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Proverb A bad excuse is better than none. A bad penny always turns up. A bad workman always blames his tools A bird in hand is worth two in the bush A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. A burnt child dreads fire A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. A fool and his money are soon parted. A friend in need is a friend indeed A friend in need is a friend indeed. A full cup must be carried steadily. A good man is hard to find A great talker is a great liar A hungry man is an angry man A leopard cannot change its spots A man is as old as he feels A man is as old as he feels himself to be. A man is known by the company he keeps. A man`s home is his castle. A new broom sweeps clean A penny saved is a penny gained A rolling stone gathers no moss A rolling stone gathers no moss. A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner. A stitch in time saves nine A stitch in time saves nine. A stumble may prevent a fall A woman`s place is in the home. A woman`s work is never done. Absence makes the heart grow fonder Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Absence sharpens love presence Meaning Giving a bad explanation for something is better than being silent. In a group of people/things, there is always one bad one. A careless or unskilled worker blames bad work on his tools rather than himself. Something that one already has is better than trying to go after something probably unnatainable Having something real in your posession is more valuable than knowing you might be able to get two of those things elsewhere. A bad experience or a horrifying incident may scar one`s attitude or thinking for a lifetime. Something that looks strong may be weak because of a very tiny flaw which is not seen. Unintelligent people often spend money foolheartedly. A friend who helps when one is in trouble is a real friend. Someone who helps you when you are in need is a true friend Handle something important with care. Dependable, trustworthy help is not easy to get. A smooth and persuasive talker may be a good liar. A person who does not get what he wants or needs is a frustrated person and will be easily provoked to rage. A person`s nature cannot change. it is only when a person thinks and feels that he is aging that he actually becomes old. Age is in the mind, not in the body. People are often judged by looking at others that they spend time with. A man can relax and please himself in his own home A person newly appointed is always eager and enthusiastic in his work. By being thrifty one will be able to save up. A person who never settles in one place or who often changes his job will not succeed in life A person who is always moving has few possessions Specialists have to undergo experience. If you take care of a problem while it`s small you won`t have a bigger problem to deal with later An early repair will prevent a huge fix later. Lightly failing at something will prevent a future serious failure. Women should stay home. (Antiquated and rude use for womanizers.) Women always have something to do. (They are always busy) One usually desires another more when he or she is far away. When we don`t see someone for a long time, we often miss them more. To be out of contact with the one you love makes you long for that

A lie well stuck to is as good as the truth. Oftentimes people believe a lie if it`s told too often.

strengthens it. Actions speak louder than words Actions speak louder than words. Actions speak louder than words. After a storm comes a calm. All good things come to those who wait All good things must come to an end. All is fair in love and war. All roads lead to Rome. All that glitters is not gold All that glitters is not gold. All the world loves a lover. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All`s well that ends well. An absent person has his excuse An apple a day keeps the doctor away. An idle brain is the devil`s workshop An ounce of discretion is worth a pound of wit Any time means no time Appearances are deceptive. April showers brings May flowers. As soon as man is born he begins to die.

person more. A person`s character is judged by the thing she does and not by what he says; actions give evidence or proof of. Doing something is better than just talking about doing it. What you say is less important than what you do. Often after a bad circumstance or situation, something good comes. Patience is a good quality. Everything finishes, even good things. Bad things done in the name of love or war are excusable. A big city usually connects to everything/everywhere. Do not be deceived by things or offers that appear to be attractive. Just being shiny doesn`t mean that something is valuable. It makes people happy to see a couple in love Spend some time relaxing, don`t just work. Everything is good when a situation finishes happily. Don`t blame someone not present until you hear his/her side of the story Eating fruit regularly is good for you One who has nothing to do will be tempted to do many mischievous acts. It is better to be careful and discrete than to be clever. When an event is not decided on or planned earlier it will never take place. The outside view of something doesn`t tell everything about it. The seasons are constant. Flowers always come after the rain. Death is common for us all

