ADII ARC60308-P2 Rev01

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Centre for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia (MASSA)

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Architecture



Project 2: Designing with Architectural Principles + Materiality

MLO 2:
Produce design possibilities through the use of architectonics in a simple architectural form, space and function
MLO 4:
Establish a basic level of understanding of materiality and detailing as means to capture experiential qualities of the

Kodama Pavilion by Kengo Kuma & Associates

Photos by KKAA

Diagrams + Drawings Peer-review Interim Submission

Group Assignment 30%
+ Models + Online Final Submission

Architectural Design II (ARC60308): March 2023 1|


In the previous assignment, you learned how to analyse and diagram architectural principles. Now, you need
to use the architectural principle(s) from the first assignment; to explore your conceptual and operational
procedures in order to produce a significant gesture of architectural space(s). The architectural principle(s) that
you have selected will need you to define them. You are required to explore the potential meanings and
implications of this architectural principle(s) in the sense that it will inform two areas: generating forms and
crafting spaces.

“They (modern man) have succeed in dominating their natural environment; they have changed the face of
the earth; they have changed the path of rivers; tamed the energy from water; they have penetrated the outer
space and climbed mountains that has never seen the foot of man. Yet they are unable to dominate
themselves, to know themselves, to direct the self towards a certain purpose in life that brings clarity and
tranquillity to the self. “
S.M.N Al-Attas, 2006 (translation in English by M. Syafiq)

Modern worldview sees nature as a collection of resources to be exploited for human use, this has led to
environmental degradation and a loss of spiritual meaning in human life. Modern humanity has lost touch
with the spiritual dimensions of nature and this has further led to a crisis of meaning and a sense of
disconnection from the world around us.

By withdrawing into a space of contemplation, individuals can cultivate a deeper awareness of the
interconnectedness of all things and the sacredness of nature. This awareness can inspire a sense of
reverence and respect for the natural world, which in turn, can lead to more sustainable and harmonious
ways of living.

Your main task is to design a Contemplative Pavilion for an individual to contemplate and enhance the
man and nature relationship, with a maximum volume of 125 m3.

What is a Pavilion?
‘lightly constructed, ornamental building, often used as a pleasure-house or summer house in a garden and
also as a projecting subdivision of some larger building. (J. Fleming, H. Honour and N. Pevsner, Dictionary of
Architecture and Landscape Architecture (England: Penguin Books, 1999), 427).
‘the pavilions are designed as single-bodied buildings located within the park or garden of a larger edifice’ (G.
Tuncbilek, 2020).

This assignment requires students to explore-

• Research of tropical environment setting that you would like to discover hypothetically;
o What type of environment would you like to discover? – Animal natural habitat / Mangrove
swamp / river mouth/ foothill/ / Waterfall/ Sea side etc.
o What sort of unique characteristic of the environment? - Muddy/ hilly/ rocky/ tree top/ sandy
o How do you want to explore such environment? – Eve-level/ multi-levels/ floating/
transparency / open / semi open/
• Further in-depth research of the Architectural principle/s gathered from Project 1
• The types and effects that materials have on the crafting of architectural space(s) and
• The possible spatial qualities through an understanding of the tactile (texture, grain) and tectonics
(assembly) aspects of construction materials for a space observe and discover.
• Platform must be minimum 70% of dry construction and optionally maximum 30% of wet
• Platform must consist of 30% fully enclosed space with openings (entry point and fenestration).


• To encourage your thinking and discussion about space(s) and its qualities through architectural
conceptualisation - Architectural design intentions and objectives.
• To show the importance of using the art of crafting and making: drawing(s) and model(s) as a critical
design tool in the design process.
Architectural Design II (ARC60308): March 2023 2|

• The ability to design a simple structure through the use of architectonics.

• The ability to demonstrate a basic level of understanding of materiality and detailing as means to capture
experiential qualities of the design.


Interpret - Define and further explore the architectural principle(s) from previous Project 1
whilst determining the of tropical rainforest setting.

