect an interactional communication process among the HRM

policies, job satisfaction and organizational development, where human resources

policies and practices are likely to indulge and work towards the job satisfaction

among working professionals, which would help these professionals to be more

communicated and committed towards organization (Prakash, 2017). They all have

positive impacts and affective and normative commitment within organization

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(Ambreen, 2011). Employees’ communication and commitment about the organization

could be more effective through appropriate satisfaction and behaviors, including job

specification, affective communication and retention intentions (Mohammad et al.,

2018). Abdirahman (2015) established a positive and high relationship between human

resource policies and organizational development. HRM policies and practices affect

the productivity and outcome of every organization, as professionals would shape their

attitude, behaviors and working patters (Norhasnina et al., 2018).

Moreover, several researchers and studies (Abubakar et al., 2017a, b; Albrecht et al.,

2015; Ukil, 2016) highlighted that HRM policies and practices could determine the

employee perception, satisfaction and engagement. Murat et al. (2014) that have high

positive relationships between HRM policies and practices in relation to recruitment,

selection, retention, training, growth and development, compensation and incentives,

benefits and performance appraisals, job perception and satisfaction and

organizational communication and commitment. In the same time, Mizan et al. (2013)

argued that there moderate positive relationships among job satisfaction, human

resource policies and practices, and organizational communication and commitment in

the different service sectors that shows role of human resources how important

towards growth and development of not only employees but also the entire


(Doyle& Fenwick 1974; Jain & Etgar 1976: King & Ring 1980; Chowdhury et al

1998), with some research efforts having attempted to explore the evolution of store

image formation(Mazursky and Jacoby 1986); and others seeking to conduct a meta-

analysis of retail patronage studies (Pan & Zinkhan 2006). However, the existing

literature did not retail image. Consumers’ perception of store image is based, in part,

on functional qualities that the store may possess, and by other, less tangible or

psychological attributes (Lindquist 1974). Lindquist analyzed over 20 studies dealing

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with store image formation and identified 35 different aspects that in reveal any prior

studies where clustering techniques had been used to study consumers’ perceptions

of stofluence store image formation. These were grouped into nine broad categories,

including: merchandise, service, clientele, physical facilities, convenience,

promotion, store atmosphere, institutional attributes, and post-transaction

satisfaction. Mazursky and Jacoby (1986) conducted a similar analysis and verified

that “merchandise related aspects” (such as quality, pricing and assortment), and

“service related aspects” (such as quality in general and salesperson’s service) are

among the most important components of store image. A 1994 study by Baker,

Grewal and Parasuraman confirmed that “the store image literature suggests there are

linkages between merchandise and service quality, and store image.” A later study

by Baker, Grewal and Voss (2002) also confirmed that service quality was a key

determinant of store image. Given the prevalence in the literature of merchandise and

service as two key determinants in the formation of store image, these two attributes

were selected for this present study to gauge consumer’s perceptions of retail stores.

These attributes were incorporated in this study by obtaining consumer similarity

judgments on retailers’ “service quality” and “merchandise quality”. The clustering

of retail stores based on these two attributes will yield a better understanding of

competition within the retailing industry. This is of interest from a strategic

marketing standpoint in that many off-price retailers carry the same quality

merchandise as other, higher priced retailers (namely, department stores and

specialty stores). In previous years, competition within the retail sector was more

clearly delineated in that department stores tended to compete with other department

stores; and in general, stores of a specific type tended to compete with like stores in

reality, these distinctions (at least with regards to merchandise quality) may not be

as clear today since off-price retailers often carry the same merchandise as specialty

and department stores. No longer can the competition be viewed as narrowly –

lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33

merely by store type - as it had been in the past for purposes of marketing strategy

development. Off-price retailers strive to convince consumers that their product

quality is comparable to that of department stores. This study will enable us to

confirm whether consumer perceptions of product quality will also yield information

that would be of strategic interest to retailers.

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The theoretical framework for the role of HRM department in a growing organization
can be built upon various theoretical perspectives and models. Here are a few
prominent frameworks commonly used in the literature:

1. Resource-Based View (RBV): The RBV focuses on the strategic management of

resources within an organization. In the context of HRM, this framework suggests that
human capital is a valuable and unique resource that can contribute to a firm's
competitive advantage and growth. The HRM department plays a critical role in
acquiring, developing, and leveraging human capital to drive organizational growth.

2. Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM): SHRM emphasizes the alignment

of HRM practices with overall business strategy. This framework suggests that HRM
should be integrated into strategic decision-making processes and be seen as a partner
in achieving organizational objectives. The HRM department's role is to develop HR
strategies and initiatives that support the organization's growth goals, such as talent
acquisition, training and development, performance management, and employee

3. High-Performance Work Systems (HPWS): The HPWS framework emphasizes the

importance of HRM practices that foster high employee performance and
organizational growth. It suggests that a combination of complementary HR practices,
such as selective hiring, extensive training, performance-based compensation, and
employee involvement, can lead to improved productivity, innovation, and overall
organizational performance. The HRM department plays a crucial role in designing
and implementing these practices.