As you make your bed, so must you lie in If you do someting wrong, you must accept the difficulties it. As you sow, so shall you reap. As you sow, so you shall reap Ask no questions and hear no lies. Bad news travels fast. Barking dogs seldom bite Barking dogs seldom bite. Beauty is only skin-deep. Beauty without grace is like a hook without bait. Beggars can't be choosers. Better late than never Better late than never. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know. Better to be alone than in bad company. You are rewarded by what you give, good or bad. One will either enjoy or suffer the consequences of his earlier actions or inactions. If you don`t ask any questions, you won`t receive an untrue answer. People are quick to discuss the misfortunes of others. Those who make loud threats seldom carry them out. Some dogs don`t know how to bite, so they only make a lot of noise to scare us. There is far more to someone than just their outside appearance. The definition of true beauty includes the quality of grace, otherwise it is an empty beauty. If you are poor, you have few choices. To do something that is right, profitable, or good a little late is still better than not doing it at all. It`s better to do something late than never to have done it in the first place. Some people reason it`s better to stay in a bad situation rather than make a change and end up with a worse situation. It`s better to be with oneself than others who are bad.

Better to be safe than sorry.

Be cautious at something rather than take a risk and be sorry for it.

Better to die with honor than to live with It is better to act in a war than to be a coward and die in a natural way. shame. Between the devil and the deep sea Birds of a feather flock together Birds of a feather flock together. Blood is thicker than water Blood is thicker than water. Boys will be boys. Business before pleasure. Business is business. To choose between two equally bad alternatives in a serious dilemma. People of the same sort of character or belief always go together. People with common interests usually do things together. Family ties are stronger than any other. Family is always more important to us than strangers because of our bloodlines Boys will always be mischevious. Do your work before you try to have fun. Some people believe that the purpose of business is to make a profit, and other things, such as personal feelings, must not be allowed to prevent this. speaking frankly and directly, often about embarrassing or unpleasant subjects; an informal expression. to be stuck with two choices that are both undesirable A person`s first obligation should be to help the member of his own family before helping others. It`s better to help/give to others in your area first than to give to someone who is far away. Enjoy a holiday because it doesn`t come often. Although often thought to be biblical, this saying comes from a sermon by John Wesley (1703-91) referring to neatness of dress: `Cleanliness is indeed next to godliness` It is not worth the expense or effort to commit a crime. Being too curious can sometimes change things for the worse. There is a good side and bad side to everything. The dead don`t contact anyone. (Describes a dead person`s knowledge of a secret which may cause loss or get someone into serious trouble) The dead cannot tell any stories. Death comes to us all. Working hard will produce good results. avoiding a dangerous or unpleasant situation is sometimes the most sensible thing to do. it is better to be careful and think before you act than it is to be too brave and take risks. It is often better to think carefully and not act than to do something that may cause problems.

Call a spade a spade

Caught between a rock and a hard place To be stuck with two choices that are both undesirable Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea Charity begins at home Charity begins at home. Christmas comes but once a year. Cleanliness is next to godliness.

Crime doesn`t pay Curiosity killed the cat. Danger and delight grow on one stalk. Dead men have no friends. Dead men tell no lies Dead men tell no tales. Death is the great leveler. Diligence is the mother of good fortune. Discretion is the better part of valor Discretion is the better part of valor. Discretion is the better part of valour. Divide and conquer Divide and conquer.

[used at wartime] Separate your enemies and it`s easy to control them

a way of keeping yourself in a position of power by making the people under you disagree with each other so that they are unable to join together and remove you from your position. Don`t imitate my behavior but obey my instructions

Do as I say, not as I do.

