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Name : Yosi Ananda br Bukit

Student ID : 016202100061

China's Road to Modernization by Mr H.E Lu Kang

(China's Global Business Policy and Its Impact on Indonesia)

Seminar on May 31, 2023 with the theme China's Road to Modernization Several factors,
including China's move towards a market-oriented economy, investment in infrastructure and
education, and a growing consumer base, have contributed to the country's rapid economic
expansion over the past three decades. Be that as it may, there's continuously room for
enhancement, and it is conceivable to boost financial development by examining both past
accomplishments and disappointments. To boost financial development and move forward the
lives of China citizens, it's critical to memorize from the country's authentic accomplishments
and disappointments.

1. Modernization of harmony between man and nature.

China set up numerous economical advancement and natural assurance programs. China's
commitment to maintainability and natural preservation is what drives the "concordance
between man and nature" approach to modernization

2. Modernization of peaceful development.

This idea emphasizes how important it is for countries to accept each other's sovereignty and
territorial integrity and work together based on mutual benefit; Respect

2. Modernization of common prosperity.

3. Modernization of material and cultural-ethical progress.

China needs to require over the world economy by doing more commerce and contributing in
other nations. For illustration, China needs to construct foundation and exchange ties with
nations in Asia, Africa and Europe through its Belt and Street Activity. The goal is to give
China more economic power in these areas and around the world. China Learns from Western
Invaders to Improve Economy in Modernization China's economic modernization and growth
have been influenced by many things, both at home and abroad. Mr. Lu kang also told about
How China's Development is Relevant to Indonesia. Mr. Lu Kang walks along a several
kilometers long concrete road built for Pollala village in East Sulawesi by Delong Industrial
Park. This is to maintain a high level of economic relations that often occur between
Indonesia and China.

President Xi Jinping put forward the Worldwide Civilization Activity. In this case, China
learned from western colonizers to progress the economy within the period of Modernization.
for illustration, China and Indonesia collaborated to build Jakarta-Bandung and after that to
grow Islam from Indonesia to China

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