4. Dynamic Capability Theory: This theory focuses on an organization's ability to adapt

and respond to changing environments. In the context of HRM, it suggests that the
HRM department should possess dynamic capabilities, such as sensing changes in the
labor market, acquiring and developing talent aligned with growth strategies, and
rapidly adjusting HR practices to support organizational needs. The HRM department's
role is to build and enhance these dynamic capabilities to drive organizational growth.

5. Social Exchange Theory: Social exchange theory examines the relationship between
employees and the organization. It suggests that when employees perceive fair
treatment, supportive work conditions, and opportunities for growth and development,
they are more likely to reciprocate with increased commitment, effort, and

lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33

contributions to the organization's growth. The HRM department plays a crucial role in
establishing positive social exchanges through fair HR practices, employee
engagement initiatives, and effective communication.

These theoretical frameworks provide a foundation for understanding the role of the
HRM department in a growing organization. They highlight the importance of aligning
HRM with the organization's strategy, leveraging human capital, fostering high-
performance work systems, building dynamic capabilities, and establishing positive
social exchanges to drive organizational growth. Applying these frameworks can help
guide the design and implementation of HRM practices and initiatives that effectively
support the growth objectives of the organization.

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D-Mart offer products to satisfy the entire family’s needs. Merchandise offered at D-
Mart is always at lower prices. Stores are designed with customer convenience in
mind. D-Mart respects your intelligence by offering a wide choice of brand and pack
sizes, couple with easy-to-understand communications and information.

Avenue Super Marts Ltd.

Avenue Super Marts Ltd (ASL) owns and operates hypermarkets and supermarkets by
the store name D-Mart.

D-Mart seeks to provide a one-stop shopping experience for the entire family, meeting
all their daily household needs. A wide selection of home utility products is offered,
including foods, toiletries, beauty products, garments, kitchenware, bed and bath linen,
home appliances and much more.

Since D-Mart first opened its doors in the Mumbai region in 2000, it has grown into a
trusted and well-established shopping destination in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra
Pradesh and Karnataka. D-Mart is now looking forward to growing its stores across


At ASL, we’re strong believers in deriving excellence in customer service through

systemic training and rigor at work. We value simplicity and humility in our people
and strongly believe that integrity and merit is the only route to growth at ASPL. We
hire professionals who share our values and unabashedly lead by example.
lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33


It is our continuous endeavor to investigate, identify and make available new

products/categories for the customer’s everyday use and at the ‘best’ value than
anybody else.


D-Mart's expansion began in 2007, when stores were opened in Ahmadabad, Baroda,
Pune, Sangli and Sholapur. Today D-Mart is established in 46 locations across
Maharashtra, Gujarat, Telangana, and Karnataka, in:


 Mumbai
 Navi Mumbai
 Thane
 Pune
 Solapur
 Sangli
 Ahmadabad
 Rajkot
 Baroda
 Surat
 Anand
 Amravati
 Kolhapur
 Hyderabad, Karnataka, Bangalore

lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33

Product offrings:

D-Mart ofeers a wide selections of products in the following categories:

 Foods
 Toiletries and Beauty products
 Garments
 Kitchenware
 Bed and Bath linen
 Toys & Gmaes Stationery
 Home Appliances
 Footwar

D mart
Dolphin Mart Limited, founded in 1992 is engaged in Lifestyle Retail Marketing of
imported rare collectibles ranging from home dcor, art pieces, corporate gifts, furniture
and furniture accessories under two established premium brands namely dMart
Exclusive and Wood mart Exclusive. A national player in the premium luxury segment
is dedicated to offering a range of aspiration and lifestyle decorative handpicked from
renowned world class brands across the world, with products from the classic to the

lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33

“It is a challenge to handle fresh produce,” says S Jagdish Krishnan, chief operating
officer, retail and bakery divisions, at Heritage Foods. “For, it goes through the
farmer-broker-wholesaler-retailer chain which roughly takes a day. If we work along
with farmers and process it quickly, we can sell it profitably.” Besides, it also has a 50-
member team which procures 55 per cent of its fresh produce locally in the areas
where it operates.

It has one of the largest multi-product, multi brand service centre in the country,
where 400 service staff and 120 skilled technicians work, who provide after-sales,
collection and delivery services to customers.
So whenever a customer buys a big product like air-conditioner, its service centre is
informed about the purchase which in turn calls the customer and says it will send
technicians to install it. Its technicians get in touch with customers and install it.