Do unto others as you would like them to Treat others well, just as you would like to be treated.

do unto you. Don't count your chickens before they're Don`t start making plans for something until it is a reality, rather than a hatched pleasant speculation Don`t burn your bridges behind you. Try not to throw away old relationships, someday you may need them. Don`t count your chickens before they are Do not make plans based on something that has not happened. hatched. Don`t cross your bridges before you get to Sometimes its better not to deal with a problem until it arises them Don`t cross your bridges before you get to Don`t worry about future problems before you need to them Don`t cry before you're hurt. Don`t fall before you're pushed. Don`t go near the water until you learn how to swim. Don`t judge a book by its cover Don`t put all your eggs in one basket Don`t put all your eggs in one basket. Don`t wash your dirty linen in public. Don`t wear out your welcome. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Easier said than done. Eat to live, but do not live to eat Empty vessels make the most noise Every bird loves to hear himself sing. Every cloud has a silver lining Every dog has his day. Every dog has its day Every family has a skeleton in the (cupboard/closet). Every man has his faults. Every man has his price. Every man is his own worst enemy. Every one can find fault, few can do better Every path has its puddle Every picture tells a story. Everyone must row with the oars he has Experience is the best teacher Experience is the mother of wisdom. Failure teaches success. Faint heart never won fair lady Don`t make a big deal out of something before you experience it Don`t give up at something before you try Don`t try something you know is difficult until you learn it thoroughly. Don`t be deceived by outside appearance. One should not risk everything he has in a single venture. Don`t rely on only one thing for success; spread your risk among several things; One is bound to fail if depending on one thing Don`t let others see your shortcomings obviously. Don`t let everyone see your mistakes. Don`t stay too long on a visit, people will get tired of you. A good nights sleep is healthy and promotes better performance. It`s easier to talk about something difficult than to actually do it. Man was not born just to enjoy food, but rather uses food to survive. Those people who have a little knowledge usually talk the most and make the greatest fuss. People love to talk highly of themselves. every sad or unpleasant situation has a positive side to it Everyone/thing has a moment of glory, even dogs. Everyone will get a period of success or satisfaction during his lifetime. Every family, including good ones have something bad they have done that is hidden from others. No one is perfect. You can buy anything for the right price. We often do or believe things that prevent us from becoming successful. It is easier to find fault in other people`s actions or methods than to do it properly or correctly. Every path in life has some obstacle Pictures are full of interesting details of a moment in time. All of us have our own talents and abilities; We cannot use others The best way to learn something is to do it yourself. Wisdom comes after experience. Before you can be considered `wise`, you must have ample experience. Losing / failing at something is one of the best ways to learn. To succeed in life one must have the courage to pursue what he wants. Don`t cut off your nose to spite your face. Don`t disadvantage yourself in order to do harm to an adversary

Don`t make a mountain out of a molehill Do not make a big fuss or issue over something minor or small

Fair exchange is no robbery Faith will move mountains. Familiarity breeds contempt. Fear is stronger than love. Fear of death is worse than death itself. Fight fire with fire. Finders keepers, losers weepers. Fire is a good servant but a bad master First come, first served First come, first served. First things first. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Forgive and forget Garbage in, garbage out. Give credit where credit is due. Give him enough rope and he`ll hang himself

A contract is fair as long as both the parties understand and agree to the conditions willingly Just believing in something difficult can sometimes make it come true. Knowing someone TOO much can lead to a bad friendship, even enmity. If you love someone, you should tell them. Don`t let fear stop you from expressing your feelings about someone. We are more scared to die, than of the actual act of being dead. Fight with the same weapon the enemy uses If you find something, you can keep it. If you lost it you will cry. Fire, like any other manmade tool or device, will serve man well only when it is controlled and used wisely. The first in line will be attended to first. The first person to arrive gets served first. Organize your priorities well Fools often do silly things without thinking first. Don`t dwell on the mistakes of others, move on and try to forget it If you begin with something of poor quality, the results are often poor quality. Pay attention to someone for doing something good. A person will bring about his or her own misfortune if given the opportunity.

Fortune knocks once at every man`s door Everyone has the opportunity to be successful in life.