Present - Communicate your ideas, thoughts and design development through diagramming,
drawings and model making to generate and craft an architectural platform that
has spatial experience, with a maximum volume of 125 m3.


In a group of three (3) students, you are required to produce minimum four (4) and maximum eight (8) - A3s
landscape format of presentation materials. The following drawings are essential and must incorporate the
information listed:

1. Short Write Up Short write up based on your findings of the hypothetical Tropical
Rainforest setting that you have selected. (50 Words)

2. Diagrams A series of diagrams should establish the principal ideas of your

scheme in graphic means. You are also required to include your
spatial experience narrative (not more than 100 words).

3. Floor plan (1:50) Line weights, wall thicknesses etc are essential to provide sense of
materiality and structure

4. Sections + Elevations (1:50) Min 2 sections and 4 elevations. Line weights, wall thicknesses etc
are essential to provide sense of materiality and structure.

5. Detail Drawing (1:5) This drawing must show the most interesting timber joint(s) of your
design scheme.

6. Key drawing This key drawing will be up to you. It will be likely be a key internal
perspective(s), sectional perspective(s) or some other explanatory
drawing(s). It must establish the key essence of your work.

7. Additional requirement Your working models, sketches, thoughts, ideas, development and
A compilation of design process thinking. (This component is to be separated from the A3
process submission)

All materials must be presented during F2F presentation to avoid incomplete submission. All drawings
must be hand drawn and beautifully rendered. CAD drawings are unacceptable and will be disregarded.
Students also required to do online submissions as per details below;

Notes for online submission:

• The drawings & model must be monochromatic. You are only allowed to use black inked drawing
pens with different thicknesses (for drawings) and 3 shades of grey markers/ colour pencils/ charcoal/
paint (for rendering).
• Include a human figure to give a better sense of scale and atmosphere of your design scheme.

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Interim Online Submission
• Interim Online Submission deadline – 27th April 2023, Thursday by 2.30pm MYT(GMT +8 hours)
• Upload the interim online submission to;

Final Pin-Up Submission

• Final Pin-Up Submission deadline – 8th May 2023, Monday by 2.30pm MYT(GMT +8 hours)
Final E-Submission deadline – 10th May 2023, Wednesday by 11.59pm MYT(GMT +8 hours)
• Upload the final e-submission to;

• Submit your group work in the allocated tutor’s folder via the shared link
• Create a folder and label it clearly using this format ‘GROUP (XA)’
• Each group folder shall consist of 3 sub-folders; Boards (consist of A3s in Pdf format), Models (consist
of model images), Design Process (consist of compiled scanned images in Pdf format)


Interim Review criteria shall be distributed as follows:

Review Criteria 100% (F) (D) (C) (B) (A) REMARKS

1. Analysis and interpretation of spatial quality (20%)

Research and identify
architectural concept
(key words, design
Concept development –
design strategies
2. Use design elements such as space, surfaces, openings and partitions in the design of a
simple architectural space (60%)
Clarity of forms and
space ordering inspired 20
from Project 1
Design consideration
through materiality, 20
Exhibit basic
understanding of 10
Richness of content 10

3. Drawings and models (20%)

Design explorations by
using sketches & 10
Design explorations by
using models

Architectural Design II (ARC60308): March 2023 4|

Marks shall be distributed as follows:



Marking Criteria 100% (F) (D) (C) (B) (A)

1. Analysis and interpretation of

20 2.2, 3.1
spatial quality

Research and identify architectural

concept (key words, applications)

Concept development 10

2. Use design elements such as

space, surfaces, openings and
60 2.2, 3.1
partitions in the design of a simple
architectural space

Clarity of forms and space ordering

inspired from Project 1

Design consideration through

materiality, light/shadow
Exhibit basic understanding of
construction 10

Richness of content 10

3. Drawings and models 20 3.1

Clarity of drawings, scale, line works

Workmanship of models and scale &
choice of material(s)

Assessed by:

Name :
Date :