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The present research work focused on human resource development in Indian

organizations and their associate attributes such as challenges, opportunities,
comprehensive developments, modern technological trends due to globalization and
deregulation practices and policies of human resources in relation to growth and
development organizations. These growing changes in human resources policies are
being imposed about the effectiveness of businesses, employee job satisfaction,
performance and organizational growth and development. As with the help of previous
studies, it has been suggested the positive relationship between policies and practice of
human resources management and growth and development of organizations
(Mahmood, 2013).Although different HRM policies and practices have been studied in
connection to organizational productivity and outcomes (Rahman et al., 2013; Nada
rajah et al., 2012; Choi and Lee, 2013). On the basis of previous researches and fixing
the research gap, present work has been conducted through following objectives and

1. To study the employees agreement towards human resources policies and practices
and growth and development of organization
2. To evaluate the human resources perception about their policies and growth and
development of organization
 H01 There is no relationship between human resources policies and practices and
growth and development of organization in view of employees
 H2There is positive relationship between HR policies and growth and
development of organization in view of human resources

Both the listed objectives and hypotheses have been achieved and tested via
descriptive and inferential methodologies by using qualitative and quantitative
research approaches. Further, sample of 200 respondents (100 each human resources
and employees) working in public and private organizations in India. Simple random
sampling technique was performed for collection the data and results are reported in
table 1.

lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33

Table 1. Model Summary forrole of human resource (independent variable) and

growth and development (Dependent variable) in the study area

% share of
Dispersion of
Variable R R2 independent Regression p-value
variable Line

Organizational Growth
& Development
(DV) 0.845 0.714 71.4% 06.932 0.000**
Role of HRM
Organizational Growth
& Development
(DV) 0.906 0.820 82% 04.843 0.000**
Role of HRM
** Significant at 0.01 level Primary Data

Table 1 depicts the Pearson correlation coefficient “R” between the organizational

growth and development (dependent variable) and role of human resource management

(independent variable) in relation to both employees and human resource working

different private and public organizations in the study area, are0.845 and 0.906

respectively for employees and human resource. Value of P-ratio is 0.000 (0.000<0.01)

for both the cases, that reported, there is significant relationship exist between

organizational growth and development (dependent variable) and role of human resource

management (independent variable) in relation to both employees and human resource

working different private and public organizations in the study area. Further, value of

the coefficient of determination R2 (Square of correlation coefficient R) are 0.714 and

0.820 for employees and human resources respectively which reflect the amount of

variability and deviation in organizational growth and development due to human

resources development and its various policies and practices and share of independent

variable (role of human resource development ) are 71.4% and 82% respectively from

lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33

employees and human resources point of view, that means human resource

development, its policies and practices shares 71.4% and 82% in overall organizational

growth and development according to employees and human resources working in

private and public organizations in India and remaining 28.6% and 18% share in overall

growth and development could get correlated and determine with several other factors

organizational policies, practices, government interventions, qualifications of employees

and job specifications, market conditions, competition and future strategies and standing

plans of different organizations.

Moreover, with the help of table 2, it has been determine the existing share of

independent variable (human resource development) and which has 71.4 % and 84%

share in dependent variable (organizational growth and development), fall under which

category of correlation coefficient on the basis of level of agreements of employees and

human resource development working in both private and public organizations.

Table 4.2 Ranges of correlation coefficient

Coefficient of Correlation matric for Human

correlation Resource Development
0.0 - ± 0.2 Very low
± 0.2 - ± 0.4 Low
± 0.4 - ± 0.7 Moderate
± 0.7 - ± 0.9 High
± 0.9 - ± 1.0 Very high

lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33

Figure 1 Relationship between human resource development and organizational

growth and development from employees’ point of view

lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33

Figure 1 Relationship between human resource development and organizational growth

and development from human resources’ point of view

From the table 2 and figure 1 and 2, it has been clear that, there is high positive relationship
exit between organizational growth and development (dependent variable) and its associated
indicators and human resource development (independent variable) and their correspondence
indicators, as value of correlation coefficient (0. 845 and 0.906) for employees and human
resources respectively, lie under high positive (± 0.7 - ± 8.0) metric of correlation coefficient

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D-Mart offer products to satisfy the entire family’s needs. Merchandise offered at D-
Mart is always at lower prices. Stores are designed with customer convenience in
mind. D-Mart respects your intelligence by offering a wide choice of brand and pack
sizes, couple with easy-to-understand communications and information.

D-Mart ofeers a widw selections of products which range from pparels,Foods,

Toiletries and Beauty products, Garments, Kitchenware, Bed and Bath linen, Toys &
Games Stationery, Home Appliances, Footwear.