Give neither advice nor salt until you are Don`t get involved with other people`s problems unless they ask you to asked for it. give advice or criticism. Give the devil his due Give the devil his due. God helps those who help themselves God helps those who help themselves. Be just and fair-minded , even to the one who does not deserve much or who is unfriendly or unfair Admit it when there is some good even in a person you dislike. God only helps those people who work hard and make an honest effort. Do for yourself; if you make an effort to achieve something, you will be successful Good neighbors respect one another`s property. Good farmers, for example, maintain their fences in order to keep their livestock from wandering onto neighboring farms If one does things hastily he will make a lot of mistakes Wise people will normally think and behave alike in certain situations. People with great minds think like each other Those people who talk a lot and are always teaching others usually do not do much work. An act done repeatedly and often enough will sooner or later become a habit or second nature. You might be the best looking person around but if you are a jerk people will soon find you out and see that you are less than perfect inside. A person who does his best is the one who will get the greatest satisfaction in the end. Without knowledge, we can doubt nothing

God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb Heaven is more kind to the weak Good fences make good neighbors.

Great haste makes great waste Great minds think alike Great minds think alike. Great talkers are little doers Habit is second nature Handsome is as handsome does.

He laughs best who laughs last He that knows nothing, doubts nothing.

He that plants a tree plants for posterity. A man does not plant a tree for himself, he plants it for future generations He that plants trees loves others besides himself. He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day He who hesitates is lost. He who is the best general makes the fewest mistakes. Honesty is the best policy Honesty is the best policy. Hunger is the best cook. The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you cannot expect to use, rather the next generation will be able to. As long as the spirit is not conquered, the defeated can become the victor. Swift and resolute action leads to success; self-doubt is a prelude to disaster [quoted by Napoleon Bonaparte] Being honest is believed to be the best route to take. Always tell the truth; Don`t tell lies If you have none of a specific food, another will do when you are hungry. Not knowing something is often more comfortable than knowing it Being punished and giving the excuse that you didn`t know the law is not acceptable When gambling or taking a chance, use your common sense. If you`re going to make a minor committment you might as well make the entire committment Once involved, one must not stop at half-measures If you are unsure about something, it`s best to keep your results on the `safe` or cautious side. Be careful - don`t go overboard It makes no sense to worry about something that is broken/cannot be used again. Buy or get another one. When troubles come, they often seem to come all at once; or at any rate, no sooner has one problem been dealt with than another appears. Both parties in a quarrel should share the blame or take responsibility for it Both people involved in a bad situation are responsible for it. (Both people should share the blame in an argument.) It is always good to learn from our mistakes, even if it is later. It is never too late to correct one`s mistakes or faults. A bad or evil occurrence. It is always good to apologize for our mistakes, even if it is late. It is pointless to feel bad over a thing lost that can`t be found or a mistake done that can`t be corrected Is a person who can do almost anything, but he rarely excels in any of them. Someone who has a basic familiarity with many things but isn`t an expert at anything. We can learn more by listening than by talking. A laugh is sometimes the best way to make a problem feel small. Put your past events aside and focus on the present/future. One should consider forgiving one`s and forget all the bad deeds done

If at first you don`t succeed, try, try again Keep trying until you succeed; Don`t give up Ignorance is bliss. Ignorance of the law excuses no man. In for a penny in for a pound In for a penny, in for a pound In for a penny, in for a pound. It is best to err on the safe side. It is no use crying over spilt milk. It never rains, but it pours. It takes two to make a quarrel It takes two to tango. It's never too late to learn. It's never too late to mend It`s an ill wind that blows nobody any good It`s never too late to repent. It`s no use crying over spilt milk Jack of all trades and master of none Jack of all trades, master of none. Keep your mouth shut and your ears open. Laughter is the best medicine. Let bygones be bygones. Let bygones by bygones

by others. Let not the pot call the kettle black Let sleeping dogs lie Let sleeping dogs lie. Let the buyer beware. Life is just a bowl of cherries. A person who has a fault should not point out the same fault in another One should preferably avoid discussing issues that are likely to create trouble. When something bad happens, try to put it behind you and don`t dwell on it. a warning for consumers to always be careful about buying. Life is good (sweet), like a dish of very sweet fruits.