Architectural Design II (ARC60308): March 2023 5|


Week Session Topic Submission Comments

ure Project briefing will be
conducted in hybrid at
Hybrid Project Briefing:
LT02 & via TEAMS.
- Project 2
Tutorial sessions shall be
Peer Discussion (30 mins)
1 conducted F2F at E3.02,
- Form group of three (3)
(17.4.2023) E3.03 & E3.15 (Shared)
- Important points from briefing
SESSION For any inevitable reason
that any students need to
Tutorial activities:
do hybrid tutorial session,
- Research on imaginative site / setting
please liaise with your
- Generating Concept
respective tutor
3 - Identifying keywords (Architectural Principles)

Pre-Record Lecture 3 (online via TIMeS): F2F tutorial venues:

Timber & Steel in Architecture E3.02, E3.03 & E3.15
SABD Design Lecture;
Design Sharing - Rambu(t) Rambu(t)
Peer Discussion (30 mins)
-Findings reading materials

Tutorial activities:
- Generating Concept
- Identifying keywords (Architectural Principles)
1 Replacement tutorial;
(24.4.2023) Replacement Tutorial activities Kindly liaise with your
Public Holiday: - Concept Presentation + Precedent Studies; respective tutor for the
Hari Raya - Keywords + conceptual models + sketches replacement schedule.

(27.4.2023) Online Interim Submission

Replacement tutorial;
1 Kindly liaise with your
(1.5.2023) respective tutor for the
Replacement Tutorial activities
Public Holiday: replacement schedule.
Drawings & model development
Labour Day

2 Replacement tutorial;
(4.5.2023) Kindly liaise with your
Public Holiday Replacement Tutorial activities respective tutor for the
Wesak Day Finalising drawings & model replacement schedule.

Final submission shall be

1 Pin-Up pin-up submission. E-
6 Submission shall be as
(8.5.2023) Project 2 Submission (30%) Submission &
Presentation per stated above.

1. All briefing lectures to be conducted online / hybrid, students to view lecture prior to class.
2. All submissions and presentation (interim & final design review) are to be conducted F2F.
3. Generally tutorials to be conducted F2F. However, Online / Hybrid learning might be implemented during inevitable circumstances.
4. Schedule subject to change on short notice.

Architectural Design II (ARC60308): March 2023 6|


1. Balmer, J., & Swisher, M. T. (2019). Diagramming the big idea: methods for architectural composition.
New York, NY: Routledge. (e-book available at Taylor’s Library: https://eds-b-ebscohost-

2. Ching, F. (1993). Architecture, form, space & order (2nd ed.). New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
(e-book available at Taylor’s Library: https://ebookcentral-proquest-

3. Clark, R. & Pause, M. (2012). Precedents in architecture analytic diagrams, formative ideas, and
partis (4th ed.). Hoboken, N.J.: John. (e-book available at Taylor’s Library:

4. Exner, U., & Pressel, D. (2017). Basics Spatial Design. Basel; Boston; Berlin: Birkhäuser. (e-book available
at Taylor’s Library:

5. Kister, J. (2012). Neufert Architects’ Data: Fourth Edition. Wiley-Blackwell.

6. Porter, T. & Neale, J. (2000). Architectural supermodels: Physical design simulation. Oxford: Architectural

7. Pyo, M.Y. (2015). Architectural Diagrams 1. Berlin:DOM Publishers.

8. Rasmussen, S. (1962). Experiencing architecture (2d United States ed.). Cambridge Mass.: M.I.T. Press,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

9. Simitch, A., Warke, V., Carnicero, I., Fong, S., Hays, K. M., Lewis, D. J., … Williamson, J.
(2014). The language of architecture 26 principles every architect should know. Beverly, MA:
Rockport. (e-book available at Taylor’s Library: https://eds-b-ebscohost-

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Nik Syazwan Nik Ab. Wahab Prince Favis Isip Mohd Adib Ramli

…………………………………… ……………………………. ………………………….

Date: 27 March 2023 Date: 28 March 2023 Date: 29 March 2023
Module Coordinator Stream Coordinator Program Director
(Design & Design Studies)

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