The service offered was somewhat okay. As soon as we went in, the security (lady)
informed us that she was putting our belongings inside a D-Mart’s green clothed bag
and sealing it. Even the purse bag of my mother was sealed inside. We had to argue
with the security guard and finally we managed to get the purse out. We began
shopping with 10 minutes of wasted time and a rather bad mood to begin shopping

The staff was unfriendly and unfamiliar with rules. It seemed as if they wanted to sell
without understanding the requirements of the customer. On the Priya pickle offer
(1free for 2 bought) the staff lady wanted us to buy the same pickle three times. This
was a stupid idea, what would we do with 3 achaars of the same mango, or ginger, or
lime? Finally after we explained the stupidity behind her reasoning she relented and let
us chooses a variety of three

 Choose the product from the store.


1 2 3 4 5 6

% % % % % %

Advertisement 16.13 22.58 20.16 13.71 12.1 15.32

Reference 14.51 19.35 15.32 18.55 20.16 12.1

Experience 25 17.74 22.58 8.06 11.29 15.32

Quality 23.39 12.1 7.26 17.74 16.13 23.39

Quantity 10.48 13.71 20.97 21.77 17.74 15.32

Service 10.48 14.52 13.71 20.16 22.58 18.55

lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33

Choose Product
90% 15.32 12.1 15.32 15.32 18.55
80% 12.1 20.16 11.29 17.74

70% 8.06 16.13 22.58
13.71 D-Mart 6 %
60% 18.55
22.58 21.77
50% 20.16 17.74 20.16 D-Mart 5 %
40% 15.32 7.26
20.97 13.71 D-Mart 4 %
30% 17.74
22.58 19.35 12.1
D-Mart 3 %
20% 13.71 14.52
10% 25 23.39 D-Mart 2 %
16.13 14.51 10.48 10.48
0% D-Mart 1 %


Give response for choose product from the store to First rank D-Mart is 16.12%, &
Second rank is 22.58%, & Third rank is 20.16%, & Fourth rank is 13.70%, & Fifth
rank is 12.09%, & Sixth rank is 15.32% of them Advertisement. Give First rank is
14.51%, & Second rank is 19.35%, & Third rank is 15.32%, & Fourth rank is 18.54%,
& Fifth rank is 20.16%, & Sixth rank is 12.09%, of them Reference. Give First rank is
25%, & Second rank is 17.74%, & Third rank is 22.58%, & Fourth rank is 8.06%, &
Fifth rank is 11.29%, & Sixth rank is 15.32%, of them Experience. Give First rank is
23.38%, & Second rank is 12.09%, & Third rank is 7.25%, & Fourth rank is 17.74%,
& Fifth rank is 16.12%, & Sixth rank is 23.38%, of them Quality. Give First rank is
10.48%, & Second rank is 13.70%, & Third rank is 20.96%, & Fourth rank is 21.77%,
& Fifth rank is17.74%, & Sixth rank is 15.32% of them Quantity. Give First rank is
10.48%, & Second rank is 14.51%, & Third rank is 13.70%, & Fourth rank is 20.16%,
& Fifth rank is 22.58%, & Sixth rank is 18.54% of them Service.


Majority of the customers are gave response for quality choose the product from the
store. We can also interpret that D-mart are provided to customer’s good quality of
products. And many people are satisfied to service & quality.

lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33


 Unexpected offers
No. %

Yes 71 59.17

No 49 40.83

Total 120 100

Unexpected offers



From the survey, from 120 respondents, gave response for like to make your purchase under
unexpected offers to Yes is 59.17%, & No is 40.83%.


Majority of the customers are give response for interested to buy under unexpected
offers only.

The prices offered are economical over here. D-Mart offers minimum 5% discount on
MRP on all items except medicines, grocery and vegetables and fruit items.
The product mix was fairly good. Lot of variety was available for all types of products.
The assortments done for apparels was as per the price in descending order and as per
the size i.e. extra large, large, medium and small. Also, in nearby racks the assortment
was as per size nos. i.e. 28, 30, 32, etc for trousers and 38, 39, 40, 42, 44, etc. for
D-Mart gift coupons us an ideal way for organization to reward or gift their
employees. D-Mart offers gift coupons in denominations of 250 (worth Rs 250) and
lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33

500 (worth Rs 500). Individuals may also receive gift coupons if their off-take us Rs
10,000 or more.


Distance of store

No. %

00-05 39 32.5

05-10 50 41.68

10-15 17 14.16

More thane 15 14 11.66

Total 120 100

Distance of store
32.5 00--05
41.68 10--15
More thane 15


From the survey, from 120 respondents, gave response for How much distance to the
store to 32.5% of them 0-5 km, & 41.68% of them 5-10 km, & 14.16% of them 10-15
km, & 11.66% of them More than 15 km.


Majority of the customers are give response for 0-5 km distance to the store.

lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33

 Parking facility

No. %

Yes 79 65.83

No 41 34.17

Total 120 100

Parking facility



From the survey, from 120 respondents, gave response for happy with the parking facility
provided to Yes is 65.83%, & No is 34.17%.

