Ingles 2 Week 7

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TASK: week 7 

- Task: Assignment - Where

is the hospital?


Jose Miguel López Urco


Miguel: Hi Jose, how are you, what are you doing?

Jose: Hi Miguel, I'm fine, I came from the gym at Jiron Cuzco 143, next to the PNP
Huancayo police station.
Miguel: Interesting, I go to Archi Bakery to buy a cake for my little sister for her
birthday. They sell delicious cakes and snacks there.
Jose: Where is the bakery?
Miguel: It's at Jiron Cuzco 248, a block and a half from Real Plaza.
Jose: Great, what are you going to do on Saturday night? I'm planning to play a
soccer game together with other classmates.
Miguel: I have computer classes in the afternoon and then I have to go to the
pharmacy to buy medicine on the real street. So at night I'm free.
Jose: We are going to play in the SPORTS FIELD "Sport Live- WIRACOCHA",
There is a soccer field to play.
Miguel: Where is that soccer field? Are there parks nearby?
Jose: It's on Jiron Wiracocha 250, near Siglo XX Park.
Miguel: Oh, ok, of course, I'll be there.
Jose: I also wanted to tell you that it's Paolo's birthday, let's go say hello to him
after playing soccer.
Miguel: of course. where is your house?
Jose: it's in the Plaza La Merced De Umuto
Miguel: ok then I'll see you on Saturday.
Jose: yes, see you on Saturday, see you later.

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