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Outline - Science Training Program

Day 1
Topics: Communication Skills, Maintaining Student Discipline &
Classroom Management

Content Time
Tilawat 09:00 – 09:05
Pre-test 09:05 – 09:35
Ice Breaking & Training Norms 09:35 – 10:20
Excitement & Agitation 10:20 – 10:50
Tea Break 10:50 – 11:05
Communication Skills 11:05 – 12:10
Maintaining Student Discipline 12:10 – 01:00
Lunch & Prayer Break 01:00 – 01:45
Classroom Management 01:45 – 02:45
Recap of the Day 02:45 – 03:00

Day 2
Topics: Importance of Teaching Science, Ecosystem, Human

Content Time
Tilawat 09:00 – 09:05
Review of previous day learning 09:05 – 09:25
Barriers in Learning Science 09:25 – 10:00
Importance of Teaching Science 10:00 – 11:00
Tea Break 11:00 – 11:15
Ecosystem 11:15 – 01:00
Lunch & Prayer Break 01:00 – 01:45
Human Health 01:45 – 02:45
Recap of the Day 02:45 – 03:00
Outline - Science Training Program

Day 3
Topics: Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming, Lesson Plan,

Content Time
Tilawat 09:00 – 09:05
Review of previous day learning 09:05 – 09:25
Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming 09:25 – 11:00
Tea Break 11:00 – 11:15
Lesson Plan & Presentations 11:15 – 01:00
Lunch & Prayer Break 01:00 – 01:45
Curriculum 01:45 – 02:45
Recap of the Day 02:45 – 03:00

Day 4
Topics: Low Cost / No Cost Materials, Micro Teaching,
Environmental Pollution

Content Time
Tilawat 09:00 – 09:05
Review of previous day learning 09:05 – 09:25
Low Cost / No Cost Materials 09:25 – 10:25
Micro Teaching 10:25 – 11:25
Tea Break 11:25 – 11:40
Environmental Pollution 11:40 – 01:00
Lunch & Prayer Break 01:00 – 01:45
Post Test 01:45 – 02:15
Evaluation Form 02:15 – 02:45
Closing of training session 02:45 – 03:00

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