We interpret that majority of the customers are satisfied with the parking space availability
provided by store. Hence In holidays probably it will be very essay for customers to park their
vehicle in store.

lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33

 Location of store

No. %

Yes 83 69.17

No 37 30.83

Total 120 100

Location of store


69.17 No


From the survey, from 120 respondents, gave response for happy with the location of
the store to Yes is 69.17%, No is 30.83%.


Majority of the customers are give response for happy with the location of the store.
We can also interpret from this that store has located itself in a good place from where
it is able to attract customers. As a hypermarket which is to be located far off the city,
store has located itself in a good place from where it is convenient for people to visit

lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33


The D-Mart stores are operational across three formats hypermarkets spread over
30,000-35,000 sq ft, the Express format over 7,000-10,000 sq ft and the Super Centers
set up over 1 lake sqft. Currently D-Mart operates in over 15 cities and towns across
India with 70 stores. These stores are normally located in high traffic areas. Which
helps customers to orders products online which will be delivered to their doorstep?
This helps in saving a lot of time of its customers.


 Choose factor for most while purchasing.

1 2 3 4 5
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %

Offer 15 32.61 12 26.09 14 30.43 07 21.73 04 08.69

Service 09 19.57 10 21.74 05 10.87 13 32.60 15 32.61

Quality 11 23.91 13 28.26 09 19.57 16 39.14 07 15.22

Availability 05 10.87 08 17.39 03 06.52 03 6.53 11 23.91

of Products

quantity 06 13.04 03 06.52 15 32.60 07 15.22 09 19.55

Total 46 100 46 100 46 100 46 100 46 100

100.00% 6.52% 6.53%
13.04% 19.55%
32.60% Quantity
80.00% 10.87%
39.14% Availability of Products
60.00% Quality
19.57% 15.22%
40.00% 19.57% 32.60% Service
32.61% Offer
20.00% 31.91% 30.43%
26.09% 21.73%
1 2 3 4 5

lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33


From the survey, from 120 respondents, gave response for Choose from factor which
attracted you most while purchasing, to give first rank Big-Bazaar is 29.73%, &
second rank is 20.27%, & third rank is 22.97%, fourth rank is 13.51% and five rank
18.92% of them Offer. Give First rank D-Mart is 32.61%, & Second rank is 26.09%,
& Third rank is 30.43%, & Fourth rank is 21.73% and five 8.69% of them Offer. Give
first rank Big-Bazaar is 20.27%, & second rank is 16.21%, & third rank is 25.68%,
fourth rank is 31.08% of them Service. Give First rank D-Mart is 34.78%, & Second
rank is 19.56%, & Third rank is 13.04%, & Fourth rank is 32.60% of them Service.
Give first rank Big-Bazaar is 22.99%, & second rank is 20.28%, & third rank is
16.22%, fourth rank is 40.54% of them Quality. Give First rank D-Mart is 19.57%, &
Second rank is 13.06%, & Third rank is 28.26%, & Fourth rank is 39.14% of them
Quality. Give first rank Big-Bazaar is 14.86%, & second rank is 35.14%, & third rank
is 35.13%, fourth rank is 14.87% of them Availability of Product. Give First rank D-
Mart is 23.91%, & Second rank is 34.78%, & Third rank is 34.79%, & Fourth rank is
6.53% of them Availability of Product.


Majority of the customers are like to offer to D-Mart. We can also interpret that some
people are like Wednesday Discount Offers on Food, Fashion, household Items at. it’s
means wide range of products available in. D-Mart are Even it provides a good service
and ambience to its customers who encourage them to visit d-mart more and more
times. So that customers can get more satisfaction.

 Demographic Analysis- Age

Male Female
No. % No. %

18-20 24 35.82 21 39.62

21-26 17 25.37 13 24.53

26-30 15 22.39 9 16.98

Above 30 11 16.42 10 18.86

Total 67 100 53 100

lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33

40 35.82
30 25.3724.53
25 22.39
18.86 Male
20 16.98 16.42
18-20 21-26 26-30 Above 30


From the survey, from 120 respondents, gave response Male is 35.82% & Female is 39.62% of
them 18-20 year., and gave preference Male is 25.37% & Female is 24.53% of them 21-26
year., and gave preference Male is 22.39% & Female is 16.98% of them 26-30 year., and
gave preference Male is 16.42% & Female is 18.86% of them Above 30 year.


Majority of the Male and Female customers are gave response for 18-20 year, means his prefer
to store and


Male Female
No. % No. %

Student 27 40.29 18 33.96

Employed 18 26.86 23 43.39

Self Employee 22 32.84 12 22.64

Total 67 100 53 100

lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33

45 40.29
33.96 32.84
30 26.86
25 22.64 Male
20 Female
Student Employed Self Employee


From the survey, from 120 respondents, gave response Male is 43.71% & Female is 39.85% of
them Student., and gave preference Male is 40.72% & Female is 44.36% of them Employed.,
and gave preference Male is 15.57% & Female is 15.79% of them Self employee.


