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Meeting Agenda - Weekly Meeting

Schedule for 08 Dec 2006

December 7, 2006 Alfa Laval Biokinetics Inc.

Michael S. Moglia 7 Penn Center
1635 Market Street
Suite 1500
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Tel +1 215-656-2500
Fax +1 215-561-4444

Item # Item Topic of Discussion Responsibility Date

Open / Discussion Items from Previous Meetings
1 Citadon/Word Document opening Are problems still existing
errors with downloading/Viewing
Documentation from
Problems still existing.
Currently using work
around – Comments being
typed on separate word
document and being
uploaded to Citadon.
2 Compressed Air Generation/Gas Documentation needed to
Manifold Documentation/ AHU complete system
Operations Manual Clean Steam documentation.
Generation Manual Gas/Air Manifold
Document/CS Generation
Manual by 12th Dec
3 URS Document Updates with Final release of URS
operational set points and ranges documents required to
complete system
In the process, URS for
Bioreactors shall be
loaded onto Citadon by
09th Dec 06. Documents
shall be loaded based on
the priority matrix.
4 CLIA Revision 2 Documents Final CLIA documents
needed to finalize DQ
Documentation. Any Rev 2
documents needs to be
approved and updated in
Citadon prior to DQ
In the process, CLIA for
Bioreactors shall be
loaded onto Citadon by
09th Dec 06. Documents
shall be loaded based on
the priority matrix.

Alfa Laval- Biokinetics

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Item # Item Topic of Discussion Responsibility Date
5 Schedule for release of all pending URS Information needed to
document which is in the ALB issue meaningful project
scope schedule. Immediate
Systems to be issued are
the completion of the
Buffer/Media Systems then
Bioreactor and Harvest
Systems (Final URS, CTP
comments required for
Remaining IOQ systems to
be drafted without URS
Buffer/Media Hold & Prep
systems – URS Rev 2,
CLIA Rev 2, URS_DQ Rev
2.1, DQ Report Rev 1 –
Approved copies shall be
uploaded to Citadon
today. CTP & IOQ for all
14 systems have been
uploaded to Citadon
6 SOP issue schedule for manual Buffer/Media O&M to be
available (Loaded) released this week.
Equipment/system CIP/SIP SOPs issued
starting next week.
7 Operation/Process Set Point and Comments included to CTP
Ranges/URS documents are specific to CTP
documents and may not
include information required
for IOQ.

New Business
8 CTP Comments Draft Document comments
needed for CTP documents.
Shall be loaded as per our
priority list. Bioreactors
related documents (URS
Rev 2, CLIA Rev 2 & CTP)
documents shall be
loaded by 09.12.06
9 All Other Business:

Matrix of documents as per our priority shall be mailed today.

Alfa Laval- Biokinetics

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