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Curiouser and Curiouser

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Loki - Fandom, Marvel, MCU
Character: Loki, Loki Odinson, Loki Laufeyson
Additional Tags: mcu - Freeform, Marvel - Freeform, marvel imagine, imagine, Imagines,
Oneshot, oneshots, Loki x Reader - Freeform, Reader Insert, loki
laufeyson x reader - Freeform, loki laufeyson - Freeform, Loki Imagine,
Loki Imagines
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2021-09-16 Words: 501

Curiouser and Curiouser

by haileygarciasunshine


Pairing: Loki x Fem!Reader

Written: February 5th, 2021

Posted: February 5th, 2021

Warning: None.

Word Count: 504

Sighing, you adjusted your headphones as music blasted through the earphones. Rocking on your
feet, you waited for the crosswalk sign to change so you could make it home in record time. It had
been another rough day.

As you barely made it under the overhang of your apartment, a downpour of rain began pelting
from the sky. A sigh of relief escaped your lips. Bounding up the stairs, your feet carried you to
your apartment door.

Once you made it inside, you toed off your shoes before tossing your bag and keys onto the table in
the entry. Making your way to the kitchen, you began scouring the cabinets for something edible.
Finding something mediocre, you ventured to your bedroom changing into more comfortable
clothes, while you awaited it to heat up, while you made some coffee in the meantime.

Placing your dishes in the sink, you glided back to your bedroom before you searched for your
laptop. Crawling beneath the blankets, you made yourself comfortable before you settled on one of
your favorite Avenger movies.

As time went on, your eyelids grew heavier and heavier as the soft pelting of rain in the
background lulled you to sleep. Quickly being enveloped with slumber, you snuggled further into
your blankets before allowing yourself to let go.


Letting out a groan, your eyes fluttered open as a yawn fell past your lips. Reaching your arms up,
you stretched to the best of your abilities. Leaning on your elbow you reached over towards your
nightstand wanting to gauge the time.

As you placed the clock back on the table, you gazed around the room. Quickly, you realized you
were in an unfamiliar place. Gasping, you bolted straight up tossing the blankets off of you.
Standing upright, you furrowed your eyebrows together in confusion.

The room had a familiar feeling, yet you knew you had never been there before. Quickly, you
fixed your hair, before rushing out of the room. Gazing around the corridor, your heart began
beating at a rapid pace, as your eyes darted around in fear.

Venturing down the hall, you wracked your brain as you tried to recall why your surroundings
were familiar to you. It didn’t seem that you were in any imminent danger, however that didn’t
mean you let your guard down.

As you continued walking, you found yourself wanting to take a break. Cautiously, you looked
into areas before settling on an area that looked like a living room.

Strangely, a comforting feeling overwhelmed you. Silently shutting the door, you let out a sigh of
relief. Making your way to one of the padded ledges, you made yourself comfortable, as you gazed
out of the window. Thankfully, you recognized the skyline.

“Hello, Love.” A husky voice called from behind you, causing you to jump.

A surprised gasp fell from your lips as you whipped your head around to gaze at the stranger.
Furrowing your eyebrows together, your jaw fell slack, as you stared at him.


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