Majority of the male customers are give response to Student & Female customer are gave
response to employed. We can also interpret that some boys are like visited to store. Because
some boys are purchase a sport equipment (ball, bats, helmets, hoops, goals, etc.), & jeans-T-
shirt. Majority female are purchase a household items, jewel mart.

 Family Member

Male Female
No. % No. %
0-2 9 13.43 6 11.32
2-4 33 49.25 19 35.85
4-6 10 14.92 18 33.96
More thane 6 15 22.39 10 18.87
Total 67 100 53 100

lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33

Family Members

40 35.85 33.96
30 Male
18.87 Female
20 13.43 14.92

00--02 02--04 04--06 More thane 6


From the survey, from 120 respondents, gave response Male is 13.43% & Female is 11.32% of
them 0-2 member, and gave preference Male is 49.25% & Female is 35.85% of them 2-4
member, and gave preference Male is 14.92% & Female is 33.96% of them 4-6 member, and
gave preference Male 22.39% & Female 18.87% of them More than 6 member.


Majority of the male & female customers are given response for 2-4 family member. We can
also interpret that mostly customer are not visited a store in more thane 6 family member.

 Visit a store.

Time No. %

Daily 16 13.33

Weekly 48 40.00

Monthly 53 44.17

Yearly 3 2.5

Total 120 100

lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33

Visit a Store

2.5 13.33
40 Monthly


From the survey, from 120 respondents, gave response Daily is 13.33% & Weekly is 40.00 &
Monthly is 44.17% and Yearly 2.5%.


Majority of the customers are give preference to store visited monthly. We can also interpret
that some of the customer vis-ited weekly and monthly basis for purchase their requirements.

 Expense shopping.
Amount No. %
Below 1000 22 18.33
1000-2000 27 22.5
2000-5000 46 38.33
More thane 5000 25 20.83
Total 120 100

Below 1000
More thane 5000

lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33


From the survey, from 120 respondents, gave response for monthly expense while shopping
to Below Rs.1000 is 18.33% & Rs.1000-2000 is 22.5% & Rs.2000-5000 is 38.33% and more
than Rs.5000 is 20.83%.


We interpret that most of the customers purchase goods in bulk which leads them to
spend a lot. Volume sales are high in store. Customers tend to purchase more goods
from store as it provides goods at a discounted rate. Probably those persons who spend
more in a visit to store are purchasing on a monthly basis. Those customers who are
spending very less money that is below Rs 1000 are mostly coming in just to move
around store and spend time. In the process they used to spend money on food items
and also purchase some products while roaming in it. Impulse buying behavior of
customers comes in to play to a large extent. More discounts shall be provided to a
person who does bulk purchase. This will encourage people to purchase more

 Section of the store like the most.

No. %

Food 41 34.17

House hold 29 24.16

Kids 33 27.5

Jewel mart 17 14.17

Total 120 100

Section of Store
34.17 Food
House hold
24.16 Kids
Jewel mart

lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33


From the survey, from 120 respondents, gave response for which section like of the
store to 34.17% of them Food, & 24.16% of them House Hold, & 27.5% of them kids,
& 14.17% of them Jewel mart.


Majority of the customers are give response for food items section of the store like the
most. We are also interpret that some of the products brand are pre decided in advance
and for some of the products customers don’t at all pre decide any brand. As per food
items are concerned customers pre decide the brand as many branded products are
available in the store. And some people are don’t like purchase jewel mart from the

 Gender

Gender No. %

MALE 66 55

FEMALE 54 45




lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33

 Reason for coming to the store

Value for
26.33% money
Saving of


32% 29%
Wide product
39% range available


24.67% 34.00%
Saving of time


Majority of the customers are gave response for saving to the time is the most reason for
coming to the store. We can also interpret that availability of product save the time of
customer. Customer get all the product like food, cloths, stationary are available in store. So
whatever they want to purchase they get in store and not going to different shop which are
located in different places.
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1. Talent Acquisition and Recruitment: The HRM department plays a crucial role in
attracting and selecting qualified candidates to support the organization's growth. This
includes developing effective recruitment strategies, conducting interviews, and
ensuring a smooth onboarding process.

2. Training and Development: To support the growth of the organization, the HRM
department may implement training and development programs for employees at
different levels. These programs may focus on enhancing skills, product knowledge,
customer service, and leadership capabilities.

3. Performance Management: The HRM department can design and implement

performance management systems to ensure that employees' performance aligns with
organizational goals. This involves setting performance expectations, providing
regular feedback, and linking performance to rewards and recognition.

4. Succession Planning: As the organization grows, the HRM department may be

involved in succession planning to identify and develop future leaders within the
company. This helps ensure a strong talent pipeline to support continued growth and
leadership development.

5. Employee Engagement and Retention: The HRM department may implement

initiatives to foster employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention. This can include
creating a positive work culture, implementing employee recognition programs, and
providing opportunities for career growth and advancement.

6. Change Management: Growing organizations often undergo changes such as

expansion, restructuring, or process improvements. The HRM department can support
these changes by developing change management strategies, facilitating
communication, and helping employees navigate transitions effectively.

7. HR Policies and Compliance: The HRM department plays a critical role in developing
and implementing HR policies and procedures to ensure compliance with labor laws,
regulations, and ethical standards. This helps maintain a fair and legally compliant
work environment.

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D-Mart is a major shopping complex for today’s customers. It is a place where

customers find variety of products at a reasonable price. D-Mart has a good reputation
of itself in the market. It has positioned itself in the market as a discounted store. It
holds a huge customer base. The majority of customers belong to middle class family.
The youth generation also likes shopping and moving around D-Mart. Volume sales
always take place in D-Mart. Impulse buying behavior of customers comes in to play
most of the times in D-Mart.

D-Mart is a hypermarket as it provides various kinds of goods like apparels, grocery,

stationary, food items, electronic items, leather items, watches, jewellery, crockery,
decorative items, sport items, chocolates and many more. It competes with all the
specialty stores of different products which provide goods at a discounted rate all
throughout the year. It holds a large customer base and it seemed from the study that
the customers are quite satisfied with D-Mart. As of now there are 34 D-Marts in
different cities of India, it seems that there is a vast growth of D-Mart lying as
customers demand; increasing for D-Marts. It has emerged as a hub of shopping
specially for middle class people.

Different types of products starting from a baby food to pizzas wide range is available
under one roof. In Delhi it is the middle class people who mostly do marketing from
D-Mart. Even most of the people do their monthly shopping from D-Mart. People not
only visit D-Mart to do shopping but also visit for outing purpose as it provides a very
nice ambience to its customers. As people go to malls they just tend to move around
D-Mart whether it is for shopping purpose or for outing purpose. Grocery, apparels
and food items are the products which are demanded most by the customers of
Ahmadabad in D-Mart. The major drawback of D-Mart is that it lacks in providing
enough parking space for their customers. This may discourage the customers to come
to D-Mart and shop as they face difficulty in parking their vehicles. Even though some
customers say that they don’t feel problem in parking their vehicle, it is because of the
parking space available to them by the mall. As it is surveyed it seems that the biggest
competitors of D-Mart are the kirana stores, discounted specialty stores like Vishal
mega mart, The Tata Groups (Croma), Reliance Retail, & Sabka Bazaar etc.

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 D-mart should provide large parking space for its customers so that they can easily
park their vehicles.
 The infrastructure is needed to be changed a bit during weekends as heavy crowd
comes in to d-mart during those days.
 D-mart should include more of branded products its product category so as to
attract the brand choosy people to come in to d-mart.
 D-mart should keep offers in regular intervals so that there should not be a long
term gap, because offer is the most influencing factor which is responsible for
customer purchase decision
 They also concentrate on TV advertisement they should show ads and promotional
offers in a regular interval in languages like Hindi English.
 Hoarding should be placed uncovered area.
 Strategic Workforce Planning: The HRM department should engage in strategic
workforce planning to anticipate the organization's talent needs in line with its
growth objectives. This involves analyzing future skills requirements, identifying
talent gaps, and developing strategies to attract, develop, and retain the right talent.

 Talent Acquisition and Recruitment: The HRM department should implement

effective recruitment strategies to attract top talent. This includes leveraging
various channels such as job portals, social media, and professional networks to
reach a diverse pool of candidates. The department should also streamline the
recruitment process, ensuring efficient candidate selection and onboarding.

 Training and Development: To support organizational growth, the HRM

department should focus on continuous training and development initiatives. This
involves identifying skill gaps, designing relevant training programs, and
providing opportunities for employees to enhance their capabilities. Additionally,
the department can support employee growth through mentorship, coaching, and
career development programs.

 Performance Management: The HRM department should establish performance

management systems that align individual goals with the organization's objectives.
This includes setting clear performance expectations, providing regular feedback,
and conducting performance evaluations. Performance management should also
involve recognizing and rewarding high performers, fostering a culture of
accountability and continuous improvement.
lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33

 Employee Engagement and Retention: The HRM department plays a crucial role in
creating a positive work environment that engages and retains employees. This can
be achieved through initiatives such as employee recognition programs, wellness
initiatives, opportunities for employee involvement, and fostering open
communication channels. Regular employee feedback surveys can help identify
areas for improvement and enhance employee satisfaction.

 Change Management and Organizational Development: As the organization grows,

the HRM department should be involved in managing organizational change. This
includes providing support during periods of expansion, restructuring, or
mergers/acquisitions. The department should help employees adapt to change,
maintain morale, and facilitate a smooth transition by communicating effectively,
addressing concerns, and providing training or resources as needed.

 HR Analytics and Data-Driven Insights: Utilizing HR analytics can provide

valuable insights for decision-making and strategic planning. The HRM
department should leverage data to measure HR effectiveness, identify trends, and
make informed decisions related to talent acquisition, retention, and development.
This helps ensure that HR initiatives are aligned with the organization's growth

 Compliance and HR Policies: The HRM department should ensure compliance

with labor laws, regulations, and ethical standards. This involves regularly
reviewing and updating HR policies and procedures to align with legal
requirements. Additionally, the department should maintain a strong focus on
promoting a culture of fairness, diversity, and inclusion.

lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33


 Findings suggested that there is significant positive correlation (0.845) found between

human resources development, its policies, practices and organizational growth and

development from employees point of view, therefore it is recommended to all the

administrative level professionals that they must focus on productive and

organizational oriented policies and practices as they are directly impacting and

determining the organizational growth and development.

 Results suggested that there is significant positive correlation (0.906) found between

human resources development, its policies, practices and organizational growth and

developmentfrom human resources point of views, therefore it is recommended to all

the administrative level professionals that they must focus on productive and

organizational oriented policies and practices as they are directly impacting and

determining the organizational growth and development.

 It has been come to the notice through analysis that human resources have higher level

of agreement, perception and satisfaction about role of human resource development

in organizational growth and development as compare of employees, as they are not

more aware about the organizational policies and practice frameworks and how they

are associated with growth and development.

 Based on requirements of employees, organizational customers and market analysis,

human resources policies and practices must be change and revive time to time and

industry to industry, or else organization would face critical issues while connecting

and correlating human resource development and organizational growth.

 On the most serious note, each and every organization need to provide continuous

training and skills orientated sessions to their employees and human resources at all

the levels so they all could get interconnected and communicated towards common


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1) NAME: _________________________________________________________________


Male Female

3) Age.

a) 18-20 b) 21-26

c) 26-30 d) 30 and above


a) Student

b) Employed

c) Self employed

d) Others________________

5) How many members are in your family?

a) 0-2 b) 2-4

c) 4-6 d) More than 6


1) Which store first comes to your mind when you think of purchasing a product?

a) Big Bazaar b) D-mart

c) Both* d) None

2) How frequently do you visit a store?

a) Daily b) Weekly

c) Monthly d) Yearly

lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33

3) Which store’s advertisement is more powerful?

a) Big Bazaar b) D-mart

4) How much do you spend as monthly expense while shopping?

a) Below 1000 b) 1000-2000

c) 2000-5000 d) More than 5000

5) Which offer do you like the most? {Please give rank}

a) Buy-1 get-1 free [ ]
b) Gift voucher [ ]
c) Future card(5% Discount) [ ]
d) Other_____________________________

6) To purchase, what kind of services you go to the store? {Please give rank}

a) Food [ ]
b) Clothe [ ]
c) Accessories [ ]
d) Stationary [ ]
e) Other_____________________

7) Rank the factor that attracted Please choose from below the factor which attracted
you most while purchasing. {give rank}

a) Offer [ ]
b) Service [ ]
c) Quality [ ]
d) Availability of products [ ]
e) Other_____________________

lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33

8) From which source did you come to know about outlet? {Please tick out}

a) T. V. [ ]
b) Hoardings [ ]
c) Bus paintings [ ]
d) News paper [ ]
e) Other_____________________

9) How would you choose the product from the store? {Please give rank}

a) Advertisement [ ]
b) Reference [ ]
c) Experience [ ]
d) Quality [ ]
e) Quantity [ ]
f) Service [ ]

10) Main reason for coming to the store? {Give only first 5 rank}

a) Value for money

b) Discount
c) Saving of time
d) Wide product range available
e) Brand consciousness
f) Other_______________________
11) The advertisement effects your shopping behaviour?

a) Yes b) No

12) Are you agree with the tagline of D-Mart ‘Daily Discounts, Daily Savings…!’?

a) Yes b) No

lOMoARcPSD|159 149 33

13) Which section of the D-Mart store do you like the most?

a) Food Mart b) Household

c) Kids d) Jewel mart

14) How much distance do you have the store?

a) 0-5 km b) 5-10 km

c) 10-15 km d) More than 15 km

15) Are you aware of promotional activities conducted by store?

a) Yes b) No

16) Are you happy with the location of store?

a) Yes b) No

17) Do your purchase pattern changes, looking at the promotions?

a) Yes if yes, _______________

b) No

18) Would you like to make your purchase under unexpected offers?

a) Yes b) No

19) Are you satisfied with service provided by store?

a) Yes b) No

20) Are you happy with the parking facility provided?

a) Yes b) No

21) Any valuable suggestion?


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