Lightning never strikes twice in the same Bad situations seldom ever happen twice exactly the same. place. Like father, like son, like mother, like daughter Like father, like son. Like mother, like daughter. Live and learn. Live and let live. Look after number one. Look at/on the bright side Look before you leap Look before you leap. Love conquers all. Love is blind. Love makes the world go round. Love sees no faults. Love will find a way. Make hay while the sun shines Man cannot live by bread alone. Many hands make light work. Marriages are made in heaven. Might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb Might is right. Mind your own business. Money is the root of all evil. Money isn't everything. Necessity is the mother of invention Necessity is the mother of invention. Never do things by halves Never judge a book by its cover. Never look a gift horse in the mouth. Never mix your liquor. Never say die. Never speak ill of the dead. No man can serve two masters. Most children are like their parents. Most sons follow the pattern of behavior of their fathers. Most daughters follow the pattern of behavior of their mothers. Learn from your mistakes but don`t dwell on them. Don`t trouble others just as you wouldn`t like them to trouble you. Take care of yourself. Be optimistic! Always look at the good aspect of a problem/difficulty. Avoid acting hastily, without considering the possible consequences. Study something carefully before you do it too quickly. Love can solve all problems. Sometimes we love the wrong person because we don`t look carefully. Everything revolves around love. When we are in love, we don`t see the flaws. Where there is love, there is always a solution. Seize an opportunity when you have the chance Everything in our lives should be balanced. Don`t overdo/over-eat anything too much. Having many people doing a job makes it easier. A marriage is considered heavenly to some people. If you`re going to get into the same amount of trouble, you might as well commit the greater offense The belief that you can do what you want because you are the most powerful person or country. Dont`t become involved in other people`s problems. Having money usually causes many bad problems. Money isn`t the solution to all problems. When a person is in great need of something, he will find a way of getting it. An invention is usually preceded by a need. One should not do an incomplete or imperfect job Don`t judge someone/something only by looking at the outside. Don`t be ungrateful when you receive a gift. Mixing different types of alcohol is not good. Keep on going and don`t quit Always say good things about those who have died. People have a hard enough time following one set of directions.

No man is indispensable. No news is good news No news is good news. No pain, no gain. Nothing is certain but death and taxes. Nothing succeeds like success. Nothing ventured nothing gained Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Old habits die hard. Old soldiers never die, they simply fade away. Once bitten twice shy One good turn deserves another. One man's loss is another man's gain.

Everyone can be replaced. When there is no news, it is likely that everything is all right. the absence of information to the contrary justifies continued optimism Sometimes, suffering is needed to gain progress. Most of life is uncertain with the exception of things we all must do. Success breeds further success If you don`t take a risk, you won`t gain anything. We must sometimes take a risk to get what we want Habits that we have had a long time are difficult to get rid of. We should always remember fallen soldiers. If a person has been tricked once he will more be careful and alert the next time. Receiving a favor from a friend should compel you to give a favor in return. What one loses, another person gets.

One man`s meat is another man`s poison No two persons are alike - every one has his own preferences, likes and dislikes. One of these days is none of these days Opportunity seldom knocks twice. Out of sight, out of mind Out of sight, out of mind. Out of the frying pan and into the fire Patience is a virtue. Penny wise, pound foolish. Practice makes perfect Practice makes perfect. Practice what you preach. Prevention is better than cure Prevention is better than cure. Rain, rain, go away, come back another day. Rats desert a sinking ship. Revenge is a dish best served cold Revenge is sweet. Robbing Peter to pay Paul Robbing Peter to pay Paul. Rome was not built in a day Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. Seeing is believing. Silence is golden. Take time to plan something now, rather than saying you`ll do it `one of these days`, meaning it will probably never get done. When you see a chance, take it; don`t miss opportunities that come along because they may be rare You will sometimes forget friends you do not meet or keep in contact with often. When we don`t see something, we don`t think about it much. To go from a bad to a worse situation One of the morally excellent qualities a person can have is patience. Being careful with small amounts of money, yet wasteful and extravagant with large sums It is believed that if one practices a certain skill often, he will excel in it The more we practice something, the better we become. Do things the way you tell others to do them It is better to be careful beforehand than to try to solve a problem after it has arisen. It is better to try keep something bad from happening in advance. Please give us sunshine! Even rats know when to leave a bad situation. Emotional detachment is ideal when taking revenge When you are happy to be proved right, then you know that revenge is sweet. Quoted when one takes a another loan to pay off an earlier loan [taking from one to give another] The act of taking from one person to reimburse another. Any great plan or big dream cannot be achieved overnight or easily. You do something for me and I`ll do something for you in return. People can only really believe what they experience personally. A quiet situation is best.

Six of one half a dozen of the other Six of one half a dozen of the other Something is better than nothing. Spare the rod and spoil the child Spare the rod and spoil the child. Speak only when you are spoken to. Speech is silver, silence is golden Still waters run deep Still waters run deep. Strike while the iron is hot Strike while the iron is hot. Sweet things are bad for the teeth. The best go first. The best of friends must part. The best things in life are free.

Both amounts of two sets of items are the same (equivalent in value) Each choice is really the same thing Having something even of low value is better than not having anything at all. A child who is not punished and showed the error of his ways will become unruly. Discipline a child or he/she will be spoiled. We can learn more by listening than by talking. Talk may be beneficial, but sometimes acquiescence may be the best option to take. One who is usually silent and goes about his business quietly may be a very wise person. A person`s calm exterior often conceals great depths of character, just as the deepest streams can have the smoothest surfaces. Seize a good opportunity as quickly as possible. Do something when things are going well for you and you have a better chance of succeeding. Care for your teeth - watch what you eat! Those who are not afraid to try something will often be the first to do something. Nothing can go on forever as all things change. [self explanatory]

The bigger they are, the harder they fall. When important/powerful people make a mistake, their failure is also very great. The burnt child dreads the fire. The early bird catches the worm. The end justifies the means. The female of the species is more deadly than the male. - Rudyard Kipling The first step is the hardest. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. The longest way around is the shortest way home. The more one knows, the less one believes. The more you get, the more you want. The pot calls the kettle black. A person who has had bad experiences will shy away from certain things. Act early or right now to be successful. The desirable outcome to a situation justifies the questionable means used to achieve it. Lethality is often a common characteristic of dangerous women/animals. Beginning something is often the most difficult part of working toward a goal. We think that what we have is not good, and elsewhere it is always better. We think that what we have (or where we live) is not good, and elsewhere it is always better or more beautiful. Sometimes the more complex or complicated path is the best path to success, rather than a quick or easy route. Furthering your knowledge can sometimes change your perspective on many things. Some things are addictive. To say something about someone else which is actually true of you yourself.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. This means that something can only be judged when it is tested or by its results. The straw that broke the camel`s back The final thing that, when added to a bad or unpleasant situation, causes failure or ruin.

There are only twenty-four hours in a day. There are two sides to every question There are two sides to every question. There are two sides to every story. There is a time and a place for everything. There is no honor among thieves. There is safety in numbers. There's a black sheep in every flock. There's no fool like an old fool. There's no place like home. There's no smoke without fire.

The day is far too short. There are always two ways of looking at anything There is always more than one way to ask a question. Every person`s viewpoint of a situation is different. No one is 100% wrong. Everything has it`s proper time.

There is more than one way to skin a cat. There are many ways to do things. Thieves have no honor. Being in a group people is often safer than being alone. One person stands out as unusual in every group. Age does not protect from foolishness. Home is the best place. Nothing happens without a reason or an outward sign.

There's one law for the rich, and another Laws are often unbalanced or unfair. for the poor. There`s no smoke without fire They that dance must pay the fiddler. Things are not always what they seem. Think first, and then speak. Rumors do not spread unless there is some element of truth in them. To face the consequences of one`s actions. Situations are sometimes different than we see them. Before you say something, think about its effects on others.

Those who live in glass houses should not Those who are vulnerable should not attack others. throw stones. Time and tide wait for no man Time and tide wait for no one Time cures all things. Time is a great healer. Time is money. To err is human, to forgive divine To err is human. To listen is to learn and to understand is to inspire. To put the cart before the horse Tomorrow is another day. Too many cooks spoil the broth Too many cooks spoil the broth. True love never grows old. Trust is the mother of deceit. Turn the other cheek Two heads are better than one Act in a timely fashion because you can`t get back lost chances Time is precious, once it is past no one can go back and claim it The passage of time helps one forget past problems, situations and/or regrets. The passage of time helps one forget past problems, situations and/or regrets. Time is valuable, as is money. It is only normal for man to make mistakes and do wrong, it is gracious to forgive wrongness We all make mistakes because we are human. When one listens, rather than speaks he or she may learn; When one understands it provides the foundation for encouragement. To do something in an incorrect order You can do more tomorrow, don`t worry if you have too much to do today. Too many people doing the same thing at the same time will ruin something. Too many people doing the same task will spoil it. True love lasts forever. If we give our complete trust to someone we don`t know well, we might be deceived. If someone slaps you on the left cheek, it`s better to turn your face to let them slap you on the right than to fight them. [Violence isn`t good] It is always better to get the view of another than to rely entirely on one`s own judgment.

Two heads are better than one. Two is company, three is a crowd. Two sides of the same coin Two wrongs do not make a right. United we stand, divided we fall. Use soft words and hard arguments. Variety is the spice of life. Virtue is its own reward. Walls have ears. Waste not, want not.

Two people always solve a problem better than one. Sometimes a 3rd person in a group only confuses things. [such as in love] Two aspects of a situation that are connected by necessity It is never right to do wrong to another person. It`s often better to stay together in a group than to separate Speak softly, but with experience Life without variety is boring. A person should not practice deceit in a place where people know him. People are listening to us. Don`t waste anything, and you won`t need anything later.

We never miss the water till the well runs You only realize the importance of something when it is gone dry What you don`t know can`t hurt you. What`s done can`t be undone When in Rome do as the Romans do When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When in doubt, do nothing. When the cat is away the mice will play When the cat`s away, the mice will play. Where there is no trust, there is no love. Where there's a will there's a way. Where there`s a will there`s a way Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow Write down the advice of him who loves you though you like it not at present. You can`t have your cake and eat it too. You can`t make an omelette without breaking some eggs. You can`t please everyone. You can`t tell a book by its cover. You can`t win them all. You cannot have it both ways. You don`t get something for nothing. You win some, you lose some. Not having experience with something can sometimes protect you from it`s bad qualities Things once done or decisions once made cannot often be changed When one is in a new place, country or situation he must adapt himself to the new manners and customs. Follow the local customs, be like the local people when you are abroad When you are unsure of the outcome of a situation, it`s sometimes best to wait and see what happens rather than do something rash. When law enforcers are not present, certain people will take the opportunity to break the law When law enforcers are not present, certain people will take the opportunity to break the law Love cannot exist where there is no trust When a person really wants to do something, he will find a way of doing it. When a person really wants to do something, he will find a way of doing it. Sometimes when we worry about something small, it seems bigger. Sometimes someone gives you advice that you don`t like.. just keep a record of it for later. Life sometimes presents you with two opposite choices and according to this idea, you must choose only one of the two (not both) Sometimes, making something wonderful will create a mess Not everyone is happy with everything. The outside appearance of something is often quite different to what is inside. Sometimes we must face the fact that we will lose. Life sometimes presents you with two opposing alternatives, and according to this maxim, you must choose between them. Everything costs money - Nothing is free Sometimes we must face the fact that we will lose.

You can`t take it with you when you die. When we die, all we have is lost.

Total Proverbs